Han Shimou

Chapter 1389

Sima Yi's expression tightened, and he persuaded him loudly.Zhang Jai frowned, but he didn't believe what Sima Yi said, and said with a solemn expression.

"The stronghold of the Wu army is also a dangerous place. What's more, as Zhongda said, the Wu thieves are stationed on the mountain opposite me, and they can observe our army's movements. But when our army attacks, they will definitely close the stronghold and defend it. It is urgent and difficult to attack. !! If at that time, the attacking soldiers and horses will come to help, our army will be in danger!!"

"Don't worry too much, General. Yi thinks that Wu's soldiers will go to two groups each, and even if they return to help, it will take half an hour. Our army can observe the changes and deal with them accordingly. As for the emptiness in Wuzhai, even if we can detect our army If you move, you will inevitably be in chaos, and our army will attack with lightning speed, and we will definitely gain the upper hand!!"

Sima Yi urged again anxiously.Although Zhang Jaw is not a soft and decisive person, but it is of great importance, Zhang Jaw can't help but take it lightly, and replied with a frown.

"Zhongda's plan is really too risky, and even if it works, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of troops!!"

When Sima Yi heard it, Jing's eyes shot out, as if he had caught a certain point, he said sharply.

"Although our army wasted our troops, the Eastern Wu thieves are bound to suffer even more casualties!! This plan was intended to force the Wu thieves to consume our troops!! Now our army has [-] troops under General Jiang's command, and our troops have greatly increased. However, Lu Boyan has only [-] troops. If the two sides fight together, our army will not be afraid. Waiting for the opportunity, we will attack in groups. The strength of the two armies is very different. Even Lu Boyan and Zhuge Kongming will be powerless!

However, given the current situation, if our army can break through Lu Boyan's troops, we will be able to quickly go to Wu County for rescue. Even if Sun Zhongmou has the wisdom of the world and the world, if he resists stubbornly, he will undoubtedly be defeated.The great cause of defeating Wu is accomplished! !The depth of this can be seen by General Zhang's intelligence.How to choose, but according to the general's wishes! ! "

After Sima Yi finished speaking, he bowed and bowed his hands.Zhang Jaw's face turned blue and then black, his hands clenched into fists, tense, and he gnashed his teeth and shouted.

"Sima Zhongda, what do you think of me as a general of the Great Wei!!? You have a vicious heart, I think it is even worse than Taifu Jia, who is known as a 'poison man' today!!"

Sima Yi's heart skipped a beat, and with a look of sadness on his face, he choked up and said.

"Yi is deeply favored by His Majesty, if he can help him conquer the empire and rule the country, even if he suffers all kinds of infamy, he will be willing!"

Zhang Jaw took a deep breath, looked at Sima Yi coldly, suddenly flung his sleeves, turned around, and shouted coldly.

"Sima Zhongda, although Mr. Zhang does not want to be with you, Mr. Zhang is not an ignorant and stupid person. I hope that this time, those soldiers who fought for the country will not die in vain!!"

Hearing this, Sima Yi's expression was shocked, he concentrated his expression, and bowed again and again.

"It's my great Wei's luck that the general can make a decisive decision!!"

Therefore, Zhang Jai followed Sima Yi's plan and quickly dispatched troops from the city.When Lu Xun saw Dongfu's army about to move in the opposite cottage, he was overjoyed, so he quickly sent a soldier to take the flag order, and left at the southeast and southwest corners, waving the flag order.It turned out that Lu Xun followed Zhuge Liang's plan, but sent all four troops to march together.The first two works advanced rapidly, but the latter two were in ambush.Whether you open your jaws to the southeast or southwest to meet them, you can ambush and intercept them in time, and then wait for the front soldiers and horses to kill Jiang Wei's army, then quickly return to flank and attack them all.

Lu Xun thought that he would definitely win this time, and the assignment was made, so he smiled to Zhuge Liang beside him.

"Mr.'s plan is so comprehensive, it seems that our army can win a complete victory this time, teaching Zhang Junyi and Sima Zhongda to feel ashamed!!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes were like a torch, but he was watching the movement in Dongfu City at the foot of the mountain closely, his brows were deeply furrowed, without any relaxation, and he spoke in a concentrated voice.

"General Right, don't underestimate the enemy's carelessness. The talents of Zhang Junyi and Sima Zhongda are not as good as you and me. What's more, it is often said that a wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it. He is only an ordinary person, but he may miss something."

Hearing this, Lu Xun thought Zhuge Liang was pretending to be modest, and laughed out loud, but he didn't take it to heart.But it is said that in the southwest, Zhang Fei led the soldiers and horses from the rear. Seeing the flag order, he quickly set up an ambush, and sent a fast horse to report.When Quan Cong heard that Zhang Jaw was coming, he immediately led [-] soldiers in the front, and suddenly accelerated, looking at the mountains and forests in front of the southwest, and galloped away.

On the other side, Jiang Wei heard Chen Man's report, so he didn't worry about it. He looked at the southwest mountains and forests. As soon as he arrived at the top of the mountain, his men and horses were exhausted after running around for days.Jiang Wei was always sympathetic to the soldiers, so he taught the soldiers to camp and rest, and only taught hundreds of soldiers and horses to patrol and prepare on the mountainside.But Jiang Wei knew that Zhuge Kongming had unpredictable plans, so he didn't dare to take it lightly, and strictly ordered the troops not to remove their armor and be careful.The armor can only be removed after the camp is set up.The armies were ordered to do their own thing.

Suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoe fighting.After a while, a group of soldiers and horses rushed back to report that there was a Wu soldier coming down the mountain to attack.Jiang Wei's complexion changed drastically, his heart fluttered, and he exclaimed.

"Wu Thief is indeed here!! The army is ready to fight!!"

As soon as Jiang Wei's order came down, all the soldiers and soldiers under his command cheered up and prepared to fight.It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, I saw Quan Cong galloping up the mountain with a murderous look and a knife in hand, leading the charge.The Wei soldiers on the mountain hurriedly resisted, but they had no strength to resist Quan Cong who was riding a tiger.Quan Cong hissed and yelled loudly, slashing wildly with his knife, killing people on their backs, and the Wei soldiers who came to defend them dispersed.The [-] Wu soldiers behind them are also coming in a turbulent manner, like wolves and tigers, rushing to kill them.The Wei soldiers in front were killed instantly and scattered, screaming incessantly.Jiang Wei was terrified when he saw it, and his whole body was filled with anger. He shouted sharply, mounted his horse in a hurry, raised the crescent silver halberd, and shouted loudly.

"Jiang Boyue is here, how dare you wait for me to be presumptuous!!"

Jiang Wei's voice was like a thunderbolt, and it exploded, shaking all directions.Seeing Jiang Wei galloping on his horse, he rushed into the chaos army like a flash of thunder, and was facing Quan Cong.When Quan Cong saw that it was Jiang Wei, his face was filled with evil, he hissed loudly, raised his knife, looked at Jiang Wei's face, and slashed!

"Jiang Boyue, the young master is here to take your head!!"

The knife suddenly struck down like a shock.Jiang Wei dodges hastily, the saber whizzed past with a gust of hurricane, and slashed empty.Jiang Wei's face was pale and solemn, his muscles were throbbing with pain, and endless fatigue rushed over his whole body.If Jiang Wei was in his prime, even if two Quan Cong came, he would not be afraid.But now, he has been running around for days, commanding soldiers and horses, and dispatching them carefully, so he is extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.If it was an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have collapsed from exhaustion and suffered a serious illness.

Quan Cong also seemed to have noticed that Jiang Wei's skills were much worse than before, and he grinned at the corner of his mouth suddenly, revealing a ferocious smile, swung his knife and slashed continuously, the overwhelming light of the knife seemed to be about to kill him. Jiang Wei chopped it into pieces.At the juncture of life and death, Jiang Wei hurriedly shook his spirits and raised his halberd to resist.The frightening danger and the desire to survive made Jiang Wei's exhaustion instantly suppressed.After Quan Cong attacked for a while, Jiang Wei suddenly had a fit, shouted angrily, and the Crescent Silver Halberd swept away, slamming Quan Cong's sword away.Quan Cong didn't expect that Jiang Wei still had such terrifying strength, he was taken aback, he came back to his senses, saw Jiang Wei swinging his halberd and striking at him, he quickly pulled himself away to avoid it.The Crescent Silver Halberd slashed across, Quan Cong narrowly dodged, and before he knew it, he was covered in cold sweat.Jiang Wei's big roc eyes shone brightly, and behind him suddenly appeared the appearance of a big roc golden bird. The crescent silver halberd rose and fell suddenly, opened and closed, just like the big roc spreading its wings, killing all dangers in an instant ring life.Wei Bing, who had been killed and retreated steadily, was greatly encouraged to see Jiang Wei's supernatural power, and everyone hissed and shouted, fighting hard, and bravely resisting.Jiang Wei swung his halberd, killed Quan Cong, and shouted.

"All troops obey orders!! Don't panic, fight Wu Thief to the end, General Zhang will send troops to rescue soon!!"

As soon as Jiang Wei shouted, all the troops of Wei Bing flocked like chicken blood.Quan Cong's face was ferocious, without fear, he raised his voice and raised his knife and shouted loudly.

"Wei Kou are all at the end of the crossbow, nothing to worry about, all the troops follow me to kill!!"

Quan Cong believed that Jiang Weijun had just held his breath, and as long as this breath was scattered and defeated, his army would be defeated like a mountain! !Just when Jiang Wei and Quan Cong were fighting to the death.In Dongfu City, with the sound of beating drums all around, there were bursts of earth-shattering shouts and killings one after another.Zhang Ja led nearly [-] soldiers and horses, rushed out from the east and west gates, and they all looked north to the Wu army's big village on the mountain and killed them.Zhuge Liang saw it from the top of the mountain, and suddenly his face changed drastically, and he shouted.

"Not good!! Zhang Junyi is here to storm our army's Dazhai!!"

When Lu Xun heard this, his face paled in shock, his face full of surprise and panic, and he cried out.

"Could it be that this handsome guy doesn't care about Jiang Boyue's [-] troops!?"

Zhuge Liang's expression tightened, his brain turned, and he saw Zhang Jaw's intention in an instant, and said quickly.

"I am afraid that Zhang Junyi guessed that our army's stronghold was empty, so he took a swipe and tried to destroy our army. If our army's stronghold is destroyed, it will be in danger. The matter has come to this point, and the right general should be quickly transferred back to the southwest and southeast. Standing in ambush, take precautions quickly to resist!!"

"Hmph! What a Zhang Junyi, for the sake of victory, he is so vicious and treats the lives of his soldiers as worthless!!"

Lu Xun snorted coldly, his eyes turned cold, and he followed Zhuge Liang's words and sent soldiers to pass the flag order.

But Zhang Fei, who was lying in ambush in the southwest, suddenly heard the sound of killing, and thought that Zhang Jaw leading the army was coming, gearing up for a fight.Suddenly, on the top of the mountain in the distance, the flag waved, and it actually signaled him to return to the village to guard.Zhang Fei looked at it, his eyes widened, his face was startled, and he exclaimed.

"Could it be that Zhang Junyi is going to attack Dazhai!?"

As soon as Zhang Fei thought about it, he knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he reined in his horse and quickly led his troops to Dazhai.At the same time, another ambush army ambushed in the southeast also hurried to the Wu army's Dazhai.It was too late and then it was too late, I saw Zhang Jai leading his army all over the mountains and rushing to the top of the mountain where Wu Jun's great stronghold was located, and the thrilling shouts of killing were endless.Zhang Jaw galloped wildly, leading the charge, repeatedly urging the army to rush forward.All the soldiers of Wei Bing, before they left, learned from Sima Yi that the battle was critical, they all tensed up, shouted sharply, and led their soldiers to follow closely.

In an instant, Zhang Jaw rushed up the hill first.Now Lu Xun and Zhuge Liang have returned to the village.Now, under Lu Xun's instructions, the few thousand soldiers and horses in the village went on their own defenses.Zhang Jaw's flying horse rushed over, and saw that the gates of various villages were heavily resisted by groups of Wu soldiers with swords, shields, and spearmen, and also saw densely packed crossbowmen in the trench at the main entrance.The Zhangja lion stared, shouted angrily, raised the spear in his hand, and roared like an angry lion.

"The big man has achieved great achievements and become famous all over the world, at this moment!! All the troops follow me to attack, we must break through the Wu thief's stronghold!!"

Zhang Jaw let out a roar, all the Wei soldiers and horses shouted loudly in unison, the momentum was like a tide.After opening his jaw and drinking, he suddenly raised his gun and charged away.Sima Yi commanded the soldiers and horses behind, and the Wei soldiers from all ministries rushed forward immediately.The Wu soldiers in the village were afraid when they saw that the Wei army was approaching menacingly, with a large number of people.Only Lu Xun remained unmoved, with a cold face, he drew the sword from his waist, and shouted orders.With the sound of the order, the crossbowmen in the ditch at the main entrance drew their bows and fired arrows one after another.Arrows fluttered in disorder, and the sound was endless.Zhang Jaw clashed suddenly, the spear in his hand danced airtightly, pushed aside the chaotic arrows, and rushed forward impressively.The Wei soldiers who just came up from behind rushed forward immediately, picking up the antlers all around, and groups of Wei soldiers pressed heavily on them, killing them like a mountain torrent.Seeing that Wei soldiers kept approaching, the Wu soldiers in the village became more frightened.At this moment, Lu Xun shouted loudly.

"Although Wei Kou's attack is fierce, our army has strongholds to defend, so we don't need to go all out!! But if we mess up our positions and become timid, we will definitely be defeated!!"

Lu Xun's voice was like a thunderbolt, and he rose suddenly under the mighty shouts of the Wei soldiers.Wu soldiers in the village heard it, they were all mentally shaken, suppressing their fear, and preparing to fight.At the same time, Zhang Jaw continued to clash, and the soldiers were approaching the main gate.Lu Xun hurriedly ordered the sword, shield and spearmen to resist.Teams of Wu soldiers stand out fearlessly, with swords and guns like forests, and shields like walls.Zhang Jaw showed no fear, on the contrary, he seemed to have no future, rode his horse to break through, the gun in his hand was fast and fierce, like a general descended from heaven, he rushed into the chaos army.Wei soldiers came to kill one after another, all of them looked ferocious, like beasts.In an instant, the light of blood flickered continuously, flesh and blood flew, and people turned like a tide, mixing into a mass to fight.

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