Han Shimou

Chapter 628 Wen Han fell ill

"Hehe, if the Marquis is thirsty for talents, if Zhong Yun sincerely votes, how can the Marquis refuse to accept it? But you come into my tent first, and tell me about the affairs of Liangzhou in detail, and then I will introduce you to the Marquis. how?"

"I would like to follow Tangshu's arrangement."

Wang Ke nodded heavily, and then rushed to the tent with Li You.After the two talked for about half an hour, Li You was overjoyed and brought Wang Ke to see Wen Han.Wen Han was just worried about the current war, but after hearing Li Youyou's recommendation, he quickly pulled himself together and called him to come see him.Li You brought Wang Ke into the account, Wang Ke was very humble, first saluted and gave his name.

While helping Wang Ke up, Wen Han scrutinized Wang Ke carefully. This Wang Ke was probably in his early thirties, with an ordinary appearance and a slightly vulgar temperament.But only his pair of eyes are very bright and smart.

Since this Wang Ke was recommended by Li You, there must be something extraordinary about it. Wen Han was thinking about what kind of position he would give him, when suddenly Wang Ke bowed and bowed, saying that he had something to report.Wen Han's face darkened, and he saw Li You behind him with a mysterious smile on his face.

Wen Han immediately asked Wang Ke to speak freely. Wang Ke told Ma Chao about opening the granary in Liangzhou, reducing taxes and other measures to calm the people. Well, I know the amount of grain used by the counties in Jincheng well.Later, because of receiving Li Youxin, Wang Ke was very careful, and before leaving, he used gold and silver to clear up, and learned the approximate amount of grain used by Nan'an, Longxi, and Tianshui counties.

When Wen Han heard that Ma Chao had used so much food and grass in the previous two months, he seemed to be aware of it, but Wang Ke hurriedly said again under Li You's eyes.

"Marquis Jun, as far as I know, Ma Shoucheng and Han Wenyue have repeatedly recruited soldiers to fight in Xiliang in recent years, and the counties in Xiliang have run out of grain. The villain has repeatedly inquired and found that Ma Mengqi's food storage is almost exhausted. Without the support of the big families in Xiliang, he would not be able to implement this strategy of reassuring the people! Therefore, the villain believes that at this time Ma Mengqi's army is already short of food and grass. It will probably last for less than three months at most!"

Wen Han's eyes widened suddenly, and he cast his eyes on Li You. Li You nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Wang Ke's point of view, and opened his mouth at the same time.

"If the lord and the second general burned the food and grass in Huzhai, the Xiliang army can store food for at most two months. Once February comes, the army's food will be exhausted, and the Xiliang army will definitely be in turmoil. , that is to say, the lord only needs to stand still and stick to February, and he can easily defeat the [-] Xiliang army and take the entire Liangzhou into his pocket."

"Hahaha!!! Good! Good! Good!!! Zhong Yun, you should be rewarded for your great achievements. I will reward you ten thousand taels of yellow scarves, one thousand pieces of silk, and one jade belt. And from now on, Wang Zhongyun, you will be rewarded I have Yamen under my command. Zhong Yun, would you like to serve under my command?"

"The military marquis is so famous, Ke is fortunate to be favored by the military marquis, I am really terrified, and Ke is willing to serve the military marquis like a dog!"

"Okay! Very good! You go back and receive the reward."

Wen Han patted Wang Ke's shoulder heavily with one hand, his eyes were full of appreciation.Wang Ke was flattered, Xie En withdrew.As soon as Wang Ke left, Li You suddenly apologized, saying that Wang Ke was actually his nephew, and he didn't dare to report the truth just now to avoid suspicion.

Wen Han raised his eyebrows, as long as this person is capable and what his identity is, Wen Han doesn't care.As soon as Wen Han waved his hand, he was exonerated. Li You thanked him.After the two pondered for a while, Wen Han's face suddenly became serious.

"Based on the past few days, that Cheng Gongying is extremely talented. He doesn't know that food and grass are the lifeblood of the army. He doesn't seem to be an incompetent person who would make such a big mistake. Zhongwen, it seems that most of the Xiliang army has something to rely on. Therefore, there is an absolute With confidence, our army will be repelled from Liangzhou in a short time."

Li You frowned deeply, because of his high resourcefulness, he had thought of this a long time ago.When Wen Han mentioned it immediately, Li You's brain turned and he thought quickly.Wen Han was also in deep thought.

After burning incense, the two hadn't come up with a clue yet, Wen Han felt depressed, walked out of the tent, and suddenly saw a soldier driving past with the spoils of last night in a cart.Wen Han looked at the booty, stared at him suddenly, as if thinking of something, he quickly entered the camp.At this time, Li You seemed to have a clue, and the two looked at each other in astonishment.


The two ministers actually thought of something, and Li You was even more sure of the idea in his mind, and analyzed it hastily.

"My lord, we are going to fight this time, and most of the elite soldiers under our command are in Liangzhou. Bingzhou has only [-] troops, which is empty. Northern Qiang and Western Qiang have always had good relations, and the relationship between the lord and the Qiang people has always been tense." Like water and fire, in recent months the three sons of the Northern Qiang Palace were all killed by lieutenant soldiers. If Beigong Jiyu instigated the leader of the Northern Qiang, Ke Po Wushui, to rebel in Bingzhou, the hatred accumulated between the Northern Qiang and the lord would be the same as In the current situation, most of Ke Bo Wushui will take advantage of the time when the lord has no time to take care of himself, and raise troops to rebel!

Bingzhou is the hinterland of the lord's jurisdiction. When Bingzhou is in chaos, the soldiers fighting in Liangzhou are afraid of the rear, so they don't want to fight on the front line.If the Xiliang army takes advantage of this time to overthrow and attack aggressively, our army will undoubtedly be defeated!It doesn't take a month, and he will definitely lose Liangzhou! "

Wen Han took a deep breath, and at the moment when his heart was almost in a mess, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind. As soon as this figure appeared, Wen Han's face immediately became extremely pale!

This figure is not some evil spirit, nor is it Wenhan's current or future enemy.What popped up in Wen Han's mind were his chief counselors, Xi Long and Xi Zhicai.

Although Wen Han strictly ordered Xi Long to rest in peace and recuperate in Hedong, and not to interfere in any affairs.But if the Northern Qiang really rebelled in Bingzhou, they must ask for help from Hedong.With Xilong's peerless wisdom, how could he not use this to calculate and predict the crisis!Wen Han is well aware of Xilong's temperament.If he learned about the chaos in Bingzhou, he would definitely go to the front line regardless of illness!

An Hua said earlier that Xi Long must not have any troubles in the past six months!If Xilong participates in the Bingzhou Rebellion, it will definitely exhaust the remaining vitality in him!

Wen Han's knife eyes suddenly felt endless fear, this kind of fear he had never had in his life.A strange hurricane suddenly struck, blowing open the tent and heading straight for Wen Han.Wen Han staggered a few steps, eyes wide open, two lines of tears fell suddenly, veins bulged all over his face, a mouthful of scalding blood spurted out on the spot, and he cried out three times.

"Zhicai!! Zhicai!!! Zhicai!!!"

After Wen Han exhaled, he closed his eyes, and passed out as if all his strength had been taken away by ghosts and gods.

"My lord!!!"

Li You saw that Wen Han, who was originally a dragon and a tiger, suddenly passed out as if suffering from a strange disease, he screamed in fright, and hurried to Wen Han.At this time, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and other generals also rushed towards Wen Han. Seeing Wen Han fainted on the ground, they all turned pale with fright. Inside is a mess.

After about half a stick of incense, after the panic and confusion, everyone finally calmed down, helped Wen Han to the bed, and Zhang Liao rushed to the tent in search of An Hua.

An Hua was shocked when he heard that Wen Han, who is usually healthy and rarely suffers from illness, would pass out.With Wen Han's physical foundation, he would never just say he was sick.An Hua was just astonished, and when Zhang Liao yelled anxiously, An Hua remembered that Wen Han was a prince and hero who owned nearly three states, and he was even his lord.An Hua's heart twitched, his emotions surged up, and he hurriedly followed Zhang Liao.

As soon as An Hua entered the tent, countless fiery gazes that seemed to be able to start a fire out of thin air almost burned An Hua's whole body.Anhua's face tightened, fearing that if he hesitated for a while, he would be torn in two by the masters of those gazes.An Hua hurried to Wen Han's side to feel his pulse.Guan Yu Danfeng's majestic and frightening eyes stared straight at him.Zhao Yun's sword eyes are impatient, and they look closely.Both Zhang Liao and Li You's eyes were scorching hot, as if they wished they could take An Hua's place and take Wen Han's pulse.

Anhua's heart trembled, but he didn't dare to distract his attention. He seized enough time for Wenhan, but found that Wenhan's body was fine, but his spirit was extremely weak, as if he had experienced a great tragedy.

This is not curable by medicine at all, Anhua dare not report it, and has been hesitating all the time.Guan Yu shouted angrily and asked An Hua about his condition.An Hua was so frightened that he quickly knelt down on the ground, Yan Wenhan was completely healthy, and he didn't know why.But the only thing he can be sure of is that Wen Handing passed out because of some great grief and pain, which caused severe damage to the spirit and consciousness in his body.

How could Guan Yu be satisfied with Anhua's answer? Guan Yu was so anxious that he kept asking questions, while Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and other generals also pressed on.Even if Hua Tuo was present for this strange disease, there was nothing he could do.Anhua was so distressed that he couldn't express it, so he curled up in fright and could only kowtow to admit his mistake.

Li You was beside him with a strange expression on his face. An Hua's words of great grief and pain just now made Li You suddenly aware of some clues, and remembered Wen Han fainted, and repeatedly called Xilong's name.Li You's complexion changed drastically, and when he thought of Bingzhou's worries, he immediately woke up!

"Everyone, don't be impatient, you know why the lord is like this! The current situation is extremely urgent, and please listen to the generals! It is said that a snake can't do without a head. The people of the people temporarily occupy the position of the Lord Commander.

Second General, regardless of prestige, status, or rule of virtue, you are well-deserved to be the commander of this army temporarily.I wonder if the generals have any objections? "

"The second general is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness. He is a hero in the world. We are willing to be ruled by the second general!"

Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and other generals shouted in unison, Li You looked at Guan Yu, Guan Yu saw Wen Han sleeping unconscious on the bed, his expression froze, he nodded heavily immediately, and agreed to temporarily command the whole army.Li You secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered An Hua to take care of Wen Han, and the generals rushed to another tent. Li You explained the anticipation of the chaos in Bingzhou and Wen Han's illness one by one.

Wen Han suddenly suffered from a strange illness. Fortunately, Guan Yu, Li You and others covered up the matter closely, so there was no chaos in the army.But paper can't hold fire, Wen Han is the commander in the army, if he doesn't show up in the army for many days, he will always be suspected.

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