Han Shimou

Chapter 360 Who Takes My Wife

After a while, there were screams like slaughtering pigs in the wing room. The corners of Wei Xu's mouth turned up, thinking it was the scream of the green robe.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud bang, and several figures flew out from the wing room, knocking the Bingzhou soldiers who were crowded behind into pieces in shock, and knocked them into disarray.

Wei Xu was taken aback, and quickly stared at the wing.And the big man in the green robe protected Diao Chan behind him and stepped out step by step. As he got closer and closer, Wei Xu's face became more and more ugly, and finally he not only panicked in his heart, but exclaimed!

"Guan Guan Yunchang!! Why are you here!!!"

Guan Yu didn't know when he grabbed a spear, and the spear was still dripping with blood.When Guan Yu heard the exclamation, Dan Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Xu.

"Lü Bu's lackey, just now who did you say was the woman of the three family slaves!?"

A terrifying killing intent erupted from Guan Yu's body, and rushed towards Wei Xu overwhelmingly.Wei Xu was so frightened that his soul almost flew away, and he quickly ordered the surrounding soldiers to kill Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's red face was cold, and he stabbed with his spear, like a tiger plunging into the flock of sheep, and began to slaughter.One by one Bingzhou soldiers died under Guan Yu's spear.With a bang, after Guan Yu swept the spear and sent flying several Bingzhou soldiers, the spear shattered.At this moment, two more soldiers from Bingzhou stabbed at them with spears. Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes seemed to be shining with lightning. It is to take the two spears.Guan Yu twisted the spear with both hands and swiped left and right, breaking the heads of the two Bingzhou soldiers on the spot.

Several more streaks of blood splashed onto Guan Yu's face, making his face even more bloody and frightening.But in this short period of time, Guan Yu had already killed dozens of people, causing the surrounding soldiers of Bingzhou to retreat again and again, not daring to move forward.Guan Yu guarded Diao Chan and approached step by step, but Wei Xu seemed to see that the god of death was walking towards him, and unexpectedly, with an ah sound, he wanted to run away.

Guan Yu is worthy of the name of ghost funeral, once the murderous nature surges, even ghosts and gods will be afraid, let alone human beings.Just as Wei Xu ran not far away, Guan Yu's eyes were locked on his back suddenly, his right arm suddenly swelled, and his strength suddenly gathered, toward Wei Xu's back, he threw the spear on his right arm vigorously.

call out.The spear was like a swift meteor, piercing through the void. Wei Xu suddenly felt icy cold all over his body, and there was a strong wind behind him. Just as he was about to turn his head, an indescribably painful pain came from his back, accompanied by a shudder His weapon is cold.I saw that the spear suddenly penetrated Wei Xu's back and fell straight to the ground, as if it had nailed Wei Xu.

Wei Xu continued to howl miserably, and after spurting blood, there was no more movement, and it seemed that he was dead beyond death.As soon as Wei Xu died, the Bingzhou soldiers in the field no longer had the slightest intention to fight, and fled to the surroundings one after another.

Guan Yu, who was covered in blood, did not chase after him. He protected Diao Chan and came to his horse. After helping Diao Chan onto the horse, he turned himself on the horse again, and rode away gracefully.

Diao Chan's white gauze clothes were stained with a lot of blood, but there was no sign of panic on her blushing beauty, because the man in front of her gave her an unparalleled sense of security.It seemed that even if the sky fell, this man would support her and prevent her from being hurt in the slightest.

Guan Yu and Diao Chan rode together, and as soon as they flew out of Situ's mansion, they encountered the second Bingzhou team sent by Lu Bu.After Wei Xu left, although Lu Bu was fighting with the Liangzhou army, his heart had already flown to Diao Chan, and because he was worried about Diao Chan's loss, he sent another team over.

The general who led the army was named Huo Zhong.He is Lu Bu's fellow countryman, born with great strength, able to pull up trees and break rocks.And because of his loyalty and excellent martial arts, he was regarded by Lu Bu as his confidant.

Before Huo Zhong led the army over just now, he encountered Wei Xu's rout and knew that Wei Xu had been killed by Guan Yu and that Duke Situ's adopted daughter had been taken away, so his expression changed on the spot.Lu Bu repeatedly sent troops to Situ's mansion, and reminded him that he must protect Situ's righteous daughter at all costs. From then on, Huo Zhong understood that this woman must have a pivotal position in Lu Bu's heart, so he hurried to speed up. The speed of the march was to stop Guan Yu and rescue Diao Chan.

Huo Zhong was impatient, he drove his horse and galloped all the way, rushing to the front of the team.And just as he was about to rush to the gate of Situ's mansion, he happened to meet Guan Yu who was galloping wildly.

Seeing that the way forward was blocked, Guan Yu yelled violently, and stabbed with a spear, aiming at Huo Zhong's throat.The spear came quickly and suddenly, Huo Zhong didn't expect it, and the spear head pierced through. The Bingzhou soldiers behind Huo Zhong saw a bloody spear head suddenly protruding from the back of Huo Zhong's neck, and they were stunned.

After Guan Yu stabbed Huo Zhong to death, he yelled to tighten, and then raised his spear to stab the horse's buttocks. Guan Yu sat down and the horse neighed in pain, and then rushed forward like crazy.The horse speeded up suddenly, fortunately Guan Yu had warned him earlier, and Diao Chan hugged Guan Yu's burly body tightly in time, so that he was not thrown off.


Guan Yu sat down on his horse, stomped all four hooves, and crazily rushed into the crowd of Bingzhou Army.At the same time, Guan Yu waved two spears with both hands, sweeping, stabbing, or swinging. The Bingzhou soldiers on the left and right of him flew or fell, and no one could stop Guan Yu's castration.

Guan Yu was killing a bloody path in the crowd in horror. Some Bingzhou soldiers realized that those who wanted to cut Guan Yu sat down on their horses, but how could Guan Yu let them succeed? As soon as Bingzhou soldiers approached, they died under the shadow of spears instantly.The more Guan Yu killed, the more violent and frenzied he became, bloody and broken flesh flew into the sky, until the soldiers of Bingzhou became terrified, lost their fighting spirit, and did not dare to move forward.

Between lightning and flint, Guan Yu majesticly broke through, and wherever the horse's hooves passed, there were bloodstains.None of the Bingzhou soldiers who were killed by Guan Yu and who were in chaos in formation dared to pursue them.And Diao Chan was on Guan Yu's horse again, and these Bingzhou soldiers did not dare to shoot arrows, so they could only watch Guan Yu leave helplessly.

At the same time, in the Chang'an school grounds, the battle between the Liangzhou army and the Bingzhou army was almost decided. Although the Liangzhou army was frightened by the sneak attack at first, it was set on fire by the Bingzhou army, and later because of the loss of Niufu's When he died, his morale dropped and he lost a lot of troops.But later, as Li Cui's Flying Bear Army showed its strength and inspired the fighting spirits of the soldiers and horses in Liangzhou, and after the news of Dong Zhuo's death, the Liangzhou army united as one, and the morale of the fighting spirit rose a hundred times. counterattack.

After all, the Liangzhou army far outnumbered the Bingzhou army, and soon pressed the victory scale to his own side, killing the Bingzhou army and retreating steadily.Lu Bu was very anxious about this, and wanted to kill the generals of the Liangzhou army several times to destroy his morale, but Li Cui, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others, after Niu Fu's lesson, dared to get close to Lu Bu. , then ordered the archers to release their arrows, and all the arrows shot back Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was helpless, seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, he already had the intention of retreating.

Fortunately, he took precautions and sent several teams to take his family members and people he valued away from Chang'an.

Lu Bu narrowed his bloody eyes, calculated the time in his mind, and thought that his family members, Diao Chan, Wang Yun and others should have left Chang'an at this time.

"Zhang Liao! Song Xian! The remnants of the bandits Dong are so powerful that we can't resist them for a while. First, we will withdraw from Chang'an. When the time is right, we will fight them again! After Zhang Liaoru leads five thousand soldiers here, Song Xian and I will lead the army first. withdraw!"

Lv Bu yelled sharply, Zhang Liao, Song Xian and the other generals immediately commanded their troops.Zhang Liao led [-] gunmen and shieldmen and charged forward fiercely, resisting the army of Liangzhou.When Li Cui and other Liangzhou generals saw that Lu Bu was about to withdraw, they all sneered and immediately directed their troops to attack with the most furious wind.

Facing the violent attack of Liangzhou's army, Zhang Liao was indifferent with a landslide in front of him and his face remained unchanged. He calmly directed the five thousand gunmen to change formations, blocking nearly 8 people like a flood. The Liangzhou army of more than [-] people.

Zhang Liao and his [-] spear shieldmen bought enough time for the Bingzhou army to retreat, and the Bingzhou army rushed towards the west gate of Chang'an like a retreating tide.

Coincidentally, Guan Yu and Diao Chan also chose the West Gate to evacuate.Guan Yu sat on his horse and galloped like flying, rushing to the west side of Chang'an.Suddenly, in front of the street, there were countless shouts, footsteps, and the sound of clashing weapons and armor.

Guan Yu's face froze, and he couldn't help but exert some force on the spear he was holding with both hands.

"Yi'er, you may meet a large army later. Just hug me and leave the rest to me!"

Diao Chan nodded lightly on Guan Yu's back, and hugged Guan Yu a little bit obediently with her soft and jade hands.Guan Yu's feet pinched the horse's belly again, and immediately Guan Yu sat down on the horse, and the speed of the horse was a little faster.

After a while, the entire West Street was quickly submerged by the Bingzhou army that had withdrawn from the left. Within Guan Yu's sight, there were crowds of people rushing forward, backward, left, and right, densely packed with countless Bingzhou soldiers.Guan Yu was quickly surrounded by Bingzhou soldiers who rushed from the left, and while they hadn't responded for a while, Guan Yu just rode his horse and ran wildly, knocking over many Bingzhou soldiers.When the Bingzhou soldiers around him realized that they thought Guan Yu was the general of Liangzhou, they immediately killed him at random.Guan Yu was in the rebellious army, without stopping, without stopping his spear, killing wildly all the way, until the green robe turned into a blood robe, and the two spears were covered with blood.

Lu Bu was directing his troops to retreat to the west gate, when he heard the sound of fighting ahead, he hurriedly looked over.Looking at this, I was so angry that I burst into anger.He saw a big man slaughtering his soldiers and horses, and there was a woman behind the big man. That woman had an alluring figure, and that figure had already been engraved in the deepest part of Lu Bu's heart.

"Who dares to take away my unmarried wife Lu Fengxian! You are a daring villain, I want you to understand why it is too late to regret!!"

Lu Bu roared sharply, slapped the red rabbit horse, and rushed towards the man with a murderous look.While Guan Yu was fighting, he didn't realize that Lu Bu was approaching. In his mind, he only had the idea of ​​breaking out of the encirclement, so why would he care about it.

Not far in front of Guan Yu, a general of Bingzhou saw that Guan Yu was as brave as a ghost, so he quickly ordered the soldiers around him to put up bows and arrows to shoot Guan Yu to death under thousands of arrows.

When Lu Bu saw it, his bloody eyes widened and he drank like hell.

"Don't shoot arrows!! Don't shoot arrows!! If you hurt the woman on horseback, I, Lu Feng, will cut him into pieces!!!"

Lu Bu almost used all his strength to drink, and the sound was astonishingly loud, like a thunderbolt falling, shaking the audience.After hearing this, the general didn't dare to be presumptuous, and quickly ordered the surrounding soldiers to put down their bows and arrows.When Guan Yu heard Lv Bu's name, he knew that Lv Bu must be killed. At this time, he was in Lv Bu's army. If he was entangled by Lv Bu again, the consequences would be disastrous.

So Guan Yu stabbed the horse's buttocks again to speed up the horse. Guan Yu sat down and the horse neighed in pain again, like a big buffalo with red eyes, rushing up crazily. 3341

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