Han Shimou

Chapter 601 There is a female Ma Yi

When Ma Chao felt uncomfortable because he couldn't say anything, Ma Yi turned around and glared at Cheng Gongying again.Cheng Gongying was not afraid of this savage girl, she smiled slightly and held her hand in salute.

"You are Cheng Gongying? In vain, you are still called Xiliang's think tank, and you have resorted to various means to marry your master's wife. The city government has exhausted it, and it really loses its light!"

As soon as Ma Yi opened his mouth, he took off the mask on Cheng Gongying's face, and was reprimanded by such a womanizer with such sharp words.No matter how thick-skinned Cheng Gongying was, she didn't feel ashamed and didn't know the answer for a while.

Cheng Gongying, who was usually as sharp as a knife, was utterly refuted by Ma Yi, and even Liang Xing and Yang Qiu, who were watching from the side, looked dull.

"Little sister, you!!!"

"Brother, shut up! You actually want to exchange my little sister's lifelong happiness for your great cause. In your eyes, what is the difference between my little sister and the weapon in your hand!!?"

When Ma Yi drank it, Ma Chao was worried because he drank it. Ma Chao felt guilty and dared not refute.

Ma Yi showed great power, and insisted on cursing the most outstanding literary and military talents in Xiliang to the point of being speechless.

"Cheng Gongying, if you want me to marry that dog, you must. But I also have a request."

Ma Yi suddenly changed his tone, Ma Chao panicked and was about to open his mouth when Ma Yi stared back.Cheng Gongying restrained herself and asked quickly.

"I don't know what is Miss Ma Yi's request?"

"I heard in the back hall just now, sir, you said that the two armies have had frictions in recent years, and it is better to use marriage to repair the old ones. This is the case, why not do one thing and keep the other, and the two armies will become one army?"

Ma Yi's words were astonishing, Cheng Gongying's face changed drastically in an instant, and Liang Xing and Yang Qiu were even more ready to make a move, but Cheng Gongying stopped him with his eyes.

Don't look at Ma Yi as a girl, her request is a big mouth, she wants Cheng Gongying to take all [-] soldiers from Xiliang to join Ma Teng's forces!

Cheng Gongying's mind turned, and Han Sui spent decades of hard work to build a force, just like this.Cheng Gongying is naturally unwilling, but Han Jin is incompetent and fearful, and what worries Cheng Gongying even more is that at this time, a group of foxes and dogs have gathered around Han Jin. Under the instigation of these traitors, Han Jin is gradually alienating himself. , within three years, Han Jin will ruin Han Sui's family fortune!As a courtier, Cheng Gongying has the ability to help Han Jin become a hero, but Han Jin doesn't trust him, he only believes in his gang of foxes and dogs.

But it would be different if Han Jin was under the control of others. At least he was under the control of others at that time, so he must have restrained himself. Moreover, Ma Yi was deeply loved by Ma Teng and his subordinates. With Ma Yi assisting him, Han Jin could at least do it. Guard of a county.As long as Ma Teng's power persists, then Han Jin can continue to live what he considers to be a fairy-like life and enjoy his old age.

After about half a stick of incense, Cheng Gongying took a deep breath.

"I also hope that Miss Ma Yi will do what she says and marry me to the young master of my family. The day of marriage will be the time for Cheng to lead the army and surrender."

Ma Chao was shocked, and looked at Ma Yi in disbelief. In just a moment, his little sister helped him win [-] soldiers, dozens of soldiers, and Cheng Gongying, a peerless strategist!

"military adviser!!!"

"Shut up! If the lord is still alive, facing today's choice, he will definitely make the same choice as Cheng!!"

Liang Xing and Yang Qiu yelled in unison, Cheng Gongying's face suddenly changed, and he yelled desperately.The roar is full of endless unwillingness, helplessness, and pain!

The person Han Sui loves most in his life is Han Jin. Han Jin is called a dog. If Han Sui wants to change him, take him with him and march and fight with him. He can use the cruelty of the battlefield to hone Han Jin. In the next year, perhaps Han Jin will change from a dog to a tiger.

Cheng Gongying also advised on this.Han Sui also knew this very well, but Han Sui couldn't bear it. Every time he saw Han Jin crying and kneeling, begging with trembling body, Han Sui's heart was cut like a knife, and he wished him to waste his life all the time, and he would not May he suffer in battle.

Han Sui loves Han Jin so much, if Han Jin can be exchanged for his life's well-being and happiness, Han Sui, not to mention his own forces, will even trade his old life without hesitation!

Liang Xing and Yang Qiu gritted their teeth and retreated, standing aside, both showing pain.

"General Ma, Miss Ma Yi. The current situation is urgent, and I hope you can decide on the date of the wedding as soon as possible. If you feel uncomfortable on a bumpy road, you will leave first."

Cheng Gongying seemed to have been drained of all energy, her steps faltered, and she retreated in despair.Ma Chao was so happy that he was almost dancing, there are [-] Xiliang soldiers!It's easy to get without breaking a sweat.Moreover, there are super strategists like Cheng Gongying with shocking strategies.

Seeing Cheng Gongying's resignation, Ma Chao hurriedly set off to see him off, his face full of joy, as if he had completely forgotten about Ma Yi's marriage.

Ma Chao gradually left the hall with Cheng Gongying, Liang Xing, Yang Qiu and others.

"Hehe. No wonder my mother told me since I was a child that in this troubled world, my daughter's life is the most difficult. Now I finally understand the deep meaning of my mother. Even if it is my elder brother who loves me so much in the past, in terms of power and status In front of him, he will abandon me without hesitation."

Ma Yi gave a wry smile, and two tear stains ran across her beautiful face, which hit the veil, forming two traces of water.

Pound saw that his heart seemed to be twisted into a ball, and his mountain-like body trembled.Pound's fists were clenched, and if it was said that the person who had the most opinion on Ma Yi's marriage in the palace just now, it must be Pound.

Pang De had long fallen in love with this clever girl who was unruly yet cute, loyal and quite organic.But their identities are different, and Pound has always kept his love in the deepest part of his heart.The Ma family had a deep love for him, and Pang De was a person who received a drop of water and would repay it with a spring.Therefore, Pang De owed a lot to the Ma family, and he always hoped to repay his kindness, help the Ma family achieve a great cause, and when the power was stabilized, he would propose marriage to Ma Teng.

However, Ma Teng has been fighting continuously over the years, licking blood at the edge of his knife, and it has been seven or eight years since Pound passed. Until now, a stable life seems to be even more distant.

Watching Ma Yi grow bigger and bigger, she looks more and more slim and proud.While Pang De was happy, he was more anxious and afraid, fearing that Ma Yi would not escape his fate and become a victim of politics.Sure enough, later Ma Yi was taken by the vicious Han Sui. Han Sui saw the huge influence that Ma Yi could have on Ma Teng's forces, and Han Suiyu wanted to use the means of marriage to strengthen his relationship with Ma Teng. Secondly, I also hope that Ma Yi will become Han Jin's good wife, assisting Han Jin to take over his future position.At that time, Pang De learned that he was so anxious that he almost couldn't bear to propose marriage to Ma Teng several times, but just when Pang De decided to pay attention, he heard Ma Teng angrily shouting at Han Sui, saying that Ma Yi was not only the apple of his eye , and he is also an effective soldier under his command. It is a time of war and Liangzhou has not been peaceful for a day. He will never consider Ma Yi's marriage.Therefore, Pang De suppressed his mind again, waiting for Liangzhou to calm down.

However, just after Liangzhou was pacified, it happened that Dong Zhuo hijacked Han Xiandi and entered Chang'an. Later, Li urged Guo Si to manipulate Chao Gang, and Ma Teng and Han Sui raised righteous troops to attack him, and fought again and again.Moreover, not long after the stability was settled, Cao Cao, Wen Han, and Lu Bu made troubles in Yongzhou again, and Ma Teng raised his troops again. Finally, they were defeated in Xinping by Zhao Yun, Zhou Cang, Li You and others, and fled back to Liangzhou.

For a long time, Pang De never had the opportunity to express his feelings for Ma Yi.Right now Liangzhou is at stake, and God made a big joke with him again.To solve the crisis in Liangzhou, Ma Yi has to be paid as a price!

Pound's heart seemed to die and shatter in an instant.He froze in place, even Ma Chao, Cheng Gongying and the others didn't realize it.And when he saw Ma Yi's tears, countless fragments of that shattered heart seemed to pierce his body, like thousands of arrows piercing through his body at the same time.

Ma Yi turned around slowly, and it happened that on Pound's dark red majestic face, two tears were streaked down. Perhaps Pound was in too much pain and didn't even realize the tears were flowing down.

Ma Yi lightly lifted Yulian, and walked towards Pang De with great distress.This simple and honest tough guy, from childhood to adulthood, obeyed her orders, Ma Yi told him to go east, he would never go west.He almost responded to Ma Yi's request. When Ma Yi was young, she was very curious. She wanted to steal the family's most precious brocade silver lion tooth gun several times to play with. This treasure gun was Ma Teng's heart. Even Ma Chao, Ma Teng only showed him it once, and told him not to get close to the Jinyinshi Yaqiang.Ma Teng's family education is very strict, and when he loses his temper, no matter how much he loves him, he will be ruthless in enforcing the family rules.Ma Chao, Ma Tie, and Ma Xiu all endured many family laws when they were young, so they dare not disobey Ma Teng.But Ma Yi is the only one who is eccentric and often offends Ma Teng's tiger beard.

Once, she instructed Pound to steal the brocade and silver lion tooth gun.Pound didn't dare, Ma Yi was so angry that she left Pound alone and went to steal it by herself.Fearing that Ma Yi would be punished, Pang De followed Ma Yi to steal the brocade silver lion tooth gun.Unexpectedly, Ma Teng found out that Pound was severely punished by Ma Teng, and his butt was beaten to pieces.Afterwards, Ma Teng knew that Pound's temperament would never disobey the family rules he set, and there must be someone behind the scenes. Ma Teng asked Pound three times, but Pound didn't say anything, and he was subjected to the family law three more times. He couldn't get up for half a month.Afterwards, Ma Yi learned that after three days and three nights of crying beside Pound's bed, Ma Teng found out that his precious daughter was behind the scenes.So far, Ma Yi treats Pang De as his own brother.

"Brother Pang, if my younger sister leaves Didao, will you miss her?"

Ma Yi stretched out his hand to gently wipe Pound's face, feeling the warmth of Ma Yi's white jade hand, Pang De felt as if he had been hit by an electric shock, his whole body was paralyzed, and he twitched frequently.

As Ma Yi grew older, men and women were different, such an intimate act, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time.

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