Han Shimou

Chapter 532 Cao Cao and Yuan Shu

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Cao Cao approached with his horse, pulled the rein, reined in the horse, then looked up and laughed.

"Hahahaha!! I haven't seen Yuan Gonglu for a long time. Your arrogance has not changed, and it has reached the point where there is no way to add it. Don't you know that you are in a catastrophe, and you dare to speak nonsense here and let someone Cao take refuge in you?" A traitor to the country is really a joke!"

Cao Cao's ridicule made Yuan Shu's face twitch suddenly, and Yuan Shu's face darkened instantly.In the past, when he was still young, he, his brothers Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Xu You were called the Four Young Masters of Luoyang by good people.At that time, the four of them were young and frivolous, and they were lawless and unrestrained in Luoyang City.Perhaps at that time, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao really had a friendship.But time has passed, and at this moment, he and Cao Cao have become fierce rivals, and both of them want to put each other to death.

"Cao Aman, are you really obsessed with obsession, and you are going against the sky!?"

"Haha. Yuan Gonglu, you and I once had a friendship, but this friendship has long been gone with the wind." Now that you are treasonous, as the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, I will naturally send troops to punish you! "

"Ignorant lunatic!! Who will take it down for me!!"

Yuan Shu's eyes turned cold, and he pointed at Cao Cao suddenly. As soon as he finished his sentence, Zhang Xun, the general behind him, immediately flew out of the formation and galloped towards Cao Cao.

Cao Cao smiled coldly, without any haste, when Zhang Xun was about to approach, Dian Wei yelled violently, clamped his horse's belly with both feet, flew out quickly, and quickly met Zhang Xun.

Dian Wei swung the iron halberd fiercely with both hands, the power of the dragon and elephant suddenly exploded, and it hit Zhang Xun's gun with a deafening sound. Zhang Xun's expression changed suddenly, and the gun in his hand almost flew away.Between the lightning and the flint, Dian Wei danced the iron halberd again, sweeping three halberd shadows, Zhang Xun knew that Dian Wei was brave, and quickly shook his spirit to block it.

Bang, bang, three consecutive loud bangs, the gun in V Xun's hand flew away suddenly while resisting the third halberd shadow struck by Dian Wei.Immediately after, Dian Wei stabbed Zhang Xu straight with his halberd, towards Zhang Xu's heart. Xu didn't care about the sharp pain in the tiger's mouth, and hurriedly dodged.

Zhang Xun and Dian Wei just couldn't fight five times, but flinched back.Yuan Shu watched the front of the battle and shouted again and again, urgently ordered Sun Jian to come out to help.Sun Jian was about to go into battle, but behind him a fierce general in pitch-black armor shouted.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer! Marquis Zhonglie is here to protect His Majesty's safety, and watch me, Zhou Youping, take this villain's head like this!"

Those who spoke were none other than Sun Jian's generals Zhou Tai and Zhou Youping.This man's martial arts skills are extraordinary, when Sun Jian conquered him, he fought with him for three days and three nights, regardless of the outcome.After that, the two did not know each other without fighting. They knew heroes and valued heroes. Zhou Tai admired Sun Jian's bravery and was willing to vote under his command.And Sun Jian also admired Zhou Tai's martial arts, reused him, and worshiped him as the Sima of the other department in the army.

After Sun Jian heard this, he cast a cautious look at Zhou Tai, Zhou Tai understood it, nodded silently, and galloped to Dianwei's place.

Dian Wei was chasing Zhang Xun. Seeing that Zhang Xun was about to rush into the enemy line, Dian Wei suddenly inserted the double halberds into his waist, took out several short halberds from his sleeves, aimed at Zhang Xun's back, and let out a 'chow'↓ A short halberd flew from Dian Wei's big hand, and flew towards Zhang Xun like a thunderbolt.

Zhang Xun only knew how to run away, so he didn't have the slightest attention to care about his back.Just when those short halberds were about to stab Zhang Xun, Zhou Tai finally arrived and shouted in a loud voice.

"General Zhang, watch your back!"

Zhang Xun was slammed by Zhou Tai, only to feel a few gusts of wind hit his back, Zhang Xun was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and threw himself on his body subconsciously.The short halberds flew past Zhang Xun's back armor almost, bringing up several violent sparks. Xun's face twisted together in pain, and with a scream, he lost his power and fell off his horse, rolling on the ground again and again. for a few laps.

Zhou Tai was terrified when he saw it, and thought to himself that this villain's strength is terrifying and extraordinary ♀ just the force of friction is already such a destructive force, if Zhang Xun is beaten for real, he will surely die!

While Zhou Tai was still terrified, Dian Wei was slapping his horse and galloping towards Zhang Xun who fell to the ground.When he was about to rush, Zhou Tai finally came to his senses, and hurriedly grabbed the Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword and rushed towards Zhang Xun's position.Zhou Tai was closer to Zhang Xun's position, he rushed there first, and saw Dian Wei rushing towards him with gusts of evil wind.Zhou Tai didn't dare to be careless, concentrated his energy, when Dian Wei was approaching, he swung the Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword with all his strength, looked at Dian Wei's head and chopped it off.

Facing Zhou Tai's big knife, Dian Wei didn't panic at all, and still rode his horse and flew straight.Just when Zhou Tai's big sword was about to strike, Dian Wei suddenly tilted his body to avoid it, and then Dian Wei's body made an incredible swift movement, grabbing Zhang Xun on the ground with one hand with lightning speed He roared away beside Zhou Tai.

This only happened in an instant, Zhou Tai saw himself slashing through the air, and when he came back to his senses, he had already lost Dian Wei's figure.Zhou Tai hurriedly looked back, only to see Dian Wei holding Zhang Xun's neck with his big hands, pinching Zhang Xun for a while, screaming incessantly.


Dian Wei burst out a word from his mouth, and his big hand closed like an eagle's claw, crushing Zhang Xun's neck.A pool of flying blood splashed in Dian Wei's hands, Zhang Xun's head and body were separated immediately, his death was extremely bloody and terrifying!

After Dian Wei killed Zhang Xun, he reined in the horse, pulled it up slowly and turned around, staring at Zhou Tai with evil eyes full of hunger and thirst.Zhou Tai's tiger eyes were fixed, and Dian Wei looked at him like a hungry tiger looking at a lamb after countless days of hunger and thirst.

Zhou Tai has achieved a lot by self-study. Except for Sun Jian, he has beaten all the invincible opponents in Jiangdong these years.Zhou Taihe had suffered such humiliation before, suddenly he became angry, raised the Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword, and made a provocative gesture towards Dian Wei.

"Haha, interesting."

Dian Wei laughed sarcasticly, very happily, and immediately rode his horse and galloped away to Zhou Tai.When the two were approaching, Zhou Tai and Dian Wei shot almost at the same time, the iron halberd swept across and flew, and the Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword slammed down like a loud noise, and then the iron halberd and Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword suddenly accelerated, flying again and again. keep moving.

There was a series of violent violent noises.Both Zhou Tai and Dian Wei danced their weapons airtightly, hitting faster and faster, causing countless sparks and hurricanes to stir and explode.

The two moves were so fast that the generals and soldiers watching the battle in the two formations were terrified and overwhelmed. After fighting for about fifty or sixty rounds, Dianwei let out a vicious howl and avoided Zhou Tai's exquisite tiger howl Immediately, the big knife opened its arms, trying to hold Linglong tiger's big knife tightly.Zhou Tai's expression changed suddenly, he knew Dian Weisheng had supernatural power, how dare he hold the weapon by his hand, quickly turned his wrist, and swung the knife at Dian Wei's armpit.

Zhou Tai's reaction was quick, Dian Wei knew he couldn't hold his weapon, he hurried away to dodge ♂ Long Hu Xiao's sword narrowly brushed Dian Wei's right arm, leaving a bloodstain on Dian Wei's arm.

Dian Wei was injured by Zhou Tai, so he grinned and laughed again.Zhou Tai saw that his scalp was numb, he turned the knife again, and slashed towards Dianwei's neck.

"Good day!!"

Dian Wei yelled, his evil eyes suddenly flashed, the power of the dragon and elephant burst out suddenly, and a halberd stopped the Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword that was coming.Zhou Tai's expression changed on the spot, and only then did he realize that Dian Wei had left room for fighting him just now!

Zhou Tai's mouth burst open, and his arm holding the knife kept shaking.Seeing that Zhou Tai was able to block his full-strength blow, Dian Wei secretly admired him, and then he struck out four halberd shadows in succession, Zhou Tai suppressed the pain, and defended with all his might.As soon as the four halberd shadows passed, Zhou Tai immediately launched a counterattack, and the two fought back and forth for more than ten rounds.

"Where did this Cao Mengde attract such a terrifying villain, who can hold Youping down firmly? If this continues, I'm afraid Youping will be hard to resist!"

Sun Jian closely observed the fight between Zhou Tai and Dian Wei, and every time he saw Zhou Tai being killed by Dian Wei, Sun Jian would be terrified.Zhou Tai was a general under his command, and he had made an alliance with Cao Cao earlier, the two were secretly an alliance, if Zhou Tai was killed by Dian Wei, it would be unjust.

Sun Jian's thoughts turned, and after he exchanged a glance with Sun Ce, the tiger beside him, the two sat down on their horses almost at the same time, and galloped to the battlefield.

Father and son soldiers in battle.Both Sun Jian and Sun Ce are super-class tiger generals with extraordinary martial arts skills, and the domineering aura exuded by the two people is especially eye-catching, like two overlord tigers sprinting on the battlefield.

On the other side of Liu Bei's formation, Zhang Fei saw Sun Jian, Sun Ce and his father rushing out. He was gearing up for a long time, and immediately cast a questioning look at Liu Bei Bei Bei nodded slightly, Zhang Fei immediately grinned, and he couldn't wait to fly After leaving the battle, he greeted Sun Ce.As for in Cao's formation, Xu Chu's huge and majestic tiger eyes were fixed, and he wanted to ride his horse to fight, but Cao Cao stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Let Elai fight for a while first, he can handle it."

Cao Cao's tone was indifferent, as if he had great confidence in Dian Wei, after Xu Chu heard this, he restrained his overwhelming fighting spirit, and quietly continued to guard Cao Cao.

Sun Jian and Sun Ce galloped their horses on the battlefield, Sun Jian killed Dianwei, and Sun Ce was killed by Zhang Fei who came swiftly.When Sun Ce saw Zhang Fei, his face turned cold, and the gun in his hand suddenly stabbed, and repeatedly provoked several sharp spears at Zhang Fei's body. V Fei swung the Zhangba Snake Spear and launched a violent sweep , and at the same time shouted in Lei Gong's loud voice.

"Little beauty, today I will teach you to bow your head under the spear of Grandpa Zhang!"

"Don't be so arrogant, nigger! Today I will show you the strength of Jiangdong Xiaobawang!"

Zhang Fei has a venomous mouth, and Sun Ce hates him so much, he can't wait to beat him with his big mouth and spear, like two waves of storms colliding violently, killing more than ten rounds in an instant! The faster and faster the fight, the more fierce the fight, every move is made with all efforts, a series of violent blows and strikes are heard endlessly, shaking the world.

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The first volume of Han Shimou's white body poor family Chapter 530 Two Cao Cao and Yuan Shu

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