Han Shimou

Chapter 218 Chasing and Killing

"Mr. Wen, with you and me here, what trouble do these killers have!"

"You're right. If it's just you and me, you have to pay a small price to kill these killers. But don't forget, it's not just you and me here."

While talking, the horse trainer gave Shi A a slight wink. Wang Yue's expression froze, and he immediately understood.At this moment, Shi A has become a burden.

What Wang Yue did just now has exposed his weakness. If the battle continues, these black poison fighters will definitely hold on to Shi A and launch a group attack, forcing Wang Yue to shrink back and forth, unable to fully display his strength.Fighting with these killers, you can't allow a little distraction, otherwise you will usher in a storm-like attack. If the horse trainer hadn't arrived in time just now, Wang Yue knew that he would lose a few layers of skin if he didn't die.

Shi A noticed the eyes of the horse trainer and Wang Yue, he became a burden to them, his face was full of unwillingness at this time, this is something Shi A Ning would not die, Shi Ayi gritted his teeth, opened his mouth, and He wanted to tell the horse trainer and Wang Yue to leave him alone.Unexpectedly, Wang Yue spoke first.

"Shi A, Master Wei and Duke Wen are here to buy time for you. Go back to the house quickly, take out the evidence, and leave with me. Don't waste the price your juniors paid for it! "

When Wang Yue said the last sentence, Shi A's heart trembled suddenly.After such a long time, none of the disciples who were resting in Zhuangzi arrived.

Shi A had vaguely guessed that his juniors had already been killed by the black-clothed killers in front of him.It's just that Shi A still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but Wang Yue's words severely shattered his glimmer of hope.

"Zhang Rang Huangou!! Just wait, I will chop off your dog's head with my own hands one day to avenge my dead juniors!"

Shi A shouted loudly in his heart, no longer hesitated, and immediately jumped up and ran back into the room.Some Heizhen warriors were about to chase after them, but the horse trainer and Wang Yue walked towards them, one left and one right, and two majestic and surging momentum suddenly burst out, overwhelming the few Heizhen warriors who were closest to them. Cold sweat broke out all over.

"Wen Gong, I don't know how many years. There is still a chance to join hands with you to kill the enemy. It's really an impermanent world."

"Hehe, if it weren't for this, I don't know how long the debt the old man owed you back then would have dragged on. The bones of this body have not been touched for many years, and I don't know if it has been broken."

"In that case, these killers are just for Wen Gong to try."

With the strange scream of the leader of the black poison warrior again, all the black poison warriors in the field rushed towards the horse trainer and Wang Yue frantically.The horse trainer laughed, walking in a stray gait, like a fish swimming in the water, swimming strangely among the crowd of black poisoned soldiers. Like being there, hard to catch.

He didn't have any weapons in his hands, his hands were either clenched into fists or shaped like eagle claws, and he punched and clawed extremely fast.Wherever he passed, he only saw a few black shadows passing by, and those black poison warriors around him would fall silently.

Compared with the terrifyingly quiet killing method of the horse trainer, Wang Yue's killing method is much more majestic. Holding a giant sword in his hand, he rushed into the crowd, and the sword moves, with a sharp sword aura, swept away the crowd. A piece of black poison dead soldiers.

At this time, at some point, some black poison warriors formed a circle around the periphery, holding darts in their hands, and shot at the horse trainer and Wang Yue.

The horse trainer and Wang Yue leaped into the air together tacitly, their backs were close together, the horse trainer picked up the wine jug at his waist, took a sip of the wine, his stomach grew bigger, and then sprayed towards the incoming dart .These drinks seem to be equipped with hard qigong, and they knocked countless darts away.

As for Wang Yue, his hands were bare, and the sword in both hands set off pieces of sword energy like huge blades, and all the darts that were shot towards him were bounced away.


Under the sky, there was a sudden rain of poisonous darts. Below, some of the black poison warriors who were about to launch a berserk attack by the horse trainer and Wang Yue fell to the ground. Darkened skin.

And these black poisoned soldiers who were poisoned with poison darts, without exception, all of them pressed the poison into their stomachs, forcing out mouthfuls of poisonous blood arrows to spray towards the horse trainer and Wang Yue.

At the same time, the black poison warriors on the periphery fired darts again.In the sky, puddles of poisonous blood splashed, and countless darts flew towards the horse trainer, Wang Yue, who was falling to the ground.

The horse trainer and Wang Yue repeated the action just now, using the spewed wine and the sword energy to block it, and with a bang, it exploded like a bomb.

The poisonous blood and the darts flew all around.As soon as Wang Yue, the horse trainer, landed on the ground, several black poisoned soldiers who had been hit by poison darts sprayed poisonous blood on them. The successive attacks seemed to be continuous.When everything returned to a short period of calm, the horse trainer's right index finger and right shoulder were splashed with two drops of poisonous blood.

The horse trainer's face was full of indifference, he drank a sip of wine, then pinched his right index finger with his left hand and then tore off the piece of flesh dripping with poisonous blood on his right shoulder.

There were also two places on Wang Yue's body that were splashed with poisonous blood, but fortunately they were not important parts. With a loud shout, he tore off the flesh and blood that had been invaded by the toxin piece by piece.

Every minute of a master's fight is tragic.At this moment, there were originally about 1 Heizhen dead soldiers, but only less than 70 remained.

"Master, the evidence has been brought back by the apprentice."

At this moment, Shi A's voice came, and a figure rushed over quickly. Shi A blocked the two black poison warriors who wanted to pounce on Wang Yue, and then quickly retreated to Wang Yue's side.

"Okay. Then I will withdraw!"

The horse trainer fixed his eyes and said in an unquestionable tone.Wang Yue has been fighting these black poison fighters for so long, no matter their methods or their killing methods, Wang Yue has no choice but to place them in a high position.Therefore, Wang Yue had no other opinions this time, and after looking at each other with the horse trainer and Shi A, the three of them jumped to the right at the same time.

And those black poison warriors seemed unwilling to give up. Amidst the strange cry of the leader of the black poison warrior, all the remaining black poison warriors got up together and chased after the horse trainer Wang Yue and others.

In the dark night, countless black shadows that looked like lightning bolts were moving, disturbing the tranquility of the night.And behind these, the flames became more and more intense, and the wooden piles and gravel in the manor continued to fall, making bursts of bangs, and the burning manor was like an angry volcano, howling one after another.

The horse trainer Wang Yue and others chased after the Heizhen dead man. After some time, Wang Yue's complexion became darker and darker. He had the most toxins in his body, and his breathing began to become short of breath.

"Shi A...you go back to Luoyang with the information collected by your juniors, and then find a suitable opportunity and give it to someone who can use it. The target of these killers is me...I will definitely not send too many people to chase you .”

"No! Master's life is at stake, how can this disciple leave at this moment!"

"At this moment, it's your turn to take care of this personal affair! The things in your hands are related to the whole world! How many times have I told you! In the face of righteousness, everything is insignificant!"

"But!! Master, I!!"

"Stop talking! If you continue to do this, I will sever the master-student relationship with you as a teacher!!!"

Wang Yue's eyes were red, and he stared violently. Shi A's whole body trembled violently. His face was full of pain and he nodded his head heavily. When he came back to his senses, Wang Yue and the horse trainer had already flew towards the other side.

As expected by Wang Yue, the Heizhen dead man only sent six people to chase Shi A, and the others continued to chase after the horse trainer and Wang Yue.

This night seemed extremely long.However, after all, the night fog was dispelled by the sun.

Luoyang, inside Wenfu.

With the end of Guangzong's war, Wen Han had a long-lost sleep.Wen Han seemed to have a good dream last night, he seemed to be in a good mood after getting up, with a smile on his mouth, and greeted the servants of the mansion passing by one by one.

"Oh~! Third brother, why are you getting up at this hour! It's almost time to go to court, come on, hurry up and have some breakfast. I'll prepare the official uniform for you."

"Oh, brother, I know. Big brother, you go to eat with me. Let the servants prepare this official uniform."

"I ate with my second and fourth brothers just now. I'll get the official uniform. You want to see the present majesty. The official uniform must be neat and tidy. In case the servant forgets which clothing, or doesn't Be careful to stain your official uniform, what if the Holy Majesty blames you and punishes you for the crime of disrespect?"

Wen Han listened to Zhou Long's words, his eyes couldn't help softening. He didn't hear Zhou Long's nagging for nearly half a year, and Wen Han suddenly felt an inexplicable warmth.

"Why are you still sticking around here. Didn't the eldest brother say that time is running out, go and have breakfast quickly. It's very important to be early, so don't be vague..."

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