Han Shimou

Chapter 400 Yuwen Tianyou's Viciousness

After Yuwen Tianyou retreated and returned to the village, his face darkened, and he rushed into his tent without making a sound.After Tuo Mabao led the troops back to the camp, he gritted his teeth and grimaced, searched around for a while, but Yuwen Tianyou was nowhere to be found. Later, he caught a few soldiers, and knowing that Yuwen Tianyou was behind his tent, he rushed towards him full of anger. Yuwen Tianyou's tent.

In Yuwen Tianyou's tent, it was pitch black. Yuwen Tianyou's face was so dark that he was about to drip water when he heard the wailing of the wounded soldiers outside.At the same time, my heart hardened and I made a choice.

"Patriarch!! Patriarch!!!!"

Before the Tuomabao people arrived, they were already drinking loudly, rushed into Yuwen Tianyou's tent in a rage, bent their knees and knelt down.

"Patriarch Erma's elder brother Tuo Mahu was killed by the Han people!! Please send Erma a soldier from the patriarch, Erma will avenge his elder brother!!!"

Yuwen Tianyou closed his eyes silently and did not speak.Tuo Mabao saw that Yuwen Tianyou didn't respond, his face tightened, and he was still kneeling, completely as if Yuwen Tianyou couldn't get up if he didn't agree.

The tent was dark and quiet, only the heavy breathing of Tuomabao could be heard.After a while, Yuwen Tianyou opened his eyes and said slowly.

"Tuo Mabao, Erma ordered you to lead [-] soldiers and horses to all cities and counties in Taiyuan to bring all the two-legged sheep."

Two-legged sheep is the name of the Qianghu people for the captive Han people. The meaning is very bloody. The Qianghu people have always fought against the big Han. Few of them would bring food and eat the captives when they were hungry. That's why they have the name "Shuangjiao sheep". .

"Patriarch! Now that the army has plenty of food, why bother to bring the two-legged sheep!?"

Tuo Mabao frowned immediately, and asked Yuwen Tianyou.The pupils in Yuwen Tianyou's eyes shrank suddenly, and he said coldly.

"Erma has a deep meaning. Tuomabao, is it possible that this two-legged sheep has no other purpose other than food?"

Tuo Mabao's face was stunned, his brain turned, and after thinking quickly for a while, he suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

"Could it be, patriarch, you want to use these two-legged sheep as cannon fodder? It's just that these two-legged sheep are just ordinary people, and they have no combat power. I'm afraid they will all be shot to death before they reach the city!"

"Although it is not far away. Humph, didn't Wen Bufan always enjoy the reputation of being close to the people and protecting the people? I think he put his life on the outside in order to save [-] Han slaves in Ermahu territory. , repeated adventures. It can be seen that this person has a fatal flaw, that is, being emotional.

If Erma used these two-legged sheep as meat shields and drove them to the city, Wen Bufan would definitely not bear to shoot arrows.In this way, Erma's Qianghu army can take advantage of this to use the ladder to climb the city quickly, and then use the human attack to capture Jinyang City! "

"The patriarch's words are serious? Then Wen Bufan really won't make the soldiers shoot arrows?!"

"Ten chances are this will be the case. Although this Wen Bufan has a great strategy and skillful use of troops, he doesn't have a heart of a hero. As long as he hesitates for a moment, let Erma's soldiers seize the opportunity and rely on it." His tens of thousands of Han troops, how can they resist Erma's Qianghu army. In such a battle, the moment of opportunity can determine the outcome."

"The head of the patriarch is worthy of Erma Qianghu's once-in-a-hundred-year hero, so Erma's army will surely break through Jinyang, and Erma will be able to avenge his eldest brother!!

It's just that, the patriarch, didn't you repeatedly tell the soldiers not to do anything radical to the Han people, so as not to aggravate the hatred of the Han people towards the Ermahu people, which would be detrimental to the overall situation of ruling the Han people in the future..."

"Although this move, the Han people will definitely hate the Ermahu people even more, which runs counter to Erma's original wishes. However, from time to time, the most critical thing at the moment is how to gnaw down the hard bone of Wen Bufan.ri Finally, if the Han people resist, they should be suppressed by force first, and then they will be domesticated slowly.”

Yuwen Tianyou smiled coldly. In fact, in his mind, the Han people were just a group of undomesticated animals.When he said the word "domesticate" just now, the sound of the word became a little bit heavier unconsciously.After Tuo Mabao heard this, he suddenly realized, and at the same time secretly scolded himself for talking too much just now, if Yuwen Tianyou was reminded by him and shelved such a wonderful plan, then he would regret it.But fortunately, Yuwen Tianyou placed the position of this Han man very appropriately.

"Hahaha. The patriarch is right. The Han people are all undomesticated animals."

"Of course. Could it be that Erma still regards them as the same kind?"

"Humph, what match for the Han people!? The Ermahu people are born tough, brave and good at fighting. Children at the age of 12 can already hunt and prey, and boys at the age of 15 can already fight immediately. When they reach the crowning year, they all have the strength to fight wolves with bare hands. , Ermahu people should be the masters of this world!

Just like those Han people, greedy for life and afraid of death, treacherous and treacherous, for their own benefit, they can sell everything, including their dignity.And greedy, wanting everything, wanting to take everything away.Otherwise, how could the world be messed up by the Han people!God has favored the Han people for countless years, and now it is time to return to the right way and let the Erma Qianghu people rule this world! "

Tuo Mabao snorted coldly, his face full of contempt.Yuwen Tianyou pursed his lips, nodded while sneering, and said slowly after Tuo Mabao finished speaking.

"So, Tuomabao, why are you still standing here? Why don't you hurry up and prepare troops and go to the surrounding counties to bring the two-legged sheep to Erma. Remember that the more two-legged sheep, the better, no matter old or young, women and children Bring it to Erma!! If these two-legged sheep don't cooperate and dare to resist, Erma allows you to let go and suppress, but don't kill too much!"

"Yes! Erma will definitely live up to the burden of the patriarch!"

The corners of Tuo Mabao's mouth turned up, his eyes emitted a bloodthirsty and brutal light, and he couldn't help laughing. After giving Yuwen Tianyou a heavy salute, he walked out of the tent in high spirits.

Since the tragic offensive and defensive battle five days ago, Yuwen Tianyou has been standing still, letting his army hide in the camp.The Hu Thief's stronghold was heavily guarded, and within ten miles outside the stronghold, there were scouts patrolling and investigating, taking adequate precautions.Wen Han didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Yuwen Tianyou's gourd, so he tentatively sent a few light cavalry teams to explore the movement in the Hu thief's camp, but Yuwen Tianyou had set up a net outside his camp, and these light cavalry teams had just arrived ten miles away from his camp. When they were discovered, they all returned in vain.

In the offensive and defensive battle five days ago, Hu Thief not only lost his general Tuo Mahu, but nearly [-] soldiers were killed.Logically speaking, even if the soldiers are recuperating, there will not be such a long time without the slightest movement.The longer the rest time, it will only show that Yuwen Tianyou has nothing to do with Jinyang, so the morale in the army will definitely be lower and lower.

And Yuwen Tianyou is known as Qiang Hu's once-in-a-hundred-year genius hero, so he must have extraordinary abilities. Wen Han doesn't think that Yuwen Tianyou is helpless, but thinks that he is planning some strategy.

In order to find out what Yuwen Tianyou was planning, Wen Han did not hesitate to take risks and only went to investigate the news of Huzhai with Zhao Yun.Whether it's Tayunwuzi or Yezhaoyushishi, they are both peerless BMWs. The two of them rode their horses around the mountain road. Although they were spotted by the scouts of the Hu thieves during the survey, they couldn't catch up with the horses because they sat on the BMW. Wen Han Wen Han and Zhao Yun rushed to the surrounding area of ​​Huzhai with great speed, while riding their horses to flee, while observing the movement of Huzhai. Seeing this, Wen Han and Zhao Yun were startled and angry. Although they only watched for a while, it was not difficult to notice The densely packed Han people in Huzhai.

Wen Han and Zhao Yun's eyes were full of monstrous flames, they wished they could ride their horses back and have a good time with the Qiang and Hu scouts chasing after them.But Wen Han understood that this was just a matter of emotion, suppressing the boiling anger, constantly flying the whip, and speeding up to escape into the mountains and forests.Those Hu thieves who were chasing behind were not familiar with the mountain roads. After chasing for a while, they lost their traces and had no choice but to go back.

Half an hour later, Wen Han and Zhao Yun galloped out from the intersection at the foot of a mountain, and rushed straight back to Jinyang City not far away.After returning to Jinyang City, Wen Han's face was dark and terrifying, as if a storm was hidden in his whole body.And Zhao Yun who was following behind, his sharp eyes burst out with sharp killing lights, his hands clenched his fists tightly, making bursts of crackling noises.

When Xi Long saw Wen Han and Zhao Yun's faces were so ugly, he knew that they must have seen something terrible in the Hu thief's camp.Xi Long squinted his eyes, opened his mouth and asked with a sullen face.

"My lord, what did you see in the Hu thief village?"

Wen Han breathed out, his face trembling frequently, like a tiger suppressing its rage.

"The people, the people of the Han people!!!"

Xi Long stared at him suddenly, then stared blankly for a moment, then fell silent, and his brain quickly calculated Yuwen Tianyou's intention.With Xilong's incomparable intelligence, he soon figured it out, and his complexion became extremely ugly.

"Thieves who killed thousands of knives!!! They actually want to use these Han people as shields!!!"

As Wen Han's military adviser, Xi Long is well aware of Wen Han's temperament, he will never accidentally hurt any Han people, even if these Han people block his way, he will only choose to retreat, even if he knows that the road ahead is dead .

Today, Yuwen Tianyou's intentions are obvious. He wants to use these Han people as meat shields and drive them to the city of Jinyang.And it is also expected that Wen Han will not let his soldiers and horses shoot these Han people at that time, so that his army can seize the opportunity, and the resistance encountered when attacking the city will also be greatly reduced. In this way, the Hu thieves You can easily climb to the top of the city and fight with the east soldiers and horses on the city.

"This strategy can be described as vicious and inhumane. If there are real gods in the sky, Yuwen Tianyou will definitely be punished by heaven!!"

Xi Long slandered coldly in his heart, then darkened his face, and said as calmly as possible.

"Fortunately, my lord found out in time, otherwise, if Yuwen Tianyou's plan succeeds, I'm afraid Jinyang City will be difficult to preserve. However, before this, my lord, Long Yi wants to remind you. There are nearly hundreds of thousands of people in Jinyang City."

In the last sentence of Xilong, he almost forced himself to harden his heart, and said tremblingly.

"Xi Zhicai!!! What do you mean!!!"

Wen Han stared at the tiger, his whole body exploded with great arrogance, and shouted at Xi Long.

"My lord! Long hopes that my lord will understand that when it is a last resort, you can only give up a small part to save a more part. Once Jinyang City falls into the hands of Hu thieves, not only the hundreds of thousands of people in the city will become If the captives fall into his hands, our sergeants in Hedong will also suffer heavy losses! Even the whole army will be wiped out!! At that time, there will be no Han soldiers in the whole Bingzhou to fight against them, and the whole Bingzhou will fall into the hands of the Hu thieves!! At that time, It involves nearly a million lives in the entire Bingzhou!!"

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