Han Shimou

Chapter 480 Lu Bu Bravely Attacks Linjin

They formed a huge shield wall to block the third arrow. Countless sparks were shot out when the arrow collided with the shield. The flying bear soldiers were all strong men, but they still failed to block the third arrow shot by Lu Bu. A fierce arrow, with a bang sound, the shield wall shattered in an instant, and five or six flying bear soldiers lost control and flew down. Xu Rong took the opportunity to pick up a shield from the ground, just in front of him, and the arrow was shot , I saw the shield burst suddenly, the arrow broke through, shot into Xu Rong's right shoulder, and then nailed Xu Rong's body to the red clay wall impressively!

Xu Rong had never suffered such humiliation before, he was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and shouted desperately!

"Lu Fengxian!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

It is slow to say, in fact, this scene only happened in an instant. - Lu Bu, who was at the bottom of the city, laughed when he saw Xu Rong being nailed to the wall like a dead dog.

"I, Lu Fengxian, are unparalleled in the world! If you don't want to die, quickly sacrifice the city and surrender, and then offer Li Cui's head! Otherwise, I will make the city of Linjin bleed like a river!!"

Lu Bu's power was overwhelming, and that aura of supremacy directly pressed the hearts of every soldier in the city. For a moment, all the soldiers were so frightened that their faces were blue and their mouths were pale, and their bodies were trembling.

"Lu Fengxian! You are a ruthless, ungrateful and ungrateful slave of the three surnames. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself! Why are you waiting! Why don't you shoot this villain to death with random arrows!!!"

Li Ru somewhere on the city wall, seeing Xu Rong was almost shot to death by Lu Bu, was so out of breath that he yelled fiercely, and Li Ru's vehement drinking frightened the souls of the city soldiers away, and pulled them back again.I saw many soldiers in the city, hastily set up their bows and arrows, and shot at Lu Braxian.

Arrows flew from all directions, this time there were at least several thousand arrows. Without fear, Lu Bu cursed at Li Ru while dancing Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"Li Wenyou, don't tell me you don't want to say anything about your evil deeds? Don't forget, you poisoned the young emperor to death! All Han officials in the world want to take your head in exchange for credit!"

At the beginning, in order to stabilize the power in his hands, Dong Zhuo secretly ordered Li Ru to bring people into the palace himself and poison the emperor at that time, "Han Shaodi" Liu Bian.Therefore, Li Ru is destined to bear the infamy of a traitor and fanatic in his life. As long as the Han Dynasty exists, there will be no place in the world except Li Cui's subordinates.

Li Ru's expression turned gloomy. In order to assist Dong Zhuo, he abandoned a lot of people and went all out to help.Originally, Dong Zhuo occupied half of the country, and the situation was very good. Even though he was forced to move the capital by the [-]th princes, Dong Zhuo's overall situation was not broken, and his power was still the strongest in the world. I'm afraid that Dong Zhuo has already made a comeback by now, and with absolute strength, he has gathered most of the country in his hands. It is even very possible that Dong Zhuo has the strength to be called emperor, and he, Li Wenyou, will definitely be Dong Zhuo's national teacher.The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. As long as the Han Dynasty is destroyed, who will remember Li Ru's evil deeds in the past. In the world ruled by Dong Zhuo, Li Ru will only be respected by others and gain fame and wealth!

However, all these beautiful dreams were defeated by Lu Bu! !

"Lu Fengxian, if you are caught by me, I will cut your flesh, your bones, and your tendons one by one! I will not let you die happily. I will watch you, and you will die slowly. Die before my eyes!!!"

Li Ru's face turned ferocious like a ghost in the deepest abyss of hell, roaring desperately in his heart.In front of Lu Bu, the sky was full of arrows, and the attack became more and more fierce, but it still couldn't hurt the strongest man on land. Lu Bu retreated in the rain of arrows, returned to the formation, and ordered.

"The whole army is ordered to follow the previous arrangement of the military division, and all troops will attack Linjin immediately!!"

Previously, Chen Gong had learned from the scouts about the layout of the defenders of Linjin City. It was in the direction of the east gate, because of the Wengcheng, with the smallest force, only 8000 defenders. Sixteen thousand soldiers and horses are guarding.Based on this, Chen Gong suggested that Lu Bu divide the attacking troops into four armies. Lu Bu led [-] troops to attack the east gate, Zhang Liao led [-] troops to attack the north gate, Song Xian led [-] troops to attack the west gate, Lian led three thousand soldiers and horses to attack the south gate.Such a division of troops will indeed greatly weaken the tension of the attack, but it can contain the defenders of the Li army in the north, west, and south, allowing the main attacking troops at the east gate to concentrate their combat power against the [-] defenders at the east gate.

"Wen Yuan! If the East Gate cannot be breached for a long time, then I will have to rely on you a lot."

Of course, Chen Gong didn't just have a single set of battle plans, and Zhang Liao's troops were the ones who were killing him.

"Military advisor, don't worry, as long as the time comes, Liao will fulfill the military advisor's request with all his might!"

Zhang Liao arched his fist and drank, Chen Gong nodded heavily, with deep trust in Zhang Liao in his eyes.Under Lu Bu's command, Chen Gong valued Zhang Liao the most. Zhang Liao was not only extremely brave, but also extremely sharp.When it comes to siege and siege, Chen Gong can guarantee that there will never be three generals around Zhang Liao in the world!

Following Lu Bu's order, the troops of the various ministries began to turmoil, rushing towards the north gate, west gate, and south gate respectively.As for Lu Bu, he led [-] soldiers and stayed at the east gate.

When Li Ru saw that Lu Jun separated from the four armies, and that the army attacking the east gate was led by Lu Bu, Li Ru's expression suddenly became dignified. At the same time, he called several messengers and ordered them to notify the north, west and south gates. The guards of the east gate made them pay close attention to the battle situation at the east gate, and if it was an emergency, they would send troops to help immediately.It's no wonder Li Ru is so cautious, after all, the East Gate has only [-] troops, and what they will face later will be the invincible Lu Bu!

Chen Gong waved the red flag in his hand, and followed the flag with three thousand swords in his hands, forming a wall of shields and rushed out first, then two thousand spearmen guarded a huge ladder cart and marched slowly towards the east gate with great momentum. At the same time, there are rushing cars speeding around.As for Lu Bu, he took the remaining [-] halberd-armored soldiers and pressed forward.


Pushed and embraced by hundreds of soldiers in unison, the huge wheels of a ladder truck rolled over the deep trenches, making violent violent noises. Slowly swinging up, all the soldiers at the top of the city looked tense, and hurriedly set up their bows and arrows, aiming at Lu Bing who was slowly approaching, just waiting for Xu Rong's gesture to fall.

"Shield formation!!!"

Li Feng, who was in charge of commanding the sword and shield soldiers, shouted impressively, and immediately rushed to the front three thousand sword shield soldiers, and quickly used the shield walls in his hands to form huge shield walls.At this moment, Lu Bu yelled again and again, causing the pikemen pushing the ladder cart to speed up their advance.Under the East Gate City, Lu Jun's attack speed suddenly accelerated a lot, and the distance between them and the city wall was getting shorter and shorter.Just when the distance was about to approach the range, Xu Rong dropped his big hand and burst out a word from his mouth!


Eight thousand arrows flew down from the high-altitude city wall almost at the same time, and hit the shield walls below the city. The frequent metallic noise of the arrows hitting the shield was deafening.Li Feng ordered the soldiers to resist, and at the same time ordered the soldiers to reorganize the formation disrupted by the arrows, and soon the second round of arrows flew in shock, and the three thousand sword shields were like a dam against the flood. Stand your ground in a storm of arrows!

Under the obstruction of the sword and shield hands in front, the pikemen behind did not receive many shots, and the speed of attack was not affected.Li Feng called on the soldiers again, and slowly advanced to gain space for the troops behind.


Soon, the first ladder truck towered somewhere on the city wall.At the same time, there were seven or eight chariots rushing down the city, rushing towards the crossbowmen in the chariots, holding their bows and flying, knocking down many Li Bing at the top of the city.

"Falling rocks!!! Smash all these cars, and get ready to burn oil!!!"

Seeing this, Xu Rong quickly issued a series of orders, and then hundreds of soldiers rushed towards the side where the pile of stones was piled up, lifted boulders one by one, and threw them at the chariot under the city.However, the rushing cars under the city are extremely sensitive, and they are rarely hit by falling rocks thrown from the city.

"Boys, follow me, Lu Fengxian!!"

At some point, Lu Bu jumped off the red rabbit horse, stepped on the ladder, raised his halberd and shouted loudly.Countless soldiers behind him raised their arms and shouted in response.

Bang bang bang!

Every time Lu Bu stepped on it, there would be a buzzing sound, showing his arrogance, like a giant wild beast, galloping rapidly on the ladder!

"Don't let Lu Feng charge first!! Arrows!! Splash oil!!!"

When Xu Rong saw Lv Bu coming to kill him in shock, he was very panicked, so he quickly ordered.As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of arrows rushing away, and several Li Bing who had been preparing for a long time on the side shook the cauldron and poured the boiling oil in the pan on Lu Bu.

Arrows and boiling oil rushed at the same time, Lu Bu smiled back without fear, and kicked his legs suddenly, like an eagle soaring into the sky.Fang Tian painted the halberd dancing in mid-air at an extremely high speed, with countless shadows of the halberd, impenetrable to the wind, and the countless arrows bounced in all directions under the missiles of the shadow of the halberd. As for the boiling oil, most of them were captured by the shadow of the halberd. The gusts of wind that were set off were blown away.Lu Bu landed with a bang and stood at the end of the ladder, less than tens of meters away from the city wall!

Lu Buxue's bloody eyes shot out a terrifying bloody light, looking down at Xu Rong who was on the other side of the city wall, grinning sneeringly.It's like saying, wash your neck quickly, and soon I, Lu Fengxian, will come to take your head.

"The arrows don't stop!! Feixiong soldiers obey the order and go to block!!!"

Xu Rong spoke harshly and ordered again and again, at the same time he unknowingly backed away, swarming into the crowd of heavy soldiers.The arrows continued to fly towards Lu Bu, and a team of flying bear soldiers rushed to the junction of the ladder and the city wall, holding up their spears, as long as Lu Bu came, they would stab down crazily, stabbing Lu Bu to pieces!

Lu Bu smiled wildly, his feet flew up suddenly, and he sprinted on the ladder. At the same time, Fang Tian kept dancing with his halberd, knocking down the arrows that were shot.Lu Bu approached fiercely, and he was about to rush to the top of the ladder. Facing the resistance of the countless spears, Lu Bu leaped up to the high altitude, and Fang Tian's painted halberd swung up, bringing out bursts of sharp blows. The halberd wind killed the flying bear soldiers below.General Fei Xiong, seeing Lu Bu flying up, hastily turned his direction, and he didn't know how many spears were stabbing towards Lu Bu.If it is an ordinary first-class soldier, or under such an offensive, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.But don't forget, this man has the title of unparalleled in the world!

I saw that Fang Tian's painted halberd was like a flying thunderbolt, swirling in horror, and opened all the spears that stabbed. During the fall, Fang Tian's painted halberd stabbed as soon as it was swept. The soldiers of Feixiong screamed in misery, and were all strangled to death.As soon as Lu Bu landed on the ground, his whole body was like a spinning top, flying with his halberd, and suddenly bursts of blood rained down in horror. kite, flying around.

When the offensive stopped, within three meters of Lu Bu, there was no flying bear soldier, and his feet were all blood red and there were pieces of scraps and pieces of meat.

Lu Bu seemed to be emitting blood all over his body, and it made people feel cold on the soles of their feet. Even elite soldiers like General Fei Xiong were frightened to the point of splitting their nerves.

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