Han Shimou

Chapter 336 Meeting Jia Xu Again

These dead people were either the enemy's soldiers or their own soldiers and horses. The constant pressure of this situation has gradually made Wen Han numb.But numbness does not mean that Wen Han is not heartbroken.It's just that Wen Han understands a truth, if he wants to end this situation, the only way is to have a stable world and an end to the troubled times.Otherwise, tens of thousands of people would still die under the flames of war in this world.

However, nowadays, the world is far from being stable, and the end of the troubled times seems to be far away.

After Wen Han won Tongguan, he seized every minute and every second, preparing for more intense and even tragic battles in the future.Dong Zhuo knew that there was a mistake in Tongguan, so he would definitely send a large army to attack. The number of soldiers and horses in this army must be enough to make Wen Han's heart skip a beat.Moreover, Wen Han cut off the back road, and the offensive of these soldiers and horses was absolutely crazy and violent.

In order to defend Tongguan, buy time for the volunteers to break through Luoyang and prevent Dong Zhuo from moving the capital.Wen Han almost tried every means to prepare.He ordered the soldiers to cut down the surrounding big trees, and then smashed the surrounding rocks to collect large stones.And in Tongguan, there are many arrows hidden, there are more than [-] arrows.Although Wen Han knew that the amount was far from enough, he couldn't complain at the moment, so he could only collect defensive objects such as rolling logs and boulders as much as possible to make up for it.

At the same time, during the process of soldiers smashing rocks to get rocks, Wen Han made a shocking discovery that made him ecstatic.Many soldiers smashed out sulfur mines! !

Sulfur is a low-toxic and dangerous chemical, but its steam and sulfur dioxide produced after burning sulfur are highly toxic to the human body!

It can also be absorbed through the nasal cavity and skin of the human body.Excessive sulfur enters the human intestine, and most of it will be quickly oxidized into non-toxic sulfur compounds, and then excreted through the kidneys and intestines.However, unoxidized free hydrogen sulfide has a toxic effect on the body. Once sulfur is inhaled too much, dizziness, fatigue, and vomiting will occur.

Wen Han held two pieces of sulfur mine in both hands, his eyes were complex, joyful and unbearable, but when he saw the soldiers around him, and thought of the hundreds of thousands of people in Luoyang who died if Dong Zhuo succeeded in moving the capital, he finally returned. Made up my mind.Let these soldiers collect these sulfur mines in large quantities.

While Wen Han is preparing nervously and orderly, Dong Zhuo has already let the first wave of hundreds of thousands of Luoyang people leave Luoyang and rush to Chang'an.Dong Zhuo's relocation of the capital was already well prepared, and he wanted to move all the people of Luoyang out within the next three days, and finally hijacked Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and all the officials of the court to leave.

In Luoyang, inside the pavilion of Xiangguo Mansion.

"Wenyou, have you collected all the cultural relics and jewelry that can be taken away in Luoyang?"

Dong Zhuo was playing with a jade ruyi in his hands, and there were almost piles of green and golden jade and gold wares around him. These were the treasures he had snatched from the Luoyang Palace.

"My lord, I have inspected the palace several times, and I have sent people to take away all the treasures that can be taken away. It is a pity that there are still many large treasures that are difficult to take away. I have to take advantage of those thieves .”

"Humph. Cheaper for them? Don't worry, Wenyou, they won't get a thread in Luoyang City. After three days, all the people in Luoyang will move out. I will make people burn down Luoyang with a torch! They tried their best, In the end, it’s just a dead city with no one and nothing!!”

Dong Zhuo's eyes instantly burst into a smoldering light, and Li Ru was terrified while listening, secretly thinking that if Dong Zhuo really set fire to Luoyang, then he would definitely be cast aside by future generations and become a sinner who will never be remembered for thousands of years!

"My lord, is it okay to set fire to Luoyang?!

Li Ru swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and opened his mouth to dissuade Dong Zhuo, but Dong Zhuo stood up abruptly, his eyes burst out with outrageous hatred, and said in an evil voice.

"This matter is non-negotiable!! This group of thieves forced Benxiang Country to move its capital. Benxiang Country wanted to eat their flesh and drink their blood. How could they leave these treasures to them! What Benxiang Country can't get, no one can get it! !

Hum hum! !I'd like to see how terrified Luoyang City looks after the fire when these thieves see it! "

Li Ru closed his eyes in grief, he could be willing to poison Emperor Han Shao and Empress Dowager He for Dong Zhuo, because it would be beneficial to Dong Zhuo's overall situation.But burning Luoyang will not only bring Dong Zhuo a world-famous reputation, but also arouse the anger of people all over the world.It can be said to be harmful to Dong Zhuo but not beneficial.

It's just that the current Dong Zhuo is swallowed by hatred and cannot listen to his advice.

"Report~! Report~!!!"

Not long after Dong Zhuo's crazy roar fell, a panicked and hasty voice came from outside the pavilion.Dong Zhuo frowned, and then saw the guards in his mansion running outside the gate of the pavilion with a Liangzhou soldier who was in a mess, covered in blood, and in a panic.

"In Xiangguo's mansion, there is such a panic, how unreasonable! What is it, report it quickly!!"

The Liangzhou soldier covered in blood, when he heard Dong Zhuo's yelling, his face was full of horror and fear, but he knew that if he concealed it and did not report it, after the incident was exposed, not only himself, but also his family members in Liangzhou would suffer. I can't escape death!

"Xiangxiang~Master Xiangguo! Tongguan was attacked three days ago, two generals, Wang Fang and Li Meng, were killed, Tongguan and Tongguan were lost!!"

In Dong Zhuo's mind, there was a bang, as if a huge thunderbolt fell suddenly.

Dong Zhuo's face was horrified at first, followed by disbelief, and then furious fury.

"What!! Say it again!!! What happened to Tongguan!!!"

Dong Zhuo's desperate roar shook the entire Xiangguo Mansion, and even the Liangzhou troops patrolling outside could clearly feel Dong Zhuo's endless anger.

"Drop it!!"

The soldier was so frightened that his tongue got stuck and he wanted to put his head on the ground.

With a swish, Dong Zhuo pulled out the treasured sword from his waist, as if an angry bull wanted to kill the soldier.

"My lord, wait!! This soldier cannot be killed!! We don't know yet!!!!"

In the middle of Li Ru's words, when he opened his eyes, he saw a pool of blood flying out, and then a head rolled to the ground.

Dong Zhuo's obese body vibrated violently, and he still couldn't let go of his hatred, and he slashed at the soldier's body again. Suddenly, there was a burst of blood and flesh, and the sound of the blade's sharpening made Li Ru's heart palpitate.

"Damn!!! Damn!!!!!!"

After Dong Zhuo hacked the corpse into meat paste, he rushed out a few steps, stepped on the human head, and trampled it violently.

A wave of anger that seemed to be able to burn up the sky spread from Xiangguo's mansion in an instant, and soon enveloped the entire Luoyang city.The people in Luoyang who hadn't moved out, including all the officials in the court, could not help trembling with fright when they heard Dong Zhuo's roar, lest Dong Zhuo would kill again!

"Tongguan is lost!!! How can Ben Xiangguo move the capital, how can the capital be moved!!!!"

Dong Zhuo picked up two more pieces of jade and smashed them to the ground. There were pieces of jade and gold in the pavilion, and countless priceless treasures were smashed to pieces by Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo has been mad for half an hour, but his anger has not abated a little.It can be seen that the loss of Tongguan has hit him hard.

"My father-in-law! My father-in-law!!! There must be no chaos at this time!! No chaos!! Now Jiguan has not been breached by Yuan Shao, and although Cao Cao has captured Hulaoguan, there are still Wen Hou leading [-] Liangzhou sons. Fight with him hundreds of miles away from Luoyang. Therefore, we still have time to retake Tongguan! Implement the relocation of the capital!!!”

Hearing Li Ru's roar, Dong Zhuo stopped abruptly, his evil eyes were blood-red, looking at Li Ru like a demon who lost his mind.

"But the time is already tight, and the war is ever-changing. Cao Cao may arrive at the city of Luoyang at any time! How much time do we have to take back this Tongguan!!"

"Five days, if within five days, Tongguan can be taken back. The relocation of the capital will still be in time. We can only take half of the people in Luoyang, and let them fend for themselves!"

"Take back Tongguan in five days!!?"

Dong Zhuo squinted his blood-red evil eyes, tensed his body, the fat all over his body seemed to be shrinking.

"Is this possible?! The danger of Tongguan is not inferior to Hulaoguan, the most dangerous pass in the world!"

"My lord, although I don't know where the news about our intention to move the capital leaked. But if my guess is correct, there will not be many soldiers attacking Tongguan. The maximum is about 1 people. If we send [-] Army, before departure, issue a military order to them, and let them fight with their backs, five days is more than enough time!"

Dong Zhuo exhaled a few hot breaths, his eyes were constantly shining, and finally he made up his mind and asked Li Ru in a cold voice with a dark face.

"So, who does Wen You think can take on this great task!"

"Sili Lieutenant Li Cui can take on a great job!"

"Li Cui? He is mediocre. Didn't Wen Youru think highly of him all the time?"

"Li Cui is indeed mediocre, but Xiangguo forgot that his subordinates, Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe, are ten times smarter than me!"

"Oh. If it wasn't for Wen You's reminder, Ben Xiangguo would have almost paid attention to this person. To think that this Jia Xu is so admired by Wen You, his intelligence must be quite high. Well, according to Wen You's words, Wen You, you will go down now Pass on the password of the Prime Minister, that is, send Li to urge [-] soldiers and horses from the very beginning, and everyone who sends troops must issue a military order. If Tongguan cannot be captured within five days, all of them will look up!!"

"Ru, take orders!"

Li Ru cupped his hands, saluted Dong Zhuo and received the order, then turned and left quickly.

It was night, there was a surge of people and horses in Luoyang, and a group of cold-looking soldiers and horses rushed out from the gate of Luoyang.These Liangzhou soldiers all have military orders, as if they have made a contract with the god of death. The results of the battle within five days can be related to their lives.Therefore, these soldiers and horses all ran desperately, rushing towards the Tongguan area in a swarm.

The [-] Liangzhou army, under the leadership of Li Cui, went straight to Tongguan without stopping.After two days, I finally arrived at the foot of Tongguan Mountain.

Li urged the troops to go down to the stronghold, let the army rest first, recharge their batteries, and prepare for tonight's battle.

In Jia Xu's tent.

Li Cui and Jia Xu sat opposite each other, Li Cui's expression was as tense and anxious as if his brows were on fire, which was in stark contrast to Jia Xu, whose face was calm and unruffled.

"Wenhe, now we all have a military order, and we must take Tongguan. Otherwise, we will lose our lives. Please stop hiding your clumsiness and give me advice to take this Tongguan!"

"The terrain of Tongguan is steep, but this army was able to capture Tongguan by surprise. The leader of the army has a good strategy. But now that our army is suppressing the pass, I think there are not many soldiers and horses, and the leader of the army is also They are not ignorant people. So they will never attack rashly, they will only guard against them.

So, there is nothing I can do.General Li, now we have an army of [-], and all the officers and men have issued military orders.

Although General Li is leading the attack, I will observe the battle from the sidelines. If there is a plan, I will naturally take action. "

Hearing that Jia Xu was willing to make a move, Li Cui's eyes lit up immediately, and his uneasy heart calmed down.


"It's about my life. If I don't take action, will I wait for death?"

Li Cui nodded emphatically to Jia Xu's indifferent expression, and saluted Jia Xu respectfully.

"So, I'm here to thank Wenhe first."

But Jia Xu didn't respond, she closed her eyes, and she was resting with her eyes closed.And Li Cui was also lifeless, stood up, left Jia Xu's tent, and began to prepare for the battle at night.

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