Han Shimou

Chapter 585

Zhao Yun's eyes were fixed, and he didn't blame Li You too much, but sighed slightly.

"Pang Lingming deserves to be a peerless general. In Linjin's battle with the general in the past, I heard that he was undefeated in nearly a hundred rounds with the general. Ma Shoucheng has such a strong general by his side, so it's no wonder he was able to escape.

Don't blame yourself for Li Jijiu, Zhao's battle in Sanshui was carefully planned according to the order of the military adviser, and in the end he was escaped by Nama Mengqi.It seems that the lives of the father and son Ma Shoucheng and Ma Mengqi should not be lost. Letting them escape from Xinping is undoubtedly letting the tiger go back to the mountain. "

Although Ma Teng had nearly [-] troops, almost all of them were buried in Xinping, but don't forget that Ma Teng still has [-] troops in Liangzhou. , In this way, the soldiers under his command will inevitably be in turmoil, even if there are [-] soldiers, they are just a group of mobs.

It's just that no matter how careful the planning is, it's impossible to develop as expected.Ma Teng's escape predestined that Wen Han's future conquest of Liangzhou would never be easy.It seems that Wen Han wants to win the foundation of the world, and there will be many hard battles in the future.

However, this is the case, Wen Han and Cao Cao jointly staged this shocking drama, Wen Han can be said to have gained a lot.Ma Teng and Han Sui, the two vicious tigers entrenched in Yongzhou, had all their claws and teeth pulled out, and Han Sui lost his life even more in the north.There is no doubt that all the land of Yongzhou will fall into Wen Han's hands.

As the wars in Xinping and Beidi ended one after another, Zhao Yun and Xu Rong exchanged information and confirmed that they had completed the tasks assigned by Xi Zhicai. Li You personally wrote the battle report and sent a team of scouts to the border of Bing and Hebei to report to Wen Han.At the same time, Zhao Yun and Xu Rong sent troops to Xinping and Beidi respectively to recover the three counties of Feng Yi, Jingzhao and Hongnong that had been forcibly occupied by Ma Teng and Han Sui.Because in the battles in Xinping and Beidi, Ma Teng and Han Sui almost overthrew their troops and took them away. Therefore, the soldiers left behind in these three counties are almost less than a thousand soldiers. How can they be the opponents of Zhao Yun and Xu Rong's morale? In less than half a month, Zhao Yun and Xu Rong captured the three counties successively without any effort.

Ma Teng and Han Sui's soldiers and horses in Yongzhou were wiped out in Xinping and Beidi. The news quickly spread throughout the counties of Yongzhou. The news was so shocking that it turned the entire Yongzhou upside down.Except for Wen Han, Ma Teng, and Han Sui, the prefects of other cities and counties in Yongzhou were mostly watching the fire from the other side, and almost all of them were waiting for the winner of these three forces to appear before deciding to formally send congratulations to express their surrender.And when the final winner appeared, it could be said that these prefects were astonished and unbelievable.

Ma Teng and Han Sui teamed up to attack Xinping and Beidi. The combined strength of the two sides was 20, while Wen Han's troops in the two counties were only [-]. Moreover, Wen Han's troops were good at fighting and brave, and he was the only one under his command who had the wisdom to strategize The counselor Xi Zhicai was transferred to the border of Bingji to confront Yuan Shao's [-] troops.In such a situation, it stands to reason that Ma Teng and Han Sui have a lot of advantages, so how could they lose so badly!

Especially Han Sui's forces, [-] soldiers, regardless of size, and Han Sui, all died in the Northland.On Ma Teng's side, all the [-] soldiers were wiped out except for a few hundred remnants. Ma Teng and Pound were seriously injured, and Ma Xiu and Ma Tie were even captured by Zhao Yun!

Although these prefects couldn't figure it out for a while, they could still see the current situation clearly. Almost all of them received the same signal in their minds, that Xiliang was about to change.

The so-called change of the sky means changing the master.Because of the precipitous terrain of Xiliang, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the people of Xiliang are rebellious, tough and irritable, Xiliang people have been the masters for hundreds of years.However, judging from the current situation, this big man Hussar General Wen Bufan is very likely to become the first Western Liang lord from other places in hundreds of years.

The prefects of all counties in Yongzhou sent congratulations to Xu Rong and Zhao Yun. Most of the congratulations were almost the same.

So far, Wen Han, the shepherd of Yongzhou, can be regarded as the real power of the entire Yongzhou.

The battle of Yongzhou came to an end for the time being, but half a month ago, due to the epiphany of one person on the border between Hebei and Hebei, the dead silence of the two armies that lasted for nearly two months was suddenly broken.

In Wu'an City, a certain mansion.

Tian Feng closed the door for nearly ten days, sitting quietly and meditating every day, except that every day when the scouts came to report information or when eating, Tian Feng would shake his body, the rest of the time Tian Feng was almost motionless in a state of thinking.

After doing this for ten days, as the scouts retreated, Tian Feng got the same information from the scouts again: the hundred thousand Wenjun soldiers remained silent and guarded the stronghold!

At this time, Tian Feng finally confirmed his previous speculation!

"A play!! This must be a play!!!"

Tian Feng's eyes were bright, he stared wide open, and called out in a concentrated voice.During these ten days, Tian Feng analyzed the cooperation between Wen Han and Cao Cao from beginning to end.Cao Wen teamed up to fight against Yuan Shao. Except for the big gains for Cao Cao's side, Wen Han's side had nothing to gain.

Perhaps the two had previously agreed that if they could defeat Yuan Shao, they would share the three prefectures of Ji, Qing, and You equally.But this guess was soon overthrown by Tian Feng. The reason for the overthrow is very simple. With Cao Cao's current accumulated power, only Yuan Shao can stop the world.Once Yuan Shao is defeated, according to the power Wen Han gathered at that time and the scope of his jurisdiction, Cao Cao will be the next target to be devoured by the waves.

At that time, Wen Han will share three states with Cao Cao, no doubt he will compete with the tiger for prey, and if he sells them carelessly, even his own power will be swallowed up by Cao Cao!

With Wen Han's always cautious and meticulous character, and his counselor's wit and wisdom, it is absolutely impossible not to see the power of it.According to common sense, in order to guard against the winner between Cao Cao or Yuan Shao, Wen Han should take advantage of the fierce battle between the two to expand his power as soon as possible, and accumulate the strength to resist the most powerful prince in the future.

Thinking of this, Tian Feng seemed to notice something instantly.With Cao Wen joining forces, Wen Han will definitely benefit, otherwise Wen Han's move will be self-defeating, raising a tiger for trouble!

After that, Tian Feng thought for a long time and began to analyze what kind of benefits Wen Han could get.Tian Feng soon realized that Wen Han was ordered by the imperial court a year ago to re-appoint the post of Shepherd of Dezhou and become the "nominal" master of Yongzhou. Fang forces, Han Sui and Ma Teng.The combined strength of these two men was [-], occupying the land of Yongzhou, it was clear that they wanted to compete with Wen Han for Yongzhou.If Wen Han doesn't get rid of these two people for a day, the position of the shepherd of Yongzhou is not considered secure.

Therefore, Wen Han should try his best to get rid of these two people and stabilize Yongzhou as soon as possible, so as to expand his power to Yongzhou.But what Tian Feng couldn't figure out was why Wenhan joined forces with Cao Cao to attack Yuan Shao at this very moment!

Tian Feng thought hard on this problem, and after thinking about it for many days, under the reports of the scouts, Tian Feng felt the eerie tranquility of Wen Han's [-] troops in front of him again, and felt a little more.

Wen Han took great pains to transfer so many elite soldiers and good generals, even Xi Zhicai, the only adviser under his command who can take charge of the overall situation, was transferred here, but for more than two months, there was no movement of soldiers and horses, as if deliberately delaying time!

Tian Feng couldn't help being shocked when he thought of this, but also thought that Wen Han was not only delaying time this time, but also tightly entangled Yuan Shao's 20 army, preventing him from participating in the battle with Cao Cao!

For Cao Cao, Cao Wen's cooperation this time has already received great benefits.So, why did Wen Han do this again?Where are his interests?

After that, Tian Feng quickly thought that Wen Han had gathered so many elite soldiers here, so his troops in Xinping and Beidi counties in Yongzhou would be empty. Ma Teng and Han Sui might send troops to attack at this time!Tian Feng expected this, and his mind was shaken suddenly. The nerve thread that seemed to be blocked at first suddenly became extremely smooth with the thought of a thought! ! !

Drunkards don't mean to drink!If Wen Han joined forces with Cao Cao this time, it was not for Yuan Shao at all, but for annihilating the forces of Ma Teng and Han Sui, so what! ! !

Tian Feng's thinking like this is also well-founded.First, although Wen Han was the shepherd of Yongzhou, Ma Teng and Han Sui were both important officials of the imperial court. One was General Zhenxi and the other was General Zhengxi.If Wen Han attacked him rashly without reason, he would be condemned by the princes and wise men all over the world.Destroy all the reputation it has spent so much time and energy gathering over the years.

But on the contrary, if Ma Teng and Han Sui act first, then the notoriety will fall on the two of them.Wen Han can be upright and righteous, and get rid of these two people on the grounds of killing the rebels.

But Ma Teng and Han Sui have a full [-] troops, and there are so many good fighters under their command, it is undoubtedly difficult to kill them.

If Wen Han wanted to do this, why did he go against his own way and gather a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, as well as most of the warriors and sages under his command, here?

Suddenly, a conjecture arises, which makes Tian Feng realize in time.

If Wen Han did it on purpose, so what! ?Wen Han dared not move the [-] army here for a long time, and it is very possible that the [-] army is not completely revealed on the surface, that is to say, Tian Feng thinks that the [-] army must be fake.Later, Tian Feng recalled that he followed the scouts to explore the Wen camp many times before January, and Wen Han learned later that Wen Han densely set up sentry towers and increased the number of scouts around the camp to prevent him from having any scouts approaching the camp.

A bold speculation that once flashed across suddenly appeared in Tian Feng's mind.

If half or more of the 20 troops are disguised as ordinary people, and the extra [-] or more troops are actually hiding in Xinping and Beidi, then it is necessary to punish Ma Teng and Han Sui. Possibilities go from impossible to possible in no time!And because of this, Wen Han didn't dare to order the army to attack lightly, because he simply didn't have enough troops to fight against the [-] Yuan army in Wu'an City!

"Hahahahahaha!! So that's it, I understand, I finally understand!!!!"

Tian Feng looked crazy, stood up suddenly, and laughed loudly.Afterwards, Tian Feng rushed out of the door like a madman, and rushed to Qu Yi's mansion in a hurry.

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