Han Shimou

Chapter 439 Forcing Tao Qian

In an instant, Tao Qian seemed to have fantasized about Cao Cao's soldiers and horses attacking the city, the wanton massacre, a bloody and miserable scene.

"Slow!! Mengde calm down, I promise you!"

After Tao Qian finished drinking this sentence, he felt as if half of his soul had been sucked out by force, and he was immediately discouraged.On the surface, Cao Cao was still full of anger and anger, but in fact he was laughing in his heart. After making a sudden gesture, the vanguard troops who were about to charge immediately stopped in their tracks. The elite.

"Old man, I will give you three days to withdraw your soldiers and horses from Pengcheng. After ten days, I will go to Pi and you will have no soldiers from Xuzhou!"

Cao caosi stared at Tao Qian deadly, every word in his words was icy cold, how could Tao Qian dare to disobey Cao Cao's meaning at this time, and immediately agreed in shame.

After that, the two of them rode back without saying a word.After Cao Cao returned to the formation, he ordered [-] elite soldiers to retreat [-] miles away and set up camp for the time being.After Tao Qian returned to the city with a lost face, he kept silent, and the soldiers did not answer their questions. After sitting quietly on the balcony above the city for an unknown period of time, until the night became misty, he suddenly called two generals to issue orders , Once sent to Xiapi to send an order to withdraw the troops, and once ordered to call the soldiers and horses in the city to prepare for packing, they withdrew from Pengcheng three days later.

At night, in Cao Cao's tent, Cao Cao was completely absent. Today, when he faced Tao Qian, his face was sad and angry, and he laughed loudly on the big seat.

"Hahahaha. Sure enough, as Feng Xiao expected, this Tao Gongzu has agreed to my request and gave up Pengcheng and Xiapi. In this way, I won half of Xuzhou without bloodshed. This time, Feng Xiao, you have made a great contribution !"

Guo Jia, who was sitting in the second seat on the left, had a calm and calm face, smiled softly, stood up slowly, and bowed his hands in a salute.

"My lord, it's amazing. As a counselor, this is a good duty."

But Jia Xu, who was sitting next to Guo Jia, said to Cao Cao with a chuckle after hearing this.

"Hehe, Guo Jijiu is really modest. Guo Jijiu has never had any contact with Tao Gongzu. Just by his usual manner of doing things, he can predict the prophet and know what is going on in his heart. Make a plan earlier so that the lord will not I will do my best to get half of Xuzhou.

Therefore, none of the lord's [-] elite soldiers were injured, and they were all in their prime. Coupled with the news that half of Xuzhou fell to the lord, the morale of the whole army greatly increased.And one month later, it was impossible for Tao Gongzu to find Mr. Cao.His soldiers and horses were oppressed day and night by the might of the lord's [-] elite soldiers. At that time, their morale must be the lowest and they had no fighting spirit, so how could they resist the lord's [-] soldiers.

At present, my lord divides the [-] soldiers into two armies. After one month, the two armies will move out from Pengcheng and Xiapi, and the troops will go straight up. Every battle will be defeated. In less than half a year, Xuzhou will be completely defeated. Lord's hand.And without Guo Jijiu's ingenious plan, the lord would never be able to get the whole of Xuzhou so easily. "

Guo Jia listened to Jia Xu's praise, but he didn't show any signs of embarrassment. He was still calm, smiled slightly, and bowed slightly to Jia Xu.Speaking of which, Jia Xu's temperament is really strange. Ever since Guo Jia came, he has taken a lot of limelight unconsciously. Sometimes when Cao Cao was discussing a strategy, when the strategy was almost finalized, Jia Xu still didn't say a word, as if Does not exist.If it weren't for Cao Cao's thoughts, Jia Xu would have made great contributions when he took Yanzhou.Jia Xu had been replaced as a military adviser long ago.And Jia Xu would lift up Guo Jia from time to time, with the intention of giving up the position of military adviser to Guo Jia.

"If a tree is as beautiful as the forest, will the wind destroy it? Jia Wenhe, you are so smart."

Guo Jia secretly slandered in his heart. In fact, there are some truths that many people understand, but how many people can do it if they really want to put it into practice.It is absolutely impossible for people without great wisdom and forbearance to cut through their habits to the end.

As for Cao Cao, a peerless hero, no one knows whether he knows Jia Xu's thoughts or not.But vaguely, Guo Jia and Jia Xu were in Cao Cao's mind, and Guo Jia's position was obviously higher than Jia Xu's. see.However, if there are some big plans that need to be determined, even if Cao Cao doesn't ask, Jia Xu will come up with words and plans for analysis.Just like this time when Cao Cao wanted to seek Xuzhou, Jia Xu did a lot of analysis for Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao could see the overall situation better.

Jia Xu, a 'poison man', and Guo Jia, a 'ghost genius', are both top-notch strategists and talents of the heavens.Perhaps only Cao Cao, a peerless hero, can resist him.

However, Tao Qian agreed to Cao Cao's request, and he did as promised. Three days later, [-] Xuzhou soldiers were withdrawn from Pengcheng, and ten days later, all Xuzhou soldiers who stayed in Xiapi also withdrew.Cao Cao divided the [-] elite soldiers into two armies, the first army was led by Cao Ren, and Jia Xu, as the army's military division, led Yu Jin, Li Dian, Le Jin and other generals, and [-] soldiers rushed to Xiapi.The other army was led by Cao Cao himself, assisted by Guo Jia, Xiahou brothers, Dian Wei and other civil and military personnel, and led [-] elite soldiers to guard Pengcheng.The two armies, like two huge vicious tigers, watched the remaining two counties of Donghai and Guangling in Xuzhou.

As for Tao Qian's return to the East China Sea, when all the civil and military personnel heard that Tao Qian had surrendered Pengcheng and Xiapi to Cao Cao, the county government hall exploded.Xuzhou's civil and military bureaucrats quarreled, saying that Tao Qian's move was undoubtedly dedicating Xuzhou's hands to Cao Mengde.Tao Qian was so quarrelsome, and because of Cao Taigong's matter, the elderly Tao Qian could hardly sleep at night, his health became worse and worse, and unconsciously passed out.After they were rescued, they sent Tao Qian back to the State Shepherd's Mansion, and then called the doctor. Later, they heard from the doctor that Tao Qian fainted due to excessive pressure and physical fatigue.After everyone listened, they made up their minds, at this time Xuzhou was in danger, if something happened to Tao Qian, it would hardly need to think about it, Xuzhou would surely fall into the hands of Cao Cao.

A few days later, Tao Qian woke up leisurely. After getting up in a hurry, the first thing he did was to call the soldiers and ask if he had found Mr. Cao.Hearing that the search was fruitless, and that the one-month deadline was less than half a month left, Tao Qian's originally pale face became even more bleak, and he didn't rest anymore, he hurried to the county government hall and summoned a crowd Wenwu came to discuss.

Half an hour later, Xuzhou Wenwu gathered together, all of them were anxious.Tao Qian sat in the front seat and said that the time limit is approaching now, if it is really impossible to find Mr. Cao, then so what.

Everyone is afraid of death, if it was not a last resort, how could Tao Qian voluntarily die.

"A few days ago, when Chen learned that the lord gave Pengcheng and Xiapi to Cao Mengde, he felt that there must be a conspiracy. The lord thought that Cao Taigong was besieged and killed by Zhang Kai and other desperadoes. With his old body in his seventies , How could it be possible to escape. But the guard who fled back said that Grandpa Cao was lost. And we have been searching for many days at the place of death, but we still haven't seen him. This dead man, who has no body, really makes people suspicious.

What's more, with Cao Mengde's nature, if something really happened to his father, he would definitely be angry and hate him, order the soldiers to attack wildly, and wash Xuzhou to revenge.How can it be possible to wait another month! ? "

The speaker is from Guangling, whose surname is Chen, first name Deng, and character Yuanlong.Both this man and his father Chen Gui had extraordinary intelligence and came from a wealthy family. The Chen family was the most powerful and powerful family in Xuzhou.Chen Shi is happy, Xuzhou is stable, Chen Shi is angry, and Xuzhou is in chaos.The Chen family is all tigers, my lord, give three points.

From this, it can be seen that the influence of the Chen family in Xuzhou is huge.In order to stabilize Xuzhou, Tao Qian gave Chen Gui and Chen Deng high positions, and he had to ask the Chens and his sons for their opinions on Xuzhou's policies before they dared to implement them.And Chen's father and son are also first-class talent seekers, helping Tao Qian to manage Xuzhou in an orderly manner, the people are happy, and there has never been a rebellion.

Chen Dengzhi's wisdom was well known to all civil and military personnel, and after Tao Qian heard this, he also felt that this matter was very possible, and cried out in grief and indignation.

"Cao Mengde is so treacherous and cunning!! I only hate that this old man fell into this man's trap and gave up Pengcheng and Xiapi. I regret it, I regret it!!!"


Tao Qian was so angry that his white hair almost stood on end, his eyeballs almost popped out, his stomach full of regret and anger rushed to his heart, causing Tao Qian to spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.


All the civil and military personnel in Xuzhou, seeing Tao Qian spurting blood, hurriedly drank.After Tao Qian spat out a mouthful of blood, although his complexion became more bleak, he felt much more comfortable all over. Tao Qian waved his hand, opened his mouth full of blood, and asked, how can the civil and military forces repel Cao Cao.Cao Cao bullied him like this, played him in the applause, Tao Qian had made up his mind at this time, he would rather die than let Xuzhou fall into the hands of Cao Cao!

"Fu Jun has been in Xuzhou for a long time, and the people are grateful. Although there are many Cao soldiers today, they made up excuses to invade Xuzhou because of their own selfish desires. I have avoided this catastrophe. Although I am not talented, I would like to implement a small strategy to solve Xuzhou's catastrophe!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and asked Ji Jiang how to come out.Tao Qian's pale face suddenly burst into a gleam of joy, seeing that the person who offered advice was from Qu County, Donghai. His surname was Mi, his first name was Zhu, and his style name was Zizhong.This man comes from a wealthy family, and he is a wealthy businessman in the East China Sea. It is rumored that his wealth is so huge that he can buy half of the East China Sea county!

Although Mi Zhu is a wealthy businessman, he is not like ordinary wealthy businessmen, he only knows about profit.He gave up his family wealth and helped the poor and the poor. He was supported and praised by the people of Xuzhou. Later Tao Qian heard of his benevolence and righteousness, so he personally hired Mi Zhu to do it for him.

When Tao Qian heard it, he was overjoyed and shouted repeatedly.

"Zi Zhong, teach me quickly."

Mi Zhu gave a deep salute, and then said with concentration.

"A certain person is willing to go to Beihai County in person and ask Kong Rong to send troops to rescue him. Kong Rong is the twentieth generation grandson of Confucius. He was intelligent and respected since he was a child. , Kong Rong will definitely send troops to help. The lord and the people stand firm and do not go out. When I order the rescue soldiers to arrive, we will attack together with Xuzhou soldiers, and we will be able to repel Cao Mengde!"

"If Kong Beihai is willing to help, Xuzhou's crisis will be solved!"

Tao Qian was overjoyed, so he wrote a book and handed it to Mi Zhu.After Mi Zhu took the letter and bid farewell to Tao Qian, he immediately ran back to his home, prepared his luggage, and left for Beihai with the letter.After Mi Zhu left, Tao Qian discussed with Chen Deng and other civil and military personnel to recruit soldiers and horses and guard the East China Sea and Guangling.

At this time, Cao Cao was still unknown, and his fake show had already been seen through by Xuzhou Diannong School Captain Chen Yuanlong.

But it is said that the thieves are crowded, although the Baibo thieves in Nanyang and Bingzhou, and the Heishan thieves in Qing and Yanzhou were all defeated by various princes.However, there are still many fish that escaped the net, and the flames of war are still ignited all over the world.

In Beihai, half a month ago, tens of thousands of bandits led by the Guanhai Department of the Yellow Turban Bandit came and besieged the city for several days.Guan Hai threatened Kong Rong that he would borrow [-] shi for food and grass, otherwise after breaking the city, he would slaughter all the people, old and young!

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