Han Shimou

Chapter 208 Strange River

"Yes, yes! Those who stand in front, don't be afraid of death! If you are afraid, just stand back and wait for us to rush!!"

The thieves at the back kept urging, and the head of the thieves at the front got hot and rushed to the river bank.At first they walked to the river and saw that the water was not deep, so they ran quickly.And as the thieves in front got into the water, the people behind saw that the water level was really not deep, so they let go of their courage and rushed forward and back to the river.

And many impatient thieves with strong killing intent ordered Yuan to run farther to cross the river on the other side of the river.A total of [-] thieves, a dense crowd, almost covered half of the river bank.

But at this time, under the orders of Lu Zhi, Dong Zhuo and other leading generals, the court soldiers and horses on the bank of the river slowly stopped.Lu Zhi turned his head and saw that almost half of the bandit army had fallen into the water, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

The thieves pushed me, I squeezed you, cursed and urged, and crossed the river without any formation or order.

"Ah~! Ah!"


In an instant, the thieves in the row in front suddenly disappeared entirely, as if they had heard the news out of thin air, and it was extremely strange.Then the thieves in the back row were pushed away and disappeared one after another.

"Ah! The water here is very deep! Help me, I don't know how to play!"

Immediately afterwards, those who had disappeared poked their heads out, grabbing desperately with one hand, and some people who were close were caught by them, pulled hard, and were dragged into the water.

Just like that, like a vicious circle, the number of [-] thieves became less and less, and the screams continued, but they didn't know what was going on in front of them, and they were a little confused, thinking that the screams ahead were chasing themselves. The army killed the court soldiers and horses, and the court soldiers and horses screamed.

These screams aroused their killing intent instead, and they pushed faster and faster with both hands, and their strength became stronger and stronger.And the person who fell into the water kept pulling them away.More and more bandits were drowned by the river.Some of the bandit soldiers who swam ashore, and the court soldiers and horses who were driven there, stabbed them back with their guns with a grim smile.

"how so!!!"

Seeing his army and horses being swallowed by this strange river continuously, Bo Cai Pengtuo's eyes widened in disbelief.They clearly saw with their own eyes just now that the soldiers and horses of the imperial court who crossed the river easily crossed the river, and the water level of the river was extremely low at that time!Why, why did it suddenly become so deep that it could cover a human head!

"Come back, don't rush! Come back to the shore!!!"

Bo Caipeng roared desperately, and another thunderbolt fell, almost covering the voices of the two of them.They yelled again, until their throats were bleeding.

It's a pity that these thieves are still like headless chickens, rushing towards the endless man-eating monster Hanoi.

Thunderstorms and strong winds, the sky and the earth tumbling, this wide strange river, like countless tentacles, pulled thousands of thieves into the endless abyss one by one.

In stark contrast to the river bank on the other side, on the river bank where the soldiers and horses of the imperial court are located, countless spears and blades ruthlessly push the thieves who want to climb up the bank, or push them back. As soon as they reached the river bank, sprays of water soared into the sky, poured down, and splashed on the ferocious smiling faces of the court soldiers and horses.

Later, Zhang Bao and Liu Pi led [-] soldiers and horses, and their faces were blue and pale.Bo Caipontuo was still hoarse, calling the soldiers back to shore with all his strength.Finally, I saw countless bodies of Pao Ze floating up to the surface of the water.These thieves didn't push any more, they realized the horror of Weihe and retreated back.

At this time, there were a total of [-] bandits, and only a few thousand remained.The corpses of the thieves were all over Hanoi, almost filling half of the river.

"All generals obey orders! Lead the army to charge!"

Lu Zhi's face was cold, and he looked at the corpses of the bandit soldiers being washed away by the river without any sympathy. He raised his sword high, swung it down, and issued an order for the whole army to attack.

At this time, it is a great opportunity to make contributions.Dong Zhuo had been grinding his fists for a long time and could not restrain himself. Hearing Lu Zhi's order, he immediately shouted loudly. The horse he was sitting on was a rare Xiliang BMW, bearing Dong Zhuo's huge body that was more than ordinary people, and he didn't feel angry at all. promote.

Dong Zhuo rode his horse and galloped away, leading the Xiliang army to rush forward. The Xiliang army saw the commander Dong Zhuo go out in person, and their morale immediately won. Niu Fu, Xu Rong, Zhang Ji and other generals followed Dong Zhuo and led [-] soldiers. The horse rushed to the direction of the hidden stone road in Hanoi and crossed the river easily.

When Bo Cai Pengtuo saw this strange scene, he thought that the soldiers and horses in the court would be helped by God, so his face was dazed with fright.Dong Zhuo and a group of soldiers rushed across the big river. The [-] Xiliang soldiers and horses were full of arrogance, and quickly rushed towards the thousands of thieves on the bank, killing them all bloody red. The bright red blood flowed into the big river, dyeing the color of the river red. .

Dong Zhuo held the lion-headed swords in both hands, and under the protection of Niu Fu, Xu Rong, and Zhang Ji, he rushed forward as if he had entered no one's land, and flew straight to the second general Bocai Pengtuo.

"Hey hey hey! Die!"

Dong Zhuo laughed out loud, the ugly facial features piled up on his fat face looked a bit sinister, Peng Tuo was frightened by the force, and couldn't react in time, Dong Zhuo cut his head in half with a single knife, blood and brains flew together, splashing the waves beside him. Then his face was covered with white brains and red blood.

Bocai saw Dong Zhuo's strength, and Peng Tuo's death had sounded the alarm for him. He didn't dare to be distracted at all, and his spirit tensed up, and he raised his gun to fight Dong Zhuo.Seeing that Bocai was in danger, some thieves around came to rescue him, but they were defeated by Niu Fu, Xu Rong, and Zhang Ji and returned.

Bang bang bang.

Dong Zhuo fought Bocai fiercely, one after another.Although Dong Zhuo was obese, he didn't have that clumsiness in killing people, and his strength was astonishing. The first strike made Po Cai's tiger's mouth almost burst open. After three or four stabs, Bo Cai was beaten back again and again by Dong Zhuo. All the muscles and bones seemed to be smashed by its huge force.

"Hey hey hey! You also go to the underworld with your rotten brother!"

Dong Zhuo grinned with a black face, looking very ugly, raised his arm high, and swung the knife down with infinite force, causing the space to buzz and move.Bo Cai raised his gun to block it. Seeing the saber's movement, he knew he couldn't stop it. If the saber fell, he would definitely die!

"My life is over!"

call out! !

Just when Bo Cai thought that his face was about to be slashed open by Dong Zhuo's knife, suddenly, an arrow struck Bo Cai's heart like a bolt of lightning.The momentum of the arrow was so strong that Bo Cai's body was like a kite that was off its string. After being sent flying for tens of meters, he stopped the castration, closed his eyes, fell to the ground and died.

"Who took the credit from someone Dong!!"

Dong Zhuo was robbed of credit, Niu Da's eyes suddenly widened, and he turned to look.I saw Cao Cao looking at himself with a smile on his face. Beside him was a heroic and powerful man. He was holding a five-stone bow, and the bowstring was still beating. It seemed that he shot Bocai to death with an arrow just now.

This person is none other than Xiahou Yuan, who is good at archery and has the ability to penetrate Yang with a hundred steps.

"This Cao Mengde dared to fight against Lao Tzu, he was so impatient!"

Dong Zhuo spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm unluckily, with a gloomy face.At this time, there was a sudden sound of killing on the other side of the field, and Dong Zhuo hurriedly followed the sound and looked away. He saw Xiahoudun, Cao Ren, Cao Chun, Liu Pan and Zhang three brothers leading their respective troops and horses and rushing towards the bandit army. Flag position.

Dong Zhuo's heart tightened. Isn't the general of the land public Zhang Bao? Compared with Bocai Pengtuo and other handsome men, Zhang Bao is the real predator.The credit for killing Zhang Bao is worth ten bocai!

"You can't give Zhang Bao to these bastards who smell like milk! He belongs to me!"

Dong Zhuo's bullish eyeballs shone fiercely, and he began to shout loudly, leading the Xiliang soldiers and horses to charge again.Dong Zhuo was anxious that Zhang Bao would be the first to reach him, and the speed of dropping the knife was fast and fierce. He lined up almost side by side with Niu Fu, Xu Rong, Zhang Ji and other generals, rushing to the front, and kept attacking the banner with the four characters "Di Gong and General". Position advance.

At this time, all the soldiers and horses in the court were like soldiers of tigers and wolves, and the [-] bandits who had been enchanted by ghosts were almost extinct following the death of Bo Cai Pengtuo.Only the [-] troops led by Zhang Bao and Liu Pi remained in the field.These thieves saw that [-] drank the magic medicine, and Pao Ze, who became a heavenly soldier, almost died in that strange river.

Deeply influenced by the theory of ghosts and gods, they were scared out of their wits, and now they saw the court soldiers and horses brave, their morale was like a rainbow, and they immediately lost their fighting spirit.One by one court soldiers and horses, led by various tiger generals, rushed into the bandit army formation, like a huge bulldozer, crushing and destroying the bandit army one after another.

"General Digong! The soldiers and horses in the imperial court are full of morale at this time, and their fighting spirit is overwhelming. On the other hand, our heavenly army has low morale and no fighting spirit. The situation is critical, and we should retreat to Guangzong City as soon as possible!!"

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