Han Shimou

Chapter 152 He Jin's Choice

"What! Cao A lied to you for telling the truth! The matter of rebellion is of great importance, and there must be no mistake! You have evidence in your hand!"

He Jin had thought that what Cao Cao was about to say would be a scary thing, but he never expected that it would be such a frightening event that would affect the whole world of men!

"Of course Aman knows. Tang Fazi, tell General He about the Yellow Turban Sect's plot to rebel and his murder of Wen Bufan!"


Tang Zhou took a step forward from behind Cao Cao, seeming very nervous, his face twitching from time to time.On the other hand, He Jin stared at Tang Zhou with sharp eyes, and his eyes narrowed and stared, as if warning Tang Zhou not to say a lie!Otherwise, what awaits him is the fate of being smashed to pieces.

Tang Zhou knew that by now, he had no way out.Now calm down, tell the details of the Yellow Turban Sect's bribery of Feng Xuan to conspire against him, murder Wen Han, and try to drag him into the Yellow Turban Sect.

He Jin's face was gloomy, and the more he listened, the more frightened he became, while his face was constantly changing.And Cao Cao was on the sidelines, always paying attention to He Jin's face, wondering what he was thinking.

After half an hour, Tang Zhou explained everything clearly.But He Jin was still in deep thought.

"Even if this letter is caught, the Yellow Turban Sect's rebellion is inevitable, and the world will be in chaos! In this way, the old man can take advantage of this situation to continue to increase his power. Hmm... this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run, and it should be done well first." Those who are prepared can get the most benefits and benefits from it."

He Jin's eyes kept shining, and he silently cursed in his heart.

"The rebellion of the Yellow Turban Sect is a matter of great importance, and it needs to be discussed in the long run. If Feng Xiao and Ma Yuanyi are arrested too early, I am afraid that they will startle the snake. Moreover, the eunuch Feng Xuan has a lot of power in the court, second only to Shichang Waiter. Without sufficient evidence, if you act rashly, I am afraid that the gain will outweigh the loss!"

When Cao Cao heard He Jin's words, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"General He, we can't wait to capture Feng Qiao! Wen Bufan is in the sky prison at this time, and you also said that the Holy Majesty will solve him secretly. Wen Bufan may be killed at any time! Just now you also Having said that, if Wen Bufan recovers his innocence, it will add a lot of power to you! This!!!"

Before Cao Cao finished speaking, He Jin interrupted with sharp words.

"Cao A lie! What are you talking about! This is a matter of great importance to the world! This is no longer the time to care about personal interests! You should observe secretly, collect information, and be prepared to deal with the Yellow Turban Sect's rebellion. , giving the biggest blow possible!

If he acted too hastily, leaked the news, and frightened the snake, he would have lost a chance to hit the Yellow Turban Sect hard.This old man can't afford this crime, and Cao A can't afford to lie to you either!

Although Wen Bufan was wronged, but the old man thinks that he is also a person who understands the truth of this, if he is really unlucky and goes away.In the future, the old man will definitely give him the title of martyr. "

"You don't care about your personal interests! You want to get more credit and more benefits!"

Cao Cao shouted in his heart, everyone understands that exposing the Yellow Turban Sect's chaos is a great contribution to being a king and a marquis. If he can take advantage of this unpreparedness and kill a few more Yellow Turban Sect leaders, he will definitely be punished by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty. It is a rare opportunity in a hundred years to be rewarded and become the most powerful minister in the court.

Cao Cao had already guessed that He Jin would do this, so he talked about the benefits of saving Wen Bufan at the beginning. If He Jin had a conscience, he might choose to save Wen Han first and get less benefits.

However, as He Jin said in that sentence, the world is hot and cold.He Jin chose to make more profits, regardless of Wen Han's safety.

"General He. Ask yourself, how much Wen Bufan has done for the big man. Does he really deserve this fate?"

Cao Cao's eyes were full of complex emotions, with disappointment, blame and even a hint of pleading, looking at He Jin silently.

He Jin seemed a little afraid to look at Cao Cao, especially the slight pleading. He Jin had worked with Cao Cao for many years, and he had never seen Cao Cao look like this.

"As long as the time comes and all the intelligence and evidence has been collected, we will take action immediately. It may take more than a dozen days, or a few days at least. Maybe...Wen Bufan can wait for that time, maybe!"

Cao Cao closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He didn't want to listen to He Jin's words, so he interrupted.

"The general has made a decision. Aman has nothing to say. Wen Bufan has extraordinary strategies and unlimited potential. He is definitely not something in the pool. Sooner or later, he will be able to jump into the dragon pool! I hope that General He will not be in the future today. I regret the decision. Aman fought with the bandits last night and was exhausted physically and mentally, so I will leave first."

After Cao Cao opened his eyes again, the complicated emotions just now had completely disappeared, leaving only an inexplicable unwillingness.Cao Cao saluted He Jin briefly, and took Tang Zhou away without waiting for his reply.

"Wait! Cao Aman!"

Suddenly, He Jin called to stop Cao Cao who was leaving.

"Feng Xuan has a lot of influence, and it is not so easy to overthrow. There must be full evidence. To save Wen Bufan, this crime of colluding with the Yellow Turban Sect must be implemented. If you act rashly, you will not be guilty of falling into him. Not only did he lose the opportunity to save Wen BuFan, but the Yellow Turban Sect would also be prepared.

It was you who discovered Cao A's concealment, so you are responsible.You secretly sent someone to watch out for this action. As long as the opportunity is right, the old man will give you all the help so that you can catch him. "

In the end, perhaps because Cao Cao's pleading gaze shook his heart, He Jin changed his mind.

Cao Cao turned around, beaming with joy, and bowed excitedly to He Jin.

"Thank you General He!"

"Cao Ah, you don't need to thank the old man. If you don't handle it properly, the old man will ask you to blame!"

"Yes! Amanding will go all out without making any mistakes!"

"Okay, okay. You go. Young people these days are worrying. The old man is also tired. There is also Wen Bufan, and the old man will send some acquaintances to take care of him. Try to delay you as much as possible. The life of your best friend is in your hands, if it is still too late to save him in the end, don't count it on the old man!"

"Aman understands. Now go back to the house and prepare!"

Cao Cao seemed impatient, and after paying homage to He Jin, under He Jin's signal, he quickly took Tang Zhou out of the General's Mansion.

He Jin sat on the front seat of the conference hall, looked at the position Cao Cao left just now, and sighed deeply.In fact, the reason why he changed his choice in the end was a small part of the reason why he was condemned by his conscience.The biggest reason is that Cao Cao's sentence is not a thing in the pool!

He Jin is betting, betting on Wenhan's potential, betting that Wenhan can bring him greater and more benefits in the future.At the same time, they are also betting that Cao Cao has the ability to rescue Wen Bufan in time.

He Jin gambled a lot in this game, and the odds of winning were not high, and he might end up with nothing at any time.He lost the good situation that he was sure to win in vain.

But for some reason, He Jin couldn't help but wanted to give it a try.

Before I knew it, it was night time.At this time in the prison of the palace.

Inside the dungeon, it was dark and gloomy.The surroundings are pitch black, and you can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands. It's so dense that it seems that no light can shine in.Can vaguely see the flickering faint fire.

Beside the fire, several jailers were talking and laughing in low voices.Suddenly there was a cell, and inside there was a man with disheveled hair and no flesh, who looked like a starved ghost and uttered a ghostly cry.

Then there was a loud bang

Hearing the sound, the jailer ran over to take a look, and then spit into the prison.

"Unlucky! Another death! This is the fifth person who died today! These days are really strange. Three or four people die every day, usually two or three."

"Hey! How come there are so many words! Drag that corpse out quickly! Otherwise those rats will come later!"

"Then what are you talking about, come and help!"

The jailer who had just died yelled, and the other jailer thought for a while, then heard the other side yelling again and again, so he reluctantly stood up and walked over.

The jailer who arrived first saw another guard walking slowly, cursed in a low voice, opened the cell door first, and just walked in.

"Oh! Here comes the rat!"

The jailer suddenly yelled, and saw groups of black and fast mice rushing towards the dead man's body on the floor of the prison. Each of these mice was twice as big as a normal mouse. Cannibalism, almost in an instant, eats up the dead body, leaving only a bloody white bone, which is creepy to see.

"It's all because you are slow! Look! This corpse has been gnawed into bones by mice! It will take a lot of work to move this dead human bone out!"

Just when the jailer opened his mouth to blame another jailer, groups of mice that were originally in the prison had disappeared, coming and going like the wind, so scary.

"Okay, okay! I was wrong, that's fine. Oh, why do you think this person wants to die? If he dies, he will end up being eaten by rats, leaving no flesh and blood behind."

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