Han Shimou

Chapter 680

Ju Shou suddenly shouted, struggled out, and threw himself at Yuan Shao.Yuan Shao's precious sword pierced through Jushou's body, and Jushou spat a mouthful of blood on Yuan Shao's face, laughing madly.

"Hahahahaha!!! I hope my blood can wake you up, and my death can shock you!! Hahahahaha!!!!"

Ju Shou's laughter stopped, he stared at Yuan Shao with staring eyes, and died of his breath.Yuan Shao's whole face was trembling violently, he drew out his precious sword, and shouted to the two soldiers.

"Drag this madman out for me, until his body is shredded into minced meat!!!!"

The two soldiers responded in unison, and they dragged Jushou's body out of the tent.However, both of them respected Jushou, found a place to bury him, and then searched for a wild dog, chopped it into minced meat, and used it as a return.

It is really a pity that Yuan Shao's next generation of heroic and loyal ministers, Jushou, ended up like this.

However, Yuan Shao did not stop fighting Cao because of Jushou's death, and immediately ordered all the ministries to lead the army to meet him.Three hours later, there were banners and flags all around, forests of swords and murderous intent, although there was no fight, but there seemed to be a constant smell of blood coming from all directions.

The Cao and Yuan armies lined up on both sides.Xu You summoned [-] crossbowmen to lie on the wings, and [-] archers to lie in the gate flag.

boom!boom! ! !boom! ! ! !

After the three drums, Yuan Shao's golden helmet and armor, brocade robe and jade belt, all resplendent and resplendent, like a Ninth Five-Year King, with the attitude of an emperor, immediately went to the front of the battle.Zhang Jai, Han Meng, Chun Yuqiong and other generals lined up on the left and right.The flags and ax are very strict.

At the entrance of the gate of Cao Zhen, Cao Cao was wearing a black gold fire cloud armor, a scarlet Xichuan brocade robe, a lion head jade belt, and holding a Yitian sword.Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Xia Houchun, Xia Houyuan and other generals, all peerless heroes, each armed with weapons, supported the front and back.

Cao Cao drank in a concentrated voice and pointed at Yuan Shao with a whip.

"Yuan Benchu, before today's sage, I have guaranteed you to be a great general. You are famous in the world, and you are an extremely high-ranking official. Why do you want to be greedy, plot rebellion, and want to seize the world!?"

Yuan Shao had always been a head above Cao Cao, but now he was scolded by Cao Cao in public, he became furious, rode his horse forward, and roared violently.

"Cao Ah! You are treacherous and rebellious, with a heart as evil as the sea, and you are actually a traitor of the Han under the name of a Han minister! You secretly manipulated the Holy Majesty, manipulated the court, and overthrew the order of the society. The crime is heinous, even worse than Zhang Rang and Dong Zhuo, No one in the world is ashamed of it, I want to get rid of you soon!! On the other hand, I, Yuan Benchu, sit in the three prefectures of Hebei, You, and Qing Dynasty for the Han Dynasty, put down disasters for the country at the top, and build good luck for the people at the bottom. No one in the world praises me Yuan Benchu A generation of capable ministers, how dare you, a traitor, make false accusations against you!"

"Hahaha, Yuan Benchu, you are self-reliant, and you have never obeyed the orders of the court. The people of the three states are all forced to collect taxes because of you, and they forcefully recruit young men to join the army. They are all in dire straits. The three states complain and resent. You have strong ambitions, chaos the country and harm the people, you dare to say that you are a capable minister of the world, do you know the shame?!!!"

Cao Cao laughed angrily, his words were sharp, and every word was like a knife cutting his heart. Hearing Yuan Shao's furious face, his whole body trembled violently, and shouted violently.

"Cao Aman, you are no more than an eunuch. I, the fourth generation and third son of the Yuan family in Runan, have a high moral character. How can I allow you, the heir of an eunuch, to humiliate you with wild words and humiliation? If I don't kill you now, I can't vent my hatred!!!!"

"Withered bones in the tomb, ignorant and ignorant!"

Cao Cao smiled coldly, and with just a few words, Yuan Shao was furious and uncontrollable. Just when he was roaring, Cao Cao said again.

"Today, I, Cao Mengde, follow the will of the heavens and raise troops to punish you, a villain and traitor! Yuan Benchu, if you know the power of heaven, why don't you get off your horse and accept surrender!!!?"

"Wow wow wow!! Cao Aman, I, Yuan Benchu, will also do justice for the sky today, except you, a big man who is a traitor!! Come on, catch Cao thief for me!!!"

Yuan Shao was so furious that he opened his jaws to fight.Cao Cao could swallow the details of heaven and earth, and he condensed, and aroused the sound of "evil comes", Dian Wei laughed heartily, and couldn't wait to leap his horse to meet him.

The two generals rushed at each other, opened their jaws and danced their guns and shouted, Dian Wei roared, and saw the two approaching, Zhang Jaw stabbed first, and went straight to Dian Wei's throat.

"Good day!!!"

Dian Wei roared excitedly, put a halberd between Zhang Jaw's spear, and swung the halberd with the other hand to stab Zhang Jaw's head. To kill, Zhang Jaw hastily fired his gun and killed with Dian Wei.Dian Wei used all his force to move strong, opened his jaws nimbly and sharply, the two fought fiercely.

The shadows of the spears and the halberds were flying wildly. Unknowingly, the two generals fought for forty or fifty rounds, regardless of the outcome.When Cao Cao saw it, he was secretly amazed, and suddenly called out the word "Zhongkang". When Xu Chu heard it, his tiger's eyes shone with divine light, he swung his knife and rode his horse, and went straight out to help.The two generals Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong shouted together, and each raised their weapons to catch Xu Chu.The soldiers of the two sides fought in two places.

Gradually, in Dian and Zhang's place, Dian Wei gained the upper hand, the power of the dragon and elephant was really terrifying, Zhang Jaw gradually became overwhelmed, and the gun style became chaotic.And Xu Chu showed his might even more, fighting with Han Meng and Chun Yuqiong with one manpower, he actually had the upper hand, wielding the tiger-headed sword impenetrably, killing Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong back again and again.

Seeing this, Cao Cao quickly ordered Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan to lead three thousand cavalry each to charge at the other side.When Xu You saw Cao Jun coming to charge, he smiled coldly, and when he saw him approaching gradually, he ordered the cannons to be fired.

As a result, two shots of the Ten Thousand Crossbows were fired concurrently, and the archers in the Chinese army swarmed out in front of the battle and shot chaotically.The cavalry led by the Xiahou brothers was rushing fiercely, and they were immediately caught by this one. Most of the soldiers and horses were lost. Seeing that it was difficult to reach the enemy, the Xiahou brothers looked south and hurried away.Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he saw this, and drove his troops to conceal the killing. Seeing that the situation was not good, Cao Cao quickly sent an order to withdraw his troops.Yuan Jun rushed behind him, Cao Jun fled in panic, was defeated for a while, and retreated to Guandu.

After Yuan Shao won a battle, his ambition was greatly shaken, and he took advantage of the momentum to move his troops to approach Guandu Xiazhai.

Xu You, Yuan Jun's military adviser, offered another plan to teach Yuan Shao the way.

"Cao's army is newly defeated. Now we can take advantage of the situation and send [-] troops to guard Guandu. We will build a mountain of earth in front of Cao Cao's stronghold, and let the soldiers look down at the stronghold and shoot arrows. If Cao Cao abandons this pass, I will get this pass and enter. Attack and retreat can be defended, and the event is settled!"

"Hahahaha, this is a great plan!!!"

Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he heard the plan, so he followed it. He selected strong soldiers from each village, and with shovels and earthen loads, they came to Cao Cao's village together to build a mountain of soil.When Cao Cao saw Yuan Jun piled up the earth mountain, he was shocked and paled. He knew the benefits and harms, so he immediately called all the soldiers and horses out of the stronghold to fight.Unexpectedly, Xu You had been prepared for a long time, and ordered the crossbowmen to guard the throat. Whenever Cao Jun came to charge, he immediately sent a rainstorm of arrows to block it, and all the troops of Cao Jun could not advance.

Within ten days, Yuan Jun built more than [-] earth hills, on which tall oars were erected, and crossbowmen were distributed to shoot arrows on them. There was constant disturbance. Cao Jun's villages suffered countless casualties, and everyone was afraid, and they all defended with arrow shields. .At the sound of bang on the earth mountain, arrows rained down like rain.Cao Jun fell to the ground, Yuan Jun shouted and laughed.

Yuan Jun gained an advantage again and again, which can be said to have changed his previous embarrassment.Yuan Shao was overjoyed all day long, and only hoped that Qu Yi's army would arrive soon, defeat Cao Cao in one fell swoop, and seal the victory.

Yuan Shaoxi, Cao Cao is naturally worried.Cao Cao saw that the army was in a panic, and there were many casualties in every village. If he continued to defend, he was afraid that there would be more accidents in the army. A long and bitter struggle.Seeing that the general situation was gradually losing, Cao Cao quickly gathered his advisers to ask advice.

Liu Ye, one of Cao Cao's advisers, was well versed in art making, and had a plan in mind to deal with it, so he hurriedly sued.

"Prime Minister, don't worry, Ye has a way to destroy Yuan Jun's earth mountain."

"The plan comes from An, and Yang quickly tells me."

"Your prime minister doesn't know. Ye once studied a cart, which can send out earth and rocks. It is powerful enough to break walls and rocks with ease. Now you can use a stone cart to break it."

Cao Cao was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly ordered Liu Ye to enter the chariot style, and built hundreds of stone chariots overnight, and distributed them inside the camp wall, facing the ladder on the earth mountain.When Yuan Jun's archers fired arrows, the stone carts were pulled together in the battalion, and the artillery stones flew into the air, beating upwards.There is no place for people to hide, countless archers are dead, and the earth and mountains are broken and collapsed.

Yuan Jun called his car the "Thunderbolt Chariot". He was not without fear when he saw the car, and retreated in panic when he saw its shadow.Because Yuan Jun did not dare to climb high and shoot arrows, Yuan Shao was anxious and came to look for Xu You.

Xu You offered another trick, teaching Yuan Shaoling's soldiers to use shovels to secretly dig tunnels directly into Cao's camp, named "Digging Army".Cao Bing saw Yuan Jun digging a hole behind the mountain and reported to Cao Cao.Cao Cao was in a hurry, but Guo Jia was calm. He sat quietly at the table, smiled calmly, and said.

"Yuan Jun can't attack the Ming but the dark. It is good news that he must dig the ambush and want to penetrate the camp from the ground."

Cao Cao knew what he wanted, so he made up his mind and asked again.

"According to Fengxiao's view, how should I resist it?"

Guo Jia stood up and made a bow, speaking firmly and slowly.

"It's useless to dig a long trench around the camp, but it's useless to lie down on the road."

"Haha, this plan is brilliant."

Cao Cao laughed, and acted according to plan, sending troops to dig a trench overnight.Yuan Jun dug his way to the edge of the trench, but he couldn't get in, wasting his troops.The two armies were temporarily at a stalemate.

Yuan Jun retreated for more than [-] miles, and Cao Cao sent generals out of the camp to patrol.One day, Xu Chu led tigers and leopards on patrol, and saw a group of people taking advantage of the darkness to scout around not far from the road.Xu Chu first ordered the tiger and leopard riders to move slowly, and when they approached, they rushed towards them, and the pair fled in a panic, but the tiger and leopard riders were the ace soldiers under Cao Cao's command, and they captured all of them at once. , I learned that Yuan Jun worked carefully.Xu Chu asked him what was true in the army.

Replied carefully.


"Han Meng's brave ear. If one person is sent to lead thousands of light cavalry, attack them halfway, cut off their food and grass, and Yuan Jun loses his food and grass. Is there any reason not to be chaotic?"

Cao Cao nodded slightly and asked again.

"Who can go?"

As soon as Cao Cao said this, the eyes of Dian Wei and Xu Chu who were beside him all glowed, and they stared at Guo Jia with Weisha's big eyes.Guo Jia smiled lightly.

"Zhongkang actually found out about this matter, so he should be sent away."

Xu Chu laughed triumphantly when he heard it, Dian Wei was slightly disappointed, but Guo Jia's arrangement was also appropriate, and Dian Wei accepted it in his heart.Cao Cao followed Guo Jia's suggestion, and immediately sent Xu Chu to lead three thousand tiger and leopard riders to go out first, and then sent Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun to lead troops to rescue them in order to ensure the success of the matter.

That night, Han Meng escorted thousands of grain carts to Yuanzhai.While walking, suddenly a well-equipped cavalry stopped the way in the valley.When Han Meng saw the armor of this team of cavalry, his complexion changed drastically, and he knew that it was Cao Jun's extremely brave tiger and leopard cavalry.The general who led the army had a tiger's head and a tiger's brain, and his body was huge. Han Meng immediately recognized that it was Cao Jun's fierce general Xu Chu.

Han Meng was flustered, he didn't know that Xu Chu's flying horse was coming to fight, Han Meng caught and killed him in a panic.The tiger and leopard rider killed the scattered husbands and set fire to the grain cart.

Han Meng couldn't resist, turned back his horse and walked away.Xu Chu shouted loudly, urging the army to burn all the supplies.In Yuan Shao's army, he saw a fire in the northwest. He was in shock and doubt when the defeated army came and reported it everywhere in the army.

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