Han Shimou

Chapter 319

"Hmph, running for my life this time. I, Cao Mengde, have been betrayed and betrayed time and time again, and now I'm in a state of death. Is it true that God wants to kill me!"

Cao Cao's face was cold, he looked at the soldiers ahead, and heard the shouts of the pursuers behind him, he didn't have a trace of fear, instead he was so calm and indifferent that it was scary.

Just when Cao Cao thought he was in a dead end and it was difficult to turn the tables.

After a while, outside the back door of Luzhuang Gate, a cavalry cavalry was wearing Liangzhou military uniforms, but everyone's anxious face was completely different from other Liangzhou soldiers and horses. Arrived suddenly.

"Meng De! Meng De!!! Are you here!!!"

When Cao Cao heard the urgent shout, his face immediately turned cold, and he responded loudly.

"Extraordinary!! Cao is here!!!"

"Meng De!! It's Meng De's voice!!! Second Brother!! Follow me to kill together!! Black Wind Cavalry obey orders!! Flat shot!!!"

At the back door of Lu Zhuang, Wen Han was in a state of ecstasy and hurriedly gave orders, with his soldiers in disorder and his soldiers in disarray.All the Heifeng riders were shocked, and they picked up the big bows behind their backs neatly, put arrows on the bows, and suddenly a sharp and dense wave of arrows rushed towards the Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army in the back door of Luzhuang.

The Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army in the back gate of Luzhuang did not expect a sudden attack by soldiers and horses, and many soldiers were shot off their horses.When they reacted, Wen Han and Guan Yu had already arrived. Wen Han danced with the Wuji Spear Style, and caught dozens of Liangzhou armored cavalry who were blocking him by surprise. After slashing five knives in a row, he swept aside all the Liangzhou iron armored cavalry in front of him. The two of them rushed into the crowd of Liangzhou iron armored cavalry like a broken bamboo. The armored cavalry was in chaos.

"Meng De! Get on the horse quickly, I will ride with you!"

Wen Han rushed in front of Cao Cao and stretched out his hand to pull Cao Cao onto his horse.

"Wait!! Where are the people from Gongtai!!?"

Cao Cao suddenly became anxious, and then remembered that Chen Gong was still in the village, accompanying his mother and wife.

"No! I want to go back and save the public!! The public!! The public!!!"

Cao Cao's anxious and panicked voice spread throughout Zhuangzi, and at this time Luzhuang was full of Liangzhou army. Originally, when Chen Gong heard the sound of fighting earlier, he knew that something was wrong, so he helped his mother and wife. He got into the carriage, and just as the carriage was about to rush out of the village, he was captured by soldiers from Liangzhou.

"Lord Cao!! My mother, my wife, and I have been captured by Dong Gou's minions! Ru don't care about me!! Go away!!"

"No! Gongtai, you have saved Cao's life, how can I abandon you!!"

"Lord Cao, those who achieve great things do not care about small details!! It is really a blessing for Chen Gong to be able to get acquainted with Master Cao!! I hate that Chen Gong has not been able to make a plan for Master Cao!! Master Cao, Dong Gou's minions are powerful! Daddy, don't stay here. If Chen Gong hurts you, Chen Gong would rather go to hell with his family at this time!!!"

"Public platform!!!"

Although Cao Cao and Chen Gong did not face each other and shouted, but at this moment they were in a heart-to-heart relationship. Cao Cao roared in grief and anger, and at this time Wen Han saw more and more Liangzhou soldiers and horses chasing him, so he hurriedly urged him again.

"Meng De! If you don't leave again! We will all die here!!"

And just as Wen Han finished speaking, Zhang Liao suddenly killed Cao Cao, and the last three remaining soldiers under Cao Cao's command were stabbed to death repeatedly by Zhang Liao's spears.

"Cao Mengde, don't try to escape!!"

Zhang Liao shouted Lingran, and was about to ride his horse to chase after him, when Guan Yu charged forward with his sword in hand, and the two swords and guns collided quickly, causing countless violent sparks.

Zhang Liao's kill made Cao Cao not dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately grabbed Wen Han's hand. Wen Han slammed his right arm, pulling Cao Cao behind him, and then slammed on the clouds and dark clouds, and ran away with Cao Cao. .Seeing Wen Han and Cao Cao leave, Guan Yu suddenly exploded with force and slashed open Zhang Liao.

"Zhang Wenyuan, I will definitely compete with you in the future!"

After Guan Yu said this, he turned his horse's head and passed Xiahoudun, but the two had a tacit understanding. Xiahoudun jumped and jumped behind Guan Yu.The two brandished their weapons, and the surrounding Liangzhou iron armored cavalry retreated one after another, leaving a bloody path.

As Wen Han and Guan Yu left with Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun, the Black Wind Rider also retreated slowly, fired a few more rounds of shooting at the back door, and then frantically whipped their horsewhips, chasing Wen Han and Guan Yu.

"My lord, take care!"

Chen Gong, who was still in Zhuangzi, saw the anxiety of the Liangzhou soldiers around him, and knew that Cao Cao had escaped. The heart hanging in his throat was relieved, and he said something heavily in his heart.

At the same time, he finally used the title of lord to Cao Cao, but at this time, the two were close in heart but far away from each other.

When Zhang Liao saw that Wen Han had rescued Cao Cao, he intentionally or unintentionally slowed down his speed. After chasing for a while, he lost sight of Wen Han and the others.

"Cao Bandit is fateful, let him escape again! It's really hateful, hateful!! You search the surrounding area quickly, and report immediately if you find Cao Bandit and others!"

Zhang Liao pretended to be angry on purpose, pointed at the hundreds of people around him and shouted viciously.Fearing that Zhang Liao's wrath would be turned on them, those hundreds of generals quickly received orders and led their troops to search around.

Wen Han and Guan Yu led Hei Feng to ride their horses non-stop and galloped all the way to the depths of the forest. When they saw that there were no pursuers behind them, they dared to relax and rest for a while.

Cao Cao's eyes were a little empty, as if he was constantly thinking about some extremely difficult and heart-wrenching questions.

"Meng De, Meng De!!"

Wen Han called Cao Cao again and again, Cao Cao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately put his hand on the hilt of his waist subconsciously, but when he realized that the person in front of him was Wen Han, he relaxed his tense expression.

"Come on, have a drink."

Although Wen Han noticed Cao Cao's actions just now, Wen Han was not angry, but took it for granted.Cao Cao was chased and killed all the way, and he was worried day and night, so it was inevitable that he would not be nervous.

Cao Cao took the bamboo tube from Wen Han and poured it into his own mouth, gulping until it was exhausted.

"Is it better?"

Wen Han looked at Cao Cao with concern, Cao Cao shook his head with a wry smile.

"I, Cao Mengde, have been betrayed and betrayed by so many people along the way. Some of them have been saved, and even family members who are as close as blood. I feel more uncomfortable in my heart than in my body."

"Hey. People's hearts are unpredictable and ocean waters are hard to measure. After all, it is difficult for people to refuse temptation. What's more, Dong Zhuo used the guard of a county to do this temptation...

What are your plans next, Meng De? "

"Go to Hulao Pass. I think at this time, Xun You should have taken Hulao. As long as we get to Hulao, we can go all the way to Chenliu."

"Okay. Then we will rest for a while, and then hurry on our way."

"Hmm... extraordinary..."

"If Ru Cao Mengde dares to thank me, I will immediately lead the army and leave. Abandon you here!"

Wen Han went to the east of the river hundreds of miles away, and in this very short period of time, he went deep into the enemy's territory and led his troops to rescue him.Although Wen Han's soldiers and horses were all wearing Liangzhou military uniforms and were able to cheat many checkpoints, judging from their messy and torn military uniforms that can be seen everywhere, it can be seen that they must have encountered many obstacles along the way.

Cao Cao was almost certain that Wen Han must have come here after a narrow escape and rescued him from death.This kind of love is especially precious after Cao Cao has experienced repeated betrayals.

The Liangzhou military uniforms on Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Heifengqi were peeled off from the corpses of the Liangzhou army who defeated Zhang Ji.They went deep into Sili all the way, and in order to travel lightly, they only brought dry food for ten days, saving food and food along the way, and mixed into cities and counties from time to time to make some supplies, and hunt some prey on the mountains, although they were hungry all the way. , but still supported.

However, at this time, almost all the soldiers in Sili Prefecture were chasing and killing Cao Cao. Wen Han and his party were wearing Liangzhou military uniforms.But later, Wen Han was recognized by a Liangzhou general who had participated in the Battle of Yanshi in Hedong, and the news that Wen Han led the troops to appear in Sili Prefecture quickly spread.After Dong Zhuo heard this, he was furious and startled, and hurriedly sent more people, trying to wipe out Wen Han's thorn in his heart.Since then, Wen Han and others have not been so easy to deceive others, and they are often seen through and hunted down.

Just today, Wen Han rushed here, and suddenly saw a group of Liangzhou soldiers rushing into a village, and at the same time faintly heard Cao Cao's name.And because these Liangzhou troops almost put their minds on Cao Cao, they didn't know Wen Han's puppet army for a while. Wen Han led the Black Wind Cavalry to follow these Liangzhou troops. Raid from behind and rescue Cao Cao in time.

Perhaps, after this incident spread, many people in the world believed that Wen Han was reckless and reckless. He was already the prefect of a county, and Cao Cao was not as useful to him as before.Why put your own life aside, break into the enemy's territory, and rush in like a headless chicken when you are not sure about Cao Cao's direction.

However, how do they understand the friendship between Wen Han and Cao Cao.If it wasn't for Cao Cao's repeated rescue of Wen Han, Wen Han would have been counted dead by the nobles of Xi County in Xie County, not to mention that Cao Cao later introduced Wen Han to Luoyang, where he started to make a fortune and become famous.Wen Han can even say with certainty that without Cao Mengde, there would be no Wen Champion who is well-known in the world, and there would be no occupying the Hedong side today, Wenhe!

Therefore, Wen Han may die in Sili Prefecture if he knows this line of business.But Wen Han decided without hesitation to lead the troops to rescue Cao Cao.And even more so, I have to go to rescue myself, so that my heart will not jump out of my body in a hurry!

"Hehe. Don't worry, Wen Bufan. I, Cao Mengde, have saved you countless times, and you only saved me once. If you want me to thank you, it's too good of you to think about it."

Cao Cao smiled knowingly, clenched his fist tightly, and hit Wen Han's fist hard.

"Wen Bufan. After this time, I, Cao Mengde, will definitely become a hero who would rather let me defeat the world than let the world defeat me. But you, as long as you live up to me for a day, I will definitely live up to you."

Cao Cao seemed to have carved a knife deeply in his heart, and secretly slandered.This escape all the way almost severely broke Cao Cao's remaining half of benevolence.Betrayal and betrayal caused Cao Cao's temperament to change rapidly.

"Before I, Cao Mengde, failed to achieve my great cause, in order to ensure this life, even if I turned into a hell Shura, I would not hesitate. As long as I can make more people live a stable and happy life, and bear the infamy how!?"

This may be the biggest difference between Cao Cao and Dong Zhuo.Cao Cao understands that the world is unpredictable at this time, and all the princes are ambitious and want to swallow the world. If the war is to end as soon as possible and the people will not suffer from the war, there must be a powerful hero to calm the country.What Cao Cao did was for more people, even common people.Although Dong Zhuo has power and military strength, he is always for himself from the beginning to the end.

At night, there are troops from Liangzhou patrolling the mountain road from time to time. In order to hide their whereabouts, Wen Han, Cao Cao and the others did not even dare to open fire. Perhaps after more than ten days of fleeing for their lives, they began to get used to traveling in the dark.They shuttled briskly through the forest all the way, and when they heard a little movement, they would stop their horses in unison and wait for the patrolling Liangzhou soldiers and horses to go away before they dared to continue on their way.

The closer they are to Hulao Pass, the more concentrated Wen Han and Cao Cao are and hold their breath. Perhaps God has tortured Cao Cao again and again, and the test is enough. At the same time, they finally arrived at Hulao Pass.

Hulaoguan, the top of the wall is ten feet high, connecting Songyue Mountain in the south and the Yellow River in the north. The mountains and ridges are criss-crossed, forming a natural danger, entrenched there, like a giant jug.There is a situation where one man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it. It has been a must for military strategists of all dynasties.

In front of Hulao Pass, Cao Cao suddenly rode his horse and galloped. The guard inside the pass saw a soldier and horse in front of him, and immediately shouted sharply on the wall inside the pass.

"Who is coming, sign up to come!"

Cao Cao was only a hundred paces away from the pass, so he stopped the reins, and many soldiers in Liangzhou military uniforms in front of Hulao Pass had already set up their bows and aimed their arrows at Cao Cao.As long as the guard gives an order, Cao Cao will inevitably be pierced by thousands of arrows.

Cao Cao ignored it, and with a fixed face, he shouted forcefully word by word.

"Cao! Meng! De!"

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