Han Shimou

Chapter 502 The Fifth Person


The horse lion's mouth was wide open, screaming out the word, and the horse rode the horse again to kill the Jinyin lion's fang gun, and the horse at this time was like a mad lion that was hurt and angry, and the gun style was one move after another. Sharp and ferocious, his shots were full of life-threatening spears. Lu Bu was once again erupted by the horse, and chills froze in his heart.

Lv Bu vigorously swung Fang Tian's painted halberd against the horse's attacks one after another. If Lv Bu was in his prime, he would never have been beaten so helplessly. Moreover, Lv Bu would have to face two more battles next. , if he exhausted his remaining physical strength, wouldn't he be trapped in a cocoon?

At this time, Lu Bu could only rely on years of experience in fighting on the battlefield, entangled with the horse, and the horse kept beating wildly, with thunderous whistles bursting out of his mouth.

The light of the gun and the shadow of the halberd are like a fierce battle, about [-] rounds

The horse gradually became exhausted, and Lu Bu held his ground for a while, so the energy consumption was far less than that if Ma had not been injured by Lu Bu, he would have defeated the horse long ago.

After Ma Lian shot three times, he forced Lu Bu back. Lu Bu suddenly swung his halberd with a bloody and violent aura all over his body. win or lose

"Come and let me, Ma Mengqi, see what is unparalleled in the world"

The body of the horse and lion shook violently, and the big hand tightly grasped the brocade silver lion tooth gun. The body of the gun seemed to rise into a curl of hot mist. The se painting halberd smashed away the bloody light, and at the same time, a white lion with a snake tail and a sphinx body roared out on the brocade silver lion's tooth gun, the mouth of the snake and lion opened wide, or sprayed white flames or thunder

The Jinyin lion's toothed spear pierced through the air, and Fang Tian raised his painted halberd to smash into the sky. When the two weapons rushed in, within the phase, the blood armored giant raised his painted halberd high above the sky, and suddenly fell to the white lion with the body of a snake-tailed lion. With four hooves running, the head of a lion and a snake sprayed out white flames and thunder at the same time, and they mixed together to meet the huge painting halberd.

This time, Lu Bu almost forced out [-]% of his strength.

The mixed white flames and thunder quickly permeated the painted halberd, and it was rushing towards the whole body of the blood armored giant. The blood armored giant opened his bloody mouth and let out a buzzing howl, while the huge mountainous painted halberd still fell

The blood-armored giant first started to be destroyed, first from the beginning, and gradually dissipated. Seeing that the blood-armored giant was about to be wiped out, the huge painted halberd also blasted on the snake-tailed lion. Instantly destroy the white lion into countless silver lights

A powerful and terrifying force slammed into the Jinyinshi's toothed spear violently, causing the horse to fly out of control like a kite with a broken string. At the same time, the armor of Lu Bu's arm holding the halberd cracked rapidly, and the cracks reached his chest. position, and then again and again with loud bangs, Lu Bu's blood beast armor broke through half of the red rabbit horse and retreated ten meters, Lu Bu pulled the reins suddenly, and then stopped the castration

The body of the horse and the lion slammed into a boulder fiercely, and the terrifying momentum smashed the boulder into pieces with a loud bang, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The horse fell to the ground first, and then pulled its painful body vigorously and stood up with difficulty. A pair of red lion eyes were full of unwillingness.

At this time, Lu Bu's internal organs were also throbbing with pain and writhing, and a mouthful of blood surged up. Lu Bu almost spurted blood on the spot, but he was firmly suppressed by Lu Bu, and swallowed it all at once.

The horse stared at Lu Bu, and Lu Bu looked down at the horse calmly. The heavy rain kept hitting the two of them, and the raindrops that flowed over their bodies were all stained blood.

After an unknown amount of time, the horse exhaled a mouthful of hot mist, and the anger on his face faded a lot. At this moment, his vermilion steed just walked in. The horse turned on the horse, and slowly said three words

"you win"

After the horse admitted the defeat, he pulled the reins and flew towards a place in the chaotic stone forest. In fact, if the horse wanted to fight Lu Bu desperately, with Lu Bu's current state, it was still unknown who would survive. However, Ma has his arrogance, his arrogance, he will never be allowed to take Lu Bu's life under such an unfair situation, otherwise even if he wins the title of unparalleled under heaven, he will feel ashamed of it and if so, Under the fight of Xiangshi's ultimate move just now, the horse won the battle, and the horse would naturally go to take Lu Bu's life

At the end of the valley road outside the chaotic stone forest, when everyone saw that Lu Bu had lost three generals in a row, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Normally, just relying on other people's explanations, this Lu Bu is so terrifying, powerful, and unmatched. It's not true, but when they witnessed it with their own eyes, the vivid shock can be said to go straight to the nerves in their brains, beating their hearts again and again

Lu Bu won three vicious battles, showing his unparalleled qualities. This man has already won everyone's respect. Regardless of his previous notoriety, just because of his strong strength in these three vicious battles, it is impossible not to adore him. deeply captivated

The heavy rain is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that there is a vast ocean pouring down from the sky, and the strong wind is blowing, as if it wants to push everything down, worshiping the might of God

Lu Bu spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. Although the bloody eyes were a little dim, there was a spot of light in it like a fierce burning flame.

"Guan Yunchang, wait until I defeat another person, and it will be your turn."

For some reason, the last battle with Guan Yu became the driving force for Lv Bu to continue fighting. At this time, the injuries accumulated on Lv Bu's blood body, ordinary people have already died of pain, and even first-class generals would faint from pain

But Lu Bu can still persist, because he understands that this is his final battle. In the end, even if he dies, he will not allow his reputation as unparalleled in the world to be tarnished in the slightest. in the hands of those deemed qualified

In an instant, Lu Bu's body exploded with a huge coercion, as if the entire space was crushed, and his face suddenly became more energetic, like a flashback before he died.

Lu Bu slapped the red rabbit and BMW, and it turned into a red fire wind galloping through the stone forest

Heavy rain and strong winds raged across the world, and the sky was full of thunder. The scene at this time was like a trial before the end of the world. In the northern area of ​​the Stone Forest, Zhao Yun's face tightened suddenly. He could feel a great coercion. The pressure from the swiftly approaching force made Zhao Yun feel as if a gigantic mountain was rushing towards him.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Bu slowly appeared with countless tragic battle scars. His bloody eyes were wide open, and he saw at a glance that the man was wearing a white robe with rotten silver cloud pattern armor, holding a gentian silver gun, and his whole body was covered with blood. Zhao Yun with endless sharpness

At the same time, Zhao Yun also found Lu Bu, and after looking at it deeply for a while, his brows frowned, and a huge wave arose in his heart.

"Lu Fengxian is willing to shorten his life and burn his body's functions in exchange for his peak combat power."

Zhao Yun's complexion changed again and again, the big hand holding the gentian silver spear unconsciously grasped it tightly, and at the same time a fighting spirit surged from his body In any case, it is not Zhao Yun's wish to fight Lu Bu who is in his prime.

"The fourth person, it really is you, Zhao Zilong deserves it, deserves it hahahaha"

Lu Bu retracted his gaze, and suddenly burst out laughing, and the two words he repeated were worthwhile. Although he didn't know what he was referring to, judging from the endless fighting spirit emanating from Lu Bu's body, compared with Ma, Pang De, and Zhang Xiu, the previous few people, Lu Bu valued Zhao Yun

Zhao Yunying did not respond to Lu Bu's wild laughter. He held his breath, and his aura turned into burning fireworks, heating up continuously, as if boiling the rainwater in the entire land.

"Can you tell me, is the last person Guan Yunchang?"

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly. With a calm expression on his face, Lu Bu asked softly.

Zhao Yun's eyes were radiant, out of respect for Lu Bu's warrior, he answered Lu Bu's question

"If you can defeat me, you will naturally meet the Second General"

"It's so good, I must win this battle"

The peerless hero, Lu Fengxian, the unparalleled strongest man on land, will decide the final fate of Lu Fengxian, the general under Wen Han's command, Zhao Yun, and his righteous brother, Guan Yu, whom Lu Bu regards as the enemy of fate

The flames of war in Yongzhou were all over the sky, and a sudden heavy rain still couldn't extinguish the flames of the flames

A few months ago, in the land of Yangzhou, the fierce battle between Yuan Shu and Sun Jian, two vicious tigers lying in the south, was coming to an end. Sun Jian's army was heavily surrounded in Shucheng, Lujiang. Sun Jian's army was exhausted after repeated battles. Under Yuan Shu's fierce attack of [-] troops, less than [-] of the [-] exhausted troops survived. , the water in the city was knee-high, and the morale of the soldiers was declining day by day. To make matters worse, after Yuan Shu besieged the city for several months, Sun Jian's army was unable to resupply, and the food in the city was almost exhausted.

In the main hall of the county government in Shucheng City, Sun Jian's face was slightly pale, and the pair of bright and sharp tiger eyes in the past showed a bit of exhaustion.

Sun Jian's face became tense, and he opened his mouth to ask

"Cer, how long can the food in the city last?"

"After three days and three days, it will be difficult to see my father in Shucheng. If we have no countermeasures, I'm afraid the soldiers in the city..."

Sun Ce didn't finish his sentence, but Sun Jian had already guessed what he said afterwards.

"I understand that the order will go on, and the generals of the ministries will prepare, and we will dedicate the city to Yuan Gonglu."

"If my father is like this, wouldn't I have waited for many years to work hard?"

Sun Ce's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted unwillingly and resentfully. Once Yuan Shu's [-] troops enter Shucheng, Sun Jian's army will become a chopping board fish and let Yuan Shu slaughter him. Given Yuan Shu's fear of Sun Jian, it is very likely that even He will kill Sun Jian with a painful hand, but before he finished speaking, Sun Jian interrupted with a loud shout

"Enough is enough, Ce'er, in the current situation, we are unable to turn around and continue. We will only make unnecessary sacrifices. Those soldiers who followed me are all flesh and blood, and the living people let them die in vain. How do you want me to face Jiangdong? folks"

Why is Sun Jian willing to destroy years of hard work and dedicate his destiny to others? If there is a one-ten-thousandth chance, Sun Jian will definitely fight hard. nothing

"I just hate nothing"

Sun Ce clenched his fist tightly and slammed on a wooden pillar in the hall, making the wooden pillar hum and tremble, and the whole hall seemed to shake

Maybe there is no way out

At this moment, a soldier rushed to report

"Report to the Major General, a righteous man asked to see him, he said he was the former Major General"

"Old man? Does he have a name to report?"

"He said that his surname was Zhou, and the villain named Yu saw his handsome appearance and extraordinary bearing, so he didn't dare to neglect him, so he asked him to wait in the front hall."

"Gongjin, my brother-in-law, please hurry up and invite him. This person is my brother-in-law, Sun Bofu. You wait for a good reception, and you must not offend him."

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