Han Shimou

Chapter 706 Sun Jian’s Loss

Afterwards, Huang Zu learned that Huang Gai had escaped, and was informed by Huang Zhong and Gan Ning's eyeliners that Huang Zhong and Gan Ning did not kill the enemy when they saw the enemy at Luohu Mountain, so they let Huang Gai and Cheng Pu go. Huang Zu had a grudge against Huang Zhong and Gan Ning.Although Huang Zhong shot Sun Jian, Gan Ning slayed Zu Mao, and Ling Cao, the two made such great achievements, Huang Zu did not promote them to military positions except for a trivial reward on the surface.

Huang Zhong and Gan Ning were disheartened when they saw this.Huang Zhong was an old man, he didn't express any anger in his heart, while Gan Ning was young and frivolous, he secretly complained a lot.After these complaints were learned by Huang Zu, Gan Ning was reprimanded.Therefore, Gan Ning's intention to abandon Huang Zu is more certain.

On the other hand, the Jiangdong remnant soldiers rushed back to Wuhui. When the civil and military guards in Jiangdong learned that Sun Jian had lost his life in Jiangxia, and the army was about to die, the entire Jiangdong was violently turbulent and chaotic.When Sun Jian's corpse was transported to the city, the Sun family, the civil and military forces of Jiangdong all cried loudly beside the corpse.Sun Jian's wife, Wu Shi, fell to the ground crying even more. Sun Jian's sons, Sun Yi and Sun Kuang, all cried loudly. Only Sun Quan, who was sick at home with a strange disease, did not cry.All the accompanying troops and the people in Jiangdong wept bitterly.

Wuhui City was submerged in one after another of mournful cries, and everyone in the city wept bitterly for Sun Jian's death, in unstoppable grief.A few days later, because he didn't want to affect the battle situation in Jiaozhou, Zhang Zhao presided over Sun Jian's funeral under Wu's insistence several times, and at the same time Sun Jian's eldest son, Sun Ce, was determined to take over Jiangdong.

Half a month later, the nine counties of Jiaozhou were settled, and Sun Ce left Lu Su and Pan Zhang to guard Jiaozhou, leading the victorious troops back to Jiangdong.When Sun Ce conquered Jiaozhou, he was in a joyous mood, but when he first entered Jiangdong, he found that all the cities and counties he passed were crying bitterly.Sun Ce thought that when he attacked Jiaozhou, some terrible natural disaster occurred in Jiangdong.Sun Ce quickly sent soldiers to investigate around, and after a while, the soldiers who came back to report were all weeping and distraught.Sun Ce's heart pounded violently, and an extremely ominous omen suddenly appeared.

"What the hell happened!!!!?"

Sun Ce roared fiercely, and the soldiers all knelt down on the ground, weeping and choking.

"My lord! He!!"

Although those soldiers were unknown, Sun Ce seemed to have expected it, and his expression changed drastically, tears welled up, and he cried bitterly.

"Impossible!!! My father was famous in the first life, a hero in the world, how could it be!!! How could it be!!!!"

"Bo Fu, seeing is believing and hearing is not. Now I should hurry back to Wu Hui and make a conclusion!"

Sadness also appeared in Zhou Yuhao's eyes, but he knew that he must not mess up at this time.When Sun Ce heard this, he gritted his teeth and ordered the whole army to rush straight towards Wuhui without stopping.

When Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and others led the army to Wuhui, seeing that all the soldiers and civilians in the city were wearing white mourning clothes, Sun Ce felt his head explode with a bang, screamed in pain, and fell off his horse.All the generals quickly helped him up, and Sun Ce, with a sad face, rushed towards the Da Sima's mansion.Zhou Yu, Zhou Tai and others will follow quickly.

When Zhou Yu and others rushed to the Da Sima's mansion, they saw Sun Ce weeping in front of Sun Jian's coffin, weeping bitterly, Mrs. Wu and his younger brothers Sun Yi and Sun Kuang all persuaded him.

Sun Ce cried terribly, crying from day to night, until he passed out from crying.The sound of Sun Ce's mourning could be heard from all over the city, and everyone cried bitterly.

The death of Sun Jian caused the whole Jiangdong to drown in grief.

But at this time, in a certain house in the Da Sima Mansion, it was pitch black without any glimmer of light.This house is exactly Sun Quan's house. Right now, everyone in the mansion is rushing about for Sun Jian's funeral, so Sun Quan's side seems relatively calm.

In the darkness, Sun Quan's face was not as crazy as usual. Sun Quan closed his eyes tightly in pain, and two lines of tears slowly flowed down from his eye sockets.

It seems that although Sun Quan suffered from a strange disease, human emotions are still preserved.Sun Jian's death also made him extremely sad.

After the funeral, Sun Ce took charge of Jiangdong affairs.Zhang Zhao invites Sun Ce to come out of the court, and the audience congratulates him. Sun Ce ascends the throne, and all the Jiangdong people say that they are willing to use their hearts and brains to emulate the power of dogs and horses, and then die!

Sun Ce thanked all the civil and military personnel in front of the hall, and all the civil and military personnel also returned to pay their respects.After the etiquette, Sun Ce's eyes were red, and there was still sadness in his eyes, but more of them were strong anger.

"Huang Chengjie was treacherous and cunning. He murdered my father, and his subordinate Huang Zhong even shot my father to death. The murder of my father is a vengeance. As a son of man, how can I not report it! I want to use all the troops in Jiangdong immediately, Attacking Jiangxia to avenge the murder of his father. Do you have any objections!?"

Sun Ce was murderous and shouted sharply.Zhang Zhao's complexion changed, so he stood up and attended the lecture.

"My lord, at present the army has a new defeat, and the first one has just returned in triumph. It is because they are tired. At this time, they rushed to Jiangxia, and the defeated army is tired. I am afraid that it will be difficult to accomplish anything! I hope the lord will rest for half a year, and wait for the soldiers to recharge their batteries. Discuss about sending troops to Jiang Xia for revenge."

"Half a year!? I can't wait for a moment!! Killing my father and enemy is just around the corner, and it's only a river away. How can I wait for so long!!!"

Sun Ce's face changed drastically, and he immediately refuted Zhang Zhaozhi's remonstrance.Zhang Zhao was about to speak again, but at this time Zhou Yu stood up and said.

"My lord, as a son of man, it is filial piety to avenge his father. How dare we wait to stop him. However, why should my lord rush to march? I have a plan to make Huang Chengjie die without a place to bury him!"

When Sun Ce heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Ji Cong'an, Gong Jin, come quickly!"

"However, General Sun Jing needs to suffer some grievances to implement this plan."

Upon hearing this, Sun Jing, who was at the generals' table, hurriedly got up to attend, worshiped at the bottom of the hall, and bowed her hands to say the word.

"As long as you can avenge your elder brother, you will be smashed to pieces in the end, and you will not hesitate to do so!"

Sun Jing is the younger brother of Sun Jian, whose style name is Youtai, and he was the general of Zhaoyi Zhonglang at that time.Seeing this, Sun Ce stepped down to help Sun Jingdao.

"Uncle, don't be too polite. My father just died. How can my nephew put my uncle in danger again?"

"My lord, you don't need to be too many, and ask the military adviser for advice!"

Sun Jing's expression froze, her face full of determination, and she asked Zhou Yu.Zhou Yu nodded slightly, and said right now.

"The first lord just died, and the lord took over the position for the first time. Huang Chengjie must have thought that the people in Jiangdong were in panic at this time, and the army was in turmoil. General Sun is from the Sun family, commanding Kuaiji, and holding a heavy army. If General Sun rebelled in Kuaiji at this time Then Huang Chengjie will definitely take advantage of the vacancy and send a large army across the river to invade. At that time, General Sun will surrender falsely, and most of Huang Zu will accept him. General Sun will be the internal support of Huang Zu's army. Capture Huang Zu!"

Zhou Yu made a plan, and the civil and martial arts present here were all different, secretly and wonderfully.After Zhang Zhao heard this, he didn't stop him anymore.After Sun Jing listened, she cupped her hands and bowed.

"The last general is willing to take orders!"

Zhou Yu immediately looked at Sun Ce, and Sun Ce thought for a while, then nodded in response.

"Since this is the case, then I will wrong my uncle. If I can avenge my father and capture Huang Zu and Huang Zhong, my nephew must remember my uncle's great kindness!"

So Sun Ce acted according to the plan, while ordering the soldiers and horses to rest, while ordering Sun Jing to prepare in Kuaiji.

Half a month later, Jiangdong suddenly became chaotic.Sun Jing, Sun Jian's younger brother and prefect of Kuaiji, rebelled in Kuaiji because he was dissatisfied with Sun Ce's succession. There was chaos in Jiangdong, and Sun Ce immediately sent troops to conquer his uncle Sun Jing.

Huang Zu in Jiangxia was overjoyed when he learned about it, and hurriedly went to discuss with Sima Yi.It is said that Sima Yi made a plan to help Huang Zu kill Sun Jian, and Zheng Yu retired and left Jiangxia.

"Sun Wentai is dead, and it's time for me to prepare to rush to Luoyang and vote for Cao Mengde."

Sima Yi's eyes were deep. In the past, he used arrogant tactics to let Sun Jian win consecutive victories, so that he took it lightly.Then use the strategy of exhausting troops, let the Jiangdong army storm Dengcheng, and attack fiercely for a long time, so that the soldiers of the Jiangdong army are exhausted.Afterwards, Sima Yi arranged again and again, designed to ambush Sun Jian, and then taught Huang Zu to take advantage of the situation to attack, so that the Jiangdong army was defeated and about to perish.

Sima Yi has a strategy in his heart and a hidden strategy in his belly, and his intelligence is so high that it can be said to be unpredictable.However, he had no intention of becoming an official under Huang Zu's command. Afterwards, Huang Zu invited him repeatedly, but was rejected by Sima Yi with various reasons.

"Hahaha! Nephew Sima, overjoyed, overjoyed!!!"

Huang Zu stepped into Sima Yi's house with great excitement. Sima Yi's face sank slightly when he heard Huang Zu's laughter, and then he regained his calm expression in an instant.

"I don't know why Uncle Huang likes it?"

Seeing Huang Zu approaching, Sima Yi asked softly.

"Haha. Nephew Sima Xian didn't know something. Just now I reported the details of my Anfu in Jiangdong. Sun Youtai, the prefect of Kuaiji, took over Jiangdong because he didn't distinguish Sun Bofu, and raised his troops to rebel in Kuaiji. Sun Bofu hastily raised troops to attack. At this time Jiangdong is in chaos, and it is a great opportunity for our army to attack Jiangdong!" <Feng, since he successfully killed Sun Jian, the mortal enemy, Huang Zu's ambitions have soared, and he is extremely proud, and his hidden ambitions have swelled to the extreme.

Sima Yi's deep gaze rippled slightly, and he quickly calculated in his heart, and soon he sneered and cursed in his heart.

"Hehe. Zhou Gongjin is really powerful this time, and he came up with a counterattack so quickly. It seems that this person will be my confidant and enemy in the future."

Sima Yi thought in his heart, but said so in his mouth.

"Congratulations to Uncle Huang. When Sun Jing rebelled in Kuaiji, Heaven wanted to wipe out the Sun family. If Uncle Huang doesn't take advantage of this time to send troops to attack Jiangdong, when will he wait?"

"Haha, it's true that the heroes see the same thing. This old man has exactly the same intention. If even Nephew Sima thinks so, now is the best time to attack Jiangdong. In this way, this old man will mobilize troops and prepare to fight Jiangdong Matters. I don’t know if Nephew Sima is willing to travel with our army, if you can capture Jiangdong, I will definitely treat you badly!”

Huang Zu's eyes flickered suddenly, and there was a bit of murderous intent hidden in his eyes.This Sima Yi is really too terrifying. If he can't use it for himself and joins others, he will definitely be a confidant and enemy in the future.

Sima Yi's eyes were so vicious, he immediately noticed Huang Zu's killing intent, but he didn't react, instead he smiled.

"My nephew is so favored by Uncle Huang, how dare I refuse. My nephew is ready to pack, and when Uncle Huang's army goes out, my nephew will definitely accompany him."

"Good, good! From now on, Nephew Sima will be the military advisor of my Jiang Xia army! I also hope that Nephew Sima will help me achieve great things. If I succeed, nephew Sima will be indispensable to my prosperity and wealth in the future!"

"My nephew is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse, and repay the kindness of my confidant!"

Huang Zu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he worshiped Sima Yi as a military adviser, and Sima Yi knelt down to accept the order.Although the two of them appear to be like this on the surface, they are both secretly harboring ghosts.

So Huang Zu mobilized soldiers and horses from various places in Jiangxia to prepare for the expedition to Jiangdong.A few days later, Huang Zu heard the report again, Sun Jing and Sun Ce fought fiercely in Kuaiji, and Sun Jing was in a disadvantageous situation.After hearing this, Huang Zu became very impatient, and immediately ordered the preparation of armaments, ships, and supplies to speed up.

Huang Zhong, a general under Huang Zu's command, was shocked when he learned that Huang Zuyu was going to raise troops in Jiangdong, and hurriedly came to seek advice from Huang Zu.

"My lord, what is the purpose of mobilizing troops and horses this time?"

Huang Zu was preparing for the military affairs of the Jiangdong War, when Huang Zhong suddenly entered without reporting, Huang Zu's face was slightly displeased, and he immediately replied in a cold voice.

"Then Sun Wentai is dead, and Sun Dalang took over Jiangdong for the first time. People in Jiangdong are in panic at this time, and Sun Jing, the prefect of Kuaiji, is rebelling. Now is a good time to attack Jiangdong. The old man mobilized troops, naturally, to prepare to conquer Jiangdong!"

When Huang Zhong heard it, it was as he expected, and he knelt down to remonstrate.

"My lord, don't do it! Sun Dalang is extremely brave and has made countless military exploits. His martial prowess has long shocked Jiangdong up and down, and his righteous brother Zhou Gongjin is loyal to assist him. Jiangdong's civil and military are all willing to be led. Besides, Sun Jing has always been loyal, When his brother was in power, he devoted himself to everything and never did anything rebellious. He was deeply loved by the people and trusted by his brother. How could such a loyal and righteous person rebel when his brother just died!?"

"Hmph! People's hearts are separated from each other. In this troubled world, power is the first priority in everything. You don't see that the Yuan brothers in Hebei can still be titled, but they fight and kill each other. Now Sun Jing is taking advantage of the situation to rebel, just in time for this troubled world." Dao. How can you understand this truth if you can only fight and kill!"

Huang Zu snorted coldly, and looked down upon Huang Zhong condescendingly.Huang Zhong saw that Huang Zu not only refused to listen to the advice, but also slandered each other, his heart suddenly became angry.

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