Han Shimou

Chapter 655 Zhao Zilong's Bravery

"Where did this lunatic come from? How dare he single-handedly charge and kill my [-] army? It's simply courting death!"

"Look at this general holding a treasure, and his mount is even more impressive. This is a treasure that fell from the sky!"

"Haha!!! You wait for the right to discuss here, I will kill people to get treasure first!"

The Xiliang general, who had been fat all his life, took the lead and accelerated his horse out of the formation, and quickly intercepted Zhao Yun.The other two generals from Xiliang feared that they would be too slow to grab the treasure, so they rushed away at full speed.

Zhao Yun's expression was cold, and the Yezhao Jade Lion seemed to sense that these three people were possessive of it, and immediately roared like a lion's roar, which startled the fat-headed and big-faced Xiliang general who charged first. And deter.Zhao Yun rode his horse and flew past, and the Long Dan Liang silver spear flew a little faster, hitting his heart.The chubby Xiliang general screamed and fell off his horse.Two other Xiliang generals rushed to meet Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun kept charging, Long Danliang's silver spear swept and stabbed, one was smashed to the breastbone, the other was stabbed in the throat, both of them died.

In a flash, Zhao Yun killed three generals, and all three generals were killed with one move.With such terrifying martial arts, many generals in the first Xiliang army exclaimed and immediately recognized that this general was Zhao Zilong who defeated Ma Chao in Xinping and captured Ma Xiu and Ma Tie!

Zhao Yun didn't stop, and the people of Xiliang's army flew away at super speed.Several Xiliang saber and shield fighters wanted to form a shield formation to stop them, but Zhao Yun was so fast that he rushed past before the shield formation was formed.The gentian bright silver spear danced like the swift wind and lightning, Zhao Yun swung the spear to kill randomly, and the chaos of the Xiliang army in the front seemed to have been torn open a hole.As Zhao Yun continued to charge, the breach was constantly expanding.

By the time the [-] soldiers under Zhao Yun's command arrived, Zhao Yun had already entered the army of Xiliang's first army and was hundreds of meters away.Zhao Yun was so powerful that the morale of the three thousand dead soldiers was immediately stirred up. All the soldiers roared violently and rode their horses together to kill.The army of Xiliang's first army, which was being killed by Zhao Yun, suddenly became chaotic.

Zhao Yun was reborn like a god of killing, frantically harvesting human lives. Seeing this, the four Xiliang soldiers glared furiously, and flew back and forth, left and right, to meet him.Zhao Yun stepped forward with a whip, and took the general in front first, the Long Dan Liang silver spear stabbed out violently, smashing the blocking blade, and went straight through.One general died first, and the other three generals surrounded him from three directions, each wielding knives and spears to kill Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun let out a stern voice, turned around and swiped with all his strength, and fired the gun at three generals in a row. There were three loud bangs, and all three generals fell down.Zhao Yun continued to fly straight away, and the Xiliang soldiers around were all horrified, when Zhao Yun's [-] dead soldiers took advantage of the situation and chased him, they were killed like dogs, and the chaos was extremely high.

Zhao Yun showed his supernatural power, and Ma Dai, the general of Xiliang's first army, hurriedly led the army away.Zhao Yun was brave and fierce, and rushed forward without fear. Ma Dai raised his knife to kill him, and the sword flew by.When he came back to his senses again, Zhao Yun had already galloped past.

With a yell and curse, Ma Dai patted his horse and went after him.All of a sudden, Ma Dai suddenly had an ominous premonition, and suddenly stopped the reins. At this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly turned around and stabbed out with a spear.Ma Dai fell straight away and was almost stabbed by the gentian silver gun.Ma Dai broke out in a cold sweat. If his ominous premonition hadn't come in time, he might have been stabbed off the horse by Zhao Yun at this time.

Ma Dai was still in shock, but Zhao Yun had rushed far away and was about to reach the middle of Xiliang's army.Zhao Yun was walking on his horse, when suddenly four generals shouted to kill him. At the same time, there were two generals in front, and they all used sledgehammers to block Zhao Yun's way.Six soldiers from Xiliang arrived almost at the same time, and finally stopped Zhao Yun for a while.Zhao Yun remained calm in the face of danger, one would swing a hammer, the other would stab with a spear, the other two generals were going on the offensive, and the remaining two generals were gathering momentum and waiting for the opportunity.

Zhao Yun's sword eyes were majestic, and with his first shot, he caught the heavy hammer that was thrown at him, and directed it towards the gun that was stabbing from the other direction.At the same time, the two generals came attacking, Zhao Yun fired his spears in succession, and fired both weapons.There were two more generals who saw the right time and wanted to attack, but Zhao Yun cleverly used his strength to speed up and kill them. The Long Dan Liang Silver Spear was so fast that he fell without a trace.At this moment, the soldiers from Xiliang rushed over.Zhao Yun snatched a spear in one hand, and with both hands, the spear and the spear flew and stabbed randomly. When he raised his hand, minced meat flew violently, and blood gushed like a spring.Zhao Yun fought for a while, and killed all the generals impressively, penetrating through the encirclement.

Zhao Yun was full of majesty and vigor, and his might and courage could not be increased.Hu Jun, who was on the right side in the middle of the Xiliang army, had two generals who were both strong and strong, and they were brothers. Both brothers were famous generals in Xiqiang.The older brother's name is Duolin Biao, and the younger brother's name is Duolinhu. The two brothers don't know Zhao Yun's prestige.

Zhao Yun stabbed with his gun, and Duolin Biao was the first to meet him with his big axe.When two horses meet, there is no three-way battle.He was stabbed by Zhao Yun and fell off the horse, and took the road and left.Behind him, Duolinhu came with a mace, and seeing his brother stabbed to death by Zhao Yun, he yelled and cursed furiously. When he approached, he held his horse's tail, and the huge mace made a shadow of Zhao Yun's heart, and was about to fall down.Zhao Yun turned his horse's head hastily, and happened to have his chest clapped.Zhao Yun passed the mace with the gun in his left hand, and swiped the spear with his right hand. With his helmet on and his brain in his right hand, he swept halfway through.

The Xiliang army was killed by Zhao Yun like waves and waves. Beigong Jiyu and Pang De, who were in charge of the Chinese army, saw this and hurriedly made arrangements.Beigong Jiyu on the right did not dare to confront Zhao Yun head-on, and only asked the crossbowmen in the formation to prepare to attack, while the sword and shield players and spearmen took precautions to block.Pang De, who was on the left, raised a knife to lead a group of soldiers to meet him.

On the left there are fierce generals to welcome them, and on the right there are army formations blocking each other. Zhao Yun wields a spear in his hand and rides his horse to kill Jingfei in the chaotic army. Angrily shouted and cursed in front of the battle.Zhao Yun's sword eyes flashed, he pulled the reins, and immediately flew towards Hu Jun's formation.

The two Qiang generals came out with their horses, and first met Zhao Yun. The Yezhao Jade Lion was soaring in the air. When it was about to approach, Zhao Yun pulled the reins suddenly, and the Yezhao Jade Lion lifted the premise. On the right, like a dragon coming out of a hole, it stabs out impressively.The spears pierced extremely precisely, hitting the hearts of the two Qiang generals.The Yezhao Jade Lion hit the ground with a bang, and as soon as it flew past, the two Qiang generals fell to the ground one after another, apparently dead.

The four members have their own unique appearances, and the mighty Qiang generals glared angrily, and rushed forward with their horses in unison, forming a line formation to kill them.Zhao Yun held the spear with both hands, the Yezhao Jade Lion sped up and soared, and the spear took advantage of the speed to stab away. The speed of the Yezhao Jade Lion was so fast that the two Qiang generals had no time to dodge, and were pierced by the spear and smashed .The other two Qiang generals swung their swords and spears to kill immediately, Zhao Yun moved his hands suddenly, and flew away the two Qiang generals wearing spears, each flying towards the other two Qiang generals.

The two Qiang generals shouted violently, they were also cruel and cold, and they did not hesitate to swing their weapons at the flying comrades.One Qiang swung a knife and cut the flying comrade in half, and the other Qiang pulled out his gun and swept the flying comrade aside.But before they recovered their senses, Zhao Yun's spear moved suddenly, one shot hit the chest of one general, and the other pointed the other general's face.

All of a sudden, the rain of blood splattered, and Zhao Yun's whole body was covered in blood. His armor, battle robe, and helmet were all blood-colored, and his steps were blood-colored. The gentian in his left hand was blood-colored, and the ordinary spear in his right hand was strangely red. appalling.

Seeing this, Hu Jun was all terrified and terrified.

Zhao Yun's whole body is sharp, if he can destroy everything in the world, wherever he goes, he will be unstoppable.During the half-hour charge, there were more than a dozen Xiliang and Qiang generals who died under Zhao Yun's command.Gradually, Zhao Yun seemed to become the incarnation of terror. Wherever he killed, he brought irresistible terror.

Zhao Yun's sword eyes were sharp, and when he opened his round eyes, he vaguely saw a green umbrella cover and a battle-axed banner of Hu Jun. It was expected that it was undoubtedly the master of the Western Qiang, Beigong Jiyu.

Zhao Yun gathered his momentum and moved, and suddenly his horse sped up again, flying straight to the place where Beigong Jiyu was. Seeing Zhao Yun, the irresistible evil spirit killing him, Beigong Jiyu was frightened and paled, and ordered to remove his umbrella. Cover, and then quickly ordered the crossbowmen in the formation to shoot arrows to block.As soon as Beigong Jiyu finished speaking, thousands of arrows flew into the air, and a large cloud of arrows fell toward Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun danced his double spears like two whirlwinds, resisting the swarming arrows, the Yezhao Jade Lion continued to accelerate, and among the lightning and fire, it was the knife that flew to the head of Hu Jun's front In front of the shield hand, Hu Jun's sword and shield hand formed a shield to block it, Zhao Yunfen swept his spear and wanted to break it, but that spear was already fragile, after a few sweeps, it broke apart.At this time, several spearmen from the Hu army came to surround Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun knew that it would be difficult to kill Beigong Jiyu, so he suddenly turned around and broke through.Zhao Yun rushed into the crowd of Hu Jun's spearmen, killing people and grabbing guns all the way. After killing the crowd, he grabbed three spears with his right hand.Zhao Yun suddenly stopped in an open space, stuck the gentian silver spear and a long spear on the ground, grabbed the two spears with both hands, and with a roar, aimed at Beigong Jiyu who was in the Hu army's formation, and flew away.

call out! !call out! !

The two long spears flew suddenly, Beigong Jiyu was rejoicing that Zhao Yun was gone, but the soldiers around him suddenly screamed, Beigong Jiyu turned around and looked, this look scared Beigong Jiyu out of courage .I saw two long spears falling from a high altitude with incomparable speed. The speed was so fast that Beigong Jiyu was so frightened that he didn't know whether to block or avoid it.Fortunately, Beigong Jiyu was protected by two Qianghu generals, and each rushed to take a step forward, swinging a knife and raising an axe, ready to block.

Suddenly, the two long spears flew close, and their huge impact force even rushed to the two Qianghu warriors, their weapons were all swung away, and their huge bodies lost their power and flew away.Seeing this, Beigong Jiyu couldn't help trembling all over with fright.Just as the shock was still undecided, there was another terrifying piercing sound.Beigong Jiyu looked away anxiously, and it turned out that another long spear was flying towards his face with lightning speed.

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