Han Shimou

Chapter 701 Shi Xie committed suicide

"What! Shi Xie, a naughty villain, dares to lie to me! I'm so angry!!! Left and right, hurry up and hack this man to death!!"

Sun Ce jumped into a rage, pointed at Shi Yi and yelled angrily, and at the sound of an order, the Jiangdong army around Shi Yi immediately rushed towards him with savage faces and armed with knives, chopping him into meat paste with random knives.

On the other hand, because Shi Yi stole the dragon and turned the phoenix himself that day, Shi Xie escaped with his death. When he traveled to Heihe, he met his defeated soldiers and horses, and they all came to look for him.When all the soldiers saw Shi Xie, they were surprised and happy, and asked.

"The Jiangdong army is densely covered with ambushes. We all thought that the lord was in danger. How did the lord escape?"

When the soldiers asked, Shi Xie remembered that Shi Yi was pursued by Sun Ce, and that he might have been surrounded and killed by Jiangdong soldiers at this time, so mist welled up in his eyes, and he told the story.At this time, Shi Xie's helmet was missing, his hair was disheveled, his face was disheveled, like a lost dog, and his three brothers, two were killed by Sun Ce, and one was killed by an unknown young general. Sad to die.

All the soldiers appeased Shi Xie, advised him to cross the Heihe River quickly, summon the elite soldiers of other races, and then take revenge.As soon as Shi Xie heard the word "revenge", a strange energy erupted all over his body, and he couldn't wait to order the soldiers to cross the Heihe River.All the soldiers were overjoyed to see that Shi Xie's fighting spirit had recovered, and supported nurse Xie to cross the Heihe River and rush to Nanhai County.

After Shi Xie came to the South China Sea, he sent orders to various foreign races. Shi Xie had a high reputation in Jiaozhou and treated the people of foreign races kindly. Among them, some alien races are good at repelling beasts, and they can drive tigers and bears to kill enemies, and some can even subdue elephants as mounts.Shi Xie integrated the remnants of his own army, together with the soldiers and horses cast by various foreign races, the strength was more than [-].

Later, according to Shi Yi's plan, Shi Xie detained all the boats and rafts on the south bank of the Heihe River, and built an earthen city in the area. plan.The grain and grass are all supplied by different tribes.Seeing that everything was well prepared, Shi Xie hoped every night that Jiangdong soldiers would come and avenge him.

But it is said that although the Jiangdong Army defeated Shi Xie's soldiers and horses, it was escaped by its leader Shi Xie.Zhou Yu knew that Shi Xie had won the hearts of the people in Jiaozhou, fearing that Shi Xie would gather soldiers again, he quickly instructed Sun Ce to search for news about Shi Xie.When Sun Ce and Zhou Yu heard that Shi Xie was in the South China Sea, tens of thousands of foreign elite soldiers gathered in a few nights, both of them were shocked, thinking that Shi Xie's reputation in Jiaozhou is so high, if he is not killed, Jiaozhou will be destroyed. Certainly.

So Sun and Zhou's desire to kill Shixie became more urgent.Sun Ce didn't have a day, and raised his troops to make a big advance. The former army had reached Heihe, and the sentry horse flew to report.

"In the Heihe River, there are no boats and rafts, and the water is very fast. An earthen city has been built around the bank, and all of them are guarded by foreign soldiers."

It was the beginning of June, the weather was hot, and the southern land was extremely scorching, like a prison on fire on earth, and the army's horses and armors could not be worn, making it difficult for an army to move.

After Sun Ce and Zhou Yu went to the edge of the Lu River to watch, Zhou Yu watched for a while on the bank of the river and taught Sun Ce how to do this.Later, the two returned to the village, gathered all the generals in the tent, and passed on orders.

"Today, Shi Xie's troops stationed in the south of the Heihe River, with deep ditches and high fortifications, to resist our soldiers. Our army has raised troops here, and seeing that the attack on Jiaozhou is imminent, how can we return empty-handed? You wait and lead your troops, and you will be surrounded by mountains and trees. Choose a place with lush forests, and I will rest with you."

After Sun Ce's order was finished, he sent Zhou Yu a hundred miles away from the Heihe River to choose a cool place and divide it into three villages. Zhou Tai, Chen Wu, and Pan Zhang each guarded one village, and built straw sheds inside and outside to cover the horses. Enjoy the cool in the shade to escape the heat.

Jiangdong general Zhou Tai looked outside Dazhai for a while, his brows were deeply furrowed, he was full of doubts, so he immediately asked Sun Ce.At this time, in Sun Ce's tent, Sun and Zhou were discussing.After Zhou Tai saluted, he asked.

"I see that this camp is built in a place with lush forests. It is very dangerous. If Shi Xie led his troops to sneak across the Heihe River to rob the camp, if he used fire to attack, the current weather is hot and the fire will increase. At that time, our army will surely All buried in the sea of ​​fire!"

Zhou Yu smiled lightly and said firmly.

"You don't need to be suspicious, I don't know such truths, I have my own calculations. You can just guard the stronghold with peace of mind."

Zhou Tai didn't know what he meant, but he knew that Zhou Yu was extremely resourceful and very capable of thinking what he wanted, so he immediately dismissed Sun and Zhou Yu.

A few days later, Zhou Yu sent someone to Jiangdong to get all the things he asked for.General Jiangdong, Jiang Yin escorted the summer heat medicine and grain to the village.Zhou Yu summoned Jiang Yin.Jiang Yin's orthodox soldiers distributed the rice medicine to the three villages. Hearing that Zhou Yu had summoned him, he hurried to see him.

After Jiang Yin paid homage, Zhou Yu asked first.

"I wonder how many soldiers General Jiang brought?"

Jiang Yin replied.

"There are three thousand soldiers and horses."

Zhou Yu nodded slightly and asked with a light smile.

"Our army is exhausted from battle, and I want to requisition General Jiang's soldiers and horses. I wonder if it is possible?"

"We are all serving the lord, what is the difference between us? The military division wants to use it, even if it dies!"

Zhou Yu lifted his steps lightly, walked a few steps, and suddenly said again.

"Now Meng Huo refuses to hold the Heihe River, and there is no way to cross it. I want to cut off its food road first, so that the other army will be in chaos. This will solve our army's current dilemma."

"The strategist's strategy is brilliant, but the Heihe River is in a hurry and there is no way to cross it. How can we cut off the army's supply route?"

Zhou Yu had thought about it for a long time, and immediately replied.

"I sent someone to investigate earlier, and I learned that 150 miles away from here, there is a Liusand mouth at the bottom of the Heihe River. Food. Make no mistake."

Jiang Yin bowed his hands heavily, and went away happily after receiving the order. He led the troops to Shakou and drove them across the water. Because the water was shallow, most of them couldn't get off the raft. The raft was sad, so Jiang Yin had to order the soldiers to cross the river naked.Unexpectedly, the soldiers fell down less than halfway across the river.Jiang Yin hurriedly ordered the soldiers to rescue the fallen man to the shore.Seeing them, those people's faces were black and purple, their mouths and noses were bleeding, and they died in an instant.

Jiang Yin was shocked and reported to Zhou Yu overnight.Zhou Yu was also amazed. He called the natives who had been caught by his ancestors and asked them about them.The natives told each other so.

"This Heihe River is poisonous. It is summer, and the weather is extremely hot, and the poison gathers on the surface of the Heihe River. It is the hottest day, and the poisonous gas is emitting. If anyone crosses the water, he will be poisoned. If he drinks this water, the drinker will die. If a military commander crosses the river, You have to wait until the night is quiet, the water is cold, the poisonous gas cannot be removed, and you can quickly cross it, then nothing will happen."

Zhou Yu learned the method of crossing the river and rewarded the natives.That night, the natives were ordered to lead the way, and five or six hundred elite troops were selected to follow Jiang Yin to the Shakou of the Heihe River, where they set up rafts and crossed the water in the middle of the night.

Jiang Yin led a strong army of [-] people and asked the natives to lead the way, taking a mountain valley at the intersection of the main road for transporting grain in the South China Sea.This valley is very strange, there are two mountains, and there is a road in the middle, the road is very narrow, only one person and one horse can pass by.

Jiang Yin occupied Jiashan Valley, allocated soldiers, and erected a fence.Shi Xie didn't know the soldiers and horses who were holding the grain, but when he was about to unload the grain, he was intercepted by Jiang Yin's soldiers and horses.

At this time, Shi Xie was in the South China Sea, discussing with the leaders of various ethnic groups.

"Relying on the danger of the Heihe River today, I will wait for it with a deep ditch and a high fortress. The Eastern Army of the Shujiang River cannot bear the scorching heat, so they must retreat. At that time, you and I will lead the army to cover up and kill, and then we can capture the child of the Sun family!"

After Shi Xie finished speaking, he laughed gloomily, as if he had seen his own army wantonly killing Jiangdong soldiers and horses.Suddenly, a foreign leader asked.

"The water at the mouth of the sand is shallow. If soldiers and horses from the east of the river leak over and cut off our food roads, our army will be in danger. We should divide our troops and guard them."

As soon as the leader of the foreign race finished speaking, the leader of the other tribe laughed.

"You are a native here, how do you not know that the Heihe River is poisonous. If the Jiangdong army forcibly crosses the Heihe River, they will die in the water. At that time, we will take advantage of the night and send a strong attack, and the Jiangdong army will be defeated!"

In the middle of the speech, it was suddenly reported that the general in the northeast, who did not know how many people, secretly crossed the Lushui River and cut off the grain road.

"How is this possible!!!! Could it be that someone told Jiangdong soldiers and horses about the method of night crossing!?"

Shi Xie turned pale in shock, and the leaders of different ethnic groups urged Shi Xie to send troops to rescue him quickly.Shi Xie urgently ordered all the soldiers of other races to lead [-] troops to the mountain gorge to rescue them.Unexpectedly, when Shi Xie's soldiers and horses arrived, Jiang Yin had already burned hundreds of carts of grain and grass, and fled away.The soldiers reported back to Shi Xie, and Shi Xie heard that all the food and grass had been burned, and the remaining food in the city was not enough to last for half a month. Food and grass are the lifeblood of the army, and they must not be cut off.

Shi Xie was panicked, unable to do anything, he spat out blood with a cry, and passed out.Everyone hurriedly called the doctor, trying to wake Shi Xie up, no problem.

When Shi Xie woke up, it was several days later.Shi Xie's complexion was pale and his face was aging, as if he would die at any moment.Seeing the lack of food, a group of foreign leaders became impatient and asked Shi Xie for advice.

When Shi Xie was forced, he thought of his brother, who covered the sky with one hand in Jiaozhou, respected by hundreds of clans, and lived like an emperor.Now, he was forced to be defeated by the Jiangdong army, all his brothers died, and the family property of the scholars could not be kept for long.

Shi Xie's eyes gradually turned red, his face was full of madness, and he shouted loudly.

"The Jiangdong Army thought that we would take advantage of the danger of the Heihe River and only know how to stick to it. If I waited at this time and led a large army to forcefully cross the river, taking advantage of its unpreparedness and sneak attacking its camp, I heard that the Jiangdong Army's camps are all located in lush forests. The weather is hot at this time, which is a big taboo for military strategists. Once someone sets fire to the village, the fire will be out of control.

At that time, our army will take advantage of the situation and set fire, and we will surely win a big victory! !You wait and order the soldiers of all departments to make preparations, and we will lead the army to cross the Heihe River tonight! ! "

Shi Xie wanted to fight to the death with Jiangdong's army, and the leaders of different races led the way and made arrangements one after another.That night, Shi Xie mobilized [-] foreign elite soldiers and divided them into three teams.An order was sent to all the troops to bring all their firearms, and when they arrived at Jiangdong Dazhai tonight, they set fire to the village.

At three o'clock in the night, Shi Xie led [-] alien policemen to cross the Heihe River by force. Three thousand elephant soldiers rushed to Jiangdong Dazhai first, followed by alien policemen, holding firearms and flying around the Jiangdong camp. Arson, in a short time, the entire Jiangdong Dazhai ignited a raging fire, and the flames spread to the sky, covering the sky and the earth.

It is said that the three thousand elephant soldiers rushed into Jiangdong village one after another, breaking through doors and barriers.The foreign elite soldiers who followed closely behind also rushed in rushing in.

But at this time, what is extremely strange is that there is no one in the entire Jiangdong Dazhai.

Shi Xie's heart skipped a beat, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

"Not good! I fell into that Zhou Gongjin's trap again!!!"

As soon as Shi Xie had a thought in his head, suddenly there was the sound of countless soldiers and horses' hooves vibrating outside the village, and Jiangdong soldiers and horses were swarming in all directions, attacking Shi Xie's soldiers and horses frantically, forcing them into the village. In the camp of the sea of ​​fire.Shi Xie's soldiers and horses were in chaos, and Jiangdong's army rushed forward bravely, forcing the other army to retreat into the sea of ​​fire behind them.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the sitting elephants of the three thousand elephant soldiers, frightened by the flames, ran away violently and rushed forward indiscriminately.Killed countless alien soldiers and horses.At the same time, many beasts driven by foreign soldiers also lost control and rushed around.

The chaos of the soldiers was out of control. Most of the soldiers were driven into the sea of ​​fire by the Jiangdong army and burned to death.The ever-increasing flames roared into the sky, and Shi Xie saw an army of killers in front of him and a sea of ​​flames behind him. At this moment, he deeply understood that he had no way out.

"I hate it!!!!!!!"

Shi Xie was filled with grief and indignation. With a roar, he suddenly drew out the treasured knife from his waist and cut his own neck with the knife.

At this time, Zhou Tai was heading towards Shi Xie to kill him, when he saw Shi Xie committing suicide, his face changed slightly, and there was a bit of unbearable color in his eyes.However, Zhou Tai quickly suppressed this emotion and ordered a group of soldiers to inform Sun Ce that Shi Xie was dead.

In this chaotic world, you really win, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The loser never has the right to speak.

As soon as Shi Xie died, those foreign soldiers who followed him immediately stopped resisting and knelt down and surrendered.A soldier came to report to Sun Ce, but Sun Ce looked at Zhou Yu with a cold face.

Although Zhou Yu's face was calm, his eyes were filled with extremely terrifying killing intent.

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