Han Shimou

Chapter 504 Borrowing Soldiers Sun Jian

"Hahahahaha!!! He who understands current affairs is a hero! Sun Wentai can see the situation clearly, and he votes under my command. He is considered acquainted. You go back and tell Sun Wentai that I accept his surrender, but before retreating, let him send the letter first. What is said in the book will be given!"

"My lord!! Absolutely not!! Sun Wentai is a fierce tiger in Jiangdong, how could he be willing to be subordinated to others, I am afraid that he will surrender this time, and his intentions are unpredictable!"

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu would accept Sun Jian's surrender. His face was anxious, and he hurriedly walked out to remonstrate.

"Shut up! This is a major event in order to rule the world. How can you understand it! I accept Sun Wentai's surrender, and I have a deep meaning. However, you reminded me. Sun Jian has always been a loyal and loyal man. He would rather die than submit. Zhu Laishi, Go back and tell Sun Wentai that if he sincerely votes, first send his descendants to our camp, and then offer what is in the letter!"

Zhu Zhi squinted his eyes, thinking in his heart that Yuan Gonglu was really making progress, but the situation was such that he could not resist.Zhu Zhi Shili took the order, and Yuan Shu waved his big hand arrogantly, calling him to go out and answer.Zhu Zhi endured the humiliation and bowed to Yuan Shu again before leaving.

Afterwards, Zhu Zhi rushed back to Shucheng to return his order. After waiting for a long time, Sun Jian, his son and Zhou Yu finally saw Zhu Zhi, and hurriedly asked about the result.Zhu Zhi told Yuan Shu's words one by one.Sun Jian was furious when he heard this, his tiger face suddenly became ferocious, and he let out a loud roar.

"Wow! Yuan Gonglu is too deceitful!! I willingly gave away these treasures, and he also wants my grandson's tiger son as a hostage!! It is so, even if I fight to the death, I will never be as good as he wants!" willing!"

Sun Jian screamed furiously, but Sun Ce exchanged a glance with Zhou Yu, and then Sun Ce straightened his face and spoke fearlessly.

"For the great cause of the Sun family, the boy is willing to go to Yuanying! I also hope that my father will put the overall situation first!!"


"Grandfather, I, Zhou Gongjin, would also like to go to Yuanying with Bofu!"

"Why does Gongjin even connect with you!!! Hey!!!"

Sun Jian was so anxious that his whole body seemed to be on fire, but there was a feeling that his whole body was so strong that he couldn't use it.As for Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, they were full of determination, which made Sun Jian's heart surge.

"Father, in order to avenge the destruction of the country, Gou Jian, the king of Yue in the past, was willing to be a servant under Fu Chai's command. Go back to Goujian!"

Seeing that Sun Jian hadn't made a decision for a long time, Sun Ce's face was straightened, and he said emphatically.Hearing Sun Ce's ambitious words, Sun Jian seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and then he sighed heavily.

"Ce'er is worthy of being my Sun Wentai's son of a bitch! Having said that, I have no choice but to make up my mind as a father to let you go to Yuanying. It's just that Gong Jin has been wronged, and I have to suffer with Ce'er."

"Grandfather's words are serious. I, Zhou Gongjin, actually voted under my grandfather's command. I will devote myself to death in this life. Don't worry, grandfather, with me by Bofu's side, I will never let Yuan Gonglu hurt half of Bofu's hair."

Zhou Yu not only has amazing wisdom, but also his loyalty is admirable. !.Sun Jian looked at Sun Ce and Zhou Yu silently, secretly thinking that the future of the Sun clan was in the hands of these two.

The next day, Sun Jian ordered Zhu Zhi to reply to Yuan Shu, agreeing to his request with all his words.After Yuan Shu heard this, he no longer had any worries. He was overjoyed and rewarded Zhu Zhi, and then he couldn't wait to urge Zhu Zhi, ordering him to reply to Sun Jian and complete the handover as soon as possible.At the same time, in order to appease Sun Jian, Yuan Shu knew that there was no food in Shucheng, and asked Zhu Zhi to bring back ten days' worth of food back to Shucheng.

Sun Jian was also vigorous and resolute in his work. At noon, he sent Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai and others to the city gate, and Sun Ce kept the jade.Sun Jian, a nine-foot tiger, saw that he was going to send his son to the enemy camp with his own hands, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness in his eyes.After a sad farewell, Sun Ce rushed to Yuanying with Zhou Yu, Huang Gai and dozens of cavalry.

Yuan Shu waited anxiously in the camp for a long time, when he heard that the soldiers had come to report that Sun Ce had rushed to the gate, he was overjoyed and hurriedly set off to attract the generals to meet him.When Yuan Shu saw Sun Ce, the first thing he said was to ask.

"Where is it, where is the treasure!?"

Sun Ce rolled off the saddle and got off the horse. After saluting Yuan Shu first, after his face, Sun will definitely offer the treasure! "

"Presumptuous!! Sun Bofu, do you know where you are!"

"If you go back to Duke Ming, I am currently in Duke Ming's camp!"

Yuan Shu shouted violently, but Sun Ce replied calmly without any fear.

"Hmph. Do you know how many soldiers are in this battalion!?"

Seeing that Sun Ce was fearless, Yuan Shu was secretly surprised. At the same time, he smiled coldly and asked again in a low voice.

"Countless generals. One hundred thousand soldiers!"

"You actually found out. How dare you make a condition with me! Knowing the whereabouts of one of my orders, you will be hacked to death immediately!"

Yuan Shu threatened in a cold voice, and Sun Ce with a cold face, slowly took out a wooden box from his bosom, and then slowly opened it a little, and suddenly colorful lights flew, illuminating all the soldiers in the field, and there was a sting in the eyes.

"Hahaha. Treasure!! Treasure!! Bring it to me quickly!!!"

This treasure seemed to be able to confuse people's hearts, and Yuan Shu suddenly became like a madman, rushing towards the wooden box.Unexpectedly, Sun Ce's face suddenly changed, and he was about to fall to the ground holding the wooden box.

"No!!!! Never!!!!"

Sun Ce is known as a little overlord, born with boundless strength, if this wooden box is thrown by him with all his strength, the treasures in the wooden box will definitely be smashed to pieces!

"I'm already in Duke Ming's camp, like fish on a chopping board. This is enough to prove my father's sincerity. Why does Duke Ming still doubt the sincerity of our Sun clan and withdraw the soldiers and horses? This thing smashed!"

"Slow! Slow! Okay, it's up to you, everything is up to you! What are you doing here, tell all the troops and prepare to withdraw!"

Yuan Shu seemed to have been deeply bewitched by this treasure, unable to extricate himself, he hurriedly comforted Sun Ce, fearing that Sun Ce would do something extreme again.After that, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, and dozens of cavalry stood beside Sun Ce, watching Yuan's troops withdraw from the camp one after another. <, lurking beside Yuan Shu.So far, the crisis in Shucheng has been resolved, and Sun Jian's army has escaped. <Finally, as promised, He's Bi was presented. When Yuan Shu took He's Bi from Sun Ce with trembling hands, his face was extremely complicated, excited, crazy, unbelievable, desire soared, and he couldn't stop laughing wildly.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu looked at each other, knelt down together, and urged Yuan Shu to proclaim himself emperor immediately.

"My lord, you come from the Yuan family. The four generations and three princes of the Yuan family have disciples all over the world. The reputation of the Yuan family is unmatched. At present, the Han Dynasty is in decline, wars are raging, and the people are all in the midst of fire. Bring peace and prosperity.

Sitting in the blessed land of Huainan, Runan, and Nanyang, the lordship is powerful in the south of the Yangtze River and won the popularity of the people.At this time, the jade seal of the country has to be passed on again, which is a sign of heaven to inherit the great treasures of the country.I also hope that the lord will follow the will of the sky, that day he will become emperor and save the common people!If you don't do this, you will go against the sky and you will suffer a catastrophe! "

Zhou Yu's voice was serious, and what he said made Yuan Shu's heart burst into joy and excitement.However, Yuan Shu still suppressed the impulse in his heart and pretended to evade.

"No! I belong to the Yuan family, and I am deeply favored by the emperor. How can I replace it because the Han Dynasty is weak for a while. What's more, although I am sought after by the people in the south of the Yangtze River, there are still thieves in the land of Yangzhou. Get rid of the thieves, and the hearts of the people will be uneasy!"

"My lord is wise, it is indeed a blessing for my subordinates, and a blessing for the people in the south of the Yangtze River! My lord, Sun Changsha has always admired my lord, and often told me that you are the hero of the world. The purpose of enshrining the jade seal today is to hope that my lord can inherit it." The luck of the world, proclaim the emperor to save the world!

If the lord is willing, Sun Changsha will do his best to help, and he will die!I have a letter, which was dragged by Sun Changsha and brought to the lord. "

Zhou Yu took out a secret letter from his bosom, and handed it to Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu's eyes seemed to be shining, he snatched it away, and opened it to read.In this letter, Sun Jian expresses his willingness to do his best to gather wealthy families in the east of the Yangtze River and support Yuan Shu to proclaim himself emperor.

This letter made Yuan Shu's impulsive desire suddenly become extremely strong.Yuan Shu suppressed it almost firmly, but still said.

"Sun Changsha is loyal to me, of course I know that. It's just a matter of proclaiming himself emperor, and it's a big deal. Yangzhou has not been decided for a day, and the matter of proclaiming emperor is in the foreseeable future."

"My lord, there is no need to worry. This subordinate has a plan to put down the military chaos in Yangzhou!"

"Speak quickly!"

"My lord! Even Sun Changsha intends to support the lord and become the emperor. Why don't you use his hand to quell the chaos for you? Sun Changsha is extremely brave, and his generals are like a cloud, and he has the help of Jiangdong's rich family. If he is willing to be fair to the lord Set Yangzhou, my lord, why worry about the failure of the great cause!?"

Yuan Shu's heart surged for a while, and he almost wanted to make a decision, but soon his face darkened, and he frowned.

"It's a pity that Sun Changsha's troops and supplies are almost exhausted after repeated battles. So, even if he has great ability, it will be difficult to put down the military chaos in Yangzhou."

Zhou Yu's starry eyes lit up, and he spoke calmly.

"My lord, Sun Changsha is a loyal man. If the lord wants him to follow you wholeheartedly, why not trust him so that the lord is open-minded."

"Zhou Gongjin, what you imply is that you want me to lend troops and food to Sun Wentai!?"

"The subordinates know that their identities are special and they need to avoid suspicion. But at this moment and at that moment, the princes from all over the world are fighting each other. Isn't this a good time for the lord to become the emperor? With the lord's reputation, once he becomes the emperor, the world's talented people will definitely flock to vote. The lord upholds the righteousness, taking advantage of the chaos in various places to accumulate power, and when he is defeated in the battle, he will attack one by one with lightning speed. In this way, it will not take many years for the world to fall into the hands of the lord.

It's just that time is running out now, the Lord must put down the Yangzhou military chaos as soon as possible, and the person under the Lord's command who has this ability is none other than Sun Changsha! "

Zhou Yu's wise and wise words made Yuan Shu's head spin for a while, and almost all the thoughts in his mind followed Zhou Yu.After Yuan Shu heard this, he was silent for a while, while Zhou Yu and Sun Ce both had calm expressions, without any urging.

"Sun Bofu is unparalleled in bravery. Anyone who doesn't like this kind of tiger must protect it more. Sun Wentai dared to give his tiger to me, which shows his loyalty. Moreover, Zhou Gongjin was also very resourceful and talented. Extraordinary, he sent it to assist me, he must want to use his resourcefulness to help me achieve great things.

Sun Wentai treats me like this, if I am still on guard everywhere, wouldn't it be cold to the hearts of loyalists! "

Yuan Shu slandered silently in his heart, and then his eyes shook, and he made up his mind.

"Okay! I'll let people prepare [-] elite soldiers, [-] food and grass, and give them to Shucheng at a chosen date! As for the matter of proclaiming the emperor, let's put it on hold for now. Alright, it's late at night, you two go first Back off."

Even though Yuan Shu said so, he actually had a plan in mind.Zhou Yu and Sun Ce bowed their hands to accept the order and withdrew slowly.After the two walked out, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce looked at each other with joy in their eyes and smiled.

At this point, Yuan Shu decided to lend troops and food to Sun Jian, so that he could quell the military chaos in Yangzhou. As soon as this happened, all the civil and military under his command were in an uproar.All the counselors came forward one after another, saying that this move was inappropriate, and even more bluntly said that Yuan Shu's move was undoubtedly helping the tiger to gain power, and he would surely suffer disaster.

It's just that Yuan Shu's whole mind is on proclaiming himself emperor.And if he wants to become emperor, he must first pacify Yangzhou and stabilize the people's hearts.And because Yuan Shu saw that the time was not yet ripe, there were still many advisers loyal to the Han Dynasty under his command, so he had not yet expressed his intention of proclaiming emperor to all the civil and military under his command.

Yuan Shu was under the command of civil and martial arts, but Sun Jian did not know how to drug Yuan Shu. From the beginning, the two were in a state of incompatibility, and both sides wanted to kill each other.Up to now, there is a strange relationship between Chen Zhongjun and Xin Xin.

Yuan Shu insisted on this, and his subordinates, civil and military, tried to persuade him to no avail.Afterwards, Sun Jian got a lot of troops and food, and began to conquer all parts of Yangzhou.

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