Han Shimou

Chapter 487

"Report to the military division, General Song is dead"

When marching just now, Li Ru had always been worried, so he let the soldiers and horses around him slowly advance. Sure enough, the subsequent developments confirmed Li Ru's previous strong sense of foreboding. But fortunately, Li Ru The thousands of soldiers around them did not encounter much fire, and managed to escape, and withdrew from Huolingpo

The soldier's yell did not make Li Ru turn around to answer, because his eyes were all focused on one person at the moment, and it was this person who shot Song Guo to death just now.

The man was wearing a purple gold crown with three-pronged hair, and was wearing iconic armor equipment. He sat down and rode a hissing red rabbit horse. Wushuang Flying General Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian

Lu Bu seemed to be aware of Li Ru's gaze, and turned around to look at him. When he saw Li Ru's figure, his face suddenly became as hideous and terrifying as a Shura ghost. soaring

Although there was a distance between the two of them, the murderous aura erupting from Lu Bu's body and the rolling hatred rushed straight to Li Ru's heart. Li Ru was so frightened that his soul flew away. They are all the heart of Li Ru's army. Since Dong Zhuo's time, they have been guarding Li Ru's side to protect Li Ru's safety. Before the formation was formed, Lu Bu suddenly killed

"Li Wenyou accepts his life"

Lv Bu's hatred and anger seemed to be bursting out, one man and one rider rushed into the crowd, and all the soldiers who dared to block were turned into pieces of flesh and blood under Fang Tian's painted halberd. He was about to kill Li Ru with a burst of blood rain, and Li Ru heard screams behind him, his fear was getting more and more intense, and his heart suddenly twitched, as if he had expected something, he pulled himself away to avoid it

At the same time, Lu Bu Fangtian's painted halberd fell violently and slashed at Li Ru's head. Unexpectedly, Li Ru avoided it, but he didn't dodge it completely. Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly fell on Li Ru's head. Fang Tian's painted halberd is the most precious weapon in the world, it is extremely sharp, it cuts iron like mud, and it can pass through


Li Ru roared in pain, and his right arm fell to the ground, and blood flew wildly from the gap. Lu Bu broke Li Ru's arm, and it seemed that he couldn't relieve one ten thousandth of his hatred. He charged again and continued to chase Li Ru At this moment, Li Ru's confidant soldiers saw that Li Ru was in danger, and was almost killed by Lu Bu, all of them were red-eyed, and rushed towards Lu Bu frantically. These soldiers, or Cutting people or stabbing horses, as long as it can hurt both of them, don't even die *book*(

Lu Bu was killed by these crazy soldiers in horror. Lu Bu danced Fang Tian's halberd wildly, and stabbed and slashed towards the surroundings as if losing his mind.

Li Ru held back the severe pain and rushed faster and faster to the entrance of Yilin. He turned his head and looked at the confidants who blocked Lu Bu and was massacred by him. For Li Ru, these soldiers are not only soldiers, but also Li Wenyou's family members.

His family was massacred like this, how could Li Ru not hate in his heart, the hatred for Lu Bu reached the point where it cannot be added, his eyes became more and more crazy and hard to suppress, his lips were bitten to bleed, and he looked up to the sky and roared for a moment

"Lu Fengxian, you and I hate, life after life, hard to stop"

Li Ru's roar full of hatred spreads all over the world, this hatred is so deep, even the reincarnation of hundreds of generations cannot be eliminated Stop Li Ru's roar, bleeding, stop the impulse, and gallop into Linkou Lu Bu is also angry when he sees that Li Ru can escape The fire surged, venting it all on the soldiers around him who blocked him

At the same time, in Huolingpo, the fire was raging into the sky, and the sea of ​​fire was billowing. The nearly [-] Li soldiers led by Song Guo were almost completely swallowed by the sea of ​​fire. Generals such as Zhang Liao, Cheng Lian, Song Xian, and Li Feng led the army. Standing around, any Li Bing who escaped would immediately ask the soldiers to raise their butcher's knives and kill them ruthlessly. Later, Xu Rong got rid of his armor in a panic, and led a wave of hundreds of deserters to break through Cheng Lian's line of defense, and was able to escape. Apart from this, no other wave of troops could escape.

Chen Gong's face was cold, watching this tragic scene, his heart was so indifferent

This is a word hated by the common people at war, a word that the ambitious princes are crazy about, a wise man who is wise, lives for it, and shines for it

Three hours later, the sea of ​​flames was still raging on the ground, and the violent sound of the billowing flames, and every time the roaring waves would make the expressions of Lu Jun's soldiers change for a while.

"My lord, [-]% of Thief Li's troops have been burned by this fire. Now Jincheng is empty of troops. It's time for me to go and take Li Zhiran's head."

Under the light of the fire, Lu Bu's burnt face was particularly ferocious and terrifying. He did not answer Chen Gong's words, but pulled the reins, patted the horse and rushed, and responded with actions

At night, the city of Linjin seemed particularly dead tonight, as if a catastrophe was about to happen. In the main hall of Linjin's county government, Li Cui was fidgeting and walked back and forth countless times.

"Come on, come on"

Li Cui drank suddenly, several guards rushed into the hall and knelt down, waiting for Li Cui to ask questions

"Have you received any information from Song Guo?"

Li Cui has asked this question dozens of times today. Those guards glanced at each other anxiously, as if they were afraid of being scolded by Li Cui, and no one answered for a while.

"You bastard, I'm asking you a question, and whoever doesn't answer, I'll take the head of you"

"Returning to the lord, we have not received the battle report from General Song."

Almost at the same time, these guards scrambled to answer Li Cui's question. Li Cui's face turned gloomy, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

"Give me an order to immediately send a scout team to inquire about the news of Song Guo's army, and at the same time give me a sentence, if I haven't learned Song Guo's whereabouts tonight, be careful and put your head on your head."

Li Cui's words were full of cold killing intent, the guards were frightened for a while, fearing that they would also be implicated, they hurriedly received the order and exited the hall

When all the guards retreated, Li Cui frowned suddenly, and a chill came from his abdomen. He looked around, looked at the empty hall, and recalled Li Ru's words earlier today in his mind

Has the lord forgotten what happened in Chang'an in the past?If you still don't listen to me this time, you will be destroyed

In the end, the four characters of disaster seemed to be still echoing in the hall, and Li Cui's face paled in shock, and he shouted in a panic:

"Impossible, impossible, but Song Guo led more than 3 soldiers to hunt down the remnants of Lv Bu. At this time, Lv Bu is dead. Even if Chen Gongtai and Zhang Wenyuan have great abilities, it is impossible to turn the tide. Needless to say, able to annihilate Song Guo's soldiers and horses"

Li Wenyou is alarmist, yes, Li Wenyou is alarmist, he is scaring me, trying to drive me crazy, and then take my position

Woohoo, I will never let you get what you want, never"

Li Cui was crazy and insane, his eyes sometimes burst out with murderous intent, and sometimes burst into madness, and he roared to himself. It was dark and windless, and there seemed to be a strange and uneasy atmosphere all around

At the south gate of Linjin, suddenly groups of cavalry galloped rapidly, roaring in the earth and cracking the earth with a roar. Like eagle eyes, fierce and aggressive, he rode a red steed to the front, and on the left and right sides, there were two burly men closely following, and the soldiers who rushed behind the three were all in black armor. After the spear cavalry cavalry, a series of infantry such as swords and shields, long spears, and crossbowmen rushed to charge. Jinnanmen area occupies almost one side, with more than 2 people

The defenders at the south gate of Linjin, when they heard the terrifying sound of soldiers and horses galloping, and the louder and louder shouts of killing, they were immediately frightened, Qingkoubai, the guard of the south gate, suppressing his fear, and rushed to the gate. Looking from the side of the city wall, and seeing the enemy troops covering the ground, they were so frightened that they backed up again and again, panicked and shouted.

"How could there be so many soldiers and horses coming? Get ready to roll stones and logs. You wait for a few lords to report quickly, and they will say that there are [-] enemy troops coming to the south gate."

Following the orders from the guards at the south gate, the Li Bing at the south gate suddenly became chaotic and turbulent. Several Li Bing were anxious and ran towards the stairs leading to the city.

After running wildly for a while, those Li soldiers rushed to the main hall of the county government to see Li Cui. changed, because he saw the faces of these soldiers full of fear and anxiety

"Report to my lord, [-] enemy troops are coming towards the south gate"

"What [-] enemy troops?"

Li Cui seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, his body trembled violently, and almost fell out of control. Today, Song Guo almost took away all of Linjin's troops. At this time, there were only less than [-] defenders in Linjin City. At this moment, relying on these troops alone, it is impossible to resist the [-] enemy troops that suddenly came.

If the sky is going to kill people, it will be full of murderous intentions and it seems that Li Cui has really reached the end of the day. Before he recovered from his horror, several soldiers rushed to report

"Urgently report urgently that something is wrong with the lord, there are [-] enemy troops, and they are rushing towards Ximen."

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and Li Cui's soul seemed to be forcibly taken away by this urgent report, and his whole body seemed to be a corpse without breathing, his eyes were empty and lifeless. The three soldiers who came to report screamed again

"Lu Bu Lu Bu Lu Bu's soldiers and horses are heading north"

As soon as Li Cui's feet went limp, he suddenly fell down and was paralyzed on the ground. The only hope left in his heart was completely disillusioned from the moment the third emergency report came. unexpected

At the same time, an extremely cruel reality proved that Li Cui had changed from a great prince with an army of 20, controlling the emperor of a dynasty, and controlling the court, to a man who was slaughtered on all sides, powerless to resist, and let others butchered fish on chopping block

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