Han Shimou

Chapter 623 Cheng Gongying Plans to Defeat Zhang Wenyuan

"It is rumored that this piece of Wenyuan has captured the essence of Wang Lu Fengxian's martial arts. Seeing him today, this statement is true. This piece of Wenyuan's aura is [-]% to [-]% of that of the general king back then!"

Pang De shook his spirits, and suddenly, Fang Tian's painting halberd stabbed like lightning, Pang De hurriedly raised the knife to block it, and just blocked it, as if his soul had been hit, and he saw a blood-armored giant roaring at him.At the same time, Fang Tian flicked the lion's head machete with a halberd, accelerated instantly, and stabbed at Pound's heart.

"Awwhhhhh!!! Zhang Wenyuan, you are so crazy, look at the knife!!"

With the sound of Pound's lion roar, his majestic aura suddenly exploded, the lion-headed machete stopped the castration, and Pound slashed vigorously.Zhang Liao's expression changed, and the roaring appearance of a giant lion seemed to rise from the lion-headed machete.

Bang! ! !

The two weapons collided with each other, and Fang Tian's painted halberd and lion-headed machete swung away in an instant.The two mounts retreated relatively violently due to the force of the recoil.Zhang Liao retreated nearly five meters, Fang Tian thrust his halberd into the ground and stopped the castration.As for Pang De retreated about seven or eight meters, he also stopped the castration.

It was at this time that Ma Dai rushed forward suddenly, slapping his horse and swinging a knife. Pang De heard the sound of hooves behind his back and knew that Ma Dai had come to help him, so he rushed forward.Zhang Liao saw Pang De and Ma Dai attacking one from the left and one from the right, his tiger eyes were frightened, and he galloped his horse to meet him.Seeing that Zhang Liao was rushing towards him in an instant, he was even more preemptive. Fang Tian drew his halberd and stabbed at Ma Dai's throat.Pound roared violently, and raised his knife to block it. Ma Dai had a tacit understanding, and took the opportunity to slash Zhang Liao's chest with the knife.Seeing this, Zhang Liao wanted to withdraw his halberd to block it, but Pang De suddenly exerted force and violently suppressed Fang Tian's painted halberd.Ma Dai's treasured sword was about to strike, Zhang Liao hurried to avoid it, the precious sword cut a fire mark on Zhang Liao's armor.

Zhang Liao was startled, if he hadn't avoided it in time, his chest would have been cut in half by Ma Dai.Zhang Liao didn't dare to continue to show off his bravery, so he swept Fang Tian's painted halberd with all his strength, fought five bouts with Pang De and Ma Dai, and fled in a hurry.

Pang De chased after him, and Ma Dai ordered the army to cover up and kill them quickly.Nearly [-] troops from Xiliang rushed over like huge waves, Zhang Liao hurried back to the formation, seeing the strength of the Xiliang army, he ordered the army to retreat quickly.Fortunately, the soldiers in Zhang Liao's army were well-trained. Although the situation was urgent, they were still able to maintain their formation.The [-] Xiliang army crushed the sky and the earth, rushing madly, the soldiers of Zhang Liao's army who fled at the end, under Zhang Liao's order, disarmed and abandoned their troops, and the Xiliang soldiers who were chasing ahead saw and robbed them.As a result, Xiliang's army became disorganized, and Zhang Liao's army fled quickly, only losing hundreds of troops.

Pang De saw that the soldiers of Zhang Liao's army were calm in the face of danger and retreated in an orderly manner.On the contrary, the soldiers of the self-army, who abandoned the enemy to snatch a small piece of armor, were like bandits and thieves, and they were so angry that they kept shouting and cursing.Several Xiliang soldiers were severely punished by Pang De.

The Xiliang army pursued and killed Zhang Liao's army all the way to his camp, but Zhang Liao did not dare to return to the camp, so he retreated back to Pingxiang City and ordered his soldiers to guard against the Xiliang army's attack on the city.

Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted, Pound took Zhang Liao's camp and ordered the soldiers to rest.On the next day, Pang De and Ma Dai led an army to besiege. Pingxiang City was in a difficult terrain and was an important pass to the hinterland of Liangzhou, so Ma Teng repeatedly reinforced Pingxian County.The city of Pingxiang is strong and the trenches are deep and dangerous, so they cannot be attacked urgently.The [-] Xiliang army surrounded for ten days in a row and could not break through.

Ma Dai was afraid that Wen Han's army would rush to Pingxiang to meet him, so he came to discuss with Pang De.Pang De looked at Pingxiang for many days, and at this time he happened to have a plan in mind.Ma Dai happened to ask a question, and Pang De answered it.

"The soil in Pingxiang City is hard, water, and alkaline. It is unbearable to eat, and there is no firewood. The army and the people are starving after ten days of siege. It is better to withdraw the army for the time being. As long as this is the case, Pingxiang City is at your fingertips."

When Ma Dai heard this, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed happily.

"General Pang, this is a great plan! The last general will rush to give orders."

Ma Dai was so happy that he withdrew the account, and immediately sent the "Ling" flag to all the departments in the army to teach him to retreat, and Pang De personally cut off the rear.All the troops and horses gradually retreated.When Zhang Liao went to the city to see the next day, he saw that the Xiliang army had all retreated, and his face became suspicious.Then Zhang Liao sent someone to spy on him, and he really went away, so he was relieved.

Later, he reported to Zhang Liao, the general of the Ministry, that the soldiers and civilians in the city had not had drinking water or firewood for cooking for many days, and the famine was pressing, so they hoped that Zhang Liao would open the city to rescue them.As soon as this part was mentioned, Zhang Liao subconsciously ordered to open the city gate.

But suddenly, Zhang Liao's expression froze, as if he had thought of something.

If the city gate is opened, the army and civilians will be driven out of the city gate after starving for ten days. At that time, the population will be complex. If Pang Lingming sends a troop to mix in with the army and civilians, how can the defenders of the city find out!

Zhang Liao's heart tightened, his brain turned, and after thinking for a while, he came up with a countermeasure, and smiled brightly.

"Haha. I didn't expect that there is a conspiracy in the belly of the man. It is so, I might as well use the plan!"

Zhang Liao even ordered the soldiers and civilians to go out of the city to collect firewood and water, and opened the gates of the city wide to let people in and out.On the fifth day, the scouts urgently reported that the Xiliang army had arrived again, and the soldiers and civilians rushed into the city, but Zhang Liao still closed the city and stood firm.

At about three o'clock in the night, a group of people suddenly poured out from the west gate of the city. They were piled up straw and dry firewood under the city, and when they were about to light a fire, suddenly countless lights lit up all around.

"Sure enough, as General Zhang expected, Xiliang thieves really infiltrated the city! All soldiers obeyed orders and shot them with random arrows!!!"

Suddenly, there was a sneer, and the group of people immediately panicked and fled in all directions.It's just that they had just started to run, when countless bowstrings burst out everywhere, and thousands of arrows were fired, killing most of this group of people in an instant.Among the people and horses, Ma Dai was among them. He and several big men rushed to the city gate while avoiding the rain of arrows.A member of the general Wen found out, and hurriedly led a team to intercept it.

Ma Dai was so anxious and angry that he turned his head and howled like a lion being driven to a dead end!

"Awwhhhhhh!!! Those who stand in my way will die!!!!"

That Wenjiang was intimidated by Ma Daixiao, and he was caught off guard. Ma Dai raised his knife and hacked him to death with one knife.Ma Dai is as brave as a lion, frightening the soldiers of the Wen army. Ma Dai rushed away, killed and scattered the military academy, and when he came to the gate of the city, Zhang Liao's men and horses rushed to him and rushed away.Seeing that they were about to become a turtle in a urn, Ma Dai and several big men tried their best to pull the city gate, and the city gate opened slightly.

Pang De was waiting outside the city when he saw the city gate open and immediately ordered the soldiers to pass through the gate.The army rushed, but the city gate opened for a while, then stopped, only a few figures jumped down the moat, and then there was no movement.Seeing this, Pang De ordered the soldiers to stop, but they rushed too fast, nearly [-]% of the troops in front fell into the moat.

At this time, Zhang Liao had already led his troops up to the gate of the city. Seeing the chaos of the Xiliang army below the city, he ordered the crossbowmen to shoot arrows and kill them.The arrows on the city were like a torrential rain, falling continuously.The troops in the front of the Xiliang Army retreated in a panic, and the rear was blocked by the sergeants in the middle, so they were in chaos.After several rounds of arrow rain, nearly half of the troops in the front of the Xiliang Army died, and there were endless screams.

Zhang Liao drew his bow on the city, aimed at Pang De who was in the rebellious army, and shot an arrow.The arrow flew away like lightning, and Pang De was stabilizing the sergeant, when suddenly a gust of wind hit the door, he quickly raised his knife and slashed the arrow, smashing the arrow.

Seeing that Zhang Liao hadn't succeeded, he fired three more arrows in succession. Pang De had been on guard for a long time and smashed all three arrows.At the same time, Ma Dai has been rescued from the river by soldiers. Seeing that the army is in chaos, Pang De is about to retreat.

At this time, Zhang Liao laughed loudly in the city.

"Hahaha. Pang Lingming, Zhang has already seen through your plan. Today is your fate. In the coming day, I, Zhang Wenyuan, will kill you!"

Pound gritted his steel teeth angrily, suppressed his anger, and ordered the soldiers to withdraw without replying.As for Zhang Liao, he didn't dare to attack rashly because of the lack of troops in Gucheng, so he didn't send troops to pursue him, and let the Xiliang army retreat.

Pang De lost nearly [-] soldiers and horses tonight. In addition to Ma Dai's previous defeat, nearly [-] troops were lost.Pang De saw that the battle situation was unfavorable and it was difficult to break through the city guarded by Zhang Liao, so he sent an urgent letter to Ma Chao.

Two days later, Ma Chao received the letter and heard that the front vanguard army was blocked by Zhang Liao's only [-] troops, and they suffered repeated defeats, losing nearly [-] troops.Ma Chao was so angry that he was about to abandon the army and rush to the front line to help in the battle.Cheng Gongying hurriedly stopped Ma Chao, and volunteered to go.Ma Chao was overjoyed, so he ordered Cheng Gongying to go to the front line first.Cheng Gongying drove non-stop, starry night, and rushed to Dazhai, Xiliang, outside Pingxiang City two days later.

Cheng Gongying came here in a hurry, and was exhausted after a long journey, but Cheng Gongying did not go to rest, and was anxious to discuss with Pang De and Ma Dai.Pound told all about his previous failures, Cheng Gongying secretly marveled at the extraordinaryness of this piece of Wen Yuan, and felt a little worried in his heart.

This time Wen Han attacked Liangzhou, in addition to Zhang Liao, he also had Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, two wise and brave generals, both of whom were victorious generals, and Zhang Liao could deal with it like this, not to mention that these two were more difficult A shocking general with more than several times.

Cheng Gongying sighed slowly, and quickly analyzed the information about Zhang Liao in his mind. Zhang Liao was brave and resourceful, with almost no flaws.But he is still a mortal after all, how could he be invincible.After thinking about it for half an hour, Cheng Gongying made a plan and called Pang De and Ma Dai to teach him so and so.

Pang De and Ma Dai burst into joy, and even called Cheng Gongying as wise as a god!

In the early morning of the next day, Pang De led the army to the city of Pingxiang, set up a formation, and called Zhang Liao to fight.Seeing that Xiliang's army was strong, Zhang Liao couldn't bear it.Unexpectedly, Pang De played a scoundrel, mentioning the evil deeds of Zhang Liao's former general Wang Lu Bu, and saying that Zhang Liao's aid to evil was unjust, and he cursed his three generations.All the soldiers in the city were furious. Several Zhang Liao's confidant generals came forward to remonstrate and wanted to raise troops to go down to the pass to fight.

Zhang Liao turned a deaf ear to the scolding and said coldly.

"There is no need to get angry, this is Pang Lingming's aggressive method. He wants me to abandon the city and fight with the army. I will not do what he wants, you must not fight. When the lord's army comes, I will naturally kill him. Do not stay behind!"

Zhang Liao didn't fall for the trick, he let Pang De insult him, Pound scolded him heartily, and made the sergeants take turns to scold him day and night.After scolding Lu Bu, they scolded Chen Gong, and then Wen Han, so all the soldiers in the city were angry and agitated.Many soldiers wanted to fight, so they sued Zhang Liao.Although Zhang Liao was full of resentment, he still suppressed his impulse and stopped the soldiers.

On the fourth day, the Xiliang army scolded from morning to noon. The Xiliang army was exhausted from scolding, and rested on the grass outside the city.A soldier came to report to Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao rushed to the city to have a look. Sure enough, he saw that the Xiliang army had abandoned their horses and sat on the grass in front of the pass. Most of them were sleepy, so they lay down on the ground.

At this point, many officers and soldiers remonstrated again, Zhang Liao had been scolded for the past four days and felt irritable, but he wanted to suppress his anger to appease the officers and soldiers, his temper suddenly flared up, and his thoughts were not as tight as usual.

Seeing that the Xiliang army was exhausted, Zhang Liao was ready to kill, so he taught him how to prepare horses, ordered [-] cavalry to go out of the city, and went to the grassland to kill the Xiliang army.The soldiers from Xiliang deserted their horses and left their spears. Zhang Liao shouted angrily, and dancing with Fang Tian's painted halberd, he chased after him.The soldiers behind him all shouted angrily, and the anger and hatred accumulated for many days seemed to explode at this moment.

The [-] cavalry chased and killed the Xiliang army, and there was a lot of blood and blood in the Xiliang army. Zhang Liao just killed the Xiliang army to relieve his anger, and was about to turn the Xiliang army upside down before he could stop.Unexpectedly, suddenly, with the sound of a drum, two armies came out from behind the mountain: Pang De on the left and Ma Dai on the right. Zhang Liao's complexion changed suddenly.But at this time, six thousand cavalry troops were deep into the rebellious Xiliang army, and they suddenly wanted to flee, so there was no room for them.When the Xiliang soldiers in the rebel army saw the two armies approaching, they immediately stopped their escape and went to Zhang Liao's army to kill them.Zhang Liao fought and broke through, rushing left and right all the way, desperate to get out.After a while, Pang De and Ma Dai led the army to kill, and the surrounding area was filled with water.Zhang Liao's blood-cloaked robe was so deep that six thousand cavalrymen were swallowed by the Xiliang army in an instant. Zhang Liao charged dozens of times. His battle robe was riddled with holes and dozens of wounds. After entering the city, Zhang Liao discovered that there were less than [-] of the [-] cavalry left.But Zhang Liao had just entered the city, before he had time to catch his breath, soldiers came to report that Xiliang soldiers were rushing towards the north gate, Zhang Liao immediately made a decision, led the soldiers in the city, fled to the south gate, and abandoned the city.

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