Han Shimou

Chapter 1374 Sima Yi's Awakening

Lu Xun was overjoyed, and promised with the generals that when the chaos was settled, they would report their achievements one by one in the future and let everyone be rewarded one by one.All the generals are happy.After a while, the seats were dispersed, and the generals came out one after another.Soon, only Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun were left in the tent.Lu Xun's face tightened, and he talked to Zhuge Liang.

"In my opinion, sir, what should our army do now?"

Zhuge Liang looked calm, gently shaking the feather fan in his hand, and said to Lu Xun slowly.

"I think at this time, General Zhu and other elite soldiers will have rushed to the vicinity of Wu County. In the past few days, I have been extremely cautious in observing Wei Kou's actions. If it weren't for Zhang Junyi and a group of Wei generals who felt contemptuous, they would never Going into battle rashly, he has the heart to defend. From this point of view, Ruoliang's prediction is correct, the old thief must have taught Zhang Junyi to resist our army here, but on the other hand, he has already sent troops from Ping'a to Wu County to kill him."

Hearing this, Lu Xun's complexion changed drastically, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said to Zhuge Liang.

"If this is the case, Wu County is in danger. I'm afraid it will be difficult to reverse the situation with Zhu Yifeng's three thousand elites!!"

Zhuge Liang listened, but smiled lightly, calmly and calmly said.

"Don't be impatient, General Right. The old thief thought that we were all blocked by Dongfu, and never paid attention to the rear. General Zhu is a man of vigilance, but when he sees the opportunity, he will surely attack with great power, but Liang thought that three thousand soldiers It is enough to turn the tide, so that the old bandits are caught off guard and mess up their own positions. And Wu Wangxiong is a generalist, and there are resourceful people such as Lu Zijing and Gu Yuantan in Wu County, but seeing the old bandits' army is in chaos, they will definitely take advantage of the chaos. As soon as the army of the old bandits collapses, even though there are many soldiers and horses, it is even more difficult to organize the army. Once the situation is chaotic, it will be out of control!!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes were shining brightly, shining brightly. Lu Xun's heart trembled when he heard this, he sighed, and saluted with great admiration.

"Mister's strategizing, dispatching troops and generals are wonderful, it's better to be inferior!! If the danger of Soochow is solved this time, Xunding will report the truth to the king of Wu in order to repay the kindness of Mr."

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and said softly.

"Eastern Wu and Shu Han have already forged a good relationship between Qin and Jin, and mutual support is what should be done. Liang dare not take credit for it, but only hopes that the King of Wu will give him a place to live, and we will regroup with us and the people of Shu Han, and wait for the future Make a comeback and regain lost ground!!"

Hearing this, Lu Xun admired Zhuge Liang's loyalty, but secretly regretted it.The two discussed for a while, and Zhuge Liang taught Lu Xun to continue to attack eagerly, so that Zhang Junyi and the others could relax, and they used it as a cover for Zhu Ran's elite soldiers.Lu Xun heard that it was reasonable, so he obeyed.

In the next few days, Lu Xun sent troops to attack and attack, and Zhang Jai led the army to defend the city gate.Although the two armies are mighty, there are very few direct confrontations, and there are not many casualties.Zhang Jai thought that Lu Xun and Zhuge Liang had no way to break the city, so he was relaxed.One day, the Wu soldiers withdrew again anticlimactically.Sima Yi saw it, but he was not happy, instead he had a strange and puzzled look on his face.Seeing Zhang Jai, his heart tightened, so he asked Sima Yi.

"Sima's boss is thin, but he has doubts in his heart!?"

When Sima Yi heard Zhang Jaw's question, he nodded heavily, holding his beard with his hand, and said in a concentrated voice.

"I saw that Wu Zhaikong had a lot of power over the past few days, but he had repeatedly confronted our army under the city for a while, so he withdrew immediately. The bandit army is so treacherous, it is really abnormal."

Chen Tai heard it from the side, his expression sank, and he said suddenly.

"According to the last general's opinion, this bandit army doesn't have a magic way to break the city, but they are afraid of a strong attack and take it by force, and they will lose their troops. That's why they are like this."

When Sima Yi heard this, his eyes twitched, he shook his head and said.

"If there is only Lu Boyan in the bandit army, what Xuanbo said is very possible. But don't forget, Xuanbo, Zhuge Kongming is also in command of the bandit army. Zhuge Kongming's intelligence is beyond my generation!!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Jaw frowned, and said in a deep voice.

"Could it be that Zhuge Kongming, hiding clumsiness in secret, has other plans?"

"Absolutely not. According to the current situation, Zhuge Kongming and other remnants of Shu, who are in the same boat as Soochow, have no lips and teeth. But the Shuhan and my Great Wei have always had a deep hatred. If Soochow is swallowed by my Great Wei, Zhuge Kongming can only Vote for our Great Wei, in order to keep his master Liu Chan safe. But Zhuge Kongming took the mission of restoring the Han Dynasty all his life, and would rather die than vote for my Great Wei!"

Sima Yi's eyes were bright, and he spoke with seriousness, as if he knew Zhuge Liang very well.Hearing this, Zhang Jai frowned even tighter, for a moment he didn't know what kind of medicine Zhuge Liang was selling in his gourd.Chen Tai's expression was shocked, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"You two Minggongs don't need to worry too much. At present, we only need to keep Dongfu intact, and then we can fulfill His Majesty's orders. How about the bandit army, why bother!?"

Hearing this, Sima Yi frowned, and shook his head slightly. This Chen Tai is still young and doesn't know the art of war.At this time, Zhang Jaw's face darkened, and he spoke to Chen Tai with sharp eyes.

"Uncle Xuan's words are wrong. When two armies are confronting each other, one needs to know their strategy in order to defeat the enemy!! Zhuge Kongming is a talented man with a hundred miles of talents, and he has a lot of plans. The so-called abnormal things must be deceitful. The bandit army has been fighting for many days There must be a strategy in the dark. Your majesty's order, although it only teaches us to guard Dongfu, but the intention is to resist Lu Boyan's army, so that your majesty can attack Wu county with all his strength and conquer Wu in one fell swoop. Battle!! Uncle Xuan is so lax, it is bound to lead to a big mistake!!"

Hearing this, Chen Tai's heart was wrenched, and he knew the benefits of it, so he quickly handed over his hands and confessed.Zhang Jai waved his hand, then looked at Sima Yi.Sima Yi narrowed his eyes, and the two looked at each other, as if they both had the same worries.Sima Yi asked with a condensed expression.

"Does the general suspect that the bandit army has secretly dispatched troops to Wu County for rescue?"

As soon as Sima Yi's words came out, it confirmed Zhang Jaw's worries.Zhang Jaw nodded heavily, and said to Sima Yi.

"What Sima Zhu Bo said is exactly what I want."

Before Zhang Jai finished speaking, Chen Tai on the side spoke hastily.

"However, if the thieves take a shortcut to reach Wu County, they must pass through Ping'a first. In this way, Dongfu must pass through. How can the thieves jump by adding wings?!"

When Sima Yi heard the words, he smiled coldly and talked to Chen Tai.

"There are absolutely no inevitable things in the world. The bandit army is very familiar with the terrain of Wu County, and there may be secret passages and shortcuts to enter, so you must not take it lightly!! And as far as I can see, the bandit army has been bluffing for days, the intention is to attract our army's attention .So if my predictions are correct, seven or eight times out of ten it should be."

Hearing the words, Zhang Jaw frowned even tighter, and asked Sima Yi impatiently.

"Then according to Master Sima Bo's opinion, what should I do!?"

Sima Yi shook his spirits, his brain was spinning, and he spoke harshly.

"Our army is not familiar with the terrain. If we want to search rashly, it will take a lot of time. In my opinion, the general will send people day and night to inform His Majesty and teach His Majesty to prepare early. Most of Lu Boyan's troops are here. There will not be many soldiers and horses to go. As long as Your Majesty can anticipate this matter early and make preparations, Zhuge Kongming's plan will come to naught!! At the same time, our army will follow the plan and entangle with Lu Boyan's army here. Relax!!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Jai's eyes shot Jing, and he nodded in response.

"Sima Master Bo's words are very true!! I will dispatch them right away!!"

After Zhang Jaw finished speaking, Chen Tai's expression was shocked, and he took the initiative to invite Ying.When Zhang Jai saw him, he thought that although Chen Tai had little battle experience, he was quick-witted, able to adapt to changes, and more quick-witted, so he instructed Chen Tai to pack his bags immediately and set off immediately at night.At this moment, Sima Yi's heart trembled suddenly, and he called out to Chen Tai who was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Xuan! Zhuge Kongming has always been predicting like a god, so he must be prepared. If you want to go, you can divide into two soldiers and horses, teach one to go first, and watch its movements. If you are hit by a bandit army ambush , you can take advantage of the chaos and go!!"

Chen Tai yelled to stop, and heard Sima Yi shouting behind him.Chen Tai couldn't help showing doubts on his face, secretly thinking that Sima Yi was too worried and unfounded.

But Zhang Jaw tightened his face, he nodded seriously and gave instructions to Chen Tai.

"If Sima Zhubo hadn't reminded me in time, I would have almost missed a major event. Xuanbo, you should act according to Sima Zhubo's words. , our lives are in danger!! There must be no mistakes!! I will give you the tiger talisman, and you can call the elite of the army at will, and you must inform His Majesty of this matter as soon as possible, so there must be no mistakes!!"

Hearing Zhang Jaw's solemn instructions, Chen Tai's face changed continuously, and he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, so he agreed and left quickly.When it was dusk, Chen Tai's dispatch had been decided, and a thousand elites were recruited, most of them were generals with more than a hundred generals.Gradually, as night fell, Chen Tai quickly ordered, and then a captain named Gao Ping led hundreds of elites out of the city first, and rushed towards Wang Ping'a.Chen Tai then led the remaining soldiers and horses, and followed slowly behind them, hiding in a thicket of reeds, watching the movement quietly.

But it is said that Gao Ping led hundreds of Qingqi, and went straight all the way, just turning to a junction, suddenly there was a burst of bow and crossbow noise.Gao Ping turned pale with shock, and looked anxiously, only to see a wave of arrows shooting down on the hillside in front of him.Gao Ping hurriedly swung his sword in his hand and dialed, shouting loudly, there was an ambush.Gao Ping's soldiers reacted one after another, raising their weapons to resist.Many people sat down on their horses and were shot, and immediately fell off their horses, and there were bursts of screams.Suddenly, on the hillside, a Wu general carrying a big knife was killed impressively.Gao Ping's eyes were ill, and he soon recognized that the general was Quan Cong. He was so frightened that he reined in his horse and ran away.

It turned out that Zhuge Liang taught Lu Xun a few days ago to set up secret sentries in a radius of seven or eight miles outside Dongfu City, but when he saw any movement in Dongfu City, he immediately reported it to Quan Cong and Li Fu who had already secretly stationed troops at two places below the mountain.But not long ago, the scouts noticed that Gao Ping's troops were heading towards Ping'a, and hurriedly reported back to Quan Cong.When Quan Cong heard this, he immediately led his troops to ambush and intercept him, and according to Lu Xun's earlier order, he sent someone to inform Li Fu in another place, teaching him to prepare early.

But now Quan Cong galloped his horse down the hillside, as if the world was about to collapse.Seeing that Quan Cong was riding a tiger, Gao Ping was so frightened that he reined in his horse and ran away.Quan Cong galloped forward, rushed over, raised the knife in his hand, and chopped off the back of Gao Ping's head.With a flash of cold light, a head flew into the sky, before Gao Ping could even cry out, he was hacked to death by Bian Quan Cong.The head fell to the ground, and the blood flew, and the Wei soldiers around saw it, all of them changed color, and they all reined in their horses and ran away.Quan Cong's face was ferocious, and with a single move of the saber, he led soldiers and horses to cover him up.

And not far away in a reed bush to the east, Chen Tai heard bursts of violent shouts, accompanied by countless shrill screams, his expression changed suddenly, and he realized that he was a frog at the bottom of the well. Sima Yi was extremely subdued, and secretly rejoiced that if Sima Yi hadn't planned ahead, he would have been ambushed by now.Chen Tai is not afraid of falling into a dangerous place, but he is afraid that it will be difficult to complete the mission, and he will be accused by Wan Fu, and the disaster will spread to the three clans! !Chen Tai's spirit was shaken, his eyes flickered, and he immediately led his troops to take advantage of the chaos and take a detour.On the other side, Quan Cong only cared about chasing after Gao Ping's subordinates to deploy, but he didn't know that there was a group of soldiers secretly taking advantage of the chaos and leaving.

Chen Tai was cautious all the way, but he didn't dare to neglect, his heart was beating with fear, and his nerves were tense.Let’s talk about another Wu army stationed nearby. Its commander, Li Fu, was born as a bandit and was quite skilled in martial arts. He occupied the mountain on the Snake Pan Mountain in Kuaiji and became king. Later, Sun Quan sent troops to conquer it.Li Fu knew that he was not an opponent of the Eastern Wu army, so he led the crowd to surrender. At that time, he served as the general of Yamen under Lu Xun's command.

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