Han Shimou

Chapter 1367 Jia Xu's Way of Using Soldiers

Therefore, Ding Feng made arrangements according to what Zhu Huan said.And just as Zhu Huan expected, just three days later, Jia Xu led more than eight soldiers and horses, and led thousands of Wu soldiers and prisoners to Hailing Pass.Under the Hailing Pass, there were crowds of people, all the Wei soldiers and horses, the formation was strict, the ranks were distinct, the momentum was frightening, and there were bursts of frightening murderous faintly.Ding Feng looked at it, his brows twitched, and his expression became more and more grim.

Suddenly, Jia Xu rode out from the formation, shouting loudly.

"I, the Great Wei Emperor, was originally a minister of the great Han Dynasty. I have made countless contributions and amazed the Central Plains in the sea. Seeing that the world is about to be unified, unexpectedly Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty fell ill. Knowing that his fate will not be long, he surrendered to my lord. Now my lord is the great treasure, and I am the world Orthodoxy. The so-called world has no two masters. Sun Zhongmou is for his own self-interest. He knows that the general trend belongs to our great Wei, but he still stubbornly resists. How many heroes!? Why do you wait and let him use you? Surrender quickly to save your life. It won’t take long for Sun Zhongmou to be defeated, and Eastern Wu will regain peace in no time. There will be no more wars. Wouldn’t it be good to live and work in peace and contentment without suffering!?”

As soon as Jia Xu said this, most of Wu Bing's expressions changed immediately.Seeing that the army's heart was shaken, Ding Feng stared at him and shouted hastily.

"The country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, and there are eggs under the nest!? I would rather die than be a subjugated slave!! Jia Wen and you can't shake the morale of our army!!!"

As soon as Ding Feng finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of the bowstring.Zhu Huan didn't know when he pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow.The arrow shot out suddenly, and Wang Jiaxu shot it in awe.Jia Xu showed no signs of fear, Hao Zhao watched him eagerly, shouted loudly, waved his double whips, the Pegasus rushed out, and when the whip fell, the cold arrow shattered instantly.Jia Xu is as determined as if a mountain collapsed in front of his eyes without changing his expression, his eyes are sharp, as if he can penetrate people's hearts, and he said coldly.

"Ding Chengyuan, you are stubborn, you will only commit more crimes, and make the sacrifices of your soldiers needless, how can you bear it!?"

When Ding Feng heard this, he gritted his teeth fiercely, his face was ferocious, and his whole body was on fire, as if he wanted to rush out of the gate immediately and smash Jia Xu's body into thousands of pieces.But Ding Feng has not completely lost his mind, the morale of the army is unstable now, if he rushes out of the customs, he will hit Jia Wenhe's arms.At this time, Zhu Huan's expression froze, and he shouted loudly.

"I'll wait for the gate and occupy all the advantages of the land. How can I wait for you!? Jia Wen and Hugh need to talk too much, dare to attack the gate!?"

Facing Zhu Huan's provocation, Jia Xu let out a long sigh, and said slowly with a little sadness in his eyes.

"It's not that I don't dare to attack the key, but I don't want to do more evil. I will wait with you for three days. After three days, if you don't offer up the key, for the great cause of world unification, I have no choice but to send troops to attack!!"

After Jia Xu finished speaking, he pulled up his horse, hurried back to the formation, and led the troops to withdraw.Ding Feng looked cold, watching the retreat of all the Wei soldiers, he gave orders in a deep voice.

"Jia Wenhe is cunning and insidious. I don't know what bad things are going on here. Send me orders, close the gates, and guard them tightly. Whoever dares to leave his post without authorization will be severely punished!!"

After Ding Feng finished drinking, all the generals cheered up one after another and took orders.Ding Feng cast a wink at Zhu Huan, Zhu Huan understood, and followed Ding Feng back to the enemy building in the pass.Inside the enemy building, Ding Feng's face was solemn, his eyes were full of melancholy, and he talked to Zhu Huan.

"That Jia Wenhe is really amazing. Just a few words have shaken more than half of our army's soldiers. Our army has been repeatedly defeated, and the current situation is becoming more and more dangerous for Soochow. It is inevitable that the soldiers will have different opinions. This is the critical time. , there is no room for any mistakes, Bodao you and closely monitor the army, but if there is any change, report it immediately!!"

When Zhu Huan heard this, he couldn't feel a feeling that he had enough strength but not enough strength. With a strong expression, he bowed his hands and agreed.Ding Feng was also extremely tired, he waved his hand, Zhu Huan understood, and left.

But Jia Xu withdrew his troops and camped seven or eight miles not far from Hailing Pass.Seeing this, Hao Zhao was suspicious, so he secretly looked for Jia Xu and asked.

"Master, this place is not far from Hailing Pass, and there are many Wu prisoners in our army. If something happens, what will happen?"

Jia Xu listened, smiled lightly, and talked to Hao Zhao.

"Bo Dao doesn't need to worry too much. Ding Chengyuan has been defeated repeatedly, and he has long since lost his ambition to make progress. He does not seek merit but only faults. If the master's prediction is correct, Ding Chengyuan must be teaching his soldiers to close the gates, guard them closely, and not act rashly .As for those Wu captives, I have my own use."

When Hao Zhao heard the words, his expression was a little dazed.At this moment, Cao Pi and Cao Zhang rushed over, one on the left and one on the right.Cao Pi looked solemn, bowed his head, and asked first.

"Teacher, right now my father is staying in Ping'a day and night, hoping that our army will enter Wu County as soon as possible, and then immediately dispatch troops to attack Wu County. The Tai Tuor is strategizing, and of course he knows this. Why did he still spend three days with the Wu thief? "

When Jia Xu heard this, he chuckled, and said slowly and unhurriedly.

"Hailing Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we want to break it, we will have to lose a lot of troops. And our troops have suffered repeated losses, and we can't afford to lose any more. Otherwise, even if we enter Wu County, we will have to rely on thousands of soldiers. It is also difficult to take any action, and it is useless. You just wait quietly, three days later, I will have a clever plan."

Cao Pi's complexion changed when he heard the words, and seeing Jia Xu's confident appearance, he couldn't help but feel certain, bowed his hands, and then retreated.Cao Zhang was listening, and his expression was much calmer, so he bowed to Jia Xu and retreated.After the Cao brothers left, Jia Xu suddenly taught Hao Zhao in a low voice.Hao Zhao's face changed continuously as he listened, and the look in his eyes became more and more horrified the more he listened.After hearing this, Hao Zhao couldn't help asking nervously with some doubts.

"Master, is this too risky? If it happens, I'm afraid the gain outweighs the loss."

Jia Xu smiled and talked to Hao Zhao.

"Unprecedented strategies are the only way to catch people off guard. Bo Dao doesn't need to worry too much, but just obey the teacher's orders."

After hearing this, Hao Zhao's expression froze, he accepted the order, retreated, and followed Jia Xu's instructions.But it was said that at the beginning of the night, all the generals of the Wei soldiers were suddenly given a military order to teach them to prepare and recharge their batteries. Three days later, with the Wu prisoners as the vanguard, they broke through Hailing Pass in one fell swoop.All the generals got their orders and conveyed them one after another, so the people and horses of each battalion talked a lot.The Wu captives were divided into four teams and scattered everywhere, all guarded by soldiers and horses.When many Wu captives heard about this that night, they all turned pale with fright and told stories to each other.Until the third watch of the night, the number of patrolling soldiers in the camp gradually decreased, and the Wu prisoners from all over the place took the opportunity to escape. Because the Wei camp had no sheds, the Wu prisoners escaped easily.

Before I knew it, it was five o'clock.All of a sudden, there was a commotion at the Hailing Pass, and people were seen rushing towards the pass in groups of three or four.Under the light of the fire, dozens of Wu captives rushed to the door first, and hurriedly opened the door with a panicked expression.The guard at the gate recognized that they were soldiers from his own army, and quickly taught the soldiers not to shoot arrows, and then quickly reported to Zhu Huan, who was in charge of the night watch.When Zhu Huan heard that there were hundreds of soldiers captured by the Wei army, his expression became tense, his mind turned, and he thought to himself that with these hundreds of troops, even if they have different intentions, there will be no danger.So Zhu Huan ordered the soldiers to guard against attacks, and then taught the guards to open the gates.The hundreds of Wu captives rushed in when they saw the gate was open.Unexpectedly, what greeted them was cold spear blades.Zhu Huan's face was cold, and he shouted sharply.

"Don't move around, line up in three rows, check one by one, but if there is careful work, shoot and kill!!!"

Zhu Huan has always been strict with his army, and when he said this, the Wu captives did not dare to act presumptuously, so they hurriedly formed a line according to the order.As soon as Zhu Huan waved his hand, the two teams of soldiers and horses on the left and right immediately walked forward with guns, and inspected them carefully one by one.When I was young, each made a return, but none of them noticed Wei Jun's careful work.Zhu Ran frowned, then asked.

"Aren't you all captured by Wei Kou? How did you escape now!?"

As soon as Zhu Huan finished speaking, everyone cursed and talked one after another, and it was very noisy for a while.Zhu Huan shouted angrily, stopped everyone, and then turned his eyes to Lingdao, a seemingly delicate man.

"Tell me!"

The man's expression became tense, and he hurriedly said.

"Returning to the general, I heard that Jia Wenhe ordered to teach the people of Wei to build up their vigor. Three days later, we will use the prisoners as the vanguard to attack Hailing Pass. I don't want to be used by the Wei people. At the third watch At that time, seeing that most of the patrolling soldiers and horses had gone to rest, they took the opportunity to flee back!!"

Hearing this, Zhu Huan frowned, his thoughts turned, he stared at the man sharply, and then quickly looked around. Seeing that there was no sign of guilt in the crowd, he guessed that most of the things were true.So Zhu Huan ordered that the hundreds of people who had fled back be garrisoned in one place in Guanzhong first, and ordered soldiers to monitor them.After Zhu Huan made arrangements one by one, he reported to Ding Feng.After a while, Zhu Huan just arrived, but saw that Ding Feng had already got up and finished washing, so he asked intently.

"Just now I heard a commotion in Guanzhong, but is there something wrong?"

Zhu Huan bowed his hands and told the past one by one.Ding Feng's face darkened when he heard the words, and after pondering for a while, he snorted coldly and opened his mouth to speak.

"That Jia Wenhe really has bad intentions!! This person has always acted viciously and ruthlessly, so he is called a 'poison man' by the world. It is indeed true that the prisoners of our army were used as precursors. Those prisoners may be used , I think I will die anyway, so it is reasonable and reasonable to risk my life to escape."

When Zhu Huan heard this, his eyes burst into flames, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"This Jia Wenhe dared to let Wu people like us kill each other as human shields. He really deserves to die! If he can be captured in the future, I will crush him to ashes to vent my hatred!!"

Ding Feng squinted his eyes, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he also suppressed the surging anger, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Jia Wenhe first used hypocrisy and hypocrisy to make our army slack, but he secretly recharged his strength and tried to use our Wu captives as the forerunners to break through Hailing Pass in one fell swoop. I will not let his trick succeed. Humu, send a quick message I ordered all the troops to be on guard. If you see any captives fleeing back, recognize their identities, do not accidentally injure them, and let them go back. After three days, guard the pass and fight Wei Kou to the death!!"

Zhu Huan generously agreed, and quickly resigned.

In the night of the second day, many Wu captives fled back again. Zhu Huan rested during the day and guarded the pass at night.In this way, until the night of the third day, more than a thousand prisoners suddenly rushed to Wanghailing Pass.When Zhu Huan saw it at the gate, his complexion changed immediately, and he hurriedly taught the crossbowmen to be ready.After a while, hundreds of captives rushed to the city first, and hurriedly shouted and opened the door.Zhu Huan stopped everyone and asked sharply.

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