Han Shimou

Chapter 1349 The Loyal Scholar 'Zhuge Jin'

Xu Chu shouted angrily, and his voice was powerful, resounding all around.Whether it is Wei soldiers and horses or Wu soldiers who are strong and brave, everyone can hear it.In an instant, Wei Bing raised his arms and shouted, but the Wu people felt as if they were being shocked by electricity, and everyone fell into a daze for a while.Zhuge Jin, who was captured by Xu Chu and fell to the ground, struggled with all his strength and hissed loudly, because his throat was clamped, he screamed very shrill and hurried.Suddenly, Zhuge Jin spewed out a bloody arrow, splashing blood on Xu Chu's face.Unprepared, Xu Chu stepped back, wiped off the blood, stared wide-eyed with anger, and was about to explode, but saw Zhuge Jin on the ground with his eyes rolled white, bleeding profusely from his mouth, and he killed himself by biting his tongue.Seeing Xu Chu, his face suddenly showed a bit of loneliness, and his murderous aura was greatly reduced in an instant.And General Wu, who was in front of Hao Zhao, was watching him eagerly, and was about to go crazy and shout.Hao Zhao didn't want what happened to Zhuge Jin, and enraged the people of Wu. Suddenly, a yellow bird appeared behind his back, and the big halberd in his hand was flying like lightning, stabbing and picking. He was quickly killed by Hao Zhao.At the same time, Hao Zhao hastily shouted to the city.

"Zhuge Ziyu has surrendered!!"

Hao Zhao yelled, and the Wu people in the city could hear them, and there was a burst of crying, most of the Wu people put down their weapons and fell to their knees.Cao Pi watched with cold eyes. At this time, Cao Zhang rode his horse towards him. Seeing his brother's bloodthirsty eyes flashing with red light, he urged him urgently.

"Brother!! The people of Wu surrendered, why bother!!

Before Cao Zhang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Pi sternly, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Brother Zhang, you are the benevolence of a woman! I have already told you the truth of it!!"

After Cao Pi finished drinking, he was about to give an order.Cao Zhang's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted loudly.

"My Great Wei started to attack Wu Daye in order to calm the troubled times, unify the country, and seek the well-being of the people of the world, but now we kill the people, so how is it different from bandits!?"

Cao Zhang's words were clattering, resounding, and spread all around in an instant.Wei soldiers on and off the city could not help but change color when they heard this, and the blood-stained weapon loosened in their hands.Cao Pi's face was grim, and he felt that his majesty had been offended by Cao Zhang, and a ignorant fire suddenly arose in his heart, his red eyes also widened, bursting into anger, as if two flames were burning, and shouted loudly.

"These Wu people dare to fight against my great Wei, and they will have to pay a terrible price!! Otherwise, how will we rule Soochow in the future. Our great Wei is a great country, how can there be majesty!?"

Seeing that Cao Pi was already angry, Cao Zhang still refused to give an inch and retorted sharply.

"There is an old saying that a sage who regards governing the world as his business must know that chaos arises from itself, and how can he govern it. If he does not know that chaos arises from itself, he cannot govern it! The reason why the people of Wu resisted desperately was because of our country's invasion. If you lose your family, you should resist. Now that we have done our best, we should caress him with benevolence. If we confront him with violence, we will only put the cart before the horse and cause endless chaos!!"

Cao Zhang's words are pearls, and all the soldiers of the Wei army listened to them, and they all admired them.But only Cao Pi's face became more gloomy, as if water was about to drip, his whole body trembled with anger, and his blood churned.It turned out that Cao Pi discovered that at this moment, Cao Zhang had won the hearts of many soldiers.For Cao Pi, who is arrogant and arrogant, and regards the throne of the Great Wei Dynasty as his own, this is absolutely unacceptable.Cao Pi gritted his teeth, his anger surged wildly, and a murderous aura suddenly surged all over his body, just as he was about to open his mouth to shout.Suddenly there was a burst of applause, and someone behind him laughed.

"Good! Good! Good!!! Ziwen's words are really wise and famous. If His Majesty hears it, he will definitely praise it!!"

Hearing the burst of laughter, Cao Pi's heart skipped a beat, his murderous aura subsided, he turned around and saw Jia Xu coming on horseback supported by dozens of soldiers.Jia Xu smiled pleasantly, but her eyes suddenly turned cold, and she glanced at Cao Pi.Cao Pi actually respected Jia Xu very much, like a child who has done something wrong, he suddenly lowered his head.Jia Xu looked at Cao Zhang in a blink of an eye, but Cao Zhang secretly felt a little chill in that bright smile.Cao Zhang hastily cupped his hands and said.

"The Taifu is absurd. How dare you be presumptuous if you make nonsense and chaos. However, the Wu people have already surrendered, and they don't want to commit any crimes. As a result, my great Wei is notorious. In this way, I'm afraid that the Wu people will not accept it, and there will be endless chaos in the future. !!"

When Jia Xu heard this, Fu Xu nodded, and smiled lightly.

"What Ziwen said is very true. Even the people of Wu are willing to surrender. I, the great Wei, are a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. How can I kill innocent people indiscriminately. Pass my orders and do not accidentally injure the people. Those who violate the orders will be dealt with by military law!!"

As soon as Jia Xu gave the order, all the generals took orders one after another.Cao Pi clenched his fists in secret, and looked at Cao Zhang full of hatred, but also with a bit of jealousy.Cao Pi thought that Cao Zhang's gesture of benevolence and righteousness was to win over people's hearts.Cao Zhang didn't know it, and because of this, the emperor brother he had always respected became jealous of him.

Following Jia Xu's order, the people of Jianye no longer had any worries and surrendered one after another.Jia Xu led his troops into the city. Except for the strong and brave fighters in the city, the rest were women, children, old and weak, and they all hid at home and dared not go out.Jianye Street, which is normally prosperous and bustling, has become especially deserted and deserted at this time.Jia Xu led his troops to the county government office. When the officials heard that Zhuge Jin had surrendered, they did not resist and led the crowd to surrender.So Wei Bing relied on Jia Xu's strategy to finally occupy the solid city of Jianye.As for today's fighting, the people of Jianye were killed and injured, at least more than [-] people.In the end, only more than [-] people surrendered.The rest of the people are women, old and young.Every household cried bitterly when they heard that their father and husband had died in battle.Jianye City was immersed in the sound of crying.The various troops of Wei Bing, under the leadership of their generals, guarded various places, although their faces were ruthless, they couldn't help being moved when they heard the heart-piercing cries coming from all directions.

War is like this, the two armies are enemies, either you die or I die.But no matter who wins or loses, it is not a matter of joy.

A few days later, a document suddenly came out, announcing to the people in the city that Zhuge Jin had fallen ill and died.Jia Xu led a group of soldiers to be buried in the west of Jianye City.When the people in Jianye learned about it, they all wept bitterly. Of course, many people suddenly realized that the truth was too late to regret.But at present, there are only ten thousand men left in Jianye City, even if they resist, it will be of no avail.Jia Xu quickly reorganized his army, and specially ordered his disciple Hao Zhao to stay with [-] soldiers to guard Jianye.Hao Zhao is alert and thoughtful, and Jianye City is the most important place in Danyang, which must not be lost, so Jia Xu ordered him to guard it, which shows that he trusts him very much.Jia Xu's arrangements have been made and the supplies are ready.In Danyang County, the troops are almost exhausted, and the rest of the cities and counties are all empty.Therefore, Jia Xu divided his troops into two groups, Cao Zhang and Xu Chu were on the same side, and he and Cao Pi were on the same side, attacking cities and counties, and finally joined forces in Piling and killed Wu County.

Since Jianye fell, Zhuge Jin, the chief minister of the Eastern Wu, bit his tongue and committed suicide. The war in Danyang is a foregone conclusion.Let's see how the other army is fighting.However, it is said that one month ago, Cao Cao broke through Nanchang, led a hundred thousand soldiers to the north, drove a long way, and killed all the way to Wujun.Sun Quan transferred the soldiers and horses of the three counties of Panyang, Kuaiji, and Shixin to the guards of Wu County, and gathered the troops of the four counties. In addition, the volunteer army from each counties had a total of [-] troops, [-] of which were composed of civilians. Volunteer Army, [-] are elite troops.Cao Cao has always marched swiftly and managed the army strictly. Within half a month, he rushed to Shixin, the county seat of Shixin County.

Cao Cao knew that Eastern Wu had a large population, and his orders were strict, and he ordered the three armies to kill anyone who took anything from the people indiscriminately.So wherever the Wei soldiers went, Qiu did not commit any crimes, and wherever they went, they used good words to comfort and stabilize the people.Because Sun Quan urgently summoned brave men, all the strong men from all counties and counties rushed to Wu County. There were only old and weak women and children in the city, and a few men stayed behind.The common people feel at ease when they see that Wei soldiers are not like thieves, looting property and hurting lives, and rarely conflict with Wei soldiers.After Cao Cao arrived in Shixin City, he rested his troops and gathered people to discuss.Suddenly, some soldiers rushed to report that General Zhu Zhi of Eastern Wu had gathered [-] Jiaozhou militiamen in Jiaozhou, and Lu Xun had gathered tens of thousands of soldiers in Changsha, and he was now fighting against Xiahouyuan's army.

When Cao Cao heard this, he frowned and his face became a little surprised.It turned out that Cao Cao expected that the foreign people in Jiaozhou hated the people of Soochow. If they heard of the chaos in Soochow, they would probably take advantage of the situation to create chaos. He never expected to send troops to help.When the accident happened suddenly, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a mess in his heart, and his whole body trembled, feeling an ominous premonition.Seeing that Cao Cao's expression was very bad, Zhang Jai seemed to know what he was worried about, so he hurriedly bowed to him, and said kind words to comfort him.

"Your Majesty don't need to worry too much. General Xiahou is brave and good at fighting, and he also has Bo Yue as his assistant. However, the foreign people in Jiaozhou have always been at odds with the Wu people. Even if they send troops to help, there will be many troubles soon. What's more, General Xiahou has [-] people under his command. The army, the mere mob, is not enough to cause trouble!!"

When Cao Cao heard the words, he was determined, nodded heavily, and talked to Zhang Jaw.

"What Yu Yi said is true, but I am too worried!"

Having said that, the ominous premonition, like a lingering dark cloud, shrouded Cao Cao's heart.Cao Cao had little interest and was tired, so he ordered all the generals to retreat, and went to the back hall to rest.That night, Cao Cao was not in a good mood and could not sleep peacefully. He sat up in the inner room and read a book by a candle.Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, Cao Cao was in a daze, opened his eyes, and saw thick clouds and fog in front of him, and saw a crouching dragon leaping up into the sky, baring its teeth and claws, rushing over.Cao Cao exclaimed and woke up suddenly, covered in cold sweat. He knew that the scene just now was just Huang Ke's dream.

Frightened by this, Cao Cao thought it was an ominous omen, and suddenly had a headache and screamed in pain. The guards outside hurriedly came to see Cao Cao.After the diagnosis and treatment, the imperial doctor said that Cao Cao was overworked and restless, which led to the relapse of his head disease. He should take a good rest and not rush to war.After a while, a group of Wei generals rushed over after hearing the news, and they all paid a visit to him. After hearing what the imperial physician said, they tried to persuade him one after another.Zhang Jaw said.

"Your Majesty's continuous conquests cost the primordial spirit, and the dragon's body needs to be the most important thing!"

After Zhang Jaw finished speaking, all the generals spoke in unison.

"The health of your majesty's dragon body is related to the great cause of the world, and I hope your majesty will take good care of the dragon body!!"

After hearing this, Cao Cao's pale face showed a trace of worry. After pondering for a while, he nodded, told himself that he would take care of himself, and then taught everyone to retreat.Zhang Jai and other generals didn't dare to disturb them, they bowed and left one after another.Seven or eight days later, another soldier suddenly came to report that Lu Boyan, the right general of Dongwu, was leading tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to Linchuan and Wujun to help.At the same time, the battle in Changsha will be described in detail.Cao Cao's face changed when he heard the report, and he was very anxious, and he was anxious to tell the generals.

"Lu Boyan's talent is excellent, and his talent must be eager for quick success and quick profit, and underestimated the enemy, so he suffered such a heavy blow. Now he is retreating to Changle, and the battle is unpredictable. According to the opinions of your family, what should we do!?"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, he opened his jaw and looked fixed, and hurriedly attended the remonstrance.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Lu Boyan, disregarding Changsha's safety, led his own troops to rush to help, but taught [-] Jiaozhou soldiers to fight against General Xiahou's troops. It is really like hitting a stone with an egg!! He also rushed from Linchuan to Wujun. The journey is far away, and the water is far away. It is difficult to save the fire. According to the opinion of the last general, we can quickly look forward to the advance of Wu County and attack with all our strength. Once Wu County is captured and Sun Zhongmou is captured, Lu Boyan will definitely throw his hands and lead the crowd to surrender!!"

When Cao Cao heard this, his heart felt strong, and he smiled with a bit of joy on his face.

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