Han Shimou

Chapter 255 Tianxiang's Bet

"Wen is extraordinary, Wen is extraordinary. I don't know whether to say that you are overconfident, or that you are bold. Every state and county in the world is not a rich family, and half of the government personnel are in the country, so that we can live in peace.

The wealthy family not only holds land, troops, and food in their place, but also has many people behind the court to support them.

If we and other local officials want to manage the land under our jurisdiction well, we have to be controlled by them.Otherwise, this place will be chaotic, and your official position will not last long.

Wen Bufan, I know you are a courageous person.But you still have to do everything according to your ability, otherwise you will overestimate yourself, and you will only end up ruined.

As someone who has experienced it, the old man is here to advise you, it is better to stop as soon as possible.Don't fall out with the wealthy family.You can't beat them.

Furthermore.Even if you, Wen Bufan, really have the ability to overwhelm the wealthy families in Hedong, but you will be finished, and you will only be able to live in a place in Hedong forever.Because, once you successfully suppress the wealthy families in Hedong, if you want to step in in other places in the future, you are afraid that you will be violently counterattacked by the local wealthy families.

For the sake of the family, for the sake of their power and interests, these wealthy people have accumulated several generations. Once they become crazy, you can't underestimate them. "

Ding Yuan's words are very factual, and some words have been presumptuous in them.Because of this, Wen Han could tell that Ding Yuan was really thinking about him.

There was only firmness in Wen Han's eyes, and he looked at Ding Yuan.Xi Long had also analyzed what he said just now, but in the end he and Xi Long unanimously decided to take this step.

Of course, Ding Yuan didn't know that behind Wen Han, there was Xi Long, a counselor with the ability to manipulate the world, to assist him.Aiming at the wealthy families in Hedong, they have promoted and descended secretly, promoted farming, and cooperated with wealthy merchants in business to stabilize. As long as a series of plans are successfully implemented, the rich families in Hedong will no longer be able to threaten Wenhan.

Wen Han was not afraid that they would rebel. After all, he represented the imperial court. If the wealthy people in Hedong rebelled, it would be a rebellion.Then Wen Han will clear them without hesitation.

As for whether those bureaucrats behind the wealthy people in Hedong will make small moves in front of Han Lingdi to remove him from his official position.This is beyond Wen Han's grasp, and he can only hope that Emperor Han Ling can see the facts clearly.

Finally, will he set foot in other states and counties in the future and encounter local giants?Wen Han is not worried, because he believes that his way of driving the world with public opinion will awaken the humanity of the local people and help him.

And as long as he succeeds in farming in Hedong, he will have enough food to feed a large number of people. As long as he has food and can survive, the local people will not be willing to be controlled by wealthy people.

After all, there are only a few wealthy families in this world.As long as the local people are willing to vote for Wen Han, Wen Han is not afraid of how much trouble the local wealthy people can cause.

"Ding Gong, there is no way in this world. When people walk too much, the road will come out. In the past, or as Ding Gong said, in every place, the government and the wealthy family accounted for half.

But Bufan wants to take an unusual path, open up a new path, and be the trailblazer.

What Ding Gong said just now, before Bufan came, he already understood.Please Dinggong believe that Bufan made this decision after careful consideration.Please also ask Mr. Ding to help me, today's kindness, Bufanding will keep it in my heart, and I will repay it in the future! "

"You!" Ding Yuan didn't seem to expect Wen Han to say such words, he stared into Wen Han's eyes, the firmness in Wen Han's eyes made Ding Yuan feel complicated, and finally he sighed.

"Hey. It seems that you are determined to fight against the Hedong giants. Are you ready to accept the consequences of ruin?"

"It's not that Bufan wants to fight against the giants of Hedong, but it's that Bufan needs to take the position of governor of Hedong. Only in this way can Bufan change the current situation of Hedong.

The wealthy have too much money and too much food in their hands.The daily expenditure of one person in their clan is enough to make a living for a hundred people.Now in Hedong, there are refugees everywhere with nothing to cover their bodies and food to eat.They are also the people of the big man, should their lives be so humble?

As long as the rich man is willing to let go of his hands, these refugees will be able to eat and survive.Bufan doesn't mean to force the wealthy people to have nowhere to go, it just wants them to give up some insignificant benefits.They can still live a wonderful life, spend money like water, and be aloof. "

"Hmph, Wen Bufan, you really underestimated these wealthy people. Give up some? That's impossible. They only want more, more."

"Then, Bufan can only fight them for more people."

Ding Yuan was silent, and after repeated conversations, he already understood that Wen Han would not give up if he did not achieve his goal, or more precisely, this road, whether it is bright or dark, he must go to the end .

"Wen Bufan, five thousand shi of grain is not a small amount. Although the old man is the governor of Bingzhou, it is impossible for me to lend you the five thousand shi of grain casually.

Moreover, you must stick to this path. I can't guarantee how long you, the governor of Hedong, can stay.One year later, not to mention the [-] shi of grain that you promised to return twice as much, even the [-] shi of the old man's investment, I don't know if you can get it back?

So... I dare not accept the gift you sent me.You still take it back to Hedong. "

Ding Yuan appreciates Wen Han again, but he only stays in appreciation, without any other more special feelings.A full 60 catties of grain is enough to feed the people of a county for half a year.

How could he, Ding Yuan, lend these 60 catties of grain to a person who would lose his official position at any time just by admiring a person.

"It's Bufan who made things difficult for Ding Gong. This gift is given away, and there is absolutely no way to take it back. Moreover, Ding Gong has helped Bufan many times when he was in distress.

I also ask Mr. Ding not to blame Bufan for being rude today. "

Ding Yuan's refusal only made Wen Han slightly disappointed, but Wen Han soon regained his strength.He understood Ding Yuan's embarrassment.

In this way, it was inevitable that the two of them would be a little awkward sitting on the balcony facing each other.Ding Yuan was restless and a little irritable. Wen Han sighed when he saw it, and wanted to say goodbye to Ding Yuan and go back to Hedong.

Ding Yuan frowned. He really admired Wen Han and hoped that he would succeed when he saw him.But that's all, after Ding Yuan pondered for a long time, he still asked Wen Han to stay and rest for a day.Let him think carefully and give Wen Han an answer tomorrow.

Although Wen Han knew that it was unlikely that Ding Yuan would change his mind, the matter of borrowing food was of great importance, and he was willing to take a gamble if there was a glimmer of hope.Ding Yuan was irritable and unwilling to talk to Wen Han any more, so Wen Han resigned and went back to his room to rest.Ding Yuan nodded and didn't stay any longer.

Not long after Wen Han left, the woman playing the piano by the pond lifted the silk curtain and came out with an intoxicating fragrance.She silently looked at Wen Han's figure, she seemed to know Wen Han.

"Tianxiang, come. Sit with the old man."

It turns out that this person is Tian Xiang who had a relationship with Wen Han in Qifeng Tower and even played chess.When Tianxiang heard Ding Yuan calling her, she lightly stepped on the boat, landed on the shore, and walked towards the tower.

As soon as Tianxiang came, the indescribable fragrance on his body immediately made Ding Yuan suck the air greedily.Tianxiang's unique fragrance made the restlessness on Ding Yuan's face gradually fade away.

"Lord Inspector, I'm being polite."

Tianxiang bent her graceful and charming body, bowed slightly, and was dressed in a pure white silk dress with snow spots, as beautiful as a fairy who could not eat fireworks.

"Haha, why do beauties need to be so polite. It's my fault for keeping the beauties waiting for so long. Come and sit down."

Tianxiang followed Ding Yuan's words, her silk clothes fluttered, and she sat opposite Ding Yuan like a red dust and white lotus.At that time, women's status was extremely low, and they generally could not sit with men, let alone Ding Yuan, who was the head of a state.However, it seems that Tianxiang is very familiar with Ding Yuan, and some worldly etiquette is avoided.

"Lord Inspector, I seem to be frowning deeply. Is there something bothering me?"

Tianxiang's voice was as soft as a spring breeze, which was very comfortable to listen to. Ding Yuan nodded, not shying away from it, and even roughly told Tianxiang about the conversation with Wenhan just now.Of course, Ding Yuan didn't say anything in it.

Tianxiang frowned, looking thoughtful, and it was another beautiful scene.

"There are some things that Tianxiang doesn't know whether to say or not."

"Oh, Tianxiang and the old man have a good friendship. Don't worry about it, just say what you have to say."

"Tianxiang believes that the governor should lend food to Champion Lang."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Tianxiang, who is usually sought after by the heirs of Bingzhou's wealthy families and dignitaries, and even my son Fengxian despises, would fall in love with Wen Bufan."

For Ding Yuan's ridicule, Tianxiang just smiled lightly and shook her head slightly.

"No. Tianxiang is just a romantic woman, how dare she intercede with others. Mr. Governor, please don't make fun of Tianxiang. Tianxiang just thinks that what Champion Lang is doing is for the benefit of more people.

Indeed, as he said, as long as those high-ranking wealthy families are willing to give up a little, many homeless people can survive.

And, if he really succeeds.Lord Inspector can also follow his example and benefit the people of Bingzhou. "

"Tianxiang beauty, are you so sure that Wen Bufan can succeed?"

"I'm not sure. But I feel that Champion Lang is not an ordinary person."

"Aren't you an ordinary person? For this reason, I want the old man to lend him five thousand shi of grain. Tianxiang beauty, are you kidding me?"

"Hehe, what should the governor do to feel that it is not a joke?"

Tianxiang smiled again, her fair and flawless skin was like the perfect facial features carved by God, her eyes and smile could lock the hearts of men all over the world.

Ding Yuan was stunned for a while, although he was over half a hundred years old, but he was physically strong, everyone has a love for beauty, such a beauty, as long as a man can dream of it.

"It's not as good. Let's make a bet. We bet that Wen Bufan can succeed. If Wen Bufan really has the courage to overwhelm the wealthy Hedong family, the old man is willing to pay a lot of money to redeem Tianxiang beauty's innocence.

If Wen Bufan fails in the end, then the old man will also redeem Tianxiang beauty's innocence, but Tianxiang beauty will marry the old man and become his wife and concubine. "

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