Han Shimou

Chapter 526 Delicious in the world

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"Yu never lies. (It's just that when the time comes, I hope the general will be with me in the camp and try this meat first."

"Haha, what's so difficult about this. I will definitely obey the military adviser's orders then."

Cheng Yu pursed his lips and laughed again, seeing Yu Jin's heart twitching again, as if he felt that Cheng Yu had tricked him.

In the next few days, while Cheng Yu was making preparations, he sent people from each village to inquire. The soldiers in each village complained about the reduction in food every day, and they all said that they were banned, and Cheng Yu deceived the crowd.

The soldiers were not full, and they still wanted to fight with the Runan army. Ten days later, there were complaints in the Cao camp, and the soldiers all had the tendency to rebel.And within these ten days, Cheng Yu finally completed the secret preparation, and then Cheng Yumi summoned Wang Hou to see him.

"Officer Wang Liang, I have already prepared food. However, the morale of the army is currently in turmoil. I would like to ask you to borrow something to suppress the hearts of the people. Please don't be stingy."

"Ah! The military division has a way to raise food. The military division is really a god. I don't know what to ask the lower officials to borrow. The lower officials will definitely respond to requests and will never shirk!"

Wang Hou's face was overjoyed, the food problem was solved, so he didn't have to worry about the food.But as soon as Wang Hou finished speaking, Cheng Yu laughed, and quickly took out a dagger from his sleeve, and while Wang Hou was not paying attention, he stabbed him in the chest with one knife, and said coldly at the same time.

"I would like to borrow your head and use it to suppress the grievances of the soldiers!"

Wang Hou's eyes widened suddenly, with a face of unwillingness and disbelief. He never thought that Cheng Yu, who had no strength to fight, would kill him so hard.

"I am in charge of food, and there is nothing wrong with it. Why did the military division take my life!!!"

Wang Hou retreated a few steps, blood gushed out of the blood hole in his chest, Wang Hou's face turned pale instantly, full of grief and hatred.

"I also know that you are innocent, but if I don't kill you, the army will change. Your death alone can save the current crisis and help the prime minister win the grain officer of a county in Runan. Don't worry. After the limelight passes, I will plead guilty to the prime minister and return your innocence. After you die, I will support your wife by myself, so don’t worry about it. Go at ease.”

With such cruel words, Cheng Yu was able to finish them one by one without changing his face. Wang Hou was so frightened that his soul flew away. When he was about to speak again, Cheng Yu suddenly broke out and stabbed Wang Hou's body indiscriminately—flesh Fei Teng, Wang Hou screamed again and again, and was stabbed to death by Cheng Yu.With a cold face, Cheng Yu looked at Wang Hou quietly for a while, then picked up the dagger, and cut off Wang Hou's head, and then ordered the soldiers to hang his head on a high pole, and put it out to show the sun.

"Wang Hou is a small dendrobium, stealing official rations, and strictly following the military law."

Soldiers from all the villages heard that Wang Hou had broken the law and was killed. They came to see him one after another, only to realize that the reduction in food was actually caused by Wang Hou.The soldiers all clapped their hands and applauded, all of them applauded!

After Wang Hou's death, the general's internal grievances were completely relieved.Then at night, Cheng Yu ordered a group of soldiers to bring in carts of meat, and then boiled it into broth. (The smell of this broth immediately spread throughout the camps, and the soldiers flocked to it.

"Wow! It's so fragrant! Everyone, look, it's broth!!"

"Yeah yeah!! This!! This is really broth!!! Come on everyone, there is broth food!!!"

These soldiers were not full, and had been hungry for a long time. Seeing this pot of broth at this time, it was like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb, with a faint green light in its eyes.

"Hehe. You warriors are fighting on the front line for the country's elimination of thieves. In the past few days, because of the fruit of Wang Hou, you have really wronged everyone. Why are you waiting here, hurry up and share the food!"

Cheng Yu observed silently from the side, seeing that all the soldiers were overjoyed, he smiled brightly and said softly.When all the soldiers saw that it was Cheng Yu, they were all shocked, and hurriedly saluted him.Cheng Yu nodded slightly, saying hello to each other, and then several soldiers shared the broth, and after drinking a few sips, suddenly a soldier frowned and murmured.

"Why does this broth taste so weird?"

"Ugh! What is this!!! Ah!! There are human hairs in this broth!"

Suddenly a soldier spat out broth, and then picked up a few hairs from his tongue with one hand and exclaimed.

"No!! Could this be!!!"

Another soldier who hadn't had the soup almost spilled the broth and drank in surprise.

These few exclamations immediately caused countless exclamations in the crowd.All the soldiers looked at the broth in the pot with fear. Even though their stomachs were dizzy with hunger at this moment, they didn't dare to change the meaning of eating the broth. Instead, their stomachs writhed and they wanted to Vomit.

"Presumptuous!! In the barracks, how decent are you yelling and shouting here!!!"

At this moment, Yu Jin's majestic roar burst out, Yu Jin and Le Jin walked quickly, and the soldiers in the field hurriedly made way for Yu Jin and Le Jin to pass by.Yu Jin hurried to him, stared at the tiger, and looked around. The soldiers were all afraid, and dared not speak again.Then Yu Jin saw the broth on the scourges in the field again, his face brightened, and he called out to Cheng Yu.

"Hahahaha! Military division, you really brought the meat! You wait for these people, you really don't know what is good or bad, the military division has worked so hard to find meat for you. You have complained so much, it is really presumptuous!!!"

Yu Jin then turned around and shouted at the soldiers behind him.The soldier who drank the hair just now explained hastily.

"General Yu, it's not that I'm being presumptuous. It's that the broth tastes weird, and the villain even drank a few hairs just now!"

"Hair? It's just that the fire-headed soldiers accidentally fell! Why are you making such a fuss! It's the time of war, and the soldiers' rations are in short supply. It's lucky to have meat to eat! How can you wait to pick and choose! If there are too many Yan, I will definitely kill you!!!"

Yu Jin roared sharply, the soldier dared not speak anymore, but soon another soldier whispered.

"General Yu, how dare we wait and choose. It's just that the villain wants to take the liberty to ask, the meat in this broth is..."

"White wolf meat↓Right ago, soldiers came to report that there were many white wolves on the nearby hills. I thought the army was short of food, so I asked the general for five hundred soldiers to get rid of wolves and get meat for you. These white wolves are very serious. It's rare, and it's inevitable that it smells a little weird. You don't need to worry about it."

Cheng Yu reacted very quickly, as if he had already prepared his words.

"White wolf? That's impossible. I've searched the area a few times, not to mention that the white wolf didn't even see a single mouse. And the wolf's roar can't be heard at night."

Soon there were suspicious voices from another soldier, and the flames surged up in the forbidden fire, roaring hysterically.

"Enough!!! The military division did take five hundred soldiers from me. I dare to guarantee this with my head! This matter ends here, whoever you wait for dares to say a word, the head will fall to the ground immediately!!"

As soon as Yu Jin said this, no soldier in the field dared to say anything more, but it was obvious that these soldiers still had doubts about the broth, and no one rushed to get it.Cheng Yu silently looked at the faces of the soldiers, then smiled again, and cast glances at the soldiers who were sharing the food. The soldiers understood, and quickly filled three bowls of broth, and handed one to Cheng Yu Yu, the other two bowls were passed to Yu Jin and Le Jin.

"Hehe. Even the soldiers don't believe it. General Yu and General Le, why don't you come and try the food first. If General Yu thinks there is something wrong with this broth, I will immediately order the soldiers to pour it out."

Cheng Yu smiled brightly, picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp, and made an expression of enjoying it after finishing the drink, as if he was drinking the delicacy of the world.

Yu Jin and Le Jin looked at each other, and there was something exchanged in their eyes.Then Yu Jin gritted his teeth, took a sip, and his expression changed immediately. The taste of this broth was really weird, and the smell of blood was extremely strong.But Yu Jin endured it, and then drank it in one gulp.As for Le Jin, with a strange expression, he insisted on drinking all the broth. After drinking it, he felt his body's internal organs were writhing, and he wanted to vomit.

"Hahaha! This white wolf meat is really delicious ♀ It's strange to drink it for the first time, but if you continue to taste it, it will have a different flavor. Come on, give me another bowl! General Le, do you still think how?"

Yu Jin endured vomiting and turned his attention to Le Jin.Le Jin took a deep breath and smiled.

"Hahaha! This kind of delicacy in the world, I have never tasted it, so I want to drink a few more bowls, come, give me another bowl!"

Le Jin waved his hand, and after the soldier beside him took the big bowl in Le Jin's hand, he ran towards the steaming broth that was emitting white smoke.

Cheng Yu watched Yu Jin and Le Jin's reactions silently, and after taking a sip of the broth, he showed a bright smile.

"Hehe, General Yu, General Le, you are really reckless. You should taste it carefully like me. I heard that this white wolf meat has a miraculous effect on strengthening the body. General Yu and General Le may as well Have a few bowls."

After Cheng Yu finished speaking, he took a few more sips and savored it carefully.Seeing Cheng Yu drinking like this, Yu Jin and Le Jin felt their stomachs churning and almost vomited out on the spot.

It was no wonder that Yu Jin and Le Jin, the broth tasted so weird it was unbearable.Especially there is an extremely strong smell of blood in it!

Cao Bing around looked at Yu Jin, Le Jin, and Cheng Yu drinking the broth. During these ten days, these Cao Bing hardly ever tried to feel full, and suddenly felt even more hungry.Several Cao soldiers swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and couldn't bear it any longer and ran to the place where the broth was, and hurriedly asked the fire-headed soldiers who were sharing the food to bring them a bowl too.With the first batch of people, soon the second batch, the third batch... One after another, people rushed towards the broth.

Maybe it was because these Cao soldiers were really hungry, or maybe it was the effect of Yu Jin, Le Jin, and Cheng Yu who tried the food first.Afterwards, no Cao Bing raised any objection to the broth, and all of them couldn't stop talking, pouring broth into their big mouths.

The eating Cao soldiers crowded the entire camp, and the feeling of fullness caused many Cao soldiers to let out a hearty shout.Before he knew it, Yu Jin and Le Jin pulled Cheng Yu to a dark place.

"Military officer, don't fool me ♀ The meat in the broth is definitely not white wolf meat ♀ What kind of meat is it? Will soldiers cause harm to their bodies or appear abnormal after eating it?"

Yu Jin's face was sullen, his eyes fixed on Cheng Yu, and he sighed heavily.Up to now, the feeling of vomiting is still churning in his stomach, which will not go away for a long time.

"General Yu is assured that there will be no problem with eating meat. As for what kind of meat it is, I hope General Yu will forgive me. I will let you know after the war is over, can I?"

Cheng Yu had a smile on his face, and Yu Jin's scalp felt numb for a while. After hearing this, Yu Jin and Le Jin looked at each other. Cheng Yu had a very high reputation and prestige under Cao Cao's command, and was highly valued by Cao Cao.If he refused to speak out, Yu Jin would not dare to force him.

"There is no problem with this meat. I don't need to go into the details of what kind of meat it is, as long as it can fill the stomachs of the soldiers. Thanks to the military division, with this meat, the problem of food shortage in the army can be solved♀ In this way, we don't have to worry about Liang Gang and Chen Ji's Runan Army, and we can fight them freely."

Yu Jin held his hand and bowed respectfully to Cheng Yu, without any affectation, half fake.Cheng Yu chuckled, and after a while of courteous greetings, they each left to attend to their respective important matters.

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