Han Shimou

Chapter 154 Metamorphosis

"Hey, that's a good idea. Wang Xiaoyao can't see it, but you have some wisdom."

"That's natural, and I don't care which family my Wang Xiaochao belongs to."

"Cut. Give me some sunshine, and you will be brilliant."

The two jailers didn't feel any loss because of Feng Xuan's slap. Their status is low, and this is not the first time they have been treated like this.In this palace dungeon, if they couldn't learn to have fun while suffering, they would have gone crazy long ago.

The two jailers chatted again and again, there are not many people needed in this prison at night, usually only the two of them keep watch.But outside the prison, there are hundreds of guards guarding, and they are not afraid that someone will dare to rob the prison, let alone the thousands of guards outside the palace, even if they come to this prison, there are hundreds of guards Waiting intensively, even for those with high skills, it is difficult to enter.

"Hey...Brother Yunchang, Gongming was the one who harmed you. With your abilities, you will definitely do something in the future."

Wen Han opened his eyes and sighed with a lonely expression.

"Brother Bufan. Don't talk about life separation. Guan's life is full of righteousness. With Brother Bufan, it is worthwhile to kill so many Qiang and Hu aliens. I only hate being killed by traitors and wasting it in vain. This boy's body."

"That's right. Brother Yun is right. A man does something and doesn't. We all come from poor families. If we want to achieve success, we are doomed to be hindered and plotted by those treacherous officials and dogs from wealthy families. I Xu Gongming has never regretted it and followed Bufan.

I just wish I couldn't realize Bufan's ambition to drive the world with public opinion.Gongming has been thinking about what kind of generation it was.This world is decided by the people..."

"That's right. The people in this world have been the lowest class for generations. They are forced by life, they are slaves for servants, and they spend their whole lives working hard. After all, they get nothing. Almost all of their lives are in the hands of those wealthy families. , I almost live for others all my life. The same is true for the offspring. Therefore, in order to win the official position, everyone in the world steals chickens and dogs, plots to trap others, and sells wives and daughters just to win the top position. What a thing Can't do it?

If one day, the world can be determined by the opinions of the people, it will inevitably sweep away all the bad luck in the world, make it clear, and restore the world to a bright future! "

Guan Yu supported Meixu with anticipation in his eyes. He was born in a poor family and lived at the bottom when he was a teenager. Guan Yu had seen many things in which the people at the bottom had no choice but to change their personality and lose their conscience in order to survive.Because of this, Guan Yu has worked hard to improve his martial arts since he was a child.

As Wen Han listened, he couldn't help but recall what had happened to him from the time he traveled to the Eastern Han Dynasty to the present.Wen Han found that the more he forbears and strives for survival, the more murders come one after another.He lacked a strong, a daunting strong, so that he ended up like this today.

While introspecting, Wen Han was thinking about the way to survive, and at the same time, his ideas were changing rapidly.Although there is only a dead end in front of him, as long as there is still breathing, it means there is still a chance!

"Wait! Feng Xuan! The Yellow Turban Sect!"

Suddenly, Wen Han's face changed, and a light seemed to flash in his mind.Immediately afterwards, he quickly remembered the two people he and Cao Cao met in Qingcheng Tower yesterday.One is Tang Zhou and the other is Ma Yuanyi.At that time, Cao Cao also borrowed a thousand black wind riders from him!With Cao Cao's ability, he will be able to gain something from it.

And Tang Zhou was already incompatible with Ma Yuanyi because of that romantic woman named Jiao Lang'er.It is very likely that he has voted for Cao Cao and told about the chaos caused by the Yellow Turban Sect.

In this way, the collusion between Feng Xuan and the Yellow Turban Sect would be exposed.And just now, according to Feng Xuan's words, it was the Yellow Turban Sect who conspired him to collude with Qiang Hu this time.If Feng Xuan was caught, there might be a clue that could help him escape.Cao Cao should also know that he was thrown into the sky prison at this time.

Wen Han believed in Cao Cao and would not stand idly by. He must be trying his best at this time.And what Wen Han has to do now is to race against time, hoping that Emperor Ling of Han will not order to deal with him, Guan Yu, and Xu Huang too early. As long as Feng Xuan is caught, they still have a glimmer of hope for survival!

"Brother Yunchang, there will be such a day! This great wish to drive the world with public opinion! Let us realize it!"

Suddenly, Wen Han's eyes changed, and he spoke.Guan Yu and Xu Huang, who originally had regret and unwillingness on their faces, were taken aback for a moment and looked at Wen Han.

Wen Han's eyes were full of firmness and hope, and he looked at Guan Yu and Xu Huang.Guan Yu and Xu Huang didn't know where the hope in Wen Han's eyes came from, but for some reason, they didn't feel that Wen Han was taking pleasure in suffering and comforting them.The look in Wen Han's eyes made them also ignite the fire of hope.

From despair to hope, Wen Han's heart was beating violently. After experiencing a series of murders, he became more determined with an idea that had been lurking in his heart for a long time!

He wants to become a prince!Hold the power of survival of yourself and the people you care about firmly in your own hands!The Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, the troubled times are approaching, and the princes are vying for the deer all over the world!He Wen Bufan will open up a new world and realize his great wish!

A man can do something and not do something!Either die quickly, or make some great achievements!

Although his current strength is low, Wen Bufan believes that with his own advantages as a traverser, with the help of Guan Yu, Xu Huang, Gao Shun, Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao and others, and that he has already made a series of arrangements for this, success is absolutely guaranteed. Not low.

With Zhou Long's income from managing the gambling house in Hedong County, he already has a certain amount of financial resources.Heifengqi, as well as Gao Qiang and Xu Huang's soldiers and horses, at the same time Wen Han also secretly ordered Zhou Cang and Li Qiang to take in a lot of people in the name of the gambling house, and he also had a lot of troops.

In the beginning, Wen Han made many preparations, mostly to survive in this troubled world.There is the idea of ​​becoming a prince, but it is just an attitude of trying.However, the series of murders woke Wen Han up.The idea of ​​making Wen Han a prince has become urgent and firm.

Wen Han ignited the fire of hope in this dim prison, and Guan Yu and Xu Huang couldn't help but smile that they hadn't seen for a long time.Guan Yu and Xu Huang didn't ask Wen Han where the hope came from. The two of them got along with Wen Han for two years.

But every time Wenhan has a way to turn the tide, and of course he has been assisted by many noble friends.But in the hearts of Guan Yu and Xu Huang, I don't know when they started to have a faint feeling for Wen Han.They think that Wen Han is a man of great luck, he can change the world!

Tonight, because of Wen Han's change of mind, his whole person seems to have been transformed.There was an inexplicable aura about him.This momentum is very complex and difficult to explain.If you really want to talk about it, ambition?Vigor?Forcing light?

At the same time, outside the palace.Cao Mansion.

Cao Cao has just received a secret letter from the palace about Feng Xuan. He Jin has planted a lot of eyeliners in the palace guards. Cao Cao has He Jin to help, so he can always know Feng Xuan's every move in the palace.

"Hmph. This eunuch really went to find Wen Bufan. Judging from the angry and angry expression in the letter, it seems that he returned in failure. However, he didn't move after that. He went back to the palace to rest and didn't go out again. This Time is tight! Tang Zhou! This letter is usually in contact with those people in the Yellow Turban Sect. How often will it be?"

In Cao Cao's room, Cao Cao asked Tang Zhou, who was standing beside him, with an anxious expression after reading the secret letter in the front seat.Tang Zhou thought for a while, and quickly replied.

"I report to Cao Yilang. This eunuch, Feng Xuan, has a cautious mind, and usually only contacts with the villain and Ma Yuanyi, that dog thief. However, as far as the villain knows, Zhang Jiao once asked the villain to tell Ma Yuanyi and Feng Xuan that they should be together. information.

'The army will start on March [-]th and all will be launched at the same time', this is still one month away from March.The time was short, and after Ma Yuanyi finished dealing with Luoyang, he had to join Ye and Jizhou Taoists.It was the vanguard of Luoyang for the Yellow Turban Sect.Therefore, there is not much time left for Ma Yuanyi. If the villain thinks that in the future, Feng Xuan will have a final discussion with Ma Yuanyi to finalize the plan.

If Lord Yilang is really in a hurry, why not let the villain lead him out..."

Before Tang Zhou could finish speaking, Cao Cao shook his head and interrupted.

"No! I don't know if Feng Xuan knew about the quarrel between you and Ma Yuanyi. If he knew, Feng Xuan would definitely take precautions against you, lest you go to the court and expose the matter.

Hmm... It would be most appropriate to arrest Feng Xuan and Ma Yuanyi when they have the final discussion.However, I just hope that Wen Bufan can survive these few days..."

Cao Cao's heart was on fire, but he was still able to maintain his sanity.Tang Zhou nodded secretly, showing more and more admiration for Cao Cao.

In the days that followed, Luoyang City seemed to be surrounded by a depressive atmosphere that a storm was coming.The news that Wen Han and others colluded with foreign enemies and were thrown into the prison quickly spread throughout Luoyang City.Whether it is street hawkers, ordinary people or poor scholars who have read poetry and books, they were all taken aback and started talking about it.

Soon the people who talked about it were divided into two factions.One group of people who had heard of Wen Han's deeds believed deeply that Wen Han had been wronged, and called for his injustice.The other faction accused Wen Han of living up to the high expectations of the court, treason and collusion with the enemy, and shouted for the court to cut off Wen Han's head.Of course, many of these people are servants of some rich and powerful families in Luoyang City.

After three days, the arguments between the two factions became more and more intense, and where the quarrel was agitated, there was a tendency to use force.But just when the two factions were arguing red-faced and about to strike.Suddenly, news came that a large number of refugees were kneeling outside Luoyang city, pleading for Wenhan.

When the news came, the two factions rushed to the gate of Luoyang.One after another, people came to the gate of the city. Sure enough, as the news said, there were densely packed refugees kneeling outside the gate, their faces covered with dust, their faces were black and pale, and they were dressed in tatters.Among these refugees, there were men, old men, women and children, all of them kowtowed with excitement.If you yell, the general meaning is the same.It is said that Wen Han is a rare kind-hearted person in the world, and he will never do anything in collusion with treason.

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