Han Shimou

Chapter 161 Rebuking Han Ling Emperor

"My lord, in recent years there have been many disasters and plagues in the Han Dynasty. There is a monster named Zhang Jiao in Julu, and he has two brothers, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao. Zhang Jiao has three hundred apprentices, and he spreads water everywhere, saying that he can cure the plague. , to confuse people's hearts. Ordinary people are ignorant and ignorant, and are tempted by it.

Zhang Jiao even called himself a great virtuous and good teacher, and his power became stronger. People in the eight states of Qing, You, Xu, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Henan were all deceived.Every family serves the name of the demon.Later, the demons formed the Yellow Turban Sect. There were 36 disciples, more than [-] people in the big ones, and six or seven thousand people in the small ones.

It is even more shameless to call it a slogan.The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should be established. The year is Jiazi, and the world will be happy.The Yellow Turban Sect became more and more arrogant. Just a few days ago, the old minister got the news.The Yellow Turban Sect actually colluded with the court eunuch Feng Qiao and conspired against them! "

The more Han Lingdi listened, the more frightened he became, his face was terribly gloomy.The ten permanent attendants manipulated power, and many of the memorials that were played had to be read by them before they were given to Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty for reading.This is a well-known fact.He Jin also guessed that Shi Changshi would hide the news of the Yellow Turban Sect from Han Lingdi.

There is no other reason.Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty favored the ten permanent attendants and handed over the power of the court.The ten permanent servants took advantage of this to extort money, bought officials and nobles, and let the children of his clan spread all over the world, rampant in the villages, harming the people, and no official dared to control them.As a result, the people in the world suffered unspeakably, and the imperial court was completely destroyed.If the matter of the Yellow Turban Sect is exposed, the ten permanent servants will definitely be criticized by many loyal officials in the court, and the root cause of the matter will be placed on the ten permanent servants.

And Emperor Han Ling felt that it was the right choice for him to hand over power to the ten permanent attendants.The ten permanent attendants played black and white, so that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty always believed that the Han Dynasty was peaceful and the people lived and worked in peace.

How could I have thought that there would be anti-civilian incidents.


Emperor Han Ling's eyes widened suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.It's true how to guess, before Han Lingdi didn't even know the existence of the Yellow Turban Sect.

Emperor Ling of Han lived in the imperial palace and never went out to see the outside world.So in his mind, there is always a picture of the outside world that he imagined out of thin air.

But at this moment, this long-standing picture suddenly changed, from the original peaceful world to a hell on earth where thieves and gangsters are chaotic.Han Lingdi only felt that his brain seemed to explode. There were 36 thieves all over the eight states of Qing, You, Xu, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Henan!

Emperor Han Ling was stunned for a long time, and He Jin also knew that this blow was a fatal blow to Emperor Han Ling who had always thought that he had managed the land well.He didn't open his mouth to speak again, but waited silently for Emperor Han Ling to come back to his senses.

"Uncle He Guo! What you said is serious! There are rebels in my world!"

"The matter is important! The old minister dare not lie! Moreover, tonight the old minister and his general Cao Cao have captured the rebellious minister and sealed him with Ma Yuanyi, the leader of the Yellow Turban Sect. These two people are plotting in the village outside the city tonight. The old minister sent people to observe for a long time , After getting the news, send the general under his command, Cao Cao, to lead the troops to arrest the two of them on the spot! Kill a thousand bandits and capture a thousand prisoners!"

Hearing this, Emperor Ling of the Han took three steps back, sighed deeply, and closed his eyes.

He Jin's words shattered the last glimmer of fluke hope of Han Lingdi.At this point, Emperor Ling of the Han had to admit that there was a problem with the land under his management, and the problem was very serious!If he is not careful, the emperor of this world will no longer be named Liu!

"Rebel, where is the traitor! I want to interrogate him face to face!"

"The old minister has escorted the two of them into the palace. At this time, Cao Cao, the general under the old minister's command, is watching and waiting outside the gate."

"Declare this rebellious minister, rebels come in!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

He Jin stood up, bowed to Emperor Han Ling, and strode out of the Imperial Study Room.Cao Cao and a dozen of his subordinates held Feng Qiao and Ma Yuanyi and waited for a long time. When he came in and out, he knew that Emperor Ling of Han had announced his visit.Cao Cao nodded to He Jin, immediately winked at the soldiers behind him, and followed He Jin into the imperial study.

"Long live my emperor!"

"Be flat!"

Cao Cao and the dozen or so soldiers stood up. Cao Cao had no official position and had never entered the palace to meet Emperor Ling of Han. This was his first time entering the palace.After Han Lingdi sized Cao Cao up a few times, he turned his attention to Feng Xuan.

"Okay! Feng Xuan! How dare you rebel! I treat you like a blood relative and give you a lot of power, but you use this power to seek my world!!!!"

"Wuuuuu! Your Majesty forgives your sins! This slave was deceived by a demon and was temporarily obsessed with ghosts, that's why he did such a rebellious thing. Your Majesty forgives me for serving this slave for many years, and you have to work hard even without credit. Please spare your life!"

Feng Xuan cried so much that his whole face was contorted. While begging for mercy, he kowtowed heavily to Emperor Han Ling, making a loud bang, his head bleeding.

"Hahahaha! A man can do something and not do anything! Today's imperial court is involuntary and traitorous, the reason why our generation raises troops and makes troubles, and the reason why thousands of people are happy to follow them is because treacherous ministers are in power. I have nothing to tell my grievances. But today's son is fatuous and incompetent. He does not listen to the advice of loyal ministers and only trusts treacherous ministers.

This caused the people to complain, and we couldn't bear the suffering of people all over the world, so we conspired against each other and gathered together as 'thieves'!It's a pity that my Ma Yuanyi has no life to watch the day when the Han court jumped off the stage. "

Ma Yuanyi suddenly laughed, and he was willing to die bravely for the people of the world, not afraid of death, and laughed and scolded the current court.Han Lingdi was so angry that his body trembled violently. He had never been insulted face-to-face like this since he was born.

"Rebel! Presumptuous!"

He Jin rushed over immediately, and slapped Ma Yuanyi's mouth with such force that Ma Yuanyi's mouth was broken and several teeth fell out.

"Bah! Old man, haven't you eaten yet? Work harder!!!"

Ma Yuanyi spat out a mouthful of bloody sputum in disdain, and these teeth were still entrained in the bloody sputum.After that, he stared at He Jin with big eyes like bull's eyes and yelled sharply.He Jin's teeth were itching, and immediately as he wished, he slapped Ma Yuanyi back a few steps with a loud slap.

"Hahahaha! It doesn't hurt or itch! Compared to the common people in the world, the suffering at this time is really insignificant! Faint king! Traitor! Come! Fight! The court can kill one Ma Yuanyi, but it cannot kill thousands of others Ma Yuanyi! Ma Yuanyi won't die if the imperial court dies one day!"

"You! You don't know how to live or die!"

He Jin was furious when he heard that he was still swearing, and was about to slap him hard a few more times to make him shut up.Emperor Han Ling's furious shouts came suddenly!

"Come here! Drag this lunatic out immediately and punish him with a chariot! I want him to die badly and not leave his whole body behind!"

Every word of Ma Yuanyi was like a sharp knife, piercing the dignity and heart of Han Lingdi fiercely.Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty had no room to tolerate the scolding, and became angry from embarrassment.

"Hahaha! People don't care about life, life is better than death, why should we be afraid of death!!!!!!!"

Soon, three guards walked in and dragged Ma Yuanyi out.There was still no trace of fear on Ma Yuanyi's face, he laughed and shouted.Even Cao Cao, who was on the side, was moved by his anger, secretly regretting it.

"And you! Feng Xuan! Maybe I did make a mistake and caused that lunatic to make people suffer. But you are different. You are deeply favored by Long, but you still want to turn against me. You are more hateful than that lunatic who makes people suffer!"

Emperor Ling of Han gritted his teeth and pointed at Feng Xuan, who immediately kowtowed and cried for mercy.And just when Emperor Han Ling was about to order Feng Xuan to be executed.

Cao Cao suddenly took a step forward and played to Emperor Han Ling.

"My lord, I have something to report!"

"Huh?...Who are you?"

"I am the grandson of Cao Teng, Cao Cao. I will take the position of Yilang first."

"Oh, you are the grandson of Marquis Fei Ting, Cao Cao. Just now I heard that Uncle He Guo said that you were the one who led the army to arrest this rebellious minister and that lunatic and traitor, is that right?"

"Yes! Your Majesty! In fact, it's all due to the great general. As a subordinate, I follow his orders. General He has been plotting and arranging the robbery tonight for a long time, so it can be successful."

"Hey. Don't underestimate yourself. He Suigao is in the position of a general. If he doesn't have such ability, what use is he for. But you, if you don't have real materials, I'm afraid it will ruin the big thing. He Suigao Entrusting such important matters to you to do, you must be quite capable.

By the way, you said just now that you have something to play.What is it, you said. "

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty saw that Cao Cao was already very handsome and made great achievements at a young age.Faintly, he couldn't help but think of Wen Bufan whom he bestowed to death just now.I feel a little sorry.Wen Bufan's grandfather, Wen Xing is his mentor, and he is hardworking and has made great achievements.If Wen Bufan has committed the serious crime of colluding with other races.Emperor Han Ling really couldn't bear to kill him.

"Thank you, my lord! My lord, please pardon Wen Bufan for his crime of colluding with other races. This fact is that Feng Xuan, a stray dog, was created out of thin air to slander his loyal ministers. The first horn of the Yellow Turban sect thief, who loves Wen Bufan's ability, secretly offered gold and silk to seal him , ordered Feng Xuan to separate himself from the imperial court, and then secretly subdue Wen Bufan.

Your Majesty, Wen Bufan is loyal to the imperial court and has no different intentions!Your Majesty is able to tell the difference between loyalty and treachery if he knows everything clearly! "

"What! Seal! Well!!!!! Cao Cao said that it was the fact!!!!!!! Ah ah ah ah ah!!!! Tell me the truth, or I will kill any blood relatives you have in this world!! Then erect a bronze statue, and you will be scolded by the people of the world for thousands of generations!"

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