Han Shimou

Chapter 1434 Wu Nan belongs

"Wait a minute, Zihuang!!! Don't act rashly!!"

Quan Cong turned around suddenly, with a look of indignation on his face, he shouted loudly.

"The Xitang thieves are about to come to the city, are we going to sit and wait for death!?"

Lu Xun let out a long sigh, and looked around at the generals, but except Quan Cong, the rest of the soldiers all looked fearful, and their spirits were listless, their eyes were dim, and they had no fighting intent.Lu Xun knew that everyone heard that Sun Quan had been captured, and they were disheartened, and he did not dare to make an enemy of Zhao Yun.Lu Xun's spirit was strong, these soldiers have fought to the death for the country so far, he will never be cruel enough to teach these soldiers to die.

"Things have gone to this day, and Wu is dead. Although we are powerless to restore the country now, the world is changing, and we can still find opportunities in the future to rescue the king and make a comeback. If I didn't have this wish, when I was defeated by Dongfu, Then he killed himself and apologized."

Lu Xun stared directly at Quan Cong with impressive eyes.It was Quan Cong who persuaded Lu Xun at the beginning.When Quan Cong heard what Lu Xun said, his heart trembled, he gritted his teeth and concentrated on talking to Lu Xun.

"What strategy does the right general have, the last general will follow!!"

When Lu Xun heard the words, he closed his eyes, his face was calm, and his mind was spinning.After a while, Lu Xun opened his eyes and said slowly.

"Nowadays, the whole world has been taken by the Western Tang and the Great Wei. The Western Tang Wang Wen is a great man with extraordinary talents, and there are countless talented and fierce generals under his command. If he can take down the land of Wunan, he will be able to compete with the old thief. The old thief has a blood feud with us. , Water and fire are incompatible, even if this is the case, why don't I temporarily vote under Xitang's command, and wait for the time to restore the country!?"

As soon as Lu Xun's words came out, all the generals changed their expressions, but most of them were secretly happy, and they all worshiped.

"I am willing to follow the lead of the right general!!"

After Quan Cong heard this, his complexion changed drastically, but he saw that most of the soldiers were looking at him, as if they had been drained of strength, he sighed, his eyes narrowed, and he spoke seriously.

"I hope the king can endure the humiliation. If the king is not willing to be humiliated, my son Huang will not live alone!!"

Hearing this, Lu Xun seemed to understand the meaning behind his words, and he nodded slightly with Quan Cong, and then he wrote a document and dispatched a general to see Zhao Yun.Let's say that Zhao Yun led his troops forward and was about to reach the city of Changle. Suddenly there was a big dust in front of him, and only a few Wu generals came on horseback.Zhao Yun's face tightened, and he murmured secretly.

"Isn't this Changle City being occupied by Wei people, why did it come from Wu people?"

Zhao Yun's thought flashed across, and he heard the opposite general shout.

"Is the Dragon Marquis here!?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yun patted the horse, and the Yezhao Jade Lion walked like the wind, soaring out, majestic and majestic, he shouted in response.

"I am exactly Zhao Zilong!!"

Seeing Zhao Yunlong's majesty, General Wu's heart tightened when he was talking, and he was secretly grateful. He hurriedly saluted, and then took out a document to answer.

"This is a letter written by Lu Boyan, the right general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty. There are secret matters in the letter. Please read it carefully."

When Zhao Yun heard that it was Lu Xun, his complexion changed slightly, and then the flying horse rushed forward, and in a flash, he rushed to the general Wu and shouted.

"Bring it."

In the Tang army's formation, Wen Shun wanted to remind Zhao Yun to beware of fraud, but before he could say anything, Zhao Yun galloped over and hurriedly taught the soldiers to prepare.Zhao Yun yelled, and General Wu felt trembling all over his body, his heart was beating with fear, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly handed it to Zhao Yun.The rest of the Wu generals were also too frightened to look directly at Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun took the document, not afraid of the sneak attack of those members of the general Wu, so he opened the letter and read it.After Zhao Yun finished watching, his solemn expression suddenly became happy, and he said with a smile.

"Hahaha!! The so-called person who knows the current affairs is a hero!! The Lu Gong that I can get in the Western Tang Dynasty is indeed the destiny of God!! The King of the Western Tang Dynasty will definitely reward them one by one!! You wait for the return quickly, teach Lu Open the city gate. I will lead the army into the city!!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun had no doubts, those Wu generals all admired Zhao Yun's arrogance, they all agreed to drink, saluted and retreated.Zhao Yun then rode his horse back to the formation, his face was very happy, Wen Shun squinted his eyes, but he remonstrated.

"Then Lu Boyan is not an idle person, if there is fraud in it, what should we do?"

"Haha. Your Royal Highness, don't worry too much. I heard the report earlier, and Lu Boyan was defeated by Zhang Junyi and others. In this way, Zhang Junyi will have no worries, and hope that Wu County will rescue him. Presumably now, Wu County has been broken. Sun Zhongmou is already a prisoner of Cao Mengde's rank. Lu Boyan hated Cao Mengde to the bone, and would rather die than join him. If my calculations are correct, he must want to join us in the Western Tang Dynasty to seek opportunities."

Zhao Yun's long eyes shone brightly, and Wen Shun nodded heavily when he heard that.

"It's so, this person can be used for the time being. After all, Sun Zhongmou has been captured by Cao Mengde. It is undoubtedly difficult for Soochow to restore the country. What's more, with Cao Mengde's temper, if Sun Zhongmou does anything, he will be killed. .At that time, Lu Boyan and others will be eager to take revenge, willing to be driven by me, Xitang!!"

"His Royal Highness is really smart, and it coincides with what I think in my heart!!"

Zhao Yun laughed again and praised Wenshun repeatedly.Wen Shun, on the other hand, was modest and praised repeatedly.So Zhao Yun led his troops to look at Changle and leave.After hearing the reports from the soldiers, Lu Xun quickly led a group of soldiers to greet him at the city gate to show his sincerity.All the soldiers were amazed at the sight of Zhao Yun leading the army, whose army was disciplined and extremely majestic.Quan Cong stared wide-eyed, but snorted coldly, seeing that Zhao Yunjun was unguarded, he said with contempt.

"Huh! Although the Western Tang Army is an elite army, Zhao Zilong, as the commander of an army, didn't know how to prepare and defend. It was a waste of such a mighty army. If I were to lead this army, it would be invincible and invincible. No piece of Wei Kou will be left behind!!"

When Lu Xun heard this, his expression tightened, and he quickly shouted.

"Zihuang must not be rude!! Zhao Zilong has been famous for a long time, he is a famous and ever-victorious general in the Western Tang Dynasty, and all the heroes in the world respect him, how can he be idle!!"

Quan Cong was not convinced after hearing this.At this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly patted the horse, and the Yezhao Jade Lion jumped up, flying towards it like a flash of thunder.Zhao Yun suddenly had an attack, and all the Wu generals were frightened.Quan Cong's face tightened, and he was about to draw the knife, but Lu Xun grabbed his hand.

The wind and dust surged, the sound of horses roared like a lion's howl, and the sudden laughter sounded like a dragon's cry.

"Haha! Duke Lu's name is like thunder, and Yun has admired him for a long time. It is really lucky for Yun to meet today!"

In the bright silver light, a delicately carved and lifelike silver dragon can be faintly seen perched on the armor.Quan Cong only felt a powerful and terrifying aura suddenly approaching, which made his whole body tense up.It was like a wild cat suddenly encountered a raptor crossing from the sky, and its fur couldn't help but stand on end.At this time, Lu Xun's hand had already been withdrawn, and his spirit was shaken, and he bowed his hands.

"Dragon Marquis is so powerful that it shakes the world. How can he be inferior to him? He is so appreciated by the Dragon Marquis. It's really inferior."

Zhao Yun turned over and fell off the horse, and walked away with great strides, his whole body exuded great power, his smiling face, his dragon eyes were sharp and mighty, all the Wu generals were timid and did not dare to look directly at him.Zhao Yun walked up to Lu Xun, grabbed Lu Xun's hand, and smiled.

"Yun and Lu Gong fell in love as soon as they saw each other. They only hated that the mountains were high and the land was far away, so they couldn't see each other soon. Although there is a saying, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. But Yun knows that Lu Gong is a loyal man. If it weren't for the country's generals, how could Lu Gong do it?" Vote for it. The king of the Western Tang Dynasty is a great talent, he is the hero of the world, and he will be able to rule the country sooner or later. If Duke Lu is willing to help you with all his strength, the king of the Western Tang Dynasty will never treat you badly. In the future, if Duke Lu wants anything, the king of the Western Tang Dynasty will definitely help you .”

Zhao Yun's words said that he was sincere and without hypocrisy. Lu Xun was very moved if he met his confidant.All the generals on the left and right are convinced.Quan Cong's complexion changed continuously, at this moment Zhao Yun happened to look at Quan Cong in the blink of an eye.The two people made eye contact, and Quan Cong seemed to see a silver dragon soaring into the sky, baring its teeth and claws, and his face paled in shock.

It turned out that Zhao Yun's eyes were sharp, when he came just now, everyone was afraid, but only Quan Cong reacted quickly and wanted to draw his sword to prepare, so he knew that this person was extraordinary and wanted to intimidate him.

Just when Quan Cong was intimidated by Zhao Yun's aura.At this time, Zhao Yun laughed again.

"I don't know who this strong man is?"

Zhao Yun's martial arts are at the pinnacle, he is invincible all over the world, and his posture is as he pleases, how can he be compared with Quan Cong.Now Quan Cong was stunned by the silver dragon's appearance and couldn't recover for a while.Lu Xun, with sharp eyes and a clear heart, hastily answered for Quan Cong.

"Reporting to Marquis Long, this man's name is Quan Cong, and his style name is Zihuang. Although he is young, he is skilled in martial arts, and he is a fierce general!"

After hearing this, Zhao Yun nodded slightly, then retracted his gaze, the terrifying aura dissipated in an instant, and he retracted freely.Only then did Quan Cong come to his senses, his heart palpitated, and he thought to himself, even if he and the others had the intention to attack just now, Zhao Yun might be able to kill him and the others with his own strength! !

While Quan Cong was thinking, a group of Wu generals, introduced by Lu Xun, visited Zhao Yun one after another.After a while, Wen Shun led his army to arrive.Zhao Yun then introduced Lu Xun and others to Wen Shun.Wen Shun got off his horse quickly, with full courtesy and no arrogance.When Lu Xun heard that Wenshun was a unicorn who had been in the limelight in recent years, he couldn't help showing a bit of surprise when he saw his young age.Quan Cong and the others did not dare to underestimate them. From the aura exuding from Wen Shun's body, it can be seen that he is not an ordinary person.After the ceremony was over, Lu Xun led Zhao Yun, Wen Shun and others into the city, and a group of Tang soldiers led their troops into the city one after another.That night, Lu Xun hosted a banquet in hospitality.Both Zhao Yun and Wen Shun communicate with each other with sincerity, and of course they will secretly prepare themselves, and Lu Xun also understands the truth of this, so he will stop at the point.When the banquet was over, everyone returned happily.

Just as Zhao Yun and Wenshun expected, although Lu Xun was not sincerely congenial, he had no intention of harming each other. After accepting the surrender, he did his best to help each other.Here, Zhao Yun was able to quickly stabilize the situation in Changsha.

But the good times didn't last long, and one day, the scouts rushed to report that General Wei Jianwei, Zhang Junyi led five thousand soldiers and horses to invade Changsha, and he had already arrived dozens of miles away from Changle.When Zhao Yun heard about it, the dragon's eyes widened and his momentum exploded.Quan Cong heard that the enemy was coming, he couldn't suppress his anger, he came out with emotion, and begged for his life with his hands clapped.

"Longhou!! The last general is the first to vote, but he has not achieved an inch of merit. He is willing to do his best and lead the army to fight!!"

Hearing this, Lu Xun frowned, fearing that Quan Cong would make a rash move and make a mistake, so he hurriedly cast his wink away.Unexpectedly, Quan Cong had made up his mind and turned a blind eye.Lu Xun looked secretly anxious.At this time, Zhao Yun, who was sitting in the high hall, smiled slowly.

"Zi Huangxiao fought bravely, it's really our army's good fortune. But Zhang Junyi is wise and brave, he is not an ordinary person. If you leave with hatred, you may not be his enemy."

"Dragon Marquis worry too much!! Someone is willing to issue a military order!!"

Quan Cong yelled loudly, full of fighting spirit.When Zhao Yun heard this, his face pondered.At this time, Wen Shun secretly cast a wink at Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun knew that Wen Shun was cunning, so he nodded to Quan Cong.

"Surprisingly, Zihuang has such ambition, how can he refuse! You should quickly prepare your troops and go to the battle! But the army is not joking, if you make any mistakes, I can only deal with them impartially to prove the law!!"

Lu Xun's face changed when he heard the words, and he was about to come to persuade him, but Quan Cong responded with a shout.Zhao Yun was overjoyed and taught the left and right soldiers to fetch pens, ink, paper and inkstones.Quan Cong stood up with his pen, bowed and retreated.Seeing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, Lu Xun hurriedly attended the lecture.

"Zihuang hates Wei Kou deeply, and he is impatient, so he is afraid of making mistakes. I also ask the Marquis Long to send a soldier and horse, and then he will respond!!"

After Lu Xun finished speaking, Zhao Yun just smiled and did not answer, looking at Wenshun.Lu Xun's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but follow suit.Wen Shun also smiled, stepped out in a calm manner, and greeted Zhao Yun and Lu Xun each.

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