Han Shimou

Chapter 513 Yongzhou Tentative

Li You got up to salute, showing a faint smile, and was helped away by Xu Rong.

Wen Han has recruited Zhang Liao, a powerful general with outstanding martial arts skills, Li You, an astonishingly talented adviser, and Xu Rong, who is known as a general. In addition, Zhang Xiu and Hu Che'er surrendered a few months ago. It can be said that there are a lot of talents under his command.

After Wen Han got Li Cui's head, he was in no hurry to present it to the imperial court. He stayed in Linjin for a few days, secretly observing what kind of sparks the two forces of Ma Teng and Han Sui would create.Of course, for Wen Han, it would be best for these two to turn against each other and hurt both sides. In this way, Wen Han can quickly stabilize the situation after learning of the position of Yongzhou Shepherd.

On the other side, in a mountain range outside Linjin City, soldiers and horses suddenly rushed out from a secret passage, and the number gathered more and more, there were five or six thousand soldiers and horses.Ma Teng and Han Sui both had cold faces. During the process of rushing just now, they both wanted to get out first, so there was a lot of friction, and they almost fought a few times.Both Ma Teng and Han Sui didn't want to tear their skins apart at this time, so they made Buqu hold back, and swallowed the bad breath in. Buqu, they are all from Xiliang, and Xiliang people are notoriously hot-tempered. They are used to using force to solve things. Although Ma Teng and Han Sui strictly ordered them to do so, they still accumulated a lot of anger in their hearts. They were all like explosives. As long as there is a little spark, it will explode!

"Search! Anyone who finds Li Cui will be rewarded with [-] pieces of gold and granted the title of Marquis of a Thousand Households!"

Ma Teng raised his knife and drank silently, and immediately the more than 2000 soldiers and horses behind him burst into deafening howls. Such a huge reward is enough to make people crazy.The generals under Ma Teng's command started galloping towards the mountains with teams of troops.As for Han Sui, he also gave out a big reward, and the morale of the next part was also greatly shaken. Everyone's eyes were burning, and they rushed into the mountains.

In this mountain range, there are nearly dozens of bandit gangs, and each gang may be Li Cui's hiding place. At the beginning of Ma Teng's and Han Sui's trilogy, they could attack their own villages.However, as the number of copycats became smaller and smaller, Ma Teng's trilogy first started to attack the cottages that Han Sui's trilogy had found. When Han Sui learned about it, he was furious. How could such a great opportunity be snatched away by Ma Teng, immediately ordered his subordinates to fight back without any worries, if Ma Teng snatched it again, they would attack immediately.Here, the two men's trilogy went from a few small-scale fights to a massacre of thousands of people. In the entire mountain range, the sound of shouts and clashes of weapons was deafening, and it continued for several days.And because of the discord between Ma Teng and Han Sui, the few remaining big gangs in the mountains joined forces and suddenly attacked Ma Tie's troops on a certain day, almost annihilating their troops. The remnant soldiers fled, but accidentally stumbled and fell down the mountain. Fearing that they would go back and suffer, the horsemen hurriedly looked for them at the foot of the mountain.Ma Tie is the son of Ma Tie. Ma Teng hadn't seen Ma Tie back for a long time, and thought it was Han Sui's fault. He brought Ma Chao and thousands of people to Han Sui's village to demand someone. To Ma Teng.

The two had been suppressing their anger all the time, but Ma Teng didn't know his son's whereabouts, so he got angry and immediately ordered Bu Qu to attack.Ma Chao was very brave. He took the lead and took Han Sui directly.Knowing that Ma Chao was powerful, Han Sui turned pale in fright and ran away.Fortunately, Yan Xing arrived in time, rescued Han Sui, and fought with Ma Chao for nearly fifty rounds. Ma Chao stabilized the upper hand, but Yan Xing knew that he was invincible.Ma Chao's bravery inspired the morale of the soldiers. Before Ma Teng and Han Sui became sworn brothers, the two often fought each other.The soldiers of the horse army had a deep grudge against the Han army, and all of them rushed towards the Han army like a hungry wolf.The Han army could not stop the stormy offensive of the Ma army, and Han Sui was able to escape under the desperate support of Yan Xing. About [-] soldiers under his command were killed by the Ma army.After Han Sui escaped, his eyes were red with anger, and he yelled at Ma Tengjun who was chasing after him.

"Horseman!! Today's shame! Come to Japan and I will return ten times the Korean contract!!!"

"Old thief Han, if I can't find my Tie'er, I will let you be buried with me!"

Ma Teng did not show any weakness, but threatened with anger.Han Sui was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to lead the army back to kill, and fled into the mountains with endless shame.

Later, Ma Teng learned from the remnant soldiers who had returned that Ma Tienai fell down the mountain after being besieged by bandits. When Ma Teng heard this, he was furious and ordered several soldiers to look for him. Attack the few remaining cottages in the mountains to avenge Ma Tie.Of course, Ma Teng was so angry that he would never bow down to Han Sui and admit his mistake.When Han Sui saw Ma Teng attacking the cottage in the mountains, he believed that Ma Teng was fighting for Li Cui's head, so he sent troops to him. As for Ma Tie's disappearance, it was an excuse.Although Han Sui was angry, he was a good planner after all. He gathered his soldiers and horses and stayed still for a while, and ordered the scouts to observe the horse army's every move secretly. Sudden attack to grab Li reminder.

A few days later, Ma Teng's army almost wiped out all the bandits in the mountains, leaving only one cottage that has not been captured.During this period of time, Ma Tie was lucky to be rescued, and Ma Teng ordered him to be sent back to Linjin, and then gathered troops to prepare to capture the last cottage.

Ma Teng's army advanced rapidly, and there were peerless generals such as Pang De and Ma Chao leading the formation, killing the thieves with no power to fight back, when Han Sui's army suddenly attacked.Ma Teng saw with his own eyes that he was only one step away from winning Li Cui's head. How could Han Sui be allowed to snatch it at this time? He immediately ordered Pang De to lead an army to stop it. Fighting in the front, increasing the rewards again and again, the soldiers under his command became more and more desperate, and launched a series of fierce offensives, killing the soldiers led by Pound to retreat again and again∮ Deyu wanted to turn the tide, But he was killed by Yan Xing. Yan Xing was also red-eyed, and he tried his best to move. Yan Xing was known as the number one warrior in Xiliang, and his martial arts were naturally not bad. Pang De couldn't defeat Yan Xing for a while. The army kept rushing into the cottage, but could not stop it.

At this time, all the bandits in the mountain village seemed to have turned into pieces of delicious meat, while the soldiers of the Ma Jun and Han Jun were like hungry wolves frantically rushing towards the bandit village to kill blood The light splashed everywhere, and it was extremely tragic. When the last bandit died, Ma Jun and Han Jun seemed to be still unsatisfied, and wanted to pounce on each other.

At this time, Ma Teng and Han Sui appeared one after another, and they were anxiously asking the generals if they had found Li Cui's figure. The generals under his command all answered in the same way, that they had not found any trace of Li Cui.

"Look! Even if you want to flip this mountain range, find Li Zhiran for me!!!"

Ma Teng roared desperately, and at the same time Han Sui shouted crazily.

"All officers and men listen to the order!!! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find Li Cui, this villain!!!!"

At this point, the Ma Jun and Han Jun began to turmoil again, and they rushed around one after another. The whole mountain range was smashed by teams of horses and Han soldiers and horses, and there were bursts of loud noises.

Ma Teng and Han Sui made a bloody storm in the mountains outside Linjin City, but Wen Han just smiled coldly when he learned about it from the scouts who came back, and then ordered all the troops to evacuate from Linjin.After all, there are nearly [-] troops of Ma Teng and Han Sui in Linjin City. At this time, the relationship between the three is strange and unpredictable, and they may fight due to some factors at any time.And Wen Han didn't want to start a war with the two of them when the situation was not stable at this time.Moreover, he also had to prepare for the battle after he got the position of Shepherd of Yongzhou.

Wen Han withdrew his soldiers and horses from Linjin, and placed them in Huaide, Huayin, and Wuxiang, three cities and counties close to Beidi County. At the same time, he sent people to send Li Cui's head to Luoyang.

After that, Ma Teng and Han Sui searched in the mountain range outside Linjin City for nearly half a month without any results. They both thought that Li Cui had already escaped, or maybe he had no time to use this secret path at that time, so he really died. In that fire.Ma Teng and Han Sui each withdrew their troops. After returning to Linjin, they learned that Wen Han led the army to withdraw from Linjin. The army was also withdrawn from Linjin and rushed to Hongnong, as if preparing for the next battle situation.As for Ma Teng, he occupied Feng Yi's other cities and counties, and at the same time sent a large number of scouts to search for Li Cui's whereabouts in the Linjin area.

At this time in Yongzhou, the most powerful three-party forces have temporarily calmed down, but this is only a precursor to the storm.Because they are all waiting for the court's whereabouts of the document, and once the document is finalized, the candidate for the post of Shepherd in Yongzhou may be determined, and the situation in Yongzhou may change again by then.

The current situation is temporarily stable. On a certain day, Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Xu Huang led hundreds of fast riders and flew back to Hedong.Wen Han suddenly rushed back to Hedong?There is no other reason, because he is about to become a father.As a time traveler, the birth of his heir can be said to have given Wen Han an infinite sense of belonging.How could Wen Han miss his own child's birthday!

The situation in Yongzhou came to an end temporarily.Looking at the land of the Central Plains again, while the war in Yongzhou was raging, Cao Cao brought Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and a group of ministers back to Luoyang.Because Wen Han's feat in Tongguan forced Dong Zhuo to move the capital hastily, so Luoyang was not damaged as much as in history.

The palaces in Luoyang City are still well preserved. After Cao Cao made some repairs, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty entered the Luoyang Palace again.Cao Cao re-established the ancestral temple, Sheji, the provincial government office, built the city treasury, granted meritorious officials such as Yang Biao, and 13 of them were marquises.Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty believed in Cao Cao deeply, gave him great power, rewarded meritorious service, and listened to Cao Cao's disposal.Later, Cao Cao was added as Prime Minister, Marquis of Wuping, with Xun Yu as Minister of Attendance, Jia Xu as Military Adviser, Guo Jia as Sima Jijiu, Liu Ye as Sikongcang Cao Yu, Mao Jie and Ren Jun as Diannong Zhonglang The generals urged Qian Liang, Cheng Yu was Dongping Prime Minister, Fan Cheng and Dong Zhao were Luoyang Commanders, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Cao Chun were all generals, and Xu Chu, Dianwei, Li Dian, Le Jin, and Yu Jin were all schoolmen. The lieutenants, the rest of the officers and men, were all appointed officials. This power belongs to Cao Cao. The important affairs of the court should be reported to Cao Cao first, and then to the emperor.

King Cao Caoqin rescued the emperor, revitalized the Han Dynasty, helped the court, and became famous all over the world.Later, the shepherds and prefects of prefectures and prefectures such as Yuzhou, Henan, Rongyang, and Yingchuan came to vote one after another. Cao Cao offered rewards at the order of the Han Dynasty, opened the granary, and released courtiers who had been innocent and imprisoned in the past. popular support.Everyone in the world thinks that Cao Cao is the capable minister of the world, who will help the Han Dynasty get back on track and quell the wars in the world.

Cao Cao effortlessly conquered all of the Guanzhong and Central Plains, including Yanzhou and Yuzhou, half of Sili and half of Xuzhou, and nearly 30 new soldiers from Yuzhou, Henan, and Rongyang. The military strength has increased to [-], and there are countless advisers and generals, and there is a great tendency to swallow the world.

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