Han Shimou

Chapter 517 Zhou Yu flooded Liu Jun

~ri period:~month 2ri~

, nbsp; There was a violent bang.

Suddenly, between the violent collision of the giant ax and the sharp spear, countless cyclones were set off, and then the hurricane swept across, and the wind and sand rose up, covering the world.

When the wind and sand dissipated - Feng and Sun Ce each held a certain distance, and a hole nearly [-] square meters was opened in the place where the two weapons clashed just now.

Pan Feng's eyes were flat, while Sun Ce squinted his tiger eyes, and his heart was rippling.In the battle just now, Sun Ce tried his best, but he only got a tie with this giant.What surprised Sun Ce was that he could feel that Pan Feng had only used [-]% of his strength at most.

"That's it for today, okay?"

Pan Feng said lightly, the power and influence gathered in his body is so great that people dare not have the slightest intention of defying it.Sun Ce stared at Pan Feng vigilantly, but didn't answer. He slowly turned his horse around and took a few steps. Seeing that Pan Feng hadn't chased him, he hurried back to the formation with confidence.

After that, the two sides withdrew their troops and returned to the village, and the war ended for the time being.

It was night, Ji Ling summoned Sun Ce and Zhou Yu from his tent to discuss the current battle.

"Although Liu Xuande's generals are few, his righteous brothers Pan and Zhang are invincible. If they fight head-on, they may be their opponents. I don't know if you two have a plan to deal with them?"

Sun Ce remained silent, while Zhou Yu's eyes were shining brightly, thinking for a while and then said.

"The bravery of a common man is nothing to worry about. I heard that the soldiers came to report that Liu Bei was in the underwater stronghold, and the source of the river is leading to this high mountain. So why don't we use a plan of flooding to destroy it in our hands. However, if we want to The plan can be implemented, but General Ji still needs to be defeated for a few more battles to confuse his mind. When all his officers and men are filled with arrogance, we will use another plan to take advantage of the situation and turn the tide, and the world will be determined in one battle!"

"Good! My lord, Yan Gongjin, you have the wisdom of Zhang Liang, Yuan didn't believe it, but today I realized that I was the frog at the bottom of the well!"

Ji Ling's face was overjoyed, Zhou Yu made a plan, and immediately reversed the situation, Ji Ling couldn't help showing a little respect for Zhou Yu, and even bowed down to show his respect.

"Hey. General Ji, don't do this. We are all serving under the lord's command. Since we are relatives in the same robe, how can Yu receive the gift of General Ji, let alone General Ji is the leader of the army."

Zhou Yu hurriedly supported Ji Ling. Seeing Zhou Yu's modesty and politeness, Ji Ling felt a little guilty.Because, since Zhou Yu's new investment in Yuan, Yuan Shu seems to have changed suddenly, and the choices he made are quite inappropriate.Yuan Shu continued to wantonly build temples and halls, sent troops to lend to Sun Jian, and later married his daughter to Sun Ce. Ji Ling secretly felt that he was instigated by Zhou Yu, so he hardly looked good towards Zhou Yu on weekdays, and even had some On several occasions, Zhou Yu's face was disrespected in public. {}However, Zhou Yu didn't bear any grudges because of this, and was still respectful and polite to him.

Ji Ling had a better impression of Zhou Yu, but he didn't know what Zhou Yu was thinking.After the plan was agreed upon, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce had just walked out of Ji Ling's tent, and Sun Ce's expression was focused, and he whispered in Zhou Yu's ear.

"Gong Jin, why did you plan to help Ji Ling? Yuan Shu has so many troops at this time, isn't it just right now that Liu Xuande can help him weaken his troops?"

"Hehe, don't be impatient for Bofu's peace. I have a deep meaning in helping him. Bofu, don't forget that you are the son-in-law of Yuan Gonggong. Yuan Gonggong trusts your Sun family so much, not only Borrowing a huge amount of food to your grandfather, and marrying his daughter to you. If we have nothing to build this time, and we are defeated. With Yuan Gonglu's suspicious temperament, he will definitely doubt whether you and I Deliberately hiding my clumsiness. But if I wait to make a move and help Ji Lingpifu defeat Liu Xuande, Yuan Gonggong will definitely obey you and me from now on, so that you and I can speak more and let him help grandfather accumulate strength."

"So that's the case. It's my fault that I rushed and misunderstood Gongjin."

"Hehe, you and my brother, why bother to say this. Yuan Gonglu has a lot of soldiers and food, just let me slowly peel him off. When my grandson's power becomes [-]%, I will embrace him as emperor at that time, and then it will be Yuan When the highway is destroyed!"

Zhou Yu was full of smiles, as if he had everything under control.Seeing the demeanor of his righteous brother, Sun Ce sighed in his heart, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that such a terrifying conspirator was his sworn brother, otherwise if he confronted him, no matter how many powerful generals there were, he might not be his opponent .

Mei Zhoulang voted for the Sun family. With his extraordinary wisdom, the rise of the Sun family is already unstoppable.And the stepping stone for its rise is the southern overlord Yuan Gonglu!

It's just that Yuan Shu and Ji Ling didn't know that their forces were all within Mei Zhoulang's calculations.Ji Ling obeyed Zhou Yu's strategy, and the next day went out to battle and plunder, ordering the soldiers to lead the attack. When the soldiers saw that Ji Ling, Sun Ce and other generals hid behind the soldiers, they thought they were afraid of Pan and Zhang Zhiyong. Prepare to order Pan Feng and Zhang Fei led the charge. Pan Feng and Zhang Fei, one on the left and one on the right, bore the brunt of the attack with two weapons at the same time. , keep going back.Seeing that the soldiers were unstoppable, Ji Ling quickly ordered the surrounding trumpeters to blow the golden horn of withdrawing troops to prepare to drive the soldiers to kill the generals. Ji Ling was defeated and retreated back to the camp.

For several days after that, Ji Ling led the army in plundering battles, but was defeated by Liu Jun. The army won several battles in a row, and their morale was extremely high. Many reprimands taught the soldiers not to take it lightly, and even made Zhang Fei send more scouts to pay attention to Ji Lingjun's every move.

Although Zhang Fei agreed in his mouth, he felt that Ji Ling was nothing more than mediocre, just a brave and foolish man, how could he be clever.Therefore, Zhang Fei led the scouts every day, and after a little survey of the surrounding area, he let things go carelessly and led the troops back to the stronghold.

A few days later, the source of the river was blocked in the high mountains, and the water level was extremely high. Seeing that the time had come, Zhou Yu advised Ji Ling to plan for flooding.Ji Ling sent soldiers to break through the blockage, and suddenly the river surged wildly, rushing down like a thousand troops and horses.

Soldiers in Liu Jun's camp were patrolling when they suddenly saw the river rolling above the high mountain. All of them turned pale with fright and fled in panic.A soldier came to report to Liu Bei. After hearing this, Liu Bei was shocked. He hurriedly put on his clothes, wielded a double-pronged sword, and just walked out of the tent.

He only heard the deafening sound of water flowing from all over the world. Before Bei could react in the future, the river tide swept towards him and swept Liu Bei's entire body into the air.

Huge rivers swooped down one after another, blowing away the entire camp. Liu Jun's [-] soldiers and horses were completely submerged in the Putian River. Countless Liu soldiers screamed miserably. Rescued by Pan Feng, Liu Bei lay on a giant tree, looked at the countless submerged soldiers around him, and shouted with a desolate face.

"Who says no man has any plans! This plan of flooding will completely flood my [-] elite soldiers!!!"

"Hahaha!! Liu Xuande, this plan is not from Ji's idea, but from the hands of our army's military strategist Zhou Gongjin! Today your soldiers are all flooded, let's see how you stop my [-] army!"

At this moment, loud noises resounded from the high mountain, and a group of people rushed towards the soldiers and horses.Ji Ling was the first to bear the brunt, and said with a condensed smile.In the past few days of fighting, although Ji Ling had a losing streak, he was able to withdraw his troops in time every time, so the loss of soldiers and horses was not many, only 5000.And he only paid four or five thousand soldiers, but he was able to get thirty thousand Liu soldiers without flooding. This transaction can be described as a great value for money!

The flood rushes down and rushes down again and again, and the splashing sound of the water flow is like the sound of cracking the sky.After the flood washed away, the [-] Liu soldiers died without knowing how young they were.

Liu Jun was washed to pieces by the flood, and some soldiers who survived were swept around by the flood.However, they hadn't recovered from the shocking water waves just now, and suddenly there were countless crackling sounds on the ground, which immediately scared these Liu Bing out of their wits and fled in a panic.

The earth seemed to be broken through by the [-] troops, and the dense crowds were like the huge waves just now, except that the lethality brought by these huge waves was sharper.

Several teams of horse troops rushed in front of several teams of Liu Bing, flying swords one after another, those Liu Bing were powerless to resist, and their heads were cut off one by one and flew away-the liquid flew, the horses rushed, and Yuan Jun slaughtered frantically Liu Bei's soldiers were rushed to one place, Pan Feng found a war horse with great difficulty, and put Liu Bei on it. After Liu Bei got on the horse, he was about to escape.At this time, a puma army chased after him, and the leader was Sun Ce, the little overlord.

Liu Bei was terrified, and fled after flattering his horse. Pan Feng led hundreds of soldiers to protect him, and followed closely.Sun Ce led the army in pursuit all the way, until they reached a hill. Just as he was about to run up the hill, his horse suddenly slipped and fell down the hill. Seeing Feng, the tiger's eyes widened, and he let out a roar, and opened his arms wide. He actually faced the falling horse∷Feng stretched out one hand, his arm muscles were violent, and grabbed the falling horse, and the other hand was on Liu Bei, hugging Liu Bei tightly, and only then managed to rescue Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was still terrified, and suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes rushing towards him. The horse army led by Sun Ce came and quickly surrounded Liu Bei and Pan Feng.

"Liu Xuzhou, I have killed all [-] of your troops, so why bother to fight to the death? If you surrender, I can spare your life."

Beside Sun Ce, an extremely handsome man dressed in a red flame-and-gold-pattern Confucian robe, with three thousand strands of hair tied up with a red headband, stepped forward on his horse. , The moon is ashamed of the flowers, even the peerless beauty is not as good as it.

"You are the Zhou Gongjin who set up the flood plan!?"

Liu Bei's face was startled, and he didn't know whether he was shocked by the name of the visitor or his beauty.Zhou Yu smiled slightly, looking down at Liu Bei from a high position.

"A certain person is Zhou Gongjin."

"Sage Zhou deserves to be a peerless virtuous talent. I, Liu Xuande, was convinced when I was defeated by you. However, although I, Liu Xuande, have a small reputation, I know loyalty. As a minister of the Han Dynasty, how could I vote for rebellious traitors like Yuan Gonggong? Subordinate! Just come and kill me, I, Liu Xuande, will never surrender!"

Although Liu Bei was facing a dangerous situation, his eyes were still shining. After hearing this, Pan Feng drove himself to protect Liu Bei, his tiger eyes were devoid of murderous intent, and his whole body exuded infinite power.

Zhou Yu and Sun Ce looked at each other, Zhou Yu nodded secretly, Sun Ce understood, and rode forward.

"My father is loyal to Liu Xuzhou. Looking at it today, Liu Xuzhou can still preserve his loyalty in times of crisis. It is really admirable." The words have long since disappeared □Xuzhou...you go. "

The soldiers Sun Ce brought were all Jiang Dong's sons who joined Yuan Shu with him, and they were all confidantes, so Sun Ce let Liu Bei go, not afraid that Ji Ling or Yuan Shu would find out.

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