Han Shimou

Chapter 1461 Tang Emperor

After about one month, Wen Shun finally found out the clues.Wen Han knew that his son was intelligent, even if he strictly prohibited talking about it, he couldn't stop everyone talking.Wen Shun learned from the people that on the day of his wedding, there was chaos at the west gate and north gate of the city.And since his wedding, Zuixian Tower has been empty.Even if he and Ma Zhao are as close as brothers, there are already clues that he left without saying goodbye.And the time of departure is so coincidental.In addition, Wenshun once told Ma Zhao about the four-style Tang knife and thunder cannon and other military equipment.This Ma Zhao is not a secret work, what is it?

When Wen Shun found out about this, he was so shocked that he almost fainted, and even had an ominous premonition. Mo Yue seemed to guess that Lao Niu's future banquet might have something to do with Ma Zhao.In addition, Yang Ku suddenly resigned from office and returned to his hometown.Later, Wen Shun hurried to ask his father.Wen Han saw that Wen Shun knew something about it, so he stopped hiding it and told them one by one.When Wenshun heard that the old cow died because of Ma Zhao, he trembled all over, his eyes were red, and he hissed.

"Ma~~!! Zhao~~!!! My Wen Zixi is different from you, the sun and the moon are also different!!!!"

After Wenshun finished drinking, he was so sad that he fainted on the spot.Wen Han was shocked, and quickly asked the imperial physician Hua Tuo to come for diagnosis and treatment.

Inside the East Palace of Chang'an, Wang Yuanji looked anxious, seeing Wen Shun's face was pale, even though he had passed out, he was still muttering, his starry eyes couldn't help gushing water.After Hua Tuo's diagnosis and treatment, he sighed softly, turned around and said to Wen Han, who was also full of anxiety.

"Report to Your Majesty. It seems that His Royal Highness has suffered a great blow this time, and is overly sad. This cannot be cured by medicine. Only when you are happy can you restore your spirit."

When Wen Han heard this, he frowned and groaned.

"However, the eldest son Fang got married not long ago, besides, he was betrayed by thieves, and his benefactor died tragically. Where does the joy come from!?"

When Wang Yuanji heard this, her face became anxious, and suddenly her chest felt tight, and she quickly covered her mouth.Hua Tuo's eyes were ill, his spirit was shaken, and he hurriedly bowed his hands and prayed.

"Excuse me for being abrupt, can the concubine let me feel the pulse?"

Wen Han glared, and suddenly his face was filled with joy, and he looked anxiously at Hua Tuo.Hua Tuo smiled knowingly.Wang Yuanji was also intelligent, she was overjoyed and nodded her head.Hua Tuo used silk to feel the pulse.Both Wen Han and Wang Yuanji looked nervous and looked closely at Hua Tuo.After a while, Hua Tuo smiled while supporting his long beard, got up and bowed to Wen Han and Wang Yuanji, and said with a smile.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the concubine is pregnant! This is really my great fortune in the Western Tang Dynasty!"

When Wen Han heard this, he was overjoyed and laughed out loud.Wang Yuanji was even more pleasantly surprised. Hearing that she was going to be a mother, she seemed to be shining brightly.That night, Wenshun woke up, when he learned that Wang Yuanji was pregnant, he was stunned at first, then ecstatically, he quickly took Wang Yuanji's hand and cried out in surprise.

"Ji'er!! Me! I have a baby!?"

Wang Yuanji was very shy, and under the gaze of Wenshun's fiery eyes, she nodded her head slightly with her overpowering and glamorous face.Wen Shun shook his spirits and danced with his hands and feet, which can be described as a burst of cheers.So far, Wenshun has cherished Wang Yuanji even more.The so-called people are refreshed on happy occasions. Wen Shun's joy, because of Ma Zhao's betrayal, the grief and indignation caused by the tragic death of Lao Niu were dissipated a lot.However, Wenshun felt extremely guilty about Lao Niu.The next day, after Wen Shun and Wen Han paid their respects, they wanted to take Wang Yuanji out of the palace to pay homage to the old cow.Wen Han knew that his son was a human being, and although he didn't want to run around with his pregnant daughter-in-law, he agreed.Wenshun took Wang Yuanji out of the palace in a carriage and came to Wangchen Village.Yang Kuang was keeping his filial piety at home. Hearing that Wen Shun came here to pay homage, he quickly led the villagers to welcome him.Wen Shun kowtowed in front of the stele of the old cow, and all the villagers were shocked.Seeing Wenshun like this, Yang Kui was very grateful, and then knelt down.Wen Shun's sword eyes were shining, and he vowed to slay his enemies for the old cow to pay homage to the old cow's spirit in heaven.The villagers were all moved when they saw Wenshun's sincerity, and secretly praised Wenshun for his affection and righteousness, and he would become a wise king in the future.

As for the royal family of the Western Tang Dynasty, it can be said that a happy event is coming, and it cannot be stopped.In a few days, Concubine Xiang and Concubine Yu were all diagnosed as pregnant.Wen Han was overjoyed, so he announced it to the whole country, from the officials and ministers to the Li people, all the people in the country were happy.Wen Han chooses a day to set up an altar in the palace, and leads court Chinese and military, and worships the gods of heaven and earth. First, to bless the prosperity of the country; Come to peace and prosperity.

And Wen Shun has always overcome hardships. Although he got married not long ago and his wife is pregnant, he never forgets important military affairs.Wang Yuanji is also virtuous and persuades Wenshun to return to the army.Wen Shun was very pleased, so he told Wen Han that he would practice soldiers in the barracks during the day and return to the palace to accompany Wang Yuanji at night.Wen Shun was exhausted from running around like this, but his heart was full.

However, the news about Ma Zhao fell silent like a stone sinking into the ocean.It seems that he has fled back to Dawei.Wen Han also didn't want to mention this matter. Although the information about the four styles of Tang Dao was leaked, it would not be easy for the Great Wei to build it in just a few years.As for the thunder cannon, Wen Han heard that Sima Zhao had only seen its power, so he didn't think he had the ability to make it just by looking at it.Of course, nights and dreams are unavoidable, so Wen Han issued documents, taught generals from all over the country, stepped up military training, got up early to attack Wei, and unified the great cause of the country.

So far, about a year has passed.Now that the training of recruits from all over the country has been completed, together with the original soldiers and horses, the Western Tang Army has a total strength of 68 troops.Of course, it is impossible to use all these troops. To guard the borders of various places, it is necessary to use 30 soldiers and horses.And the barbarian king Meng You, responding to the call of Wang Wenhan of the Western Tang Dynasty, recruited [-] recruits and came to Chang'an.During this period, Wang Yuanji gave birth to a son for Wen Shun, named Wen Lin.Concubine Xiang also gave birth to a son for Wen Han, named "Wen Ting".Concubine Yu gave birth to twins. The daughter was named 'Wen Jia' and the boy was named 'Wen Bang'.

In the same year, Pang Tong discussed with a group of civil and military officials, and wanted to honor the king of the Western Tang Dynasty as emperor.The ministers should also claim to be good.So Pang Tong brought all the ministers to meet him, and said that there was auspicious wind and auspicious clouds, and that all parts of Chang'an were tens of feet yellow, soaring into the sky, and the emperor's star was seen in Bi, Wei, and Pleiades, shining like a moon.This corresponds to the immediate succession of the king of the Western Tang Dynasty to the throne and the succession of the great rule of the world.Wen Han refused to accept it first, and all the officials bowed down and couldn't afford it.Suddenly, a courtier came to report that the southwestern part of Chang'an was full of yellow air, and the people all thought that the king should be the emperor, and they all knelt outside the palace, affirming the king's accession to the throne.Wen Han's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he went out of the Hall of Merit and Virtue, and saw a yellow light in the sky, and the people outside the palace shouted to ascend the emperor.Seeing this, Wen Han finally accepted the enthronement.All the civil and military officials, all call long live.

Wen Han chose a day to set up an altar to announce it to the world, and Prime Minister Pang led all the officials to present it with a jade seal.Wen Han accepted it generously, read out the words, and finished the worship and dance ceremony. In the first year of Changwu, the eldest son Wenshun was first established as the prince, his second brother Guan Yu was canonized as the King of Hedong, and his fourth brother Xu Huang was named the King of Fufeng.As for his sworn brother, Zhou Long disliked his meritorious service and lack of talent, so he refused to accept the throne.The rest of the big and small bureaucrats will be rewarded one by one.Amnesty for the whole world, all the soldiers and civilians of the counties in the Western Tang Dynasty were all happy.

In addition, the Great Wei Kingdom conscripted troops everywhere, and about 82 new recruits were recruited. Adding the original soldiers and horses, there were nearly one million strong troops.Now, the training of recruits from all over the country has been completed.When Cao Cao heard that Wen Han had ascended the throne in Chang'an and proclaimed himself emperor, he laughed loudly. The great Wei's civil and military achievements were all outraged, and the soldiers from all over the country were also outraged.Therefore, every day, soldiers from all over the country issued documents to declare their loyalty and commitment to death, and wanted to remonstrate Cao Cao to send troops to attack Tang.Jia Xu, the newly-appointed prime minister of the Great Wei Dynasty, led the court in the Chinese military, and remonstrated in front of the palace.

"There are no two lords in the world. Wen Bufan proclaims the emperor, which is a violation of the great injustice of the world!!! I implore your majesty, immediately recruit soldiers and horses to fight against the false emperor to prove the orthodoxy of the world!!! This is the wish of all the officials of the country, the world The wishes of the people!!"

What Jia Xu said was exactly what Cao Cao wanted.After hearing what Jia Xu said, all the ministers agreed sharply.What Cao Cao is waiting for is the Chinese military in the court, and all the soldiers and civilians of the country have the heart to challenge the Tang Dynasty.Cao Cao has been preparing for a long time. Although his head is almost gray in his old age, his fine eyes that can swallow the sky are still shining.At this moment, Cao Cao became angry and extremely domineering. He responded to the advice of Jia Xu and other officials and issued a decree to teach the recruits from the Central Plains, Jizhou, and Jingzhou to look forward to the front of the Hulao Pass and dispatch the Imperial Forest Army. [-], [-] Tiger Guards, and [-] elite soldiers from all over the country went there one after another.Immediately afterwards, Cao Cao called Tai Fu Hua Xin and Tai Chang Guan Ning to take charge of the military equipment and supplies.When Cao Cao's order fell, all the ministers of the Great Wei were shocked and shouted long live.

So, following Cao Cao's order.Soldiers and horses from various ministries came looking towards the border of Hulao Pass in Hejian.In the past few days, outside the border of Hulao Pass, banners and flags are all over the sky, swords and guns are covering the sun, and the troops coming and going are like a busy traffic, talking endlessly.Guo Huai was shocked when he saw this, and quickly sent someone to report to Guan Yu.Guan Yu heard that the Great Wei had conscripted troops in front of Hulao Pass within a few days, so he hurriedly sent Wenhan, Emperor Wenhan of the Tang Dynasty, to report on the Meteor Horse.

Let's say that Wenhan proclaimed himself emperor for nearly half a month.Suddenly one day, Shenlong sent Guan Yu to report with a meteor horse, and the Great Wei recruited troops in front of Hulao Pass. The number of troops was innumerable, perhaps millions.Wen Han was not surprised, as if he had expected it.Pang Tong, the prime minister, rushed out to remonstrate.

"Wei Kou is approaching aggressively. This must be a delusion. After breaking through the Hulao Pass in one fell swoop, he raised his troops to attack Huanglong and invade Chang'an. Wei Kou will move immediately. We must not be negligent. I implore your majesty to send troops as soon as possible to fight against the great Wei. Fight to the death and rule the country!!!”

As soon as Pang Tong finished speaking, all the officials of the Western Tang Dynasty in the hall echoed sharply.Wen Han's sword eyes were piercing, so he immediately ordered the three recruits from Shuzhong, Yongzhou, and Hedong to station troops at Hulaoguan, and called [-] Imperial Forest Army to go together.Afterwards, Wen Han ordered Zhang Hong and Wang Lang to allocate materials and armaments in the army, and then went there.A group of civil and military officials took orders one by one.At the same time, Wen Han also issued orders to teach Zhang Liao to guard Shuzhong, Pang De to guard Wunan, Gao Shun to guard Bingzhou, and to take back Zhao Yun, Deng Ai, Wang Shuang, generals and schools, as well as Lu Xun, Quan Cong, Zhuge Ke, etc. Soochow descended.

On the other hand, Cao Cao also issued a document, instructing his son Cao Pi to go to Jingzhou to guard against Zhang Liao and Shuzhong's army, and ordered Zhang Jai to guard Wubei.At the same time, Sima Yi, Master Sima and his son were taken back, as well as Lu Meng, Ding Feng, Zhu Ran and other Eastern Wu generals.Therefore, both the Great Wei and the Western Tang Dynasties entered Hulao Pass and recruited large armies.Guan Yu led his troops to guard the pass.At the same time, Cao Ren, the general of the Wei army and horse, also led his troops to set up a stronghold.For nearly a month, the two armies of the Western Tang Dynasty and the Great Wei Dynasty made preparations.In front of Hulao Pass, the company camp was dozens of miles away.

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