Han Shimou

Chapter 144 Revenge

Tang Zhou didn't faint for too long, he woke up after only half a stick of incense.As soon as he regained his consciousness, he jumped up immediately, looked around anxiously, and then he was relieved when he found Jiao Lang'er's beautiful figure by the bed not far away.Then Tang Zhou stared blankly ahead like a machine that had been powered off.

His subordinates who surrounded him knew that Tang Zhou was extremely sad, so they didn't dare to speak for the time being.

"Here we come, the doctor is here!"

At this time, a hurried voice came from outside the door, calling the dead Tang Zhou back to the world.I saw a man in a blue slanted cloth jacket walking in with a middle-aged man dressed as a doctor carrying a medicine box.

"I'm fine. It's all over. Give Dr. Qian a few coppers and let him leave."

Tang Zhou's voice was very flat, without any ups and downs, and he said softly.The doctor, hearing Tang Zhou's voice, couldn't help but feel up and down. This is not a human voice, it is clearly a ghost, and he has experienced great grief and trauma.

The doctor quickly looked around again, seeing the lanterns and festoons hanging everywhere, and seeing the obviously dead body on the bed, and the sadness on the faces of the surrounding guests, he guessed that this was another happy event turned into a funeral, the world First class tragedy.He didn't dare to accept copper coins at the moment, and after a few confessions, he left in a hurry.

After the doctor left, Tang Zhou stood up slowly, walking unsteadily, walked to Jiao Lang'er's side, and gently lifted the veil for her.Then, with a pale face, a bright smile appeared.

"Jiao Lang'er paid her respects and took off...the veil...From now on, you are my wife, Tang Zhou."

Tang Zhou covered Jiao Lang'er's face, slowly bent down, and then rubbed his face in front of Jiao Lang'er's face. Jiao Lang'er's face was very cold. Tang Zhou pressed his face tightly against Jiao Lang'er's face and his own. The body temperature on the bed, warm her up.It wasn't until Jiao Lang'er's face felt warm that Tang Zhou slowly stood up again.

At the same time, Tang Zhou's expression changed, it was no longer gentle and painful.It was a monstrous hatred, so intense that even the people present could feel their hearts beating violently.

"In the southeast of the city...five miles away, there is a dilapidated...wooden house. There are five hundred weapons and armor hidden there. My wife is dead...dead...so as a husband, I want to avenge her...you can be with me I go with you?"

Tang Zhou's voice was still hoarse and intermittent.But the hatred that burst out in his eyes was so hot that one could feel like he was in an oven.Although Tang Zhou had the bad habit of petty theft and cheating, he also acted towards those superior people. He was very affectionate and helpful to his subordinates on weekdays.Never take advantage of subordinates.

Therefore, the hundreds of people present shouted yes in unison with almost no hesitation!

"Tang Fazi, he never treats us badly. Today, Tang Fazi's wife was killed. As subordinates, we should do our best and do whatever we can!"

"That's right! Let's kill Tang Fazi's enemies together!"

"That's right! Tang Fazi's wife is everyone's sister-in-law. How can we stand by and watch when my sister-in-law is murdered! Swear to take the head of the enemy and pay homage to my sister-in-law!"

Several small bosses who had a good relationship with Tang Zhou fanned the flames and aroused public anger.Just when everyone was on fire, Tang Zhou's words poured over like a plate of cold water.

"My enemy...the person is Ma Yuanyi, you wait...After hearing this, do you still dare?"

Tang Zhou's pale face was covered with cold hatred, and when the word Ma Yuanyi was mentioned, the bright light in his eyes was even more frightening.

"What, the enemy who killed my sister-in-law was Ma Qushuai!"

A little leader couldn't help shouting out in surprise.Everyone's expressions changed, and they looked at each other, and no one was willing to express their opinion for a while.After all, Ma Yuanyi and them are fellows, and they are also the generous leader of the Yellow Turban Sect. Fighting with one another and committing crimes with the subordinates is a major crime of beheading in the Yellow Turban Canon.

"I know that you...are worried. If you want to retreat...out, I don't blame you. Jiao Lang'er is my...Tang Zhou's wife. Her revenge should...be avenged by me.

People in Tang and Zhou were weak...weak, although they knew that flying...moths to the flame, I would also like...to comfort the spirit of my dead wife in heaven..."

Although Tang Zhou said it lightly, the expression on his face was firm and determined.Everyone couldn't help but think of every scene where Tang Zhou treated them affectionately, and their hearts couldn't help trembling.

"Whether he is a god or a ghost! Tang Fazi is our leader, and he treats us like brothers and sisters. If Tang Fazi needs us the most, but we are afraid of death and quit, are we still human?"

A little boss, made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said.His words caused a chain reaction among the crowd, and soon many people made up their minds and expressed their willingness to follow Tang Zhou to kill Ma Yuanyi together.

"Having you... These siblings are really a blessing from Tang... Zhou. So, you will be divided into... batches out of the city, and gather in the five... southeast of the city. Change your soldiers... armor weapons, and wait tonight... at the time of the third watch. Wait together... to kill the enemy for my wife!"

Tang Zhou took a deep breath, and solemnly saluted all the subordinates present.These hundreds of people hurriedly returned the salute, saying that Tang Zhou was out of touch.Later, after Tang Zhou arranged some things with a few small bosses, everyone began to leave Tang Zhou's mansion in batches according to Tang Zhou's instructions.

At this time, it was not far from the gate of Tang Zhou's mansion.Brothers Cao Cao, Cao Hong, and Xiahou are in a back alley, hiding their bodies, secretly observing every move in the mansion.

"This man named Tang Zhou really wants to fight that Ma Yuanyi desperately.

Yuan Rang, you immediately go to the school grounds to find Bufan, and lead a thousand black wind riders to wait outside the city.The three of us, observe here first, and meet you outside the city later. "


Xiahou Dun took the order neatly, left in a hurry, and turned to another alley. In order not to attract attention, he and Cao Cao and others' horses were all held here.Xiahou Dun got on his horse, flicked his whip, and rushed towards the school yard in the city.

After a while, the first group of people began to walk out of Tang Zhou's mansion.There are about seventy or eighty people.Immediately after the second batch, the third batch, and the fourth batch.Finally, they reached the fifth group, which was the last group, and Tang Zhou was among them.Cao Cao led Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong followed closely behind him until they left the city gate.

Not long after Tang Zhou's group left, Xiahou Dun arrived with a thousand black wind cavalry.Cao Cao talked with the general guarding the city gate at this time, and said that he had heard that there were bandits outside Luoyang City, so he led his troops to suppress them.The guard was familiar with Cao Cao and knew Cao Cao's noble status, so he didn't have too much doubt, and let Cao Cao lead a thousand black wind riders to leave.

Cao Cao rode Jueying, his face was stern in the night, and his eyes were full of brilliance, giving people a feeling that he had sealed his sword for ten years, and finally released his sword again, and he was about to become famous all over the world.

In the middle of the night, 500 miles outside Luoyang City, there is a mountain peak [-] meters above sea level. There is a small village at the foot of the mountain. Because it is close to the foot of the mountain and not far from Luoyang, most of the villagers here live by hunting.However, since the plague was prevalent and Luoyang experienced successive earthquakes, the prey in the mountains became less and less. As a result, the source of livelihood of the villagers was cut off, and many villagers suffered from terrible plagues.

Later, the Yellow Turban Sect came here to give talisman water to confuse people's hearts.Soon after, people in the whole village joined the Yellow Turban Sect, and every household served the great virtuous teacher named Zhang Jiao.Ma Yuanyi, the powerful leader of the Yellow Turban Sect, is currently stationed here. There are about five or six hundred households in the village, and the number of Yellow Turban Sect members is about three to four thousand.

At this time, the plain was not far from the village.There are bright flames flickering in the night.These flames are emitted from a handful of torches.Tang Zhou's face was icy cold, looking at the village not far away, Jiao Lang'er's face appeared again in his mind.

"Take your steps lightly, don't make noise... you woke up."

Tang Zhou's throat could hardly make a sound, and it was very difficult to utter a single word with his throat.He walked in front of the team, waved his hand and said.Behind him, there is a team of about 400 people, all of whom are wearing yellow armor and holding knives and axes.

Tang Zhou first made a gesture to signal the large army to wait in place first, and then led a few people to the gate of the village.At the entrance of the village, there are two sentry towers, and there are people waiting on them.

"Stop! Who is coming, report your name, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Haha, Huang Gouzi...you fellow, why don't you recognize me?"

Tang Zhou's broken sound was as piercing as glass rubbing against each other, making it uncomfortable to hear.While talking to the sentinel named Huang Gouzi, Tang Zhou gestured behind his back.Two or three of Tang Zhou's subordinates, understanding in mind and agile in movement, climbed in from the side railing in the dark night.

"Hey, it turned out to be Tang Fazi. Master Fazi, why are you here?"

"Hehe...I'll collect...your corpse..."

Under the light of the torch, Tang Zhou's face became indifferent for a moment, and he smiled ferociously.

"What! You~ ah!"

Those sentinels thought Tang Zhou was joking, but suddenly they heard the yellow dog screaming, and then they realized it.But it was too late. Almost at the same time, the sentries felt a black shadow approaching behind them, and then there was a sharp pain on their back or neck. Their mouths were covered with hands, and they couldn't even utter a final groan. .

After Tang Zhou watched the sentries on the sentry tower fall one by one with a blank face, he glanced at the largest house in the village, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Ma Yuanyi, it's right there."

Tang Zhou thought inwardly, and made another gesture to signal the large troops to follow up. He then walked into the village with the three or four subordinates who came back after killing the sentries.

For Tang Zhou, who was about to kill his enemies, every step was a torment, but Tang Zhou still held back the madness in his heart, because if he made too much noise and woke up people, death would most likely greet him.Death is not terrible.What's frightening is that the enemy with a bloody feud is clearly within reach, but he can't do anything about it!

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