Han Shimou

Chapter 1408 Qilin'er Shows His Powers

The two people's moves were killing faster and faster, and the sound of swords and guns clashing was endless and deafening.Shu soldiers from all over the world quickly took the opportunity to surround them, intending to surround Wenshun and others in Gaixin.The screams of screaming and killing, the thrilling sound of weapons shaking, suddenly shook the ground like a mountain, and the endless force rushed over like an overwhelming force.

"Aww!! Kill!!!"

Wen Shun let out a loud roar, and the unicorn beast roared up to the sky behind him. The power of the gun suddenly increased dramatically. The gun was as powerful as breaking the sky, and it was extremely fast, and it attacked Pan Ping with all its might.Pan Ping's entire face was contorted, and he gritted his teeth to block it, but in the end he couldn't hold it back, and was defeated by Wen Shun's spear shadows like a torrential rain.Wen Shun rushed forward, sweeping with his spear.Pan Ping couldn't resist, and hurriedly dodged. The Qinglin spear swept away with a gust of hurricane.Wenshun rushed over in an instant and went straight forward.Pan Ping wanted to go back and fight, but the [-] fine riders rushed over.Pan Ping hastily reined in his horse and backed away, but the Shu soldiers were unable to intercept them, and only killed a few soldiers and horses on the periphery.The elite cavalry of the Tang army who were killed each fought with their lives, and the rest followed Wenshun's conflict.In the blink of an eye, Wen Shun had already reached the hinterland of the chaotic army, and Shu soldiers kept coming to intercept and kill him.But in the past, Fazheng was afraid that Wenshun would be killed by mistake, so he ordered the generals not to use crossbow arrows to attack.It seems that Wen Shun has also noticed this, and the conflict is even more concentrated.A group of people, like a pack of wolves.Under the shadow of swords and guns, Wen Shun was brave and sturdy, riding his horse and holding his gun, and rushed wildly, causing them to be defeated in bursts.At this moment, a roar like a thunderbolt suddenly sounded.I saw a young general wearing red armour, with eye-catching swallow jaws, who came to kill him. It was Zhang Baoye.Zhang Bao stared around, with a fierce aura, but he had the aura of his father's three-point domination of the world, watching the three-pointers of the heroes, and intercepted Wenshun head-on.Wenshun's spirit was greatly shaken, and he raised his gun to meet him.The two of them exchanged horses in a hurry, and the weapons in their respective hands were violently struck, and there was a loud 'bang bang'.Pan Ping hurried over after him.Four Shu soldiers came to besiege again.Because Wen Shun is now in the confidant of the battle, it is the most densely populated place of Shu soldiers, most of Wen Shun's elite cavalry were intercepted and killed, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

At the same time, on a high slope not far away.Fazheng's brows were deeply furrowed, his eyes narrowed, his complexion suddenly changed, and he secretly thought that something was wrong.

"This Wen Zixi clearly has [-] soldiers. If he came to conceal the killing, why did he only attract only [-] cavalry? Where did the rest of the soldiers go!? Could it be that he did it on purpose!? Come on, come on!! This Wen Zixi It's just a lunatic!!"

Just as the idea of ​​Fa-rectification just came up, there was a sudden shout of killing.Deng Ai led his troops to kill the army from behind.At present, the Shu soldiers are all focused on besieging Wenshun's troops. Deng Ai suddenly led his troops to attack, and was killed by surprise.Deng Ai galloped wildly on his horse, his face full of madness, he was the first to charge, and tried his best to keep looking at the hinterland of the chaos army to charge and kill, without daring to neglect at all.It is rare for him to be so crazy, and he was completely driven crazy by Wen Shun.


Deng Ai yelled angrily, behind him suddenly appeared a three-headed and six-armed physiognomy like the unmoving Ming King, suddenly the horse rushed wildly, and stabbed wildly with the gun.Before the soldiers of Shu could react, they were killed and scattered in bursts, and the chaos was out of control.At the same time, it is said that Wenshun was surrounded and killed by Zhang Bao and Pan Ping's army. Wenshun resisted desperately, and the soldiers around him also risked their lives to fight.Under such a dense and surging offensive, even Wen Shun suffered several injuries, with his shirt torn everywhere and blood pouring out of his mouth.Fortunately, Wen Shun was very skilled and avoided the fatal spot, and his body was covered with superficial injuries.What Wenshun wants is to push himself to death, to feel the persecution of life and death.I saw Wenshun Ruruo integrated with the unicorn beast behind him, sometimes fighting Zhang Bao, sometimes fighting Pan Ping, and sometimes fighting with the approaching Shu soldiers.Wen Shun's roar sounded like a unicorn hissing.Pan Ping, Zhang Bao and a group of Shu soldiers seemed to be fighting fiercely with a living unicorn.Wen Shun's blood was boiling and his blood was rushing wildly, as if he was constantly hitting the bottleneck that was almost broken, but he couldn't break through again and again.The more this is the case, the more crazy Wen Shun becomes, as if a blue light is shooting out of his eyes, he keeps rushing to break through.The sergeants under Wen Shun's command were all infected by Wen Shun's mad killing intent, and they all rushed to kill.Except for Zhang Bao and Pan Ping who were still able to control their hearts, all the Shu soldiers were killed and shuddered.Here, Zhang Bao and Pan Ping led troops to besiege repeatedly, but Wen Shun and a group of soldiers fought back to kill them all.Zhang Bao and Pan Ping groaned inwardly, yelling and cursing with great hatred, Wen Shun is simply a living monster.At this moment, there was a turmoil in the rear.Pan Ping's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly rode his horse back, looking back, he saw Deng Ai, who was also full of madness, who was rushing towards him suddenly with his gun raised.It was too late and then soon, Deng Ai swung his gun and swept wildly, as if the gun had the power to sweep away thousands of troops like a mat, killing scattered crowds, hoping that Pan Ping would come over suddenly.Pan Ping didn't dare to neglect, he anxiously looked to block it, and fought with Deng Ai.The soldiers led by Deng Ai surged up, killing all the Shu soldiers in chaos.As Deng Ai led his troops to kill, Wen Shun's pressure suddenly decreased.In the turbulent place ahead, Wen Shun's momentum suddenly rose, and he stabbed out with a spear. Zhang Bao stared wide-eyed, if he saw a unicorn approaching the sky, he quickly twisted his spear to block it.With a loud noise, the snake spear in Zhang Bao's hand immediately flew away, and Wen Shun quickly drew his gun to stab.Zhang Bao didn't have a weapon in his hand, so he had to move around and dodge repeatedly, dangers abounded.In the end, it was the soldiers under his command who desperately came to rescue Zhang Bao, who was able to escape.Wen Shun's sword eyes are blue and bright, and with one move of the gun, he leads the soldiers to break through the encirclement and kill them.

Seeing this situation, Fazheng knew that if he didn't withdraw his troops, his own army would suffer heavy losses. After sighing repeatedly, he quickly ordered the withdrawal of troops.Immediately, the trumpets and drums rang together, and the Shu soldiers in the rear withdrew quickly.Wenshun clashed with his horses and killed Shu people whenever he met, screaming incessantly.With the sound of the golden horn, all the Shu soldiers no longer had the will to fight, and fled one after another.After Pan Ping led an army to fight to the death, he insisted on killing most of Deng Ai's troops.Wen Shun led his fine cavalry to kill all the way in the rebellious army, hoping that Zhang Bao would kill him.Zhang Bao's face turned pale with fright, he rode his horse and galloped, and hurriedly fled to Linhe City.Wen Shun can't catch up, and at the same time, his strength will be exhausted. He may go too deep and be besieged, making it difficult to escape.Don't look at Wen Shun's previous actions, which were extremely reckless and crazy. In fact, Wen Shun knew that he was [-]% sure before he dared to do so.If the Shu army had tens of thousands of troops and a peerless general like Zhang Fei, he would never have acted so rashly.After all, he and Zhao Yun are far behind in strength, more than one level.Wen Shun had a certain idea, so he stopped entanglement, strangled the horse, and led the troops to look back and conflict.Pan Ping, who was fighting to the death with Deng Aijun, suddenly heard the cry of the sergeant, and Yan Wenshun came back to kill him.Pan Ping's face changed, he didn't dare to neglect, he hastily reined in his horse and ran away.As soon as Pan Ping retreated, the Shu soldiers all around immediately ran away.Deng Ai took advantage of the situation to hide and kill, and Wen Shun led his troops back to intercept.Those who could not escape were caught, and Pan Ping escaped fortunately.After Wenshun and Deng Ai led their troops to fight for a while, seeing that most of the Shu soldiers had fled back to Linhe, they stopped fighting and prepared to withdraw.Each will straighten out the team one after another.In this battle, under Wen Shun's brave charge and Deng Ai's timely surprise attack, the Tang army won a complete victory.Of the [-] fine cavalry under Wenshun's command, more than a hundred were lost.And Deng Ai's soldiers and horses only lost a few hundred people.As for the Shu soldiers, at least more than a thousand people were lost, and their vigor was completely frustrated.So far, the morale of the Tang army has been high.Wen Shun's prestige is even greater in the army.But now, Deng Ai rode his horse and rushed to Wen Shun. Seeing that Wen Shun was covered in blood and his battle robe was torn, his expression changed with fright, and he asked anxiously.

"Is there something wrong with your Highness!?"

When Wen Shun heard this, he actually grinned and said in an understatement.

"However, superficial injuries are not a problem, just apply some golden medicine."

When the soldiers around heard the words, they all surrendered.It can be seen that Wen Shun is the son of the dignified king of the Western Tang Dynasty, and even the only son of Wenhan, the king of the Western Tang Dynasty. Although Wen Han newly established two stunning concubines, it is not known whether he will have any more children in the future.But judging from Wen Shun's achievements and his prestige in the army, as long as he doesn't make any unforgivable mistakes, there are [-] times out of ten that Wen Shun will succeed him to the throne.Wen Shun's status is so noble, but he died before him in the army. He is brave and invincible, and he is not afraid of pain. It can be said that he has won the hearts of the soldiers.

When Deng Ai heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he admired Wenshun even more, but he still persuaded him bitterly.

"Your Highness, such things, you must not act rashly, otherwise, if anything happens, Ai Wan's death will not pardon his crime!!"

Wen Shun's smile became brighter, his sword eyes shone brightly, he stared into Deng Ai's eyes, and said slowly.

"Shi Zai's words are wrong. If you were not here, I would never act like this."

Wen Shun's implication is self-evident.Deng Ai's heart trembled again. To gain Wenshun's trust, he entrusted his life and death.Deng Ai was astonished and moved at the same time, and was speechless for a while.Wen Shun laughed loudly, and that bold laughter spread throughout the army, and all the troops admired him.

After the reorganization of the army and the scouting were completed, Wen Shun set up a camp on a dangerous hilltop more than ten miles away from Linhe City.

But it is said that the soldiers of Shu were defeated and returned to the city. Each general counted the damage and reported it one after another.The more than [-] soldiers who went to attack lost nearly a thousand. When Fazheng learned about it, he was shocked and angry, and regretted it too much.If he had expected that Wenshun would be so crazy, Dingjiao soldiers would throw arrows at him at all costs.Even if he killed him by mistake and angered Wen Han, it would take at least a few months for Xitang to attack with heavy troops.With a buffer of several months, he can at least have enough time to make arrangements. If the situation is not good, he can escape into the hinterland of Shanyue, leaving Wen Han nowhere to be found.However, it will not take long for the Western Tang Dynasty to raise troops and horses, and there will be changes.Immediately, he will play by ear.

But now, it's too late.Fazheng's plan was to capture Wenshun, which made Xitang cast a taboo, but Wenshun crazily broke his game, which can be described as a capsize in the gutter.Now the soldiers and horses are collapsing again, the morale of the army is down, and there are thousands of soldiers of Nie You in Linhe city. It is not known when the attack will happen.The situation was extremely dangerous now, Fazheng did not dare to act rashly anymore, he quickly taught the troops to guard the city and not to fight without authorization, and also taught Ma Liang to buy Jiaozhou soldiers with a lot of money, just in case.Liu Chan has always been weak, and Fazheng was afraid that he would be confused when he learned of the situation, so he did not report the truth, but only said that Wen Shun had escaped and concealed the truth.Liu Chan felt very sorry when he heard this, but he had no doubts.After Fazheng stabilized Liu Chan, he resigned and left, sighing repeatedly, frowning deeply, and worried.At that time, Yefa was looking for Ma Liang, Zhang Bao, Pan Pingping and others to discuss in his mansion.

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