Han Shimou

Chapter 556 The Banquet of Cao Cao and Wen Han

Guo Jia looked very strange, first nodded, then shook his head.

"Wen Bufan hasn't had much movement this year. This person has always been ambitious and strategically oriented, and he is assisted by senior brother Jia Zhicai. Suddenly, there must be a reason. If Jia's prediction is correct, Wen Bufan must be waiting for a peerless opportunity! And every time a peerless opportunity arises, the world will undergo major changes. The war between the lord and Yuan Benchu ​​is enough to change the overall situation of the world. What Wen Bufan has been waiting for this year is the battle between the lord and Yuan Benchu!

As for my lord's concerns just now, my lord can rest assured.If Wen Bufan took advantage of the fierce battle between the lord and Yuan Benchu, he took advantage of the opportunity to attack, and both the lord and Yuan Benchu ​​had deep-rooted forces in the areas under their jurisdiction, and it would be difficult for Wen Bufan to conquer for a while.Of course, because the rear was disturbed, the attacked party must be in chaos and thus defeated.In this way, Wen Bufan will have to face the winner of the lord and Yuan Benchu.At that time, no matter who wins or loses, it will be a heavy loss!In the end, the winner will win most of the world, but at that time the troops will be exhausted, and the soldiers will be unable to fight anymore. At that time, how can the princes of the world see a land that occupies most of the world, but there is no way to fight? The princes guarded by soldiers exist in the world.The princes from all over the world will inevitably join forces to attack and divide their jurisdictions. In this way, the victor in the end will only make wedding dresses for others after repeated calculations.

Therefore, if Wen Bufan really wanted to attack while the lord and Yuan Benchu ​​were fighting, it would be self-destruction.Yiwen Bufan's cautious temperament will never be like this. "

Cao Cao's complexion changed again and again following Guo Jia's analysis, and finally he was relieved after listening to it, his narrow eyes twinkled, and he asked again.

"Then Fengxiao thinks that Wen Bufan has waited for a year for this, what exactly is he trying to do?"

"Jia doesn't dare to say that. But if Wen Bufan wants to expand his power, most of them will choose Yongzhou and Liangzhou. Because if he wants to expand his power, he has only three choices: go west, go to the Central Plains, or go north. The Duke dominates, and Yuan Shao in the north is overwhelmingly powerful, and Wen Bufan's accumulated power is still unable to resist the Lord and Yuan Shao. Only, the soldiers go to the west, conquer Ma Teng and Han Sui, and capture the two prefectures of Yong and Liang."

"Feng Xiao's analysis is very thorough. But why did Wen Bufan wait for me to start a war with Yuan Benchu ​​before he dared to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui?"

"This is where Wen Bufan is cautious. If he attacks early, neither the lord nor Yuan Benchu ​​will definitely take action against him if his power rises again. And once the lord and Yuan Benchu ​​go to war, how can they have the energy to fight against him?" Care about him?"

After hearing this, Cao Cao grinned, as if he admired him as a best friend.Cao Cao pondered for a while, and was about to speak again, when suddenly a soldier came to report, and Wen Han came to ask to see him.

Cao Cao and Guo Jia looked at each other with a hint of curiosity and anticipation in their eyes.

"Hurry up and declare! There must be no mistakes!"

Cao Cao ordered in a hurry, while slandering in his heart.

"Extraordinary, extraordinary. What kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd?"

After about half a stick of incense, Wen Han came to see him and handed over Wen Han's letter.Cao Cao hurriedly took it apart and looked at it. After watching for a while, his suspicion became more serious.Guo Jia asked Cao Cao about the contents of the letter, but Cao Cao suddenly laughed again.

"Haha. It seems that it will take a while to solve the doubts between you and me. But we will know soon, because Wen Bufan sent a letter to invite me to gather in Fulongyuan at the junction of Henan and Henan. By then, we will know what he is. What do you want to do."

Cao Cao was very curious about what kind of earth-shattering move this close friend of his would do again. Wen Han started his own momentum, and if he didn't make a move, it would be enough. Once he made a move, it would definitely shock the world.Cao Cao immediately decided to go to the appointment, making it easy for everyone to make preparations.

Five days later, in Fulongyuan, on the endless grassland, there was a camp that was not too big and not many. There were not many people in the camp, dozens of soldiers were guarding outside the gate, and there was only one tent in the camp.

Cao Cao led dozens of fast riders to gallop outside Fulongyuan, and two powerful generals, Dian Wei and Xu Chu, guarded Cao Cao's left and right sides.When he was approaching Fulongyuan, Cao Cao suddenly pulled his horse and looked around for a while. He could see Fulongyuan at a glance.

Cao Cao rushed all the way, but he didn't see any of Wen Han's scouts patrolling around. When he saw a camp in the middle of the way, he led the army and walked slowly.When Cao Cao was about to approach, Li Yuan saw Wen Han was waiting at the gate of the camp.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes, suddenly flicked his horsewhip, and flew fast. Dian Wei and Xu Chu were afraid that Cao Cao would make a mistake, so they hurriedly chased after him.When Cao Cao was about to reach the camp, he restrained the horse with one hand, raising a cloud of dust.

"The last general, Wen Bufan, met Prime Minister Cao!"

"Haha. It's been a long time since Bufan, why are you and I being so polite. Today I'm only here to reminisce about the old days, but there's no need to do this clichéd gift!"

Before Cao Cao got off his horse, Wen Han bowed his hands and led a group of soldiers to worship him. Cao Cao rolled off his horse and walked towards Wen Han with a smile while answering the salute. around cao.I'm afraid that the soldiers around Wenhan will be unfavorable to Cao Cao.

"Presumptuous!! You are so flustered, what a shame! Today I came to see my best friend and make friends, not to fight on the battlefield. If you dare to make mistakes, you will not be lightly forgiven!!"

Cao Cao didn't seem to be pleased with Dian Wei and Xu Chu's nervousness, on the contrary, he felt a little displeased, and turned around and scolded them.Dian Wei and Xu Chu didn't dare to say much, so they had to slow down their pace, but there was still a strong look of guard on their faces.

"Prime Minister Cao..."


"Hehe, good! I lost my composure, Meng De, please!"

Wen Han invited Cao Cao into the camp. When Cao Cao saw Guan Yu and Zhao Yun behind Wen Han, his expression changed slightly, but soon he regained his smile, and even greeted Guan Yu and Zhao Yun.Guan Yu and Zhao Yun just nodded their heads slightly as a salute.Then Cao Cao and Wen Han walked into the tent one after another.

There was only one table in the tent, on which a jug of wine was being boiled, a few pieces of dried meat, and two wine glasses.Cao Cao unceremoniously sat down first, Dian Wei and Xu Chu stood behind Cao Cao.Wen Han is also located, and Guan Yu and Zhao Yun stand behind Wen Han.

Cao Cao and Wen Han looked at each other for a while, but neither spoke.As for Dian Wei and Xu Chu, they stared at Guan Yu and Zhao Yun opposite with their evil eyes wide open.

Both Guan Yu and Zhao Yun had grim faces, staring straight ahead, as if they didn't notice the giant bear-like villains on the opposite side at all.


After a while, Cao Cao and Wen Han laughed in unison, and this laughter was about to clear away a lot of the dead atmosphere.

"Is Bufan going to be safe?"

"Very good. I heard that Meng De defeated Yuan Gonglu and Liu Xuande again and again, and his power increased sharply. It can be said that he has shocked the world."

"Hey. It's not bad to be extraordinary. Lu Fengxian, the unparalleled general, was actually set up by you to kill him. In fact, Cao has no choice but to obey!"

The two first talked about each other's prestige in recent years, both with the intention of flattering them.

"Haha. It's just a fluke. If I didn't have countless powerful generals under my command, how could I kill Lu Fengxian so easily!"

Wen Han smiled and filled two glasses with the flagon. It is winter and the wind is howling. Cao Cao felt his mouth was dry and he was about to drink a glass of wine, but when he put his hand on the glass, he suddenly stopped. Stop the move.Wen Han saw this detail in his eyes, and knowing that Cao Cao was suspicious, he first took the wine and drank it all in one gulp.Cao Cao squinted his eyes, and suddenly pretended to be scalded by the heat in the glass, breaking the glass.

"Oh. Look at me, I'm really reckless. If Bufan doesn't dislike it, how about we have a drink together?"

"Very good."

Wen Han shook his head secretly, Cao Cao's suspicious character seemed extremely serious, he suspected that the wine was not poisonous, but there might be poison in the cup.And I used that cup to drink without incident, so it is the safest to drink a cup with myself.

After Wen Han answered, he put the cup in the middle of the table and filled it up again.Cao Cao had no doubts, he drank the wine as soon as he took it, and sighed after drinking.

"Lu Fengxian. Back then when he was in Hulao, he was invincible all over the world. All the princes in the world were afraid of his bravery, and they didn't expect to die like this. I don't know, who killed this Lu Fengxian in the end?"

"My second brother, Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang."

Cao Cao's eyebrows twitched slightly, he picked up the jug and filled a glass.

"Sure enough, as I expected. If someone else killed him, I would also feel unwilling for Fengxian."

If it is said that Cao Cao's most respected, beloved and coveted soldier in his life is not Pan Wushuang who swore three things in Tuntu Mountain, but Wen Han's second brother, Guan Yunchang.

First of all, Guan Yu was born with a vision, and his whole body was covered with majestic and sacred righteousness, which made people love him at first glance.Second, since Guan Yuyi and Bo Yuntian became sworn brothers with Wen Han, no matter what dangers he faced, he has always been by his side, living and dying with him.Thirdly, Guan Yu's martial arts are superb, and his body is covered with a sacred aura, he is like descending from a god on the battlefield, and the enemy generals are often chilled before they have fought with him.With such a general by his side, people can't help but feel that they are blessed by the heavens, and that all attacks by troops are directed by the will of heaven.

And when Wen Han said that Lu Bu was killed by Guan Yu, Dian Wei and Xu Chu erupted into an earth-shattering fighting spirit almost at the same time.Guan Yu's Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and two red rays of light flashed past like thunderbolts, and the majestic and sacred righteousness overwhelming the sky.


Cao Cao seemed to sense the fighting intent of Dian Wei and Xu Chu, and slowly turned his head to stare, only then did Dian Wei and Xu Chu suppress the terrifying and surging fighting intent.

"Come on. Yun Chang, drink this cup! I, Cao Mengde, admire you! Since the death of Lu Fengxian, only you, Guan Yunchang, can deserve the title of general king in the world!"

Cao Cao raised his glass. After Guan Yu and Wen Han made eye contact, he stepped forward to take the wine glass, drank it down, and then thanked Cao Cao for the gift.Cao Cao laughed loudly, looking at Guan Yu with extremely complicated eyes.But Guan Yu didn't seem to have the slightest emotion towards Cao Cao, except that after the brief contact with Cao Cao's eyes just now, his eyes were straight again, and his eyes were clear and flawless from beginning to end, without any ripple.

Cao Cao silently withdrew his eyes, at this time Wen Han showed him an inexplicable smile, Cao Cao was slightly embarrassed, and after pouring a cup of hot wine, his fine eyes suddenly became bright and sharp.

"Speaking of Lu Fengxian, I don't know if Bufan still remembers Lu Fengxian talking about the heroes of the day when he was in Bawanglou?"

Wen Han picked up the jug and laughed while pouring it.

"Back then, the two of us were almost killed by him, how can we not remember what happened that day. Lu Feng first said that the heroes of the world are only you, me, and him. After saying that, he danced his sword for fun, but he was hiding his murderous intentions. If it wasn't for the evil, Zilong, you and I would have almost died."

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