Han Shimou

Chapter 268 White Dragon Thief

Therefore, most of the number of thieves under Da Niuzi's command was preserved.After counting the number of people, Gao Shun told Wen Han that there were more than [-] captive thieves.In addition, the [-] thieves recruited in Mazi Tucheng captured a total of [-] thieves.

Because Wen Han and [-] soldiers were tortured by the cold wind and low temperature in the extremely simple camp for three days in a row.Therefore, as soon as Wenhan ended the battle, he asked these three thousand soldiers to go to the earthen house in Tucheng to keep warm, and asked other soldiers to boil a cold medicine soup for the three thousand five hundred robes that were suffering from cold.

Wen Han had already prepared these medicinal soups when he dispatched troops from Dangyin three days ago, and these medicinal soups were developed by Hua Tuo, and they have a very good cold-dispelling effect.

Wen Han's hand holding the medicine bowl kept trembling frequently. Wen Han lowered his head and drank half of the bowl in one sip. Suddenly, a fiery breath rushed from his stomach to his head, and then from his head to the soles of his feet.

It is said that the cold comes from the soles of the feet first, or there is some basis for it. This fiery breath wraps Wen Han's feet. After Wen Han sat down to rest for a while, he felt that his body, which was so cold that he was about to lose his senses, seemed to have regained consciousness. It became hot, and the numbness of various parts of the limbs slowly disappeared.

"How do you feel, Bufan? This time you are really too reluctant. The low temperature on the mountain, if a pot of water is poured out, it will freeze in less than half an hour. You are in that simple camp, with all the soldiers After three days and three nights of cold wind, what if your body is infected with the wind and cold?

Bufan, you are the leader of an army. If you fall, the campaign against the rebellion in the east and the east of the river cannot continue!If there is another time, no matter what, you send me. "

"Hehe, Boyi is worrying too much. Little Binghan is not enough to trip me Wen Bufan. As you said, I am the leader of an army, and I should lead the way in everything. Only the soldiers under this command will respect me." Me, submit to me. Willing to share joys and sorrows with me."

Gao Shun was born in Pinghan, and he hadn't established a character for a long time, so Wen Han took care of him and chose the character Boyi.It has the meaning of righteousness, and Gao Shun was very happy, so he accepted this word.

Wen Han's words, hearing Gao Shun's ears, couldn't help but arouse a sense of admiration in Gao Shun's heart.Wen Han showed a faint smile to Gao Shun on his pale face and said again.

"In the meantime, we have wiped out two groups of thieves, and captured more than 300 thieves. Although these thieves have done things that are harmful to nature and justice, they are all forced by life and instigated by others. .

Now we have spent a lot of time, the battle is urgent, these thieves are very powerful, I have the intention of recovering them.Boyi, go down now and ask people to gather these thieves. I have something to say to them later. "

"Yes! The subordinate understands."

Gao Shun's mouth was clumsy, and he wanted to say some words of concern at first, but he couldn't.So the only way for him to do things seriously for Wen Han is to express what is in his heart.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Wen Han needed him to do something, he immediately became more energetic, bowed his hands to Wen Han and bid farewell, and rushed to find the captured thieves.

"Hehe, you are a dumb guy. You really can't express yourself well."

Wen Han looked at Gao Shun's leaving back, his eyes were full of relief and peace of mind.He secretly thought that it is his great fortune to have such subordinates as Boyi.

Half an hour later, Wen Han felt much more comfortable in his body, and Gao Shun also came to tell the thief that he had gathered and was waiting for him to pass.Wen Han followed Gao Shun to an open space in Tucheng. There were more than 300 thieves, all of whom looked nervous and looked anxiously at Wen Han who was walking slowly.

Wen Han walked in front of them, and didn't say anything about the principles of benevolence and righteousness.Because for these thieves from peasant backgrounds, they don't understand at all.

Therefore, Wen Hanyu was talking about survival and the future.He gave these thieves two choices, one is to become his Hedong army, and the other is to drop the murderous weapon in his hand, return to Hedong, and become farmers again.For the crimes they committed in the past, Wen Han never blamed the past.

Most of these thieves came from Hedong, and they were originally farmers. The reason why they became thieves was because they had no land to cultivate, and they became rebels for their livelihood.

Now that Hedong has implemented farming, the refugees in Hedong all get the land, and many of the family members of these thieves were part of the refugees in Hedong back then.And among these thieves, many have received letters from their family members, without exception, advising them to go back to Hedong and stop being rebels. Now that they have land, they are not afraid of starving to death.

So these thieves also knew that what Wen Han said was not a lie to them.More than 300 thieves almost hesitated to look around to see how other people around them chose.

After a while, many thieves dropped their weapons and walked aside.Going to this side means that they have chosen to go back to Hedong, go back to their families, and become farmers again.

The thieves who want to go back to the plowing fields and become farmers are all elderly middle-aged men. Most of these people are old and young. A large part of the reason is that after they robbed their homes, many of the grain, grass and silver they got were sent back to their families.

Now that their family members in Hedong got the land, they no longer need to live a life of licking blood. After returning to Hedong, they can share the family happiness with their family members.

It turned out that they didn't return because there were also anti-thief rules among the anti-thieves. Once they fled back to Hedong, they would be wanted and hunted down by their leaders.In order not to hurt their family members, they had no choice but to continue to live as rebels.

And most of the remaining thieves are some young and strong young people. This age is just when they show their sharpness. Of course, they don't want to go back to Hedong, plow the fields and live a life of mediocrity.

What's more, just now Wen Han said that the treatment of the Hedong Army was so generous that they couldn't resist it. The food and salary were double, and the compassionate allowance was far higher than that given by the troops of other states and counties.

What's more, the promotion system is for those who are capable. As long as they have enough merits, they will be able to rise to the top. They will not use cronyism like other armies. Those who become officers are the general's cronies, heirs, and clan members.

And, more importantly, what they follow is their idol, role model, Wen Han, Wen Champion.Wen Han was about the same age as them, and he was from a poor family, so they had an innate sense of closeness to Wen Han.And Wen Han really has no pretensions. Many of these thieves have secretly noticed just now that Wen Han treats his sergeants with great care, giving people the feeling that they are like a family.

Therefore, they finally made a decision to follow Wen Han, maybe they could make a bright future in the future.

Gao Shun asked the surrounding soldiers to quickly count the number of people on both sides. About 1000 people left, and 1000 people chose to stay.And these [-] people are all young and strong men. Wen Han was very satisfied with this result and nodded to the people who stayed behind, while smiling at them.

For those who left, Wen Han wrote down an instruction on a cloth scroll, and handed it to a calm-looking middle-aged man recommended by thirteen hundred returnees.After Wen Han asked them to go back to Hedong, he went to Anyi to look for Zhang Hong. When the time came, Zhang Hong would try his best to help them find their family members, settle down, and start a new life.

As for the remaining 1000 people, Wen Han broke them up, and then distributed them among the troops under his command, and then promoted some of his original soldiers who had made a lot of achievements to be the leaders of these new soldiers.In this way, Wen Han is not afraid that they will have second thoughts in the future.

Since these 1000 people chose to stay and follow Wen Han, they naturally accepted Wen Han's deployment.With this new army of 1000 men added, the number of soldiers and horses under Wen Han's current leadership has reached 500 men.

As for the big dog-headed military adviser, Wen Han saw that although he was greedy for life and afraid of death, he was also quick-witted, so he asked his name.When the dog-headed military commander heard Wen Han asking his name, his face was filled with joy, he bowed his head and said his name, Zhang Bin.

Wen Han was stunned for a moment, and quickly flashed through his mind the generals who had left their names in history in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but he did not find Zhang Bin's name.Moreover, Wen Han did not remember very clearly, except for some well-known figures, the names of others were only vague.

However, not leaving a name in history does not mean that this person's ability is insufficient.Zhang Bin made a lot of contributions this time. Wen Han asked Zhang Bin if he would like to join him. After receiving Zhang Bin's affirmative answer, Wen Han temporarily gave him the position of marching commander.

Zhang Bin was overjoyed and thanked him again and again.

Although Wen Han spent a lot of time in these two battles, he gained a lot. With the addition of a thousand new troops, the next battle in the Bailong Mountains will be free.

At this time, the news that Wen Han led the army to the Bailong Mountain Range to suppress the bandits has spread throughout the Bailong Mountain Range.Wen Han learned from Zhang Bin that there are ten waves of rebels in the Bailong Mountain Range, almost all of them number around 3000. Among them, the self-proclaimed Bailong Rebel Army in the center of the Bailong Mountain Range is the most powerful, with tens of thousands of people. people.

And Zhang Bin has a little friendship with the two waves of rebels on the hill next door, so he recommends himself, willing to persuade the two waves of rebels to surrender.Time is running out now, and surrender is undoubtedly the fastest way to end the war as soon as possible.Wen Han also saw that Zhang Bin looked confident, so he deliberately gave it a try and asked Zhang Bin to prepare his luggage and set off that day.

After Zhang Bin left, Wen Han recruited a thousand new troops. In order to let these people get used to each other as soon as possible, Wen Han and Gao Shun took the time to train their troops.

Three days later, Zhang Bin came back with good news.Said that the two waves of bandits were persuaded by him and were willing to surrender.Wen Han was overjoyed, and immediately led the army with Gao Shun to the base camp of the two waves of bandits.After the two waves of bandits were incorporated separately, Wen Han recruited more than 2000 bandits after removing more than 3000 bandits who wanted to go back to the farmland in Hedong to start a new life.

For a time, Wen Han's army strength reached more than 500 people, which was nearly double that of when he first came.Wen Han also scattered the newly joined thieves among the armies to prevent rebellion.Seeing Wen Han's power, the other thieves panicked and contacted each other to discuss how to deal with Wen Han's army.

And after experiencing the taste of soldiers without blood, and surrendering without fighting, Wen Han raised the banner of surrender and notified the thieves in various villages.The leaders of several villages were very moved by this and intended to surrender.

However, when the leaders of these villages were about to send a letter to inform Wen Han of their intention to surrender, a sudden change occurred in the villages of these leaders at the same time.

These leaders were all betrayed by their subordinates, who were either poisoned or attacked by surprise or led the army to fight, killing them all, and after a few days, the thieves in these villages abandoned their villages one after another and joined the White Dragon Rebel Army.

Immediately, the strength of the Bailong Rebel Army increased sharply, reaching more than 2 people.At the same time, the Bailong Rebel Army issued a notice to inform the remaining leaders of the bandits that whoever dared to surrender to the court would be an enemy of the Bailong Rebel Army, and the Bailong Rebel Army would send troops to destroy them at any cost.

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