Han Shimou

Chapter 158 Civil turmoil

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Rebellion... Change!"

These patrolling Ma Yuanyi's subordinates screamed before they died, which alarmed the whole village.Immediately, many of Ma Yuanyi's men who were resting ran out of their houses.

Those rebels took torches at some point and set fires around them, and one house after another was set on fire.

Almost in an instant.

The whole village was as bright as day, with sparks rising continuously, the scorching temperature was like a hell on earth.

The rebels had long been prepared for battle, holding sharp and cold weapons, and slaying their former comrades around them.One knife after another, hard and fast!There is no trace of guilt in the eyes of these traitors.In this chaotic world, for the sake of a broader road of prosperity, it doesn't matter if you kill your own relatives, let alone your comrades.

Under Cao Cao's suggestion, the future Tang Zhou brought was broader and safer than their original future in the Yellow Turban Sect!Originally, these people joined the Yellow Turban Sect in order to survive.As for whether the Yellow Turban Sect can win the world, to be honest, they are not very optimistic.

Although the Han Dynasty is independent, it has food!Have money!There are soldiers and horses! , and many brave generals!The Yellow Turban Sect is just a group of refugees who are forced by life and have nowhere to go. Although there are 36 church members, most of them are mobs.Can these people achieve great things and win the great treasure of the country?

Obviously, these rebellious Yellow Turbans don't believe it.Therefore, with the choice and generous treatment, they chose the imperial court without hesitation.And more importantly, if the uprising of the Yellow Turban Sect fails, they, the Yellow Turban Sect members, will bear the name of rebels from generation to generation, harming future generations,

"Kill! For the future, for our descendants! Let's not be rebels!!"

A rebellious little leader, with red eyes and holding a big knife, hacked at a colleague who was also a little leader who had befriended him in the past.A cold light flashed, and the head bounced off due to the impact.The rebellious little leader clearly remembered the unbelievable look in the eyes of his former friends just at that moment.

However, he didn't feel guilty, picked up the knife and licked the blood on the knife, muttering.

"Don't worry. I will live well in the future, including your share. If there is a day when I get rich, I will remember to send three cows and two acres of land to your family to fulfill your promise to your wife."

The fire was burning fiercely, the temperature was constantly rising, the surrounding area was filled with smoke, and it was so red that people couldn't open their eyes, coupled with the sound of fighting that seemed to never stop.The rebels and Ma Yuanyi's subordinates fought in full swing. The number of rebels was relatively small, but they seized the initiative first and were well prepared.However, Ma Yuanyi's subordinates reacted hastily and didn't know who the enemy is or who they are, which can be described as chaos.

While in Ma Yuanyi's house, Feng Xuan and Ma Yuanyi, who were discussing matters, were startled when they heard the shouts of killing outside the house, and the non-stop flickering flames.

Feng Xuan was timid, so frightened, he immediately hid under the table, shivering and trembling.

"Wooah! What... happened? Did the court soldiers learn about the rebellion and lead the troops to kill the slave... the life of the family! Chief Ma, you must protect the life of the slave's family!"

Feng Xuan's face was blue and white, and his voice was trembling, intermittently.There is no such arrogance as when he first came here.

Feng Xuan was so regretful at this time that his guts were green. If the people outside were really sent by the imperial court, then his dream of being an extremely powerful minister, with countless gold and silver, and thousands of servants would all be in vain.And, more importantly, his precious life is also at stake!

Ma Yuanyi didn't bother to pay attention to Feng Xuan, but just gave him a cold wink, Feng Xuan felt like he was looking at a bereaved dog.

If the real rebellion was exposed, it would be impossible for this letter to act as an internal response to the Yellow Turban Sect.In other words, he would become useless at all.

Since there is no use value, how could Ma Yuanyi treat him as a concubine?Feng Xuan is greedy for money and cowardly, has no talent or virtue, and has no fighting power. Even the worst soldier in Ma Yuanyi's hands is more than ten thousand times better than him!

"Horse! Yuan! Righteousness! What kind of eyes do you have! This slave is Feng Qiao! A high-ranking and powerful Feng Qiao! If you want to protect the life of the slave family, you must protect the life of the slave family! Even if it means sacrificing your life, you must To save the slave's life!!"

Feng Xuan's pupils wrinkled and dilated, and suddenly he roared hysterically.Ma Yuanyi smiled coldly, walked quickly to the bed, pulled out the tiger-headed broadsword hanging by the bed, and walked out of the house under Feng Qiao's continuous roaring voice.

After Ma Yuanyi came out, he saw that the whole village was burning, and the people who were fighting were all his subordinates.Ma Yuanyi understood very well that some of them had betrayed.

"Tang! Zhou! It's you! It must be you! You actually betrayed the great virtuous and good teacher and the entire Yellow Turban Sect for a romantic woman! You must die!!!"

Ever since Tang Zhou failed to assassinate him, Ma Yuanyi has been sending his subordinates to look for his whereabouts, but unfortunately, he has not found any information after days of inquiring.At that time, Ma Yuanyi hadn't thought that Tang Zhou would take refuge in the imperial court, but thought that Tang Zhou had gone back to Julu to sue Zhang Jiao.

That's why Ma Yuanyi was not in a hurry, because Ma Yuanyi had a right to take advantage of this matter. He went to the Fengyue place to have fun and was hurt by someone, so he might not fight back.Moreover, Ma Yuanyi could say that he had no idea that the Fengyue woman had anything to do with Tang Zhou beforehand.As a result, Tang Zhou led his troops to assassinate him, which was a serious crime.

Therefore, Ma Yuanyi believed that Zhang Jiao would not scold himself, but would scold Tang Zhou instead.However, Ma Yuanyi really ignored the deep hatred between him and Tang Zhou, because of the death of a romantic woman, he killed Ma Yuanyi and even the entire Yellow Turban Sect's plot to seize the world!

Ma Yuanyi regretted endlessly in his heart, but it was not his turn to think about it at this time, if he did not stabilize the battle situation, he might lose his life here today.As Ma Yuanyi ran towards the fighting crowd, he carefully observed the men and horses on both sides. With sharp eyes, he found that among the group of men and horses, there were blue belts tied to their arms, and he shouted loudly.

"Attention the whole army! The traitors are all wearing blue belts on their arms! Don't panic, don't worry! My Ma Yuanyi is here! These traitors should not be arrogant!"

Like a tiger descending from the mountain, Ma Yuanyi rushed over, and swept away with the momentum of the saber, completely sweeping away the three or four traitors who were fighting in front.The arrival of Ma Yuanyi seemed to give each of his subordinates a reassurance. Their morale was greatly boosted, and they quickly organized and lined up to launch a series of stormy offensives against the rebels.

The rebels were originally few, and at this time there was less confusion about the advantages. They were defeated steadily by the troops led by Ma Yuanyi.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain.

Tang Zhou was anxious, he looked at Cao Cao many times, but he didn't dare to urge him.Just when he was so anxious that he was about to speak disrespectfully.

Cao Cao finally spoke and issued an order.

"Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan is going forward to obey orders!"

Hearing Cao Cao calling his name, Brother Xiahou straightened his face, his eyes burst into fiery concupiscence, and galloped forward to answer.

"Cao Yilang, the minister is here!"

"Xiahou Dunru led [-] cavalry to attack from the left, and Xiahou Yuanru led [-] cavalry to attack from the right, outflanking the left and right, and must defeat the enemy. Also, remember! Feng Qiao and Ma Yuanyi, Cao To live!"

"The minister takes orders!"

The Xiahou brothers shouted in unison.Tang Zhou on the side was about to speak, but Cao Cao, as expected, waved his hand, indicating that Tang Zhou could join the men who went up the mountain to fight.Tang Zhou's face brightened, and he rode his horse to Xiahou Dun's side, and saluted Xiahou Dun politely. Xiahou Dun responded with a cold face and nodded.

"Meng De. What about me, my three thousand sons are here to eat the northwest wind?"

Seeing that Cao Cao didn't arrange a task for himself, Cao Hong asked reluctantly.

"Zi Lian, why are you talking so much nonsense! Your soldiers and horses are standing here with me, just in case. And to stop deserters. The matter is of great importance. If Feng Qiao and Ma Yuanyi are gone, it will be a great achievement. It's useless."

Cao Hong was not angry when he was scolded by Cao Cao, he just smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and stopped speaking.

Immediately afterwards, the Xiahou brothers clasped their fists to salute Cao Cao, and then led their soldiers and horses to gallop up the mountain from the left and right sides.

"Traitor! Look at the knife!"

The bloodstains on Ma Yuanyi's face were very clear under the light of the fire. After he hacked to death a small rebel leader with a single knife, the rebels around him who originally wanted to surround and kill them stepped back a few steps in fright, not daring to touch him. This fierce man is sharp.


Just when the number of rebels is getting smaller and smaller, and they are about to collapse.Suddenly, there were endless sounds of horseshoes from all directions.The sound of the horse's hooves was like a small hammer hitting the hearts of Ma Yuanyi and his men, making each of them flustered.

"Wow! It's the court soldiers!! There are a group of court soldiers and horses on the left of the big boss!"

Xiahoudun led [-] cavalry, rushed forward, broke through the gate of the village, and rushed into the fighting crowd like a huge sharp gun.Xiahou Dun brandished the big black lacquered spear in his hand, stabbed, swept or picked, kept patting the horse, and ran at high speed, unstoppably killing a bloody path!

Afterwards, the [-] cavalrymen, seeing the bravery of the general, couldn't help shouting and killing, as if they were blessed by Xiahou Dun's mighty strength, and the speed of firing their guns was also fierce and fast.Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, Ma Yuanyi's men were killed, throwing away their helmets and armor, and fell one by one, without the power to resist. In the end, they only had the idea of ​​running for their lives and fled around.

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