Han Shimou

Chapter 657

When Cheng Gongying saw the five defense lines like a moat, he remembered his arrangement just now, and rushed towards the defense line with great joy.Zhao Yun was about to arrive, and Cheng Gongying hurriedly ordered the swordsmen and gunmen on the two lines of defense in front to rush out to resist.Although Zhao Yun was weak and his injuries were serious, at this moment, Zhao Yun knew that he must not stop charging, otherwise all the previous efforts and the hope of those dead men's sacrifices would be in vain!


Zhao Yun burst out the sound of the word again, and his murderous aura was overwhelming.I saw Zhao Yunying's brows were raised upright, his sword eyes were menacing, and he slashed at the two surging defense lines.

In front of his eyes, swordsmen rushed towards him, and the gentian silver spear moved violently, quickly and suddenly, arousing countless spear shadows.Suddenly a series of screams erupted, the person turned backwards, Zhao Yun forced his way in, his battle robe was riddled with holes from the rapid shooting of knives.However, Zhao Yun didn't stop at all, and continued to forcefully kill and break away.

A rift opened wide, and Zhao Yun slashed a bloody path, and it was time to break through.

"She!! Shoot that Zhao Long to death for me quickly!!!"

At this time, Cheng Gongying had fled to the third and fourth lines of defense, commanded the crossbowmen inside the line of defense, and roared sharply at Zhao Yun.All of a sudden, a large cloud of arrows flying over the sky, Zhao Yun gasped for breath, his muscles and bones were in severe pain, as if they were all protesting to Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun forced himself up. At this time, the Yezhao Jade Lion also had numerous wounds, his white body turned red, and he was extremely tired.But the Yezhao Jade Lion is also like Zhao Yun, bursting with force and flying in with a hiss.

Whoosh! ! ! !

Arrows rushed in from all over the sky, Zhao Yun danced the gentian silver spear in his hand impenetrably, but his strength was hard to handle, and his speed was slow. After the arrows rushed, he saw several arrows sticking out of Zhao Yun's body, and the mouths of all the arrows were mad Gushing blood.Zhao Yun ignored it and flew faster.Seeing that Zhao Yunyue was injured and wild, those Xiliang crossbowmen were all horrified, thinking that Zhao Long didn't know pain.

The second round of arrows fired again, and Zhao Yun swung his gun to meet the arrows and flew past. This time, because the distance was closer, there were five or six arrows in Zhao Yun's body.

Zhao Yun was shot with blood all over his body, and rushed to him. The Gendan Liangyin Spear swept away the violence first, and dozens of Xiliang crossbowmen's heads were blown off forcefully.The crossbowman is a unit capable of melee combat. Being killed by Zhao Yun this time, it is like turning into a lamb in the pen, while Zhao Yun is a violent tiger with endless hunger, with his bloody mouth wide open, killing indiscriminately among the sheep .

Zhao Yun almost slaughtered all the way through the third and fourth defense lines, and suddenly killed the entire Xiliang army at the bottom.Cheng Gongying had an unbelievably crazy look on his face. Seeing that Zhao Yun was attacking towards the last line of defense, he shouted desperately! ! !

"Zhao Long was seriously injured, and he was exhausted after fighting ten miles all the way. This is the so-called end of the crossbow, and he will not be able to pierce Lu Jin. All the soldiers, if Zhao Long is killed, the credit will be great enough to be ranked as a marquis. This is what makes great achievements Now, if you don’t make a move, when will you wait!?”

Cheng Gongying's words immediately aroused the morale and enthusiasm of the sword and shield fighters. The faces of all the generals and soldiers gradually became ferocious, their eyes became red, and the whole army gave off a frenzied and terrifying momentum.Like a gigantic behemoth, it is gaining momentum and devouring everything.

Zhao Yun saw that the morale and fighting spirit of the Xiliang sword and shield fighters suddenly rose sharply, and he immediately tensed up, his eyes were quite serious.Before Zhao Yun could reach him, the sword and shield hand made a preemptive strike, scrambling to be the first to attack Zhao Yun with the shield and sword.Dozens of swordsmen and shields were the first to kill, Zhao Yun hurriedly swung his spear to sweep, and five or six swordsmen and shields immediately blocked them with their shields.The rest of the people swung their knives and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's strength was exhausted, and he shot away, only to drive back those swordsmen.If it is normal, people will fly and the shield will crack.Seeing that more than 20 knives were slashing at Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun quickly withdrew his gun, swung the gun wildly, and stopped most of it, but still missed half of it in time.

At the same time, more and more Xiliang sword and shield fighters rushed forward like hungry wolves. Zhao Yun tried his best to kill and attack fiercely, but it seemed as if his sharp edge had been worn out and he could not move an inch.

Cheng Gongying's gaze was as soft as a poisonous snake, and he stretched his bow with both hands, with four arrows in the bowstring. He kept his horse moving, aimed at Zhao Yun, and waited slowly.Suddenly seeing Zhao Yun showing a gap, Cheng Gongying's face was shocked, and he immediately shot away with an arrow.The four arrows were fired one after the other, the first two arrows shot towards Zhao Yun's left, the first two arrows flew side by side and shot towards Zhao Yun's right.

Zhao Yun was fighting hard, when suddenly he heard the wind blowing from left and right, his sword eyes suddenly turned sharp, and the surrounding swords and shields rushed up again.Seeing Zhao Yun falling into death, his crotch shone at night with the power of the jade lion from nowhere, he jumped with all four hooves and flew vertically.

Zhao Yun was able to catch his breath, and when he was about to hit the ground, he exerted all his strength and swung his gun to sweep away the enemy soldiers underground.But as soon as the Yezhao Jade Lion hit the ground, it was immediately surrounded by Xiliang swords and shields.

Zhao Yun had just tried his best, and his body was almost exhausted. At this time, countless sharp knives struck fiercely.Zhao Yun blocked and fought, his decline was evident, and the jade lion under his crotch would be difficult for a long time.

"General Zhao, don't panic!! I'll wait for you!!!"

Just as Zhao Yun gradually walked into the gate of hell, his army of dead soldiers rushed to him in shock.At this time, there were only [-] dead soldiers left in the army, and they were all exhausted. The only thing that insisted on rushing here was their willpower!

The eight hundred dead soldiers rushed forward, rushing desperately, and immediately scattered most of the swords and shields around Zhao Yun. The eight hundred dead soldiers almost exhausted the remaining strength in their bodies, and then rushed forward again, killing everyone around Zhao Yun. sword and shield hand.Here, Zhao Yun finally got a chance to breathe with peace of mind.

Zhao Yun's whole body was trembling, the blood was still rushing from all the wounds, and the gentian silver gun in his hand seemed to be extremely heavy at this moment.After a while, the Xiliang swordsmen and shields in front regained the chaos and swarmed to kill again, while Ma Chao and Pang De led seemingly endless soldiers and horses in the rear to chase and kill.

The sharp edge is constantly sharpening, and Zhao Yun's momentum continues to increase sharply, and he seizes every second to recover his physical strength.

Zhao Yun knew that the next charge must not stop.Either break through and leave, or be surrounded to death by the overwhelming Xiliang army!

The red and bright jade lion at night stared fixedly at a certain position on the ground behind, as if it would not stop until it reached that position once it moved next time!


The word 'kill' came out of Zhao Yun's mouth for the third time, and Zhao Yun flew away in an instant. The gentian silver spear was in turmoil, sweeping, stabbing or chopping, and [-] dead soldiers rushed away.Zhao Yun also had [-] dead soldiers rushing forward, as if giving people a feeling that "stop and die, move and live!" '

The charge must not stop, sharp front breaks away wildly, Xiliang sword and shield hand, defying life and death, strives to block!It can be described as a jaw-dropping tragedy.

As Zhao Yun continued to advance, Cheng Gongying's face became more and more gloomy, and he was about to shoot another arrow in the panic.All of a sudden, Zhao Yun turned his head and looked at it as if he had sensed it. His sword eyes burst out with murderous intent, as if there was a giant dragon howling, Cheng Gongying's heart trembled in fright, his hand trembled, and the big bow immediately fell off the horse.

Gradually, Zhao Yun reached the bottom of the Xiliang army. In the end, dozens of swordsmen were swept away by Gendanliang silver guns. Zhao Yun rode his horse past, followed closely by dozens of dead soldiers.All the remaining dead soldiers were either blocked by Xiliang's swords and shields, or they were entangled by Ma Chao and Pound's army chasing from behind.

If one looked down from a high altitude at this time, looking at the Xiliang army, the chaos would be unstoppable. Dozens of troops were at a loss because their leading soldiers were killed.

In this charge to break through the formation, Zhao Yun led three thousand dead soldiers, penetrated nearly one hundred thousand Xiliang troops, cut down seven or eight flags, and killed thousands of soldiers. General Hu, more than [-] members.

Zhao Yunyong fought against the sky, broke through the formation, and fled for several miles, the Xiliang army in the rear came back to their senses, and it was absolutely impossible to chase again.

"Wow wow!!! Zhao Long is too deceitful!!! I'm angry, I'm angry too!!!"

Ma Chao watched with keen eyes. Seeing Zhao Yun moving away from the formation, he was so angry that his whole body trembled violently, and he roared hissingly.After Ma Chao's roar, his lion's eyes were red and red, and he immediately launched a frantic killing of the remaining Wenjun soldiers.None of the dead soldiers of the Wen army who were surrounded had any fear. Seeing that the general situation was gone and they had no power to recover, before they died, they all laughed wildly, laughing that the Xiliang army was like chickens and dogs, Ma Chao, Pound , Cheng Gongying sells Seoul ears like inserting a label!

This continuous laughter immediately aroused the fury of the Xiliang army's officers and men, they rushed forward, and immediately chopped up the remaining [-] dead soldiers of the Wen army into mincemeat.

"Rush!!! Go for me!!! If you don't break through this camp today, I, Ma Mengqi, will never return to Pingxiang!!!"

Ma Chao was so excited that he seemed to lose his mind, hissed and roared, and repeatedly ordered the soldiers to attack.At this time, the first army led by Ma Dai had already reached the north gate of Wenying.

Up and down Wenying, the morale is like a rainbow at this time, and the fighting spirit is high.Zhao Yun still has the heroism of the three thousand dead soldiers, which fully stimulated the potential wildness of all the soldiers in the civil camp.At this moment, as if death was no longer scary, almost all the generals and soldiers had only one thought in their minds!

kill! ! !kill! ! ! !kill! ! ! ! !kill! ! ! ! !Kill all Xiliang dogs in sight! ! !

"Block this group of Xiliang children for the old man!!! Who dares to show the old man that he is afraid to fight, and lose face for the old man!!! The old man will immediately peel his skin!!!"

According to Hu Che'er, the general guarding the north gate, he roared sharply, and the soldiers under his command responded violently. Gathering up their momentum, they rushed away with guns and knives, and immediately killed the Xiliang vanguard army that was rushing forward. go.Ma Dai led his troops in the rear and rushed forward. Hu Che'er was full of fighting spirit, roared angrily, and swung his sledgehammer against Ma Dai with both hands.

Ma Dai slashed with the machete, Hu Che'er seemed to have great strength, and hit the ground with a bang, knocking Ma Dai away with the machete.Immediately afterwards, Hu Che'er shouted and shouted repeatedly, hitting continuously with the double hammer.Ma Dai's complexion changed drastically, this Hu Che'er seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, his fighting spirit was boundless, and his strength seemed to be a bottomless hole!

Not only Hu Che'er was like this, but all the soldiers under him were also high-spirited and fought hard. The Xiliang army in the front had no power to fight back and retreated blindly.At the same time, the soldiers and horses of Xiliang's first army were also attacking the east, west, and south gates. Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, and Li You's soldiers and horses had already been gearing up and waiting impatiently.

Waiting for the enemy troops to unify, the three civil army troops can't wait, armed with weapons, the sound of killing is loud, and they charge furiously.The morale of all the civil and military troops was strong, and all the soldiers were able to defeat ten of them one by one, devouring all Xiliang troops at an extremely terrifying speed.

Seeing that the first army of the own army was in an extremely unfavorable situation, the central army immediately rushed to rescue.Hu Jun was temporarily led by a respected veteran general, and Pang De hurried back to the central area to command the soldiers to attack.

Hu Jun and Pang Jun arrived in a hurry. After being attacked by Zhao Yun earlier, these soldiers' morale was low and their fighting spirit was low.All the soldiers and horses rushed to the four gates of Wenying one after another, and they were immediately attacked by an overwhelming force.

I saw the four gates of Wenying Dazhai, as if they were four huge mouths that swallowed the sky and sucked the sea, constantly swallowing the attacking Xiliang soldiers.The Xiliang army's decline was getting worse and worse, and it was almost out of control.Pound chased and charged repeatedly, and his physical strength was a little weak. At this time, he was leading a troop to attack the west gate.

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