Han Shimou

Chapter 334 Wen Han's Determination

"Send me to send troops to attack Tongguan. As long as Tongguan is lost and Donggou's retreat route is blocked, Donggou will not dare to move the capital rashly. And Meng Deru and Yuan Benchu ​​will try to break Luoyang and save the Holy Majesty while I can still hold Tongguan. And the people of Luoyang!"

"Extraordinary! You know that this move is a near-death! No! It may not even have a chance!! If you block Dong Gou's retreat, Dong Gou will definitely send an army to fight you madly. And now you have to fight before Dong Gou retreats. When you arrive at Tongguan, it must be full of cavalry, and if you want to lead a sneak attack, you must keep it secret, so the number of soldiers and horses cannot exceed [-].

Originally, cavalry is not a unit that is good at defending battles, and in addition, you have not many troops!Once you encounter the army sent by Dong Gou to attack violently, I am afraid that your army will be wiped out in a few days!What's more, the danger of Tongguan is not inferior to that of Hulao, how can you guarantee that you can break through it!Bufan, your move is really thoughtless, I absolutely can't agree to it, and watch you die in vain! "

"Meng De! We can't afford to think about it now! Time is passing, every minute later, the more dangerous it is!! This move is related to the safety of nearly a million people in Luoyang!!"

Wen Han's face tightened, he grabbed Cao Cao's arm and shouted sharply.

"I know!!! Let me think about it!"

Cao Cao threw Wen Han away with one hand and walked aside, his complex expression changed rapidly.


"Enough!! Wen Bufan, don't pretend to be righteous, you know that people cannot be resurrected after death!!"

Cao Cao roared with his mouth open, his eyes were red.

"I don't know the meaning of nonsense. I only know that if Dong Gou really wants to move the capital, nearly 10 people will die. Cao Mengde, as long as he fights, it is possible to save hundreds of thousands of lives. Why not fight? Why should I not go for it! This matter is over, whether you agree or not. I have made up my mind, and tonight I will lead the army to attack Tongguan."

The muscles of Wen Han's entire face were tensely contracted, and his expression was resolute with a trace of complexity. After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Cao Cao called out behind Wen Han.Wen Han stopped and didn't look back.

"You only have [-] cavalry under your command. If you attack Tongguan this time, one more soldier will give you more life. Later, I will order Xiahou Dun to allocate [-] cavalry to you. Also, I will ask Tao Gong to help you with the eight horsemen." The Thousand Cavalry Army prepared light rations for ten days.

Wen Bufan, I, Cao Mengde, as the leader of the alliance, order you to withdraw immediately if the rations for the ten days are exhausted and you have not broken through Tongguan.

If there is any resistance...cut! "

Wen Han's body trembled violently, and countless waves seemed to arise in his heart.

"The last general takes orders!"

After Wen Han said these words, Cao Cao's body trembled suddenly, and then he closed his eyes tightly.

Wen Han walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly.

"Meng De, if anything happens to me, I will hand over the river to you."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Han didn't wait for Cao Cao to respond, he took a step, turned around and turned into the first corridor.

After a while, Cao Cao's desperate roar was heard throughout Hulao Pass.

"Wen Bufan!!!! It is absolutely impossible for me to take care of Hedong for you!!! Absolutely impossible!!!!"

Cao Cao's roar stunned all the princes and sergeants who were resting in Hulao Pass, and they were all at a loss.I don't know what kind of dispute happened between the two best friends, Wen Han and Cao Cao.

And in the early morning of tomorrow, Cao Cao ordered the princes from all walks of life to rectify their troops and send troops to Luoyang.These princes all faintly felt that Cao Cao was very anxious, as if he wanted to let all the troops fly to Luoyang with wings.

Later, some princes thought that Cao Cao was so anxious because of the covenant made by the volunteers at the beginning because of the position of the chief ally.However, what made these princes a little curious was that Wen Han's figure had disappeared.Moreover, all the cavalry troops under his command disappeared, and the remaining Hedong army horses were actually led by Cao Cao's general Xiahou Dun.

This strange phenomenon reminded some princes of Cao Cao's roar last night.

"Tao Gong, is this Champion Wen falling out with President Cao? Why don't you see him and his two brothers?"

"Hehe, don't worry about Grand Administrator Sun. Last night, President Cao suddenly ordered me to distribute ten-day rations to Wen Champion's [-] cavalry. Presumably, President Cao and Wen Champion must have another clever plan."

Sun Jian and Tao Qian were whispering to each other, and the princes next to them faintly heard it, and they couldn't help coming over together to inquire about it.

On the other side, a group of [-] soldiers and horses dressed as the Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army were galloping across the land, crossing mountains and ridges without stopping.To get from Hulaoguan to Tongguan, the fastest route is through Henan County, then to Hongnong County, and finally to Tongguan.If you travel day and night, it only takes four days.

And because Dong Zhuo gathered almost all the troops in Luoyang, Wen Han, a soldier pretending to be the Iron Armored Army of Liangzhou, was rarely intercepted. Take a break in the forest.

"Fourth brother, you send an order to let the soldiers take the time to rest and eat. After three hours, when it gets dark, we must continue on our way immediately!"

Xu Huang's slightly pale face was stunned, and his eyes were a little startled, but he quickly took it back, cupped his hands and went on to give orders.

"Third brother, the war is tense right now, and all the soldiers and horses are rushing to Luoyang. I will not go to Luoyang at this time, but will travel day and night. Where are we going?"

As soon as Wen Han got off his horse, Guan Yu's voice came from his ear.Wen Han seldom spoke along the way, and his face was dignified and deep, which made Guan Yu a little uneasy.

Wen Han sighed, looked in the direction of Hongnong in the distance, and said in a deep voice.

"We are going to Tongguan."


Guan Yu's lying silkworm frowned, his face full of doubts.After Wen Han was quiet for a while, he said to Guan Yu again very seriously.

"Dong Gou was afraid that Luoyang would not be able to stand against the righteous teachers, so he wanted to move his capital to Chang'an. Dong Zhuo was a tyrant and tyrannical man. If he forcibly moved his capital, he would surely commit massacres, and nearly a million people in Luoyang would be implicated. The reason why we waited The non-stop driving day and night is to stop Dong Gou from retreating before he drives away the people of Luoyang, so that he cannot move the capital. In this way, the people of Luoyang will not have to be implicated."

"What! Dong Gou wants to move the capital!!"

Guan Yu exclaimed, then couldn't help lowering his voice, and then there seemed to be countless waves in his heart, and the turmoil continued.Guan Yu thought of many things at once. First, as Wen Han said, if Dong Zhuo moved the capital, his temper would surely kill many people, and the number would be astonishing.The second Guan Yu thought about the possibility of their move. Guan Yu combined all factors, and the possibility of success became lower and lower. Later, he felt that this move was simply sending him to death!

"Third brother, if Dong Zhuo finds out that there is a loss in Tongguan, he will definitely send an army to rush wildly. I'm afraid it will be difficult to last for a long time with our [-] troops."

"Second brother, I know this very well. But if Dong Zhuo really forcibly moved the capital, at least 10 Luoyang people would die. Counting 10, the number from the mouth of the second brother may be very pale.

Look at the forest in the distance.The corpses of tens of thousands of people can cover the forest in front of us! "

Guan Yu looked into the distance following Wen Han's fingers, and a scene couldn't help but pop up in his mind. The forest in front of him was covered with bloody corpses.

Guan Yu's face became darker and darker, he gritted his steel teeth, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

"Second brother, our fight can save nearly hundreds of thousands of lives. I think I am not a great person. But if I stand by and do nothing, knowing that hundreds of thousands of lives may disappear, then I will fight with the beast He Yi, I asked myself I couldn’t do it.”

Guan Yu closed his eyes. At this moment, he no longer thought about whether this move was feasible. His conscience was constantly impacting his brain nerves, arousing his blood.

"I understand. Third brother, I, Guan Yunchang, will definitely be by your side."

Wen Han and Guan Yu looked at each other, and they understood each other, so there was no need to say more.Later, after Wen Han ate a few dry biscuits, he leaned against a big tree and closed his eyes to rest.And Xu Huang, who ordered the soldiers to come back later, was about to ask Wen Han about the destination and purpose of their trip.He approached Wen Han, and was pulled aside by Guan Yu before he could speak.Guan Yu told Xu Huang all that Wen Han had just said to him. Xu Huang was shocked at first, but then his reaction was similar to Guan Yu's.

Hundreds of thousands of human lives, such a huge number, as Wen Han said, if it can be saved with a single stroke, then as long as it is an individual, it will definitely not stand by.

Three hours later, when the night was dark, Wen Han, the [-] soldiers dressed as the Liangzhou Iron Armored Cavalry Army, began to rush non-stop, rushing to the Hongnong area.

Two days later, Wen Han led his troops to the Tongguan area. Wen Han first let his soldiers and horses rest to recharge their batteries.Then he took a small team of scouts to watch Tongguan from a distance and think about strategies.

"At this time, the guard at Tongguan should have received the news of Dong Zhuo's relocation of the capital and is preparing for it. In this way, I can take advantage of it."

After Wen Hansi settled down, he led the scout team back, and then prepared to fight tonight.

At this time, the two main and deputy guards in Tongguan are Wang Fang and Li Meng. Wang Fang is good at martial arts, and Li Meng is not low in intelligence.But today's Tongguan is very important, and there is no room for loss. After Dong Zhuo asked Li Ru's opinion, he dared to hand over Tongguan to the two of them.

It's night, on the wall of Tongguan.

"General Li, you said this is very good. Why did Mr. Xiangguo take a lot of trouble to move the capital to Chang'an? Could it be that Mr. Xiangguo can't resist the coalition forces of those thieves just like those side sources said?"


Li Meng was startled when he heard Wang Fang's words, and then looked around nervously. Seeing that no one heard him, he spoke to Wang Fang.

"General Wang, your mouth is open. Don't you know that misfortune comes from your mouth and trouble comes from your mouth? What happened to Mr. Xiangguo? It's not my turn to wait for these little people to discuss. We just need to do what Mr. Xiangguo explained. Xiangguo You know your lord's temper, if you are not careful, you will move your head."

Li Meng cut his throat at Wang Fang, and Wang Fang couldn't help shrinking his head in fright, and said in a panicked voice.

"Yes, yes. Mr. Xiangguo is moody, and many people will die if he gets angry. I heard that many high-ranking officials in Luoyang in the past angered Mr. Xiangguo, and they all ended up dead without a place to die."

"It's good to know. General Wang, I think that in a dozen days or so, Lord Xiangguo will start to move the saints, officials, and people in Luoyang away from Luoyang. So these ten days are very important, and we must be careful in everything." .As long as the transfer of the capital is completed, our rewards will definitely not be less in the future!"

Although Dong Zhuo is tyrannical and tyrannical, and his anger is bloody, but he is good at controlling power, and he is especially generous in rewarding his subordinates. 3316

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