Han Shimou

Chapter 447 Lu Bu Saves the Emperor

As soon as Li Cui made a decision, Zhang Ji suddenly opened his mouth to remind him.Li Cui's heart was restless and messy, and he was exhausted and his head was extremely dizzy. Just riding a horse was already strenuous, so he didn't take Zhang Ji's words to heart.

"Zhang Huan is overthinking, we are waiting for an army of more than [-] people, how dare those rebels come to overwhelm him! If this is the case, he will die without a place to bury him!"

"Big Sima!!"

"Xiu don't talk too much, Zhang Huanqi, don't you see that the soldiers are suffering and tired, and the camps are all burned down now, if you don't return to Chang'an, will it be possible for me to go to Hongnong?"

Li Cui drank majesticly, Zhang Ji was sprayed all over the face, so he didn't have much to say, so he had to pay attention secretly, and at the same time ordered Zhang Xiu and Hu Che'er to slow down the soldiers under his command to prepare for unexpected events.

At this point, Li urged the army to rush back to Chang'an City. When they arrived at the base of the city, before they had time to shout, the gate of the city was opened.After driving all the way again, Li Cui felt even more exhausted. He saw that the soldiers guarding the city were all wearing Liangzhou military uniforms, and led the troops into the city without suspicion.

As for Zhang Ji, his face was dark and gloomy, his eyes fixed on the defenders on the city, suddenly he seemed to have discovered something, and yelled sharply without warning.

"Big Sima retreat quickly, the city is full of rebel soldiers and horses!!!"

In fact, Zhang Ji didn't find any clues, but he smelled some dangerous signals and deliberately tested them.And it was this temptation that really tested the oriole hidden behind!


When Hao Meng in the city heard Zhang Ji's shout, he really thought that he had discovered the ambush of his own army, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers in the city to shoot.Immediately, countless arrows fell like a torrential rain towards the crowd in front of Li Cui, and they flew down like lightning bolts, and in an instant, a large number of Li Cui's soldiers screamed and fell wildly.

Li Cui was taken aback, and immediately realized that the city was indeed the ambush of the bandits, and quickly ordered the soldiers to retreat.As a result, Li Cui's front troops suddenly became a mess.Li Cuibing, who had just entered the city gate, pushed me and pushed you, panicking and rushing back desperately.

The four troops of Zhang Liao, Song Xian, Cheng Lian, and Lu Bu who were originally ambushing in the city heard the sound of arrows flying down from the top of the city, so they knew that the plan must have been discovered by Li Cuijun.Immediately, Zhang Liao and Song Xian's left and right ambush armies who were closest to the top of the city rushed out first, and Li Cuijun swarmed towards the top of the city aggressively.And the Cheng Lian and Lu Bu's ambush troops behind them also rushed out.Li Cui first saw Zhang Liao, and then saw Lu Bu, who was riding a red rabbit horse with a bloody aura and a terrifying power behind him. His whole soul was almost frightened. rushed out.Zhang Liao slapped the horses repeatedly, and the first thing to do was to kill them. The silver gun pierced three swift shadows, killing three Li Cuibings in a row, and rushed into the crowd. If you enter the land of no one, go straight to Li Cui to kill.

Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu rode their horses to rescue him early on, and they rode out together, raising their spears at the same time, and killed Zhang Liao.Zhang Liao had almost focused on Li Cui before, but at first he was beaten into a mess by Zhang Ji's uncle and nephew.Later Zhang Liao came to his senses and knew that these two uncles and nephews were superb in martial arts, especially Zhang Ji's nephew Zhang Xiu, who was even known as the Northern Spear King.Zhang Liao let out a roar, and the speed of his guns suddenly accelerated, turning from defense to offense. Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's two uncles and nephews were also very good. With two guns, one left and one right, Zhang Ji was in charge of defense, while Zhang Xiu was in charge of attacking. .However, Zhang Liao became more energetic as he fought, and the speed of his gun continued to accelerate.At this time, Song Xian arrived and joined the battlefield. Song Xian held a big sword, and Zhang Liao and Zhang Liao had a tacit understanding, and suddenly they all attacked Zhang Ji.Zhang Ji had been fighting all night, and he was not in his prime, but after being attacked by Zhang Liao and Song Xian several times in a row, he seemed powerless and extremely embarrassed.Fortunately, Zhang Xiu came to the rescue in time, a tiger-headed golden gun suddenly leaped up, and when the gun was fired, there was a sound of phoenix crowing, the tip of the gun seemed to be blazing, stabbing and sweeping away, and attacked Zhang Liao and Song Xian. All Zhang Ji's weapons bounced off.Zhang Liao pulled the silver gun, his eyes suddenly burst into endless fighting spirit, staring at Zhang Xiu closely, his whole body was in a phase.Suddenly, there was a particularly loud and rapid sound of horseshoes, as if beating on the hearts of countless people, it sounded in shock.

Da da da da da! ! !

Swallowing a beast's face with chain armor, Fang Tian painted a halberd and a red rabbit horse, and Lu Bu came to kill him with a shocking power of being the only one.The uncles and nephews Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu looked at each other, and suddenly used all their strength to attack Zhang Liao and Song Xian, and then took advantage of the opportunity to spread out and run away.Regardless of whether it was Zhang Ji or Zhang Xiu, the two of them thought to themselves that given their current situation, they were definitely not Lu Bu's opponents. If Lu Bu killed them, they might not even have a chance to escape.

Seeing Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu shaking their heads, Lu Bu snorted coldly.The red rabbit horse galloped on all fours, running faster and faster, like an arrow off a string, flying faster and faster, passing through the crowd, no one dared to stop it.Seeing that Lu Bu was about to kill Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu, Zhang Ji's general Lei Xu, who was brave and loyal, went to block Lu Bu for Zhang Ji's uncle and nephew.

Lu Bu's bloody eyes glowed, Fang Tian moved his halberd like thunder, and the halberd hit Lei Xu's throat.Lei Xu fell off his horse and fell, seeing that he was hopeless.

But even so, it was half a minute too late for Lu Bu to kill Lei Xu. For Zhang Ji's two uncles and nephews, it was tantamount to winning two lives.The two flicked their horsewhips, until the horse neighed again and again when it sat down, and rushed into the chao of the large army that Li urged to retreat.

Lu Bu squinted his bloody eyes and wanted to chase after him, but he didn't know that the golden horn of withdrawing troops was blown from the top of the city.Lu Bu's face turned ferocious, but he still suppressed his killing intent, reined in the Chituma and turned around inside the city, and he and his soldiers wiped out all the remnants left by Li Cui.

Several hours later, countless corpses were piled up under the city of Chang'an, almost all of them were from Li Cui's tribe, and there were nearly ten thousand dead.Lu Bu, who was covered in the enemy's blood all over his armor, rushed to the top of the city with an extremely strong smell of blood.He walked up to a counselor wearing a crown hat and Confucian uniform, with bursts of wisdom in his eyes.Before Lu Bu could speak, the counselor bowed first.

"My lord, don't chase after poor bandits. Although Li Cui's soldiers and horses are laborers and are ambushed, after all, there are many bandits. If the lord wants to push into a desperate situation, he will definitely be counterattacked by them. Li Cui's soldiers and horses will fight back, even if our army can Winning is also a tragic victory. In this way, the lord lost most of his troops, how can he protect the Holy One?"

When Lu Bu heard it, he also felt that it was reasonable, and he calmed down his anger.Under Lu Bu's command, being able to extinguish Lu Bu's anger so easily shows that Lu Bu trusts him.And this person, of course, is Chen Gong, Chen Gongtai.

"If it wasn't for the army division to withdraw troops in time, I would have acted impulsively. Now that the Holy Majesty has been rescued by us, I should inform Ma Teng and Han Sui in Xiliang to come to King Qin. Otherwise, Li urged the [-] troops to rest. We must attack Chang'an madly."

"My lord, don't worry. The palace will make arrangements early this morning. Ma Teng is brave but not resourceful, and Han Fu is cunning but not courageous. These two can just be used by the lord. Let them be the lord and defeat Li Cui." .”

Chen Gong smiled slightly. There seemed to be a big plan between him and Lu Bu.After hearing this, Lu Bu's eyes shone surprisingly brightly, and his heart was beating wildly.At the same time, Lu Bu also remembered that the future Chen Gong planned for him could win the foundation and structure of the world.

But he said that Zhang Ji withdrew suddenly.And Chen Gong has always had a plan to let Lu Bu coerce the emperor to order the princes, so he has always arranged eyeliners in the Chang'an area to pay attention to the movements in Chang'an.The day after Zhang Ji withdrew, Chen Gong received information that Li Cui and Guo Si were fighting in Chang'an.

Chen Gong was extremely intelligent, so he immediately guessed that Zhang Jiding was leading the troops to Chang'an to help Li Cui.And Chen Gong looked at the map for a while, and paid attention to the battlefield where Li Cui and Guo Bang fought against each other based on intelligence, and quickly guessed that Zhang Ji sent troops from Hongnong, just in time to sneak attack Guo Bang's rear, so Guo Bang Undoubtedly lost.

Chen Gong smelled the smell of a great opportunity, his mind turned, and after two hours of rapid thinking, he came up with a big plan for Lu Bu.First of all, Chen Gong taught Lu Bu to take advantage of Li Cui and Guo Si's full strength to fight fiercely, and had no time to take into account the surrounding situation. He secretly marched from Shangluo, and then attacked Li Cui's camp to rescue Han Xiandi and Chaozhong Gongqing.And because of the battle between Li and Guo, there will never be many troops left behind in Chang'an, and after that, the city of Chang'an will be captured with lightning speed.After gaining Chang'an City, set up an ambush again. After the victory between Li Cui and Guo Bang has been decided, the soldiers must be exhausted by then.In this way, Lu Bu can temporarily repel Li Cui.

At this time, it is the most critical.Li Cui's troops are so powerful that Lu Bu's [-] troops alone are absolutely irresistible.Therefore, Chen Gong taught Lu Bu that he could ask Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to issue an edict ordering Ma Teng and Han Sui from Xiliang to come to serve the king.Ma Teng has a reputation for loyalty, and most of them will follow orders.And Han Sui valued fame and fortune, and worked hard for the king, so he would definitely be rewarded with a high position, so the possibility of coming was also very high.Chen Gong taught Lv Bu that at that time, he would make friends with Ma Teng and Han Sui on the surface and cede the power, but when he went to war, he would just send out generals and not send troops. Li urged to fight.In this way, Lu Bu could use the troops of Ma Teng and Han Sui to repel Li Cui.But when two tigers fight, there will always be a wound. When the strength of the two sides is exhausted, Lv Bu, who has been lurking and hiding, can first use the strategy of separation to separate Ma Teng and Han Sui, let them bite each other for fame and fortune, and then Secretly collected the troops of his headquarters, slowly eroded the power of Ma Teng and Han Sui, and finally gathered momentum to wipe out Li Cui, who had already been seriously injured.In this way, in the land of Yongzhou and Liangzhou, there will be no princes who can compete with Lu Bu.And at that time, because Lu Bu rescued the world, his bad reputation was gone, so he could coerce the emperor to command the princes!In this way, Lu Bu has the foundation to fight for the general trend of the world.

Chen Gong was also a talent of the sky, Lu Bu was extremely excited when he heard it, and he even believed that Chen Gong was Lu Bu's Zhang Liang, and he had the great wisdom to fight for the world for him.

Here, under the strategy of Chen Gong, Lu Bu rescued Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and all the court officials from the clutches of Li Cui's demon, and after taking Chang'an City, he beat Li Cui's soldiers and horses hard, and his reputation resounded throughout the northwest.

Chen Gong's wisdom is of course beyond doubt.However, a wise man is bound to miss something.He ignored two people, and it was the arrival of these two people in the future that would almost destroy the entire plan he had set for Lu Bu.

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