Han Shimou

Chapter 605 Black Wind Fights the Hu Thief Again

Fang Tian's painted halberd seemed to be filled with strong blood, and he leaped across the sky, stabbing straight at Beigonghu's heart.Bei Gonghu hastily blocked it with his saber, his eyes widened, and he let out a shout.


Beigonghu was born with supernatural power and was a famous strongman in the Western Qiang. With all his strength, he was able to block Zhang Liao's thunderous blow.Zhang Liao's sword was suddenly exposed, he drew Fang Tian's painted halberd, and launched an offensive again.Fang Tian's halberd, slashing or chopping was like a strong wind, Bei Gonghu resisted desperately, the more he blocked, the more frightened he became.

The speed of this Liao attack is really frightening, the moves are done in one go, without any interruption at all, killing Bei Gonghu secretly screaming.

The five-stroke offensive was over in an instant, Bei Gonghu was on par with Zhang Liao only in strength, but not only inferior to Zhang Liao in agility.Zhang Liao's five offensive moves all left serious injuries on Bei Gonghu's body.Seeing that Zhang Liao stopped his moves, Bei Gonghu gave a nasty roar, concentrated all his strength in one arm, swung his saber to look at Zhang Liao's head, and began to chop.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao intentionally showed a gap, seeing Bei Gonghu's sword was about to hit, Zhang Liao quickly dodged in a blink of an eye, and the sword slashed dangerously close to Zhang Liao's body.

As soon as Zhang Liao stopped castration, he was half off the horse at this time, but with incredible horsemanship, he kicked on the saddle and drew Fang Tian's painting halberd.Fang Tian's painted halberd flew across Beigonghu's neck like a thunderbolt.

A stream of blood suddenly rose, Bei Gonghu stared, his face was full of disbelief, he opened and closed his mouth, and the blood gushed out.Zhang Liao turned around, sat on the horse, raised the halberd again, and struck Bei Gonghu's heart impressively.Bei Gonghu immediately fell off his horse and fell to the ground. He couldn't die anymore.

Zhang Liao killed the Beigong tiger, slapped his mount, and killed Chao Chao, the chaotic Qiang soldiers in the sea of ​​flames.In the blazing night, Zhang Liao fought non-stop, fighting all the way in, as if he had a sharp edge, within the Chaos of the Qiang soldiers, as if entering the land of no one, he killed and smashed away casually.

Almost half of the Qiang soldiers led by Bei Gonghu died in the sea of ​​fire, and countless people were trampled to death. In addition, the arrows around Juegu were like thunder, and only a few hundred people managed to escape.

On the other hand, another Qiang soldier was looting grain. A Qiang general saw that the luggage was extremely heavy, so he asked the soldiers to open it and found that the grain cart was full of boulders.

"This grain truck is fake!!!

The Qiang general cried out, and then remembered that the Beigong tiger was chasing a Han general, and suddenly saw flames rising three miles away, and exclaimed again.

"No, I got caught!! The general is in danger!!!"

Two screams in succession immediately caused the Qiang soldiers to panic. The Beigong family belongs to the big clan of the Western Qiang. A Beigonghong had already died before. If it was the Beigonghu, it would be a loss.Then in their army, from the top to the soldiers, down to the soldiers, they all have to bear Bei Gong's wrath.The Qiang generals drank Qiang language in a loud voice, and led a group of troops to rescue them in a panic.

At this moment, on both sides of the road, there was a loud sound of shouting and killing, and two teams of thousands of Han soldiers came suddenly.A general on the left, with two heavy hammers in his hand, charged the fastest.A Qiang general was rushing into the room, and when he met the Han general with two hammers, he was about to raise his knife to slash. Take a break.Suddenly, a sledgehammer slammed away, directly hitting the Qiang General's chest, and with a loud bang, the Qiang General flew away with the sound like an arrow off a string.The Qiang general flew several meters, hit his head on the ground, and died on the spot.

The Han general with the two hammers was Hu Che'er, and Hu Che'er only killed one general with one move, which shocked the audience and caused the Qiang soldiers around him to retreat in a loud crash.Immediately, thousands of Han soldiers swarmed in. Some Qiang generals, seeing the strength of the Han army, had no intention of saving Bei Gonghu, so they hurriedly led the soldiers back.But some Qiang generals were afraid of the Beigong Tiger, so they suffered and fought desperately.

Therefore, the chaotic situation of the Qiang soldiers was even more out of control. Under the brave fighting of the Han army, it can be said that the army was defeated like a mountain.

Furthermore, soon, a man riding a fast horse and holding a halberd will gallop through the mountains at high speed, and fly down from a mountain path, like a god general descending into the world, and kills the rebellious army.This general was Zhang Liao who rushed over quickly, and the two Qiang generals couldn't react in time, so they were knocked off the horse by Zhang Liao.

As soon as Zhang Liao appeared, many Qiang soldiers recognized this terrifying killing god, and their panic became even more flustered. They couldn't stop their fear and fled in all directions.Zhang Liao and Hu Che'er rushed eastward and westward in the rebellious army, while the Han army rushed in wolves, flying and killing non-stop, covering up and killing them all the way.The Qiang soldiers were killed so that they threw away their helmets and armor, ran away with their heads in their arms, and fled in despair.

The Han army fought until dawn before retreating.Zhang Liao and Hu Che'er commanded the soldiers to clean up the battlefield. Two hours later, Hu Che'er reported to Zhang Liao that more than [-] Qiang people died last night. There are more than [-] Qiang people under the Zhihan army.

There were so many Qiang people, Zhang Liao couldn't help being startled, he didn't dare to rush in again, he led his troops to temporarily guard one place, closely guarding the food and grass, and sent scouts to notify the army coming from behind.

The Qiang people were defeated repeatedly, and the remnant soldiers fled in a panic. They met a Qiang Hu cavalry team. In the team, there was a big man with a tiger head and a blue armor, with a tiger head and a tiger brain.This big man is Bei Gonghu, Bei Gonghong's brother, Bei Gong Jiyue.

Beigong Jiyue saw that the remnant soldier was in such a panic, she hurriedly rode his horse and led the army to stop it. The Qiang generals in the remnant soldier were startled when they saw Beigong Jiyue, and hurriedly knelt down.

When Beigong Jiyue asked what was going on, General Qiang reported the defeat of the two days one by one.Beigong Jiyue heard that her younger brother Bei Gonghong had been killed, and Bei Gonghu's life was unknown, she was furious, and with a terrible roar, she fell off her horse in extreme grief.All the soldiers hurriedly rescued them.

"Erma had previously ordered that the Han people were treacherous. This time, they can only harass and attack, and must not attack rashly!! Why is there such a disastrous defeat!!"

Beigong Jiyue rested for a while, her anger was suppressed for a while, her tiger eyes were red, and she shouted and asked.

"General, calm down. Two days ago, the three generals saw a team of supplies. They thought it must be the food and grass of Wen Bufan's army. They discussed with the last general and others, and wanted to burn the food. The last general and others saw that the food team was full of food. The infantry, and the Erma Qiang Hu cavalry come and go like the wind, so naturally they are not afraid. Therefore, they are all strategies to respond to the three generals.

At night, the three generals led [-] cavalry to sneak attack at night. As the three generals expected, the Han army was in chaos, and dozens of grain carts were set on fire.But I didn't know that there was a Han general in the grain team, who seemed to have expected an attack early on, and the soldiers were ready to attack, and the momentum came.That Han general was even more brave. Before the last general could react, the three generals had already been killed by him.Once the three generals died, the soldiers were in chaos, so they were defeated.

The last general was defeated and fled. When the second general learned of this, Lei Ting was furious and wanted to raise his troops to avenge the third general.It happened to be dark at night, and the grain team of the Han army was advancing again. Some soldiers saw that the Han general who killed the three generals was in the grain team, and quickly reported to the second general.

The second general led the last general and so on to rob grain again. As soon as the second general saw the Han general, he only cared about avenging the third general and led a team to chase and kill him.He also ordered the last general to lead a team to grab grain.Unexpectedly, this was a trick of the Han people, those grain carts were full of huge rocks, and the second general was led by the Han general to set fire to an ambush.When the last general waited to rob food, he was also ambushed by the Han army, so he was defeated again. "

"How much does the horse damage!?"

Beigong Jiyue took a deep breath, widened her eyes, and asked hastily.

"Except for hundreds of people in Erma, all the rest were killed!"

Na Qiang's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes were frightened, and he bowed his head weakly to report.

"Yaqianerlang!!! Almost gone!!! The third brother made a mistake, the second brother is reckless!!!"

Beigong Jiyue raised her head and screamed, and at the same time, resentment gathered in her heart, wishing to swallow that Han army alive!But Beigong Jiyue hadn't lost her mind yet. First, the general Ma was collected in a mountain tribe, and then he sent people to find out about his second brother Bei Gonghu and the Han army food team, and at the same time sent people to inform his uncle Beigong Jiyu.

Beigong Jiyu is the current leader of the Western Qiang. As for Beigong Jiyue, Beigonghu, and Beigonghong, they are all the sons of Beigong Boyu, the former master of the Western Qiang.

Beigong Jiyue searched for two days, but there was no news about the Han army grain team, as if it disappeared suddenly.As for Beigonghu, Qianghu's scouts found his body in a dead valley.When Beigong Jiyue heard about it, her second younger brother also died. Apart from being sad, her hatred for Wen Bufan's soldiers and horses increased sharply.

At the same time, on the other side, Guan Yu led 800 black wind cavalry to arrive first, Zhang Liao and Hu Che'er couldn't help being startled, sighing secretly that the soldiers and horses came so quickly, they greeted them quickly.However, Zhang Liao frowned when he saw that there were only [-] soldiers coming. The number of Qiang and Hu soldiers on the road ahead was unknown, but at least it would not be less than [-].Moreover, there are only [-] cavalry of the Qianghu cavalry, how can they resist?

Guan Yu turned over and fell off the horse. He saw Zhang Liao and Hu Che'er had doubts on their faces.

"Are you waiting to doubt the urgent call of a thousand and eight people?"

Zhang Liao and Hu Che'er looked at each other, Guan Yu's [-] black wind cavalry were well-known, and they could even be said to be the best cavalry in the world.But even so, the small number in this army is really unimaginable, and it can solve the urgent situation at hand.

Guan Yu's prestige is only under Wen Han's. Neither Zhang Liao nor Hu Che'er dared to refute in front of Guan Yu.Seeing that the two were speechless for a while, Guan Yu laughed again.

"Can Wenyuan borrow General Hu from Guan? Within two days, Guan will be able to remove all obstacles on your way!"

Guan Yu's words were astonishing, and he looked confident, which made Zhang Liao feel a little bit more confident after being horrified.

At present, the progress of the grain team is blocked, and in this way, the progress of the entire army will be slowed down.Bing is expensive and fast, and wars are ever-changing. Often, a certain factor will affect the overall situation, or even the outcome of the entire war.

However, Zhang Liao had already sent someone to notify the rear army, and sent Guan Yu to come, it must be Wen Han's decision.Wen Han has always acted cautiously, and this move must have its deep meaning.

"So, the last general will wait for the good news from General Guan!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Guan Yu laughed loudly, and the [-] black wind riders behind him suddenly burst out with murderous aura like a sea tide.Since the establishment of Heifengqi, there have been nearly a hundred battles with the Qiang and Hu people, and thousands of Qiang people died under the arrows of Heifengqi in each battle.

If you really want to talk about which army and horse killed the most Qiang people in the world, it must be the Black Wind Cavalry without a doubt!And because Wen Han has an inexplicable deep hatred for the Qiang people, and because Heifengqi once fought in the Beihu territory and saw with his own eyes how the Qiang people abused the Han captives, the hatred for them can be said to be deep into the bone marrow.

Once it is proposed to fight the Qiang people, the Black Wind Cavalry, no matter how big or small, will burst out with such a strong fighting spirit that it will shock the world and weep ghosts and gods!It was as if he wanted to kill him until his blood flowed into rivers, the corpses were everywhere, and the corpses piled up like a mountain before he would stop!

Guan Yu and Hei Fengqi disarmed and unloaded their saddles, and rested until late at night. During these six hours, with Guan Yu as the top and bottom soldiers, they all closed their eyes and rested their minds, recharging their energy, as if a violent killing spree was brewing. meaning.Zhang Liao, Hu Che'er and other soldiers did not dare to disturb them, they walked lightly wherever they passed by, sometimes a certain Heifeng knight opened his eyes, and the murderous aura as deep as a deep pool made people's hearts twitch , cold all over.

The night was the same, Guan Yu stepped out of the tent, and at the same time, the [-] black wind riders all stepped out together as if they had a tacit understanding.Hu Che'er waited for a long time, and came in a hurry. Guan Yu asked a few questions quickly, all about where there are Qiang tribes around here.Hu Che'er pointed to three places based on his memory, Guan Yu nodded slightly, and ordered the three teams of Heifengqi, each with dozens of people, to explore.

Half an hour later, the three teams of Black Wind Knights all came back and reported one by one.Among these three places, a team of Heifeng cavalry found a tribe with tens of thousands of Qiang soldiers, including more than 8000 Qiang and Hu cavalry troops.

Guan Yu squinted Danfeng's eyes, lifted the Qinglong Yanyue knife and mounted the horse vigorously. The red rabbit horse neighed, galloped away with all four hooves, and flew away carelessly.Hu Che'er hurriedly followed behind, and [-] black wind cavalry came out to help out. Under the cover of night, the pair of armored horses were all pitch-black cavalry, as if they had become one with the night.

The wind is blowing, and the water is cold.When the moon is dark and the wind is high, people can't help but sigh, what a night to kill!

Guan Yu led the army to run non-stop between the mountains and forests and flat roads, Hu Che'er guided the way, took some small paths, avoiding Qiang Hu's scouts, and acted as a guide.The rapid sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded everywhere on the earth.At the third watch of the night, Guan Yu led his people to a Qianghu tribe on a certain hill, surrounded by horses.

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