Han Shimou

Chapter 565 The first wave of ambush

Han Sui attacked seven cities in the northern region, leaving nearly [-] soldiers to guard each. After all, any time Han Sui marched, he would go deep into the enemy's belly.Just in case, Han Sui naturally left a way out.

Han Sui led [-] elite soldiers to continue marching, and his subordinates won consecutive battles, which was due to their morale.A few days later, Han Sui led his troops to a narrow valley road that stretched for nearly two miles.Seeing the steep valley road, Yan Xing's expression froze, and he persuaded Han Sui.

"My lord, this valley road is narrow and long. If Xu Rong lays down an ambush here, our army will be destroyed. Why don't you order the army to take a detour."

Han Sui squinted his soft eyes, looked at it carefully for a while, and then smiled.

"Haha. This valley road is more than ten feet high, and it takes an average man two days to climb to the top of the valley, not to mention that there is nothing to eat on the top of the valley. If it hadn't been arranged early, there would never be a Ambush the army.

And it's only been ten days since we invaded the Northland, how could Xu Rong have time to set up an ambush here?Unless he expected it, I will send troops to attack the Northland.I, Han Wenyue, have never seen such a person who predicts things like a god. Although Xu Rong is quite talented in commanding troops, he is not a god.

What's more, if you take a detour, you will delay your journey for at least ten days.These ten days of vacancy are enough for Xu Rong to deploy heavy troops in the remaining cities and counties to deepen their defenses.It can be said to be very detrimental to our army.Yanming doesn't need to worry too much, he can make the soldiers go straight forward.There is absolutely no possibility of ambush here! "

Han Sui looked confident, and immediately talked about it.Yan Xing was also reasonable, and immediately stopped persuading, and ordered the soldiers to move forward according to the order.

The [-] Korean soldiers walked slowly in the valley like a wandering giant dragon. The valley was really narrow, with high cliffs on both sides, and there were strange noises from time to time.At the beginning, the soldiers were terrified, fearing that there would be a sudden change, and proceeded cautiously. Later, seeing that everything was as usual, they let go of their courage and walked further and further away.

Three hours later, as Han Sui expected, the army did not encounter an ambush. After Han Sui passed the valley road, he led the army to a forest. It was already late at this time, and Han Sui saw that the soldiers were all tired , So he ordered the soldiers to rest in the forest for one night, and then set off tomorrow.

The soldiers and horses of Han Sui's troops stopped one after another, and the soldiers in the army were resting and recuperating in various places in the jungle, or cooking with fire, or patrolling around.Yan Xing saw that the forest was densely covered with trees and branches and leaves, and he was a little uneasy, so he rushed to find Han Sui, wanting to discuss with him to withdraw the soldiers and horses from the forest.

Han Sui laughed again after hearing Yan Xing's words. Yan Xing was too cautious in his words and deeds. The forest is densely covered here, but if there are soldiers and horses moving, there will be a lot of movement.Moreover, there are no traces of soldiers and horses passing by in the surrounding area. If there is really an ambush army, it must have been deployed many days ago.

Yan Xing frowned, he always felt uneasy, and Han Sui seemed to be victorious day after day, arrogance arose, and he was not as cautious as before.

And just as Han Sui's laughter just fell, there was the sound of countless leaves shaking all around, and at the same time there was the sound of dense clashes of weapons and armor.Han Sui turned pale with fright when he heard it, and before he could open his mouth, he heard a shout like thunder coming from not far away.

"Han Wenyue, you attacked the Northland for no reason, showing your evil intentions! General Hushi expected that you would take the opportunity to rebel, and made me wait for a long time. Today, I will take your dog's life and dedicate it to the court! she!!!"

In the dark night, a big man wearing silver armor with a tiger's head yelled loudly. This general was Xu Rong, the prefect of the Northland. There were countless well-armored soldiers densely packed around Xu Rong. Swinging it down, soldiers in all directions immediately pulled up their bowstrings one by one, aimed at Han Sui's soldiers and horses, and shot arrows piercing the air one after another.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! ! ! ! ! !

The arrows fell like a torrential rain, and rushed towards Han Sui's soldiers and horses overwhelmingly.Most of the Han soldiers were resting, and there was no time to dodge for a while, and it was dark at night, so it was impossible to see the direction of the arrows.Thousands of shrill screams could be heard, all of which erupted, and with a round of arrows shooting out, the soldiers of the Korean army rushed to a large area in an instant, pools of blood flew everywhere, dyeing half of the forest red.

Han Sui was so frightened that his soul flew away, he hurriedly hid in the crowd of soldiers, but no matter where he went, there was a terrifying rain of arrows, and the soldiers protecting Han Sui died one after another.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

At this moment, nearly a hundred arrows rushed towards Han Sui from all directions. There were only dozens of soldiers around Han Sui at this time, and those soldiers fought hard to block them, but they were all shot to death.Seeing that Han Sui was about to be swallowed by the rain of arrows, Yan Xing arrived in time, swung the eagle-headed long lance, danced airtightly, and smashed all the arrows, very brave and mighty.

"Come here!!! Hurry up and protect the lord and escape from here!!!"

Yan Xing yelled sharply, and the candidate and Zhang Heng saw that Han Sui was in danger, so he hurriedly led soldiers to protect him.Han Sui rushed into the army and horses, with candidates and Zhang Heng guarding his left and right sides, and led the army to retreat out of the forest.

Xu Rong ordered the crossbowmen to shoot in disorder, and the Han army was shot into chaos by strong bows and crossbows, causing countless casualties.In the surrounding trees, there are at least dozens of arrows inserted into each tree, which is very frightening.Arrows were continuously shot from all directions, seemingly endless. Wen Jun's crossbowmen shot for at least an hour, killing nearly [-] Han soldiers.The jungle is densely covered with the corpses of Korean soldiers, and the blood flowing from the corpses converges to form a coquettish flow of blood.

Under the protection of Candidate and General Zhang Heng, Han Sui hurriedly withdrew from the jungle and walked in embarrassment towards the valley road ahead.Behind them, groups of Han soldiers with uneven armor, bleak faces and horrified eyes followed closely.

Not long after Han Sui had escaped into the valley road, his heart skipped a beat and he stopped walking immediately. The words Yan Xing said to him today suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Not good!!! Quickly retreat!!!"

Han Sui was hailed as the Yellow River with Nine Curves, and his intelligence was superhuman. He immediately thought that there might be an ambush here, and hurriedly ordered the army to retreat.However, the soldiers at the rear just escaped from the tiger's mouth, so how could they go back to die?

The soldiers in the front wanted to retreat, but the soldiers in the rear wanted to move forward. At this moment, the Han army was in chaos again. He rushed to the rear, and if he saw soldiers rushing forward regardless of orders, he immediately raised his knife and chopped them down.

However, the chaos in the Han army didn't last long, and it became extremely silent in an instant.

Rumble boom! ! !

A series of loud noises exploded from a high place, and the soldiers of the Korean army seemed to be so frightened that their souls flew away, and they lost all reason.However, as the loud noise became more and more urgent, those Korean soldiers could no longer bear the fear and fled frantically to the rear.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Three huge stones fell one after another, killing nearly a hundred Han soldiers in time. Flesh and flesh flew out and bounced on the surrounding Han soldiers. The bloody feeling immediately made these Han soldiers even crazier.

"Go away!! Go away!!!"

"Stay out of the way!!!"

"Wow!!! You!!!"

"Crazy!!! All crazy!!! Wow!!! Don't cut me!!!"

In the Han army, you squeeze me, I push you, as long as they can escape a little, these Han soldiers will not hesitate to hack anyone who stands in the way to death.Han Sui was so frightened that his heart was about to jump out when a boulder suddenly fell on top of his head.Han Sui didn't know how to dodge, but luckily the candidate pushed him away in time, otherwise Han Sui would have been smashed to pieces.

boom! ! !

The boulder exploded with a bang, and countless gravels flew violently. Han Sui was hit by dozens of gravels, and his body was covered in blood.Han Sui screamed in pain, the candidate hurriedly helped Han Sui up, and fled towards the valley road.Han Sui's helmet fell off at some point, his hair was disheveled, and his body was covered in blood. In addition, he was so frightened that his face turned pale and he kept making strange noises. Ghost.

Huge boulders kept falling from high altitudes, and Han Sui's escape was full of dangers, and he was almost hit by falling boulders several times.When the boulders were smashed down, the Han soldiers who were still alive in the valley road gave a sigh of relief, and the thick logs rolled down from the cliffs on both sides of the valley road, and the Han soldiers were suddenly frightened like a group of people who were in trouble. The roasted ants are jumping wildly and desperately.

These logs are even more terrifying than the boulders, because the space of the valley road is extremely narrow, and when a log rolls down, it will often hit a large group of Korean soldiers.

In this narrow valley road, shrill screams sounded in succession, accompanied by earth-shattering loud noises.

In just half an hour, the death toll of the Han army had reached thousands.The soldiers of the Han army rushed out to both sides of the valley road like bulls losing their minds, and the Han soldiers who fled to the rear were killed by Xu Rong's soldiers, and immediately retreated into the valley road in fright.Xu Rong led the army to cover up and kill them. After reaching the valley mouth, he deployed a large army to seal the valley mouth tightly. Whenever he saw Han soldiers fleeing, he immediately shot them with random arrows.

Two bloody hours passed.After the last log fell and dozens of Han soldiers were killed, the attack on the valley road stopped suddenly.At this time, there were not many soldiers of the Korean army surviving in the valley road. After a narrow escape, Han Sui finally led the remnant army out of the valley road.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and the valley road was densely packed with bloody corpses. The smell of blood was extremely strong, and even the cold wind that blew past seemed to be stained with blood.

"General, the Han army was so frightened that they lost all morale. They only knew how to flee. Why didn't we continue to chase and kill them?"

A Wen general asked Xu Rong with some doubts.Xu Rong squinted his eyes and replied very coldly.

"Don't chase the poor. If these remnants are forced to a dead end, they will definitely fight with their backs. Even if they can be destroyed, our army will suffer heavy casualties. What's more, the lord has already made other arrangements. Unless Han Wenyue has God's blessing, Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the Northland!"

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