Han Shimou

Chapter 215 Gathering Evidence

"Report to Duke Zhang that Wang Yue just left."

"Well, the slave family knows. After you go out, first send a few people to chase after Wang Yue, and then you go to the leader of Heizhen, and when you see him, tell him to come to see the slave family."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang!"

After the imperial guard took the order, under Zhang Rang's cold gaze, Nuonuo retreated.

"Brother Zhang, are you going to attack Wang Yue?"

After the imperial guard left, Zhao Zhong withdrew his gaze, turned to Zhang Rang and asked.Zhang Rang nodded expressionlessly, and when he mentioned the word Wang Yue, the dark light in his eyes suddenly burst out, which was quite frightening.

"Hmph, this Wang Yue actually wanted these brothers from the Nu family to die, so the Nu family had no choice but to not let him live. He thought that the Nu family didn't know what he was doing in secret? Heh heh, it's simply stupid. If the Nu family has a good heart, if he He secretly withdrew his hand and wanted to spare his life, but who knows that he is determined to fight to the death with the slave family and you hard-working people. Then, the slave family has no choice but to send someone to take his life."

"Brother Zhang is soft-hearted. If the slave family had already sent someone to tear him into pieces! But Brother Zhang, this Wang Yue is the number one swordsman in the world today. It is not easy to take his life."

Jian Shuo sat under Zhao Zhong, his mouth turned up, his face full of disdain, among these people present, which one is not a person who holds a lot of power, just because of his little Wang Yue, how dare he fight with them?

Although, because of the disaster of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Emperor Han Ling reduced a lot of powers of Zhang Rang and others, but this does not mean that Emperor Han Ling completely lost trust in them. Let them have it, and Zhang Rang and others have promoted many people. These people are now in a high position, and they are also obedient to Zhang Rang and others. The largest group in the current Han court.

After all, they have accumulated almost half of their lives.And now the new upstart in the court, He Jin.Although his current momentum is much stronger than that of Zhang Rang, He Jin has only flourished in recent years, and his accumulation is not enough for ten permanent servants, these old eunuchs who have served the emperor for several generations.

Even the faction of He Jin, who holds the position of great general, can only be ranked under the top ten servants.However, Wang Yue did not join any forces in the court, and he tried to destroy the Shichangshi group alone.This is simply overreaching.

"Hehe, Brother Jian, don't worry. You just joined our big family, and many things are still unknown. You know Heizhen, but it took me and these brothers hundreds of thousands of gold and 20 years to build it. A team of dead soldiers came out. There are 880 of them in total, each of them is an orphan, and has been trained in assassination since childhood.

You know, originally we collected hundreds of thousands of orphans from all over the world, but in the end only 880 of them persevered and became the dead warriors of black poison.It can be said that these people are all elites who are chosen among all the people, and they have the most sophisticated equipment and weapons in the world.

When they go to kill Wang Yue, only a hundred people are enough to kill Wang Yue. "

Zhao Zhong laughed, his eyes seemed to be full of confidence in this black poison.

At this time, Guo Sheng who was on the opposite side pursed his lips and smiled.

"Hey, Brother Zhao, you didn't flatter Wang Yue when you said that. Last time, that dead ghost Cao Jie led hundreds of guards out of Luoyang City. Jie and his guards were all killed. However, Hei Zhen only injured a few people."

"17 people! Just kill Cao Jie and his guards! I heard that Cao Jie's hundreds of guards are carefully selected from the palace guards and cultivated for a long time. All of them are one against three Brave man! What's even more frightening is that these seventeen black poisonous poisons only injured a few people.

It seems that the choice of the slave family is not wrong. The ten permanent attendants have been accumulated for a long time, and now they are only accumulating.Brother Zhang's big plan can be accomplished, no, it can definitely be accomplished! "

Jian Shuo's eyes shone like never before, his expression and eyesight were all in the eyes of Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong looked at each other, and laughed sarcastically.

After half a stick of incense, there was another rhythmic knock on the door outside the hall. Under Zhang Rang's signal, the door opened, and a tall and thin man in black, who seemed to have endless explosive power, walked in. The man in black wore a black venomous bird mask, walked a few steps, and knelt on one knee to give way to Zhang.


The vocal cords of the male in the black zhen mask must have been damaged, the voice he spoke was hoarse and broken, as if the sound was made by cutting iron with a knife.

"I want to kill a person. Go, gather a hundred black poison warriors. I have found someone to track this person. After you go back and prepare, go and kill this person. Bring his head back to me."


Hei Ling dead men don't have a name, not even a serial number, because once a person has a name or title, it is easy to have feelings and memories. Since Hei Ling is a dead man, they don't need it.

The man in the black mask answered succinctly, his voice was so flat that it made people feel cold, and his whole body was like a walking corpse with no emotion.As soon as he finished answering Zhang Rang, he straightened his body, and the door opened instantly, disappearing into the hall like a sudden hurricane.

The man in the black mask is like a black eagle circling in the night sky, leaping over the top of the palace. He has been to Luoyang Palace for countless times, and he is familiar with this place, just like his own back garden.

Today's night seems to be darker than usual, so dark that even the moon in the night sky seems to be dyed black.And from time to time there will be bursts of weird winds blowing, blowing people's scalp numb.It was a Hessian night. The streets of Luoyang were rarely bustling as usual, and many shops and restaurants closed early.

The so-called dark moon and high wind, killing night.Two hours later, it was the darkest time of night. At this time, somewhere outside Luoyang City, there was a villa.This was secretly purchased by Wang Yue from a patriarch of an aristocratic family, and it was usually used as a base for secret meetings between Wang Yue and his subordinates to discuss matters.

Wang Yue's eyeliners are all his disciples. Under the order of the Han Lingdi, they spread all over the world, collecting information from all states and counties, so that the Han Lingdi can know what the local officials are doing at any time.As Emperor Han Ling said, these are his newborn eyes, a pair of eyes used to observe the world.

The villa, covering an area of ​​several mu, is very spacious, with hundreds of houses.After some eyeliner comes back, you can also rest here temporarily.

"Master, according to the reports from the eyeliners in various places, the evidence has been collected almost. It is enough for Zhang Rang and other ten servants to die more than ten thousand times. Why is the master still not doing it?"

Under the ground of the villa, there is an underground dark room, Wang Yue will store the intelligence and evidence collected by various eyeliners here, just in case.

"No, many of these evidences are not strong enough. Zhang made these old and cunning foxes clean, and he didn't participate in many links. It is difficult for us to incriminate them based on these. If we act rashly, the Holy One will at best They will be punished for a crime of poor governance and connivance.

Once these eunuchs have accumulated so much, once they can't die, they will regain power sooner or later. In this way, we will startle the snake, and it will be difficult to find a handle on them in the future, so this time it must be done overnight, and we cannot give them Any chance of surviving! "

Wang Yue shook his head at Shi A, Shi A couldn't help but stare, frowning.

"So, master still intends to continue the investigation? It's just that Zhang Rang and other Shi Changshi's dog legs in various places seem to have noticed our existence and restrained themselves from reports from various parties who came back. I want to find out If there is enough evidence to punish Zhang Rang and other eunuchs, it may be a long way off."

"Hmph, it's not that easy for these people to go ashore after getting off the Black Sea. Shi A, tell your juniors to start attacking those around them, whether it's their heirs, wives or concubines, or the merchants and merchants they usually come into contact with. Insignificant characters like whores.

Skynet is sparse but not leaky. These people are covered in black, and they will definitely leave traces somewhere.The heavens will not always close their eyes, the days of these treacherous ministers and rebellious sons doing evil will soon be over! "

Wang Yue narrowed his eyes and said coldly. At the same time, he carefully rolled up the scroll full of information in his hand and put it in a wooden box.

"The master is right. I only hope that these malignant tumors of the Han Dynasty can be eradicated as soon as possible, and the world will be restored to the people of the world."

Although Shi A said this in his mouth, he felt powerless in his heart, because besides Shi Changshi and their father, brother and children, the malignant tumors in his words also implicated many members of the wealthy and aristocratic families. If they are all convicted, Dahan's entire government agency will immediately be paralyzed.

Shi A was thinking in his heart, suddenly Wang Yue's face turned cold, and then he became nervous again.

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