Han Shimou

Chapter 690 Capture


"A gentleman violates difficulties and is not suitable for hating the country. I heard that the king bowed his knees and surrendered to Cao in the past. He forgot the hatred of his ancestors, abandoned his brotherhood, and left behind the shame of the alliance. If you don't have a brother in Jizhou, you should surrender your heart. Treat things After it has been established, to make the world even and straight, isn’t that also high righteousness?”

He also talked with Yuan Shangshu.

"Your brother's nature is steep and anxious, and he is obsessed with straightness. You should first eliminate Cao Cao, and use your soldiers to hate the public. After the matter is settled, you will plan straightness. Isn't it good? If you are lost and don't return, it will be Han Lu and Dong Guo I am trapped in the front, and I will leave the harvest of my father."

Yuan Tan got Liu Biao's book, knew that Liu Biao had no intention of sending troops, and knew that he would not be able to fight against Cao Cao, so he abandoned the plain and went to Baonanpi.Cao Cao chased to Nanpi, but the weather was cold and the river was completely frozen, so the grain ships could not move.Cao Cao ordered the local people to knock on the ice and drag the boat, and the people fled after hearing the order.Cao Cao was furious, and ordered all those who escaped to be executed.When the people heard about it, they went to the camp to cast their heads in person, hoping that Cao Cao would forgive him.

Although Cao Cao has the appearance of a hero, he has a heart of loving the people and talks to the people.

"If you don't kill you, then I won't be able to give orders and lose my military prestige; if you kill you, I can't bear it! Go hide in the mountains quickly, and I will order the sergeant to stop arresting for three days, and stop being arrested after three days." My sergeant captured!!"

When the people heard the words, they felt guilty and left in tears.Afterwards, Cao Cao really did what he said, and ordered the soldiers to stop arresting for three days, and the fleeing people all praised Cao Cao's benevolence.Naturally.

Half a month later, the river channel was cleared, and Cao Jun attacked Nanpi.Yuan Tan led his troops out of the city to confront Cao Jun.When the two battles were against each other, Cao Cao patted his horse out of the battle, pointed at Yuan Tan with a whip and scolded him.

"Treacherous villain, I treat you kindly, reward you with the title, and even marry my daughter to you, why do you still have a different heart?!!!"

For Cao Cao, who killed his father and enemy, Yuan Tan only had anger and hatred in his heart, and immediately went out to scold him.

"Cao thief, you invaded my Yuan family's realm, forced my father to death, and now you have seized my city, relying on my wife. How dare you say that I have a different heart!" Cao Cao was furious, shouting loudly.

"Where is Xu Zhongkang?!"

Xu Chu let out a tiger roar, and immediately patted his horse out of the formation and flew towards Yuan Tan's formation opposite.Yuan Tan knew that Xu Chu was brave and did not dare to fight against himself, so he hurriedly sent his general Peng An to fight.Peng An also knew that he was not Xu Chu's opponent, but the current situation forced him to leave with fear.Peng An flinched and advanced, Xu Chu galloped on his horse, and the two horses intersected for a while. Xu Chu's saber was mighty, and he slashed three times in a row. Peng An blocked the first two with all his strength. The blocking weapon was smashed into pieces, even Peng An's head was chopped off.

Xu Chu was so brave that Yuan Tan's army was all terrified, Xu Chu roared like a tiger, and went straight to kill Yuan Tan.At the same time, the sound of Wei Wei in Cao's formation was like a huge thunder, as if there was an ancient evil wind, and he rushed towards Yuan Tan to kill him.Yuan Tan was so frightened that he was so frightened that he pulled his horse and left, followed by his followers.Yuan Tan's army was in chaos, Cao Cao took advantage of the situation and ordered the army to cover up and kill Yuan Tan's troops. Yuan Tan led the defeated army back to Nanpi.

Cao Cao took advantage of the situation and sent troops to surround Nanpi City on all sides.Cao Cao's army, like a barrier connecting heaven and earth on all sides, surrounded Nanpi into an isolated city.

Yuan Tan was forced to death by Cao Cao, his arrogant heart was suddenly shattered, and only then did he realize that in front of Cao Cao, a peerless hero, he was as weak as an ant!Yuan Tan panicked, and hurriedly sent Xin Ping to see Cao Cao to surrender.Xin Ping rushed to Cao Ying, and after saluting, he talked about surrendering.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes that could swallow the world, smiled coldly, stared at Xin Ping and said slowly.

"Yuan Tan boy, capricious, I have become disheartened with him, and I will never believe in him again. Don't you hear that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to do things? When you meet the master who can do things, you lose your arms." He is not a husband. Your brother Simpi has already been used by me, and if you are willing to vote, I will treat you generously."

Although Xin Ping knew that Yuan Tan's situation was gone, he still had his own anger, and bowed his hands respectfully, and said clankly after the salute.

"The prime minister's words are wrong. I heard that my lord is honored, and my lord is worried about my humiliation. I have been with the Yuan family for a long time, and the Yuan family has never treated me badly. How can I recite it! If the prime minister does not want to include my lord, I will never surrender. "

At this point, Cao Cao will no longer accept Yuan Tan. Cao Cao admires Xin Ping's loyalty and does not make things difficult for him, so he sends Xin Ping back.Xin Ping left in despair, and returned to Nanpi to see Yuan Tan. Yuan Tan asked about the past, Xin Ping shook his head in pain, and said that Cao Cao was not allowed to surrender.Yuan Tan became anxious, and remembered that Xin Ping's younger brother 'Xin Pi' was entering an official position in Cao Cao, so he became suspicious and scolded.

"Xin Zhongzhi!! Your brother is now in trouble with Cao Cao. Now that you see that I am in danger, do you also have two hearts?!"

When Xin Ping heard this, his eyes widened, thinking that he was loyal to the Yuan family, never had a different heart, never gave up in danger, and was so wronged by Yuan Tan, instantly filled with anger, pointed at Yuan Tan, and screamed , fainted to the ground.When Yuan Tan saw this, although he felt remorse, he still coldly called the soldiers to order Xin Ping to help him out. Unexpectedly, when the soldiers arrived, Xin Ping had died of anger, and Yuan Tan actually pissed him to death.Yuan Tan's remorse surged at this moment, and he also knew that he had blamed Xin Ping, so he wept bitterly in front of Xin Ping's corpse.

Guo Tu heard the news and came to see Xin Ping being pissed off by Yuan Tan, but without the slightest hint of grief, he walked over to Yuan Tan's side to remonstrate indifferently.

"My lord's condolences, this Xin Zhongzhi's behavior is disorderly, his brother is like this, you can see how he is. My lord, there is no need to blame yourself for this. The danger is not over yet, and Cao Cao's army is still besieging Nanpi. If you want to solve this catastrophe, When the lord comes, you can drive the people first, followed by the army, and fight Cao Cao to the death."

Guo Tu actually wanted to drive the people to block Cao's army first, and his heart was vicious, which can be seen in the ordinary.However, Yuan Tan has been driven to death at this time, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, no matter how evil he is, he will firmly grasp it.Immediately follow Guo Tu's words and drive out all the people in Nanpi that night, all armed with knives and guns, obeying orders, and ordering the soldiers and civilians in the city to make preparations.

The next day in Pingming, Yuan Tan opened four gates. Yuan Tan's soldiers and horses were behind him, and the people of Nanpi were in front. They shouted loudly and rushed out together. forward.

When Cao Cao heard that Yuan Tan had used the people of Nanpi as his forerunners, his complexion darkened immediately. Soldiers rushed to report that the people of Nanpi were constantly camping.Cao Cao's officers, soldiers and advisers were extremely anxious. If Cao Cao didn't make up his mind, when the Nanpi people arrived, they would rush the soldiers and horses in the village into a panic. At that time, Yuan Tan's soldiers and horses would take advantage of the situation and kill Cao Jun without a doubt.

"My lord!! The people of Nanpi are all innocent, why not withdraw the army for now, and make plans later!!"

Xun You gritted his teeth, bowed heavily in front of Cao Cao, and remonstrated sharply.

"No!! Now is the perfect time to destroy Yuan Tan, don't miss this opportunity!!"

With a cold face, Cheng Yu immediately retorted.Although he was saying this, his face was constantly twitching, as if he was enduring great pain.

"There are hundreds of thousands of households in Qingzhou, but there are only 3 to [-] people in Nanpi at present. As long as Yuan Tan dies, all the people in Qingzhou will be saved from the disaster of war. If the Lord retreats at this time, it is really a sacrifice for the big. Small too."

Jia Xu, Cao Jun's chief strategist and military adviser, who rarely spoke, spoke slowly and calmly.Cao Cao was indecisive for a while, and the counselors under his command argued with each other.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes into a narrow slit, looked around anxiously, and shouted suddenly.

"Where is Guo Fengxiao!?"

"Report! Guo Jijiu was sick in bed, so he didn't discuss it. However, he told the villain that if the lord wanted to ask him about his plan, he would answer like this.

At present, the chaos in the world is gradually calming down. Wen Bufan in Northwest China, Sun Wentai in Jiangdong, Liu Jingsheng in Jingzhou, Liu Jiyu in Yizhou and other great heroes descended in the troubled times one after another.If the lord wants the world, he must end the war in Hebei as soon as possible, and prepare for the battle with these powerful heroes.Otherwise, once their foundation is solid, it will be hard to find in the world! "

"Haha! What a Guo Fengxiao, Xu can only see Qingzhou, but he can see the whole world. I am not as good as him!"

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, Jia Xu focused his eyes and laughed loudly.At this time, Cao Cao's face became extremely calm for a moment, he opened his mouth slowly, and ordered.

"Pass my order, the whole army is ready to go to war, regardless of the army and civilians, anyone who hinders my army will be killed!!"

Although Cao Cao's voice was not loud, it carried a chilling ruthlessness.Xun You covered his face and retreated, Cheng Yu, Jia Xu and other counselors closed their eyes one after another.Brothers Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Xia Hou will follow the order and urgently order all the troops to prepare for the fight.

Nanpi soldiers and civilians went straight to Caozhai.Cao Jun fought bravely, no matter the army or the civilians, they killed everyone they saw. The two armies fought in a melee and fought fiercely.

Seeing that he had not won a complete victory, Cao Cao abandoned his horse on the mountain, shouted back the soldiers who were beating the drums, tore off his war robes, naked his upper body, took up the drumsticks, and beat the drums himself.Seeing this, Cao Jun's soldiers' morale broke out, and they fought forward without fear of life and death. Cao Jun's soldiers burst out and killed them all.Countless people in Nanpi were killed, and the screams and cries shook the world.

Cao Ang and Cao Pi rushed forward, and Cao Hong followed closely. Cao Ang held a sword in one hand and a knife in the other.When Yuan Tan saw Cao Ang, he shouted angrily, and the flying horse came straight to kill Cao Ang.

"Thief!!!!!! Look at me to kill your dog!!!!!!"

"Your father was defeated by my father, today let me, Cao Zixiu, come and eradicate you, the remnant of the Yuan family!!!"

Cao Ang stared wide-eyed, shouted Biyi and galloped forward, the two horses charged, Cao Ang swung his sword vigorously, Yuan Tan swept the gun, the two fought hard, and the killing was fierce.Cao Ang's martial arts skills are good, seeing Yuan Tan's spear style gradually becoming chaotic, he couldn't resist it.Cao Ang shouted violently and immediately stepped up his offensive.

At this moment, Cao Pi suddenly rushed out from behind Cao Ang, and stabbed Yuan Tan's heart with his sword.


Cao Pi's eyes were red, and Yuan Tan was being killed by Cao Ang, so there was no need to avoid Cao Pi's sneak attack at this time.I saw the sword in Cao Pi's hand was as fast as lightning, piercing through Yuan Tan's body and coming out. Yuan Tan gave a miserable cry and fell off his horse, looking dead.

"Second brother, you!!!"

When Cao Ang saw that the great merit of his mouth was taken away by Cao Pi, he immediately became angry and yelled after returning.Cao Pi kept a cold face, ignored Cao Ang's angry face, turned over and fell off the horse, rushed to Yuan Tan's corpse, cut off Yuan Tan's head, hung it on his own horse, and then rode the horse to kill him.Cao Pi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, as if he regarded Cao Ang as air.When Cao Ang saw that Cao Pi was about to leave, he pulled the rein in a hurry, and wanted to stop Cao Pi's way.

Seeing this, Cao Hong hurriedly stopped him, and hurriedly comforted him.

"My lord, the Second Young Master is only eager to make contributions and has no intention of attacking you. You have the power to calm down and rush into this Yuan formation and kill Guo Tu."

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