Han Shimou

Chapter 387 The determination of the white wave thief

It seems that Wen Han and Xi Long have already figured out a countermeasure and are planning and preparing for it.

One night, in Wen Han's tent, there were eight burly men on the left and right seats, and these eight burly men were all powerful generals in the original Baibo bandits.

"My lord, I don't understand. Since the lord and the military adviser have such a good plan, why don't you take the initiative and let us secretly send a message to the Baibo thief in Jinyang City?"

Sitting in the first seat on the left, a big man with a scar on his face looked at Wen Han and Xi Long and asked.

Wen Han smiled silently after hearing this, and remained silent, while Xi Long, who was standing next to him, smiled lightly and answered him.

"Hehe, Captain Niu, you were originally a general in the Baibo army, and you know that my lord and this Guo Da are already old rivals. Guo Da and his generals have repeatedly used the strategy of defeating the lord. It's fear. If you take the initiative to send the letter to him, he will definitely have doubts, thinking that this is another trap set up by the lord, and doing so will backfire and startle the snake.

But on the other hand, if they take the initiative to attack, and you pretend to be a mutiny at that time, their suspicion will not be too great, and the possibility of entering the game will be greatly increased. "

"Yes. What the military adviser said is true. I am stupid."

The big man with the scar on his face recalled that when he was still in the Baibo Army, whether it was Guo Da or Yang Feng, Liu Pi, Li Le and other high-ranking commanders in Baibo, when Wen Han was mentioned, it was as if he was facing an enemy. , frowning tightly.I can't help feeling that what Xi Long said is very reasonable, and at the same time, I respect Xi Long a little bit.

At the same time, the other seven burly men also showed expressions of sudden realization, and then opened their mouths to flatter Xi Long several times.Xi Long was also not polite, and accepted everything as he ordered, while Wen Han had long been accustomed to his unmodest character, and just smiled silently from the sidelines.

After that, Wen Han and Xi Long discussed with the eight former Baibo generals for a while, and after explaining to them some details that needed attention, they asked them to go back and make preparations in advance with the soldiers under their command.

Eight burly men bid farewell to Wen Han and Xi Long one by one, and left the tent.Not long after they left, Xi Long let out a big breath.

"Now, I have done everything I can. I hope that the Baibo thief in Jinyang City will really be impatient and attack. By the way, the lord said earlier that there is a way to deal with the Baibo Lux. Said, it's also good to relieve the worry in Long's heart."

"Hehe, Zhicai has learned to be humble at this time."

"Threesomes must have my teacher. My lord is so talented, Long doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of my lord."

"Okay. Don't flatter me anymore. This set is useless to me. This Bai Bolishi is good at using chain hammers, and all his soldiers are strong men, and ordinary infantry are not his opponents. Even Xu Huang's The Jingdun battalion is just no match for it. Gao Shun's trapped camp can win, but even if he can win, it will be a miserable victory. And this Baibolishi also has a set of methods to defeat the enemy against the cavalry. From this point of view Instead of going head-to-head, it is absolutely impossible for us to defeat it without paying a painful price.

However, there is no invincible soldier in the world, no matter how strong Baibo Lux is, he must have a way to defeat the enemy.It is difficult for a type of arms to fight against him, so we might as well use the way of coordination to break it. "

When Wen Han said this, he subconsciously paused, Xi Long was listening intently, and when he heard the words "The Way of Cooperation", his eyes lit up and he murmured unconsciously.

"The way to cooperate? I would like to hear the details."

Wen Han smiled and continued.

"Bai Bolishi's strong front is limited to close combat. In this way, as long as you keep a distance from it and attack it with bows and crossbowmen, then its strong front will be useless.

Of course, crossbowmen need a team of soldiers and horses to protect them, and Xu Huang's Jingshi Battalion can take on this important task. At the same time, there are trap camps in the sidelines, so that they can kill their charge with a strong enemy and surround them tightly. .The three types of arms cooperate, the archers are the main attackers, the Jing shield battalion is the defense, and the trapped camp is the sharp front that blocks the enemy, blocking its retreat and denying it the possibility of breakthrough.In this way, Baibo Lux will definitely be broken. "

Xi Long nodded again and again, as if he was fascinated by this novel way of using troops, and the demonstration of the battle described by Wen Han kept appearing in his mind.The combination of these three types of arms can be described as exquisite and seamless.

Xilong was doing a demonstration in his mind, but Wen Han didn't bother him, allowing him to comprehend during the demonstration.No one is perfect, just like what Xi Long said just now, three people must have my teacher.No matter how powerful a person is, there are areas where they are not good at.Even though he has never been born, Zhuge Liang, who is known as the most wise man in the past and present, is almost as wise as a monster, and he is not good at it. Otherwise, there would be no proverb that three cobblers can surpass Zhuge Liang.

There is no word at the moment, and time flies by.And Jinyang City has been filled with a deadly and oppressive atmosphere for a long time.In Jinyang City, every household has closed windows and doors, and rarely travels.The streets are empty, and from time to time there will be a few patrol teams of white wave thieves passing by, which makes people feel that this is not a dead city.

Five days have passed since the battle between Hedong and the Baibo Army outside Jinyang City. Originally, Guo Da said that he would give the answer in three days, but after three days, he still had no choice, so Yang Feng had almost no choice in these two days. Come to the main hall of the county office every day to challenge Guo Da.Guo Dajie used some excuses to evade.

"Master Tianshi, it has been five days, and the Hedong army has not moved, as if they are only encircling but not attacking. It seems that they have already learned about the battle situation in Dingxiang, and I can't wait any longer. Otherwise , there must be endless troubles!!"

In the main hall of the county office, Yang Feng's face was full of urgency, and he admonished Guo Da in a stern voice.

Guo Da rubbed his aching temples, his face was full of hesitation, his heart was as anxious as if he was being burned, but he was also afraid of the Hedong Army, afraid to attack rashly, and the result was another heavy defeat.

"This is a big matter, General Yang, don't be in a hurry, let me think about it for a few days."

When Yang Feng heard Guo Da's words, disappointment filled his eyes.

"Master Tianshi, many soldiers of the Heavenly Army in Jinyang City are speaking in frustration, and some of them even attack the prestige of Tianshi.

The morale is getting lower and lower, and if there is no further action, there will be deserters soon.Once there are deserters, if you want to stop them, you need to kill many soldiers. At that time, people in the Heavenly Army will be panicked and scattered.I wait for the huge heavenly army, and it will be destroyed without attack! "

"Bastard!! Who dares to spread rumors!! General Yang, go immediately and kill these traitors with bad intentions!!"

Guo Dateng stood up. He was in a hurry, but when he heard that there was another problem inside, he immediately fell into a violent state.

"Tianshi, kill a few of them, but you can't stop the people talking. This is only a temporary solution, not a cure for the root cause! Don't hesitate, Master Tianshi. In the current situation, we have nothing to do but to fight against the river. Fa! Waiting is just waiting to die!!"

Yang Feng's words once again pinched Guo Da's heart fiercely. Guo Dahei was thinking with a sullen face.At this time, a soldier with disheveled hair and white waves rushed in with his armor missing.

"Heavenly Master~! Heavenly Master!! Shanwu City is about to fall!! Shanwu City was surrounded by the allied army of Zhang Yang's old thief. A few days ago, thousands of people became traitors and colluded with Zhang Yang's old thief. Shanwu City was saved under the desperate efforts of all the soldiers. However, after repeated battles, traitors appeared again, and now there are less than [-] heavenly troops in Shanwu City! Shanwu City is difficult to hold on, please God Master quickly send troops to help!"

Guo Da seemed to be hit by an arrow, his body trembled, and then he lost his step and fell to the seat behind him.Guo Da's eyes were wide open, and the look on his face was like a wolf being cornered step by step, with ferocity and unwillingness in despair.

"Yang Feng, pass on my order! Inform the troops of all the ministries to regroup immediately, and I want to fight with the Hedong Army!!"

"The last general will take orders!!"

Yang Fengyi cupped his hands, his face full of resoluteness, he is not a person who is afraid of death, since he joined the Yellow Turban Army, he put life and death aside, and later he formed the Baibo Heavenly Army with Guo Da, he has always been a leader along the way. Make your own choice.Now that it's time for life and death, he is fearless, fighting to the last moment only for the decision and belief in his heart!

After Yang Feng bid farewell to Guo Da, he went straight to the Jinyang school grounds. While reorganizing his troops, he sent people to inform Baibo's generals.A few hours later, in the Jinyang school grounds, [-] Baibo bandit troops were fully equipped, armed with weapons, waiting eagerly.And Guo Da was wearing a robe and gold armor, standing on a high platform, using his extraordinary eloquence to deliver a series of stern speeches.

"We were all ordinary people. Although life is hard, we can still live on. However, the Han Dynasty had no way, and the traitors exercised power. They paid heavy taxes every year and oppressed the people. As a result, our families were ruined and we could not make a living! Now, The Han Dynasty has lived up to its name, the princes of the world are fighting in chaos, and we who are in troubled times have no choice but to pick up the blade to save our lives!!

Guo was not talented, so he was respected by all the brothers. He gathered in Baibo Valley as a righteous teacher, named Baibo Tianjun.Originally, Guo's wish was only to find a safe place for the brothers to survive in the troubled times.However, who knows that Wen Bufan, who is full of benevolence and righteousness, is not even willing to give our brothers a place to live, imposes the name of a traitor, and sends troops to conquer, forcing us out of Baibo Valley.

Fortunately, God bless me, when I went to Bingzhou, after going through a lot of hardships and hundreds of wars, I finally found another place to live.Unexpectedly, that Wen Bufan wanted to kill them all, and now he has attacked the city of Jinyang, trying to drive us to a dead end!

Brothers!Are you still willing to let this Wen Bufan destroy my hard-won home! ! ? "

Guo Da didn't say anything about righteousness, because it had no effect on these Baibo thieves who were originally from ordinary people.So he only talks about survival, because this is the only signal that can arouse their fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

Sure enough, the [-] Baibo thieves were furious, all raising their weapons high and shouting desperately.

"I don't want to! I don't want to! I don't want to!!!"

Waves of earth-shattering sound almost shook the entire Jinyang City.Guo Da continued to shout with grief and indignation.

"In the face of the thugs who want to destroy our homeland, there are only swords, guns and bloodshed!!! Brothers, take up the weapons in your hands and fight these thugs, let them know that whoever destroys my homeland will definitely die!!"

"Anyone who destroys my home will surely die! Anyone who destroys my home will surely die!! Anyone who destroys my home will surely die!!!"

"Brothers!!! Today's battle is about the lives of the [-] celestial troops in our city! As long as we repel those thugs from Hedong, we can survive!"

"Live! Live!! Live!!!"

Hope is the only emotion that can defeat fear. Although Guo Da did not have gorgeous words, he used simple and mediocre words to ignite the hope of these Baibo thieves.At this moment, the [-] thieves no longer had any fear of the Hedong Army.They grasped the weapons in their hands tightly, with determination in their eyes, this battle they are fighting for the hope of surviving!

Guo Da saw that the fire was burning enough, and then he cast his eyes on Yang Feng and Liu Pi.Yang Feng and Liu Pi comprehended, shouted loudly, and led a group of soldiers and horses to leave the school field in a mighty manner, and rushed to the outside of Jinyang City.

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