Han Shimou

Chapter 138 He Jin's Wrath

"Gongming, you were really reckless just now. Why did you fight with Cao Zilian in the street and attracted so many people to watch? Guan thought it would take three hours for the story of your fight to spread throughout Luoyang City. You and Cao Zilian He belongs to Bufan and Meng De respectively, and Meng De was severely severed by his father to cut off contact with Bufan. At that time, some villains will speak behind their backs, spreading rumors that Bufan's virtuous brother and Meng De are at odds."

Whoa whoa whoa.

Hearing that Guan Yu was blaming him, Xu Huang couldn't help pointing at his disfigured face with aggrieved expression, and yelled indistinctly.He had fought hard with Cao Hong just now, his nose was injured by Cao Hong, and his cheeks were also swollen, so he couldn't speak clearly.

And Cao Hong didn't have much advantage. Perhaps it was even worse. Xu Huang knocked out one of his front teeth, his eyes were bruised and his arm was dislocated.If Guan Yu hadn't stopped him in time, Cao Hong's other hand would have been taken off by Xu Huang.However, Cao Hong had a face-saving nature, and before he left, he spit out a few mouthfuls of bloody phlegm on the ground beside him, and limped back to Cao's mansion as if he had won.

"Hehe. Brother Yunchang, don't blame Gongming. Cao Zilian originally wanted to make a show for some people. He just took this opportunity to fight with Gongming. Meng De really has a big heart. Cao Zilian just gave me a A note, Meng De invites us to meet at Qingcheng Tower tonight."

Wen Han couldn't stop laughing when he saw that Xu Huang's originally handsome face was beaten so that he didn't look like a man or a ghost, and he looked aggrieved.Guan Yu was also bright in his heart, he was only playing tricks just now, and he also laughed along with Wen Han.Xu Huang was teased by the two, and his grievances turned into resentment, and he screamed, as if he was protesting to the two of them.

The three of them were walking on the streets of Luoyang, talking and laughing. Some passers-by who saw Xu Huang, who was in a lottery, heard inarticulate yelling and sniggering from time to time.Xu Huang wished he could find a straw hat to cover his face, but then he stopped barking and put on a sulky face.

Wen Han and Guan Yu stopped laughing when they saw him like this, and quickly apologized to him.The resentment on Xu Huang's face faded a little, and he no longer wowed, but hummed to express his dissatisfaction.

The three of them walked and soon came to Cai's mansion.Wen Han planned to report and explain his identity and a series of things about fighting Qiang Hu with his teacher Cai Yong first, and then go to General He.It's just that, after more than a year, Cai's mansion has been completely empty, and even the sign of the mansion has been changed.

Wen Han frowned, and stood for a long time at the original location of the Cai Mansion.Guan Yu also stood quietly at the side, while Xu Huang walked back and forth a few times to see if he had gone to the wrong place.

At this time, an old lady in dark-colored cloth was passing by carrying a basket of meat and vegetables.Wen Han recognized her, and her family lived not far away.Wen Han had met her several times when he came to Cai's Mansion before, and he also greeted each other after getting acquainted.

"Hey. Aunt Zhang, don't leave yet. I have something to ask."

Aunt Zhang, who was carrying a basket of meat and vegetables, heard someone yelling next to her, and the voice was familiar again. She turned her head and looked at Wen Han for a long time, as if thinking of Wen Han, she yelled.

"Ah. It's you. Aren't you that Cai Zhonglang's apprentice? Haha, long time no see. Hey, why are you still here? Half a month ago, for some reason, Cai Zhonglang suddenly moved his family and left Luoyang City."

After hearing this, Wen Han's face was startled, as if someone had hammered his head. He didn't hear a word that Aunt Zhang said later, and of course he didn't respond.Aunt Zhang talked on her own for a while, but when she saw that Wen Han didn't pay any attention to him, she looked pensive again, curled her lips, muttered about Wen Han's bluntness, and left with the bucket twisted.

When Wen Han came back to his senses, he found that Guan Yu and Xu Huang were looking at him. Both of them were a little overwhelmed by the news that Cai Yong had left Luoyang.

"Could it be that my identity has dragged down Mr. Cai?"

Wen Han's temples were aching, and he didn't care to think too much at the moment, so he hurriedly said to Guan Yu and Xu Huang.

"Let's go, let's go to Teacher Wang Yun and ask about this matter."

Both Guan Yu and Xu Huang nodded in agreement.The three of them were impatient and ran quickly all the way, the Wangfu was not far from the previous Caifu.In a quarter of an hour, it's up.

To Wenhan's comfort, this mansion is still the mansion of the past, and the owner has not changed.Wen Han politely informed the family in front of the Wangfu, asking to see Wang Yun.The palace servant Ding was a little strange, he knew Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Xu Huang, and they used to come to the palace often.These servants are very polite to Wen Han and the three, but today they all have mischievous expressions, as if they don't recognize Wen Han and the three of them.

After a while, the servant who had entered the palace came back and told Wen Han and the others that Wang Yun was unwell and did not want to see guests.Let Wen Han and the others come back in a few days.

Wen Han felt a little restless. He found that after returning to Luoyang City, many things had changed. He didn't know what it was.A feeling of uneasiness seemed to hang over me.Wen Han sighed several times, looked at Guan Yu and Xu Huang, and had no choice but to leave.

After leaving the palace, the three of them cheered up and went straight to the general's residence.The Grand General's Mansion, which covers an area of ​​fifteen acres, has a majestic atmosphere. Every time Wen Han comes over and stands in front of its gate, he will feel weak.The guards standing in front of the gate are all dressed in fine armor, unsmiling, serious and disciplined.

"Wen Sima, there are two other generals, General He please."

The guardian's voice was cold and emotionless.Wen Han seemed to be used to it, nodded, and entered the General's Mansion together with Guan Yu and Xu Huang.There are five other courtyards in the General's Mansion, which are divided into southeast, northwest and central.He Jin waited in the hall of the middle courtyard, and Wen Han walked through the mahogany corridor, passed through three small courtyards, and came to the hall of the middle courtyard.From a distance from the door, He Jin could be seen sitting at the head with a calm expression, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and taking a few sips.

Later, he also saw Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Xu Huang, pointed to the next seat on the left, and shouted 'sit'.Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Xu Huang saluted first, and then sat down one after another.He Jin pondered for a while, looked at Wen Han, but didn't ask anyone to serve tea.Wen Han knew that there must be resentment in his heart, so he thought, he should take the initiative to confess to him first.

"General He, I..."


As soon as Wen Han opened his mouth, He Jin shook the teacup in his hand, stood up, pointed at Wen Han and cursed.

"It's good that you are Wen Bufan! In today's world, it is really difficult to find a few people who dare to deceive me, He Suigao. You are amazing."

"General He, I..."

"Shut up! He hasn't finished talking yet, so it's your turn to speak! If it weren't for the fact that you have wiped out fifty thousand Qiang Hu, He wouldn't have said a single nonsense to you today. He would have pulled it out a long time ago." Knife, cut off your upper head with one knife, to vent the resentment in someone's heart!

All over, all over!This is the lowest and lowest status of a big man, and it is worse than a white body. If a white body has great ability and can persevere, he can still enter the court and become an official.This man is full of abilities, and he can't stand up for a lifetime, and he can't be an official. Once he finds out, he will be punished with prison and sent to the frontier.

He is really blind, and actually took you under his command.Do you know that if this happened ten years ago, when He was not powerful, He would accompany you to jail and be assigned to the frontier by the court.

Wen Bufan, Wen Bufan, who once thought you were my lucky star, but never thought that you were a disaster star.Originally, someone He thought that if you could defeat Qianghu and return triumphantly, he would recognize you as my adopted son.From then on, I will protect you for a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, a long career in official career, and forever get rid of the suffering of being poor.

Wen Bufan... You really disappointed He, very disappointed. "

He Jin scolded his head and covered his face, which made Wen Han bloody.The more Wen Han heard it, the more distasteful he felt. It was not a pity that he could not be He Jin's adopted son.It's unwillingness, deeply unwillingness.Because of his full status, the imperial court despised his merits. Cao Cao's father ordered Cao Cao to break off diplomatic relations with him. Although he didn't know whether Cai Yong's relocation had a major relationship with him, it was also somewhat involved, and Wang Yun refused to see him.

All this is because of identity.

After He Jin finished cursing, he became emotional and gasped for breath.He picked up the cup on the table and drank several cups of tea.Guan Yu and Xu Huang were listening silently while observing Wen Han's expression.Their emotions did not fluctuate at all, because in their hearts, they had already decided that no matter what happened to Wen Han, they would do their best to support Wen Han and share the suffering.

"General He. I have solved all the problems. I would also like to thank General He for finding this person to recognize my relatives. The horse trainer has recognized me and presented him with his family jade pendant.

As for the so-called body, I can save my life. My ancestors were all innocent people. Although they did not make great achievements, they have served the country all their lives.He even lost his life for this.My family is all Han Chinese, and I have never tried a certain disorder, and it is definitely not a remnant of a disorderly party.And I have never done anything like stealing, raping and cheating bandits.

In this regard, I can guarantee it with my life.It doesn't matter if General He believes it or not, I am aboveboard and not afraid of evil spirits! "

Wen Han's eyes were concentrated and calm, and he spoke clearly word by word.

All over, that is, people with unclear origins.The reason why it is cast aside is because of three possibilities.One is that the ancestors have no honor and committed crimes, so they have to conceal their identities.The second is that I did the thing of stealing, raping and defrauding bandits, fled in the wild, and kept my name incognito.The third is the remnants of the chaotic party.Wen Han was a time traveler, and he had no relatives at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, so it was hard to talk about his identity and background.Because of this, it is hard to say, and people treat him as a whole body. It is no wonder that Wen Han feels wronged and unwilling.

Wen Han stared directly at He Jin, his eyes were clear and open, He Jin did not speak, but squinted his eyes, and looked at him for a long time, trying to find the slightest change in his expression and eyes, so as to capture the fact that he was actually acting. evidence.However, He Jin observed for half a stick of incense, but still found nothing.

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