Han Shimou

Chapter 331

Just as Lv Bu led the army in frantic pursuit, suddenly the mountain road under the horseshoe became more and more bumpy and difficult to walk, while Cao Cao and Wen Han abruptly led the army to flee down a long and steep hillside.

Without any hesitation, Lu Bu ordered the Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry to give chase.

Immediately, thousands of troops and horses covered the hillside in horror. Lv Bu's Liangzhou armored cavalry took advantage of the steepness of the hillside and the center of gravity of the man and horse, as if losing control, ran faster and faster, but the hillside was extremely steep.

Under the earth-shattering shouts of killing, there was a series of bang bang bang bang bangs, and the Liangzhou iron armored cavalry, who were only focused on chasing and killing, didn't know that the saddles and stirrups on their horses were rapidly disintegrating! !

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!Suddenly, dozens of Liangzhou soldiers who were riding wildly in the Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army were suddenly thrown away strangely.Those Liangzhou soldiers who flew away rolled to one side, and the other Liangzhou armored cavalry who were galloping on horseback had no time to stop and sit down on their horses, and trampled them to the ground, screaming again and again.And not long after such Liangzhou iron armored cavalry trampled to death these comrades who suddenly flew over, they suddenly found that there seemed to be something broken under their horses, and suddenly it seemed that a giant hand pulled them away.Dozens of Liangzhou soldiers flew away strangely, and this strange phenomenon continued to spread like a plague.

All of a sudden, countless noisy and violent noises rang out, and the strange phenomenon of people being thrown away continued to occur in the [-] Liangzhou iron armored cavalry. Terrified and tragic screams sounded one after another.

On this long and steep hillside, there was an unspeakable chaos. All the way, people and horses were rolling down out of control. After hitting the bottom of the hillside, the flesh and blood flew violently, and the body was torn apart. It was hard to see clearly, but the flesh and blood had just been revealed Soon, the fallen people and horses collided into a new piece of flesh and blood.

Lu Bu stared dumbfounded at this extremely strange scene, but before he had time to react emotionally, suddenly he also felt that something broke under the Chitu horse, and he was hit by a super strong pulling force. Fly out.After Lu Bu was thrown away, he felt that his body was like a ball, and he was hit by many balls violently again and again. His muscles and bones were about to be scattered, and his body was still moving at an extremely fast speed. Speed, hit downhill.

This hillside is hundreds of meters long, and this steepness is really rare. Lu Bu knew very well that if he fell down, he would definitely die! !

Under the threat of death, Lu Bu burst out the endless potential of his body, and opened his tiger eyes vigorously, just in time to see an out-of-control horse rushing towards his body. , Then grabbed the horse's body with one hand, pulled the horse off, and then pressed the horse's body with the other hand, and used the horse's body as a friction to relieve the force.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~! !

The horse argued frantically and neighed miserably, but it couldn't compete with Lu Bu's terrifying power. Under the friction, the horse was covered with horrifying flesh and blood all the way, and soon even the bones were worn out.The horse finally let out a scream, no longer struggled, and seemed to be dead. After Lu Bu relieved his strength, he was finally able to ease the fall of his body, jumped up, and then landed on a falling horse with a crash, his feet seemed to melt. He made a spear blade, inserted it into the horse's body fiercely, and stepped on the horse's spine with both feet, as if using the horse's body as a skateboard, and rushed towards the hillside.

Afterwards, Lu Bu was attacked by a lot of people falling out of control. Lu Bu's bloody fists moved wildly, blowing up or flying these attacking people.

Just when Lu Bu was about to rush to the bottom of the hillside, even with a jump, he rolled on the ground for tens of meters before he stopped abruptly.

Lu Bu felt a severe dizziness, severe pain all over his body, but he didn't have time to care about his own body, because at this moment, the sound of countless arrows piercing the void sounded, and Lu Bu's body rolled rapidly again. Arrows passed by him one after another, but this round of arrows stopped.

At this time, Lu Bu was not as majestic as before, his battle robe and armor were covered with dust and blood, and his face was smeared with blood and mud.Lu Bu stood up slowly in a state of distress. When he saw countless soldiers and horses besieging and killing them in the forest outside the hillside, his tiger's eyes were filled with horror and determination.

Sun Jian, Guan Yu, Xu Huang, Xiahou brothers and other brave generals led teams of soldiers and horses rushing rapidly from all directions, while behind Lu Bu was a steep slope hundreds of meters long.Lu Bu was covered in wounds at this time, and the [-] Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army had an unknown number of remnants, and those who survived were probably powerless.

For the first time in his life, Lu Bu was forced into a situation where there was no way out. At this time, no matter how superb his martial arts skills were, it was already difficult to turn the tide. Lu Bu finally understood what despair is!

"Unparalleled Lu Fengxian!? Huh, so what! You will definitely die today!!"

"Slave of the three surnames! Today I will seek justice for Duke Ding!!"

"Lu Fengxian, you helped the tyrant to do evil, death is not a pity!"

"Lu Fengxian, you have nowhere to escape!! Die quickly!!"

Listening to these shouts of killing, Lu Bu watched Sun Jian, Guan Yu, Xu Huang, Xiahou brothers and other generals keep shortening the distance from him, and he suddenly became dull and powerless.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of horse crowing and screaming, and the red rabbit horse with blood all over its body and four hooves oozing blood came rushing from somewhere, and the horse crowing seemed to arouse At the moment of Lu Bu's survival, the sluggishness on Lu Bu's face was instantly swept away, and the red rabbit horse came towards him like a red flame. Lu Bu jumped up and rode on the back of the horse. The long steep high slope launched a charge!


The number one horse in the world seems to have unleashed all the strength in its body, rushing up the steep slope as if it were on flat ground, and its speed is getting faster and faster.This is simply beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination.

Under the leadership of the generals, all the soldiers and horses of the Yishi Youmeng frantically chased after him.It's just that the steep slope is too steep, and every step is extremely difficult. They rushed to less than a third of the hillside, and Lu Bu, who was riding a red rabbit horse, had found Fang Tian's painting halberd stuck somewhere on the hillside, and then Rush to the top of the hill.

And Zhang Liao, who had always been on guard, rushed to meet Lu Bu with a small army.Just now, Zhang Liao went to the end of the army to prevent accidents. When he saw the first wave of people who were thrown away by the strange, he knew that something was wrong, so he led a small group of soldiers and horses to wait and see what happened on the hillside.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao later saw a shocking scene that he will never forget in his life.Almost half of the entire [-] Liangzhou iron armored cavalry fell to their deaths under this steep hillside.

Lu Bu rushed into Zhang Liao's formation, and looked back, seeing the scene of bloody and chaotic soldiers and helmets down the hillside, his eyes were full of tragedy.

"General Lu! This pursuer is almost half way up the hill!!"

Zhang Liao's urgent reminder brought Lu Bu back to reality from his tragic loss of consciousness. Lu Bu's bloody tiger eyes were blood red, and his steel teeth were about to be crushed, as if a word had popped out of his mouth.


Lu Bu slapped the red rabbit horse fiercely, and Zhang Liao's Liangzhou cavalry with less than a hundred men left galloped desperately away.But when the Yishi Youmeng soldiers and horses rushed to the top of the hill, Lu Bu was no longer in sight.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. Lu Fengxian's life should not be cut off. I didn't expect that he could escape in this narrow escape."

Cao Cao looked at the bloodstains on the mountain road, and felt regret rising on his face.

"Hmph. Lu Fengxian was ungrateful and ungrateful. He killed his father for the sake of power. He is devoid of conscience. It is not the right time to report, but the time has not come. He will be accepted sooner or later!"

Wen Han snorted coldly, for Ding Yuan's death, Wen Han has always felt guilty, although he has tried his best, but in the end it is still hard to beat the big track of fate.Ding Yuan always died at the hands of Lu Bu, his most trusted adopted son.

As soon as Wen Han finished speaking, the sound of fighting at the foot of the hillside gradually stopped. After a while, a messenger on a fast horse rushed over, came to Cao Cao, and knelt down on one knee to report.

"Let me report to League Leader Cao, the rest of Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army, except for a small wave led by the enemy general Song Xian, who broke through the siege and hid in the forest, all of them were wiped out. The enemy general Cao Xing was captured by Sun Taishou's generals Cheng Pu and Zu Mao .”

"Okay, I got it. You asked Le Jin to clean up the battlefield and report the results after counting the results!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

After Cao made the arrangements, he and the princes led the Eighth Route Army back to the camp to rest.Two hours later, Le Jin cleaned up the battlefield and reported to Cao Cao's account with the statistical results.

In this battle, except for less than 300 people taken away by Song Xian and more than 100 people from Zhang Liao, the 5000 Liangzhou iron armored cavalry almost died. Thousands of people were also killed by the soldiers and horses of the Yishi Youmeng.

However, Cao Xing, who was captured, had some backbone and would rather die than surrender.Cao Cao admired his bravery very much, so he was escorted back to Chenliu, and he will be dealt with after the war is over.

When Wen Han saw the scene of Cao Xing being transported back to Chenliu, he felt a lot of emotion for a moment. In the official history, Xiahou Dun's left eye was shot by Cao Xing, and Xiahou Dun drew his arrow and shouted, "Father's essence and mother's blood, Don't give up! 'Xiahou Dun looked at the heroism of the entrance.Later, Cao Xing was shot through the face by Xiahou Dun and died under his horse.

But now, Cao Xing has been escorted back to Chenliu, and it is almost impossible to return to Lv Bu's command in the future, so it is impossible to shoot Xiahou Dun coldly, Xiahou Dun kept an eye in the dark.

"Haha. Champion Wen deserves to be Champion Wen. With a little trick, he solved the most difficult armored cavalry among Lu Bu's troops, and almost killed Lu Bu. I really admire him."

As soon as Cao Xing was escorted away, Tao Qian supported his chin with his white beard and praised him.The other princes all nodded in agreement, and there was more respect for Wenhan in their eyes than before.

"Tao Gong is really absurd. Many of these factors are coincidences. This can be said to be God's blessing for our righteous teachers and right alliance."

Wen Han is neither arrogant nor arrogant, he is very humble. In fact, he also understands in his heart that if he hadn't left a hand to leave flaws on the drawing paper of the saddle and stirrup, and just after Lu Bu surrendered Dong Zhuo, he would have dedicated the drawing paper It was given to Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo vigorously built it and equipped it for these Liangzhou armored cavalry.In the end, due to the coincidence of various factors, this fatal flaw was successfully exploited by himself, so he was able to wipe out the [-] Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry with super combat power without any effort.

"Haha, don't be humble if you are extraordinary. There is a reason for everything, how can you say it is just a coincidence. This time, the [-] Liangzhou armored cavalry was able to annihilate because of extraordinary strategies, and it is a great achievement for extraordinary. Don't you think so? ?”

Cao Cao laughed in the front seat, as if he was in a very happy mood. As soon as he finished speaking, all the princes responded one after another, all of them recognized Wen Han's contribution.

Righteous Teacher Youmeng was full of joy and laughter here, but on the contrary, inside Hulao Pass, there was an awe-inspiring silence.

Lu Bu was trembling all over, and his hands were trembling as he stroked the Chituma who was lying on the ground and foaming at the mouth.The red rabbit horse's four hooves were seriously injured, and the blood flowed profusely from the hooves. Just now, it almost exhausted its potential and vitality to save Lu Bu, and the original injuries continued to aggravate under the rapid running.However, in order to protect the master, Chituma endured all the way, and did not dare to relax and fall down until he returned to Hulao Pass and saw that Lu Bu was safe.

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