Han Shimou

Chapter 727 Zhang Lu casts a spell

When the people in Nanzheng heard this, they realized that they had been deceived by these people and blamed good people, and they all angrily reprimanded Zhang Lu Xizuo.

Wen Han seemed to have expected such a result long ago, so he spoke coldly to the secretary.

"Okay! The Marquis of this army must do what he says, and what he promises to you, he must promise. You should step down first."

After saying that, Zhou Cang grabbed him and dragged him back to the courtyard on the left without waiting for Xixi to react.Then, Liu Pi brought out another spy, who saw him taking a long time to be summoned, fearing that his accomplice would reveal the truth earlier, when he saw Wen Han, he knelt down on the spot, weeping, begging Wen Han for mercy.Wen Han also gave him a chance to explain the truth, and that Xi Zuo quickly told everything, which was almost the same as what Zhang Lu Xi Zuo said before.

At this time, the people of Nanzheng in the field were completely suspicious of Wen Han, and knelt down to plead guilty to Wen Han.Wen Han hurriedly told the people not to kneel, and said softly.

"You are all good people. Unfortunately, you have been fooled by Zhang Lu for a long time. It is my fault that I surprised you today. I think your parents, brothers, and wives will lean on the door and look at you. Surrounded by my soldiers and horses, I must have cut my stomach and wounds, and my eyes are bleeding. Now the truth is revealed, and the truth is revealed. Wen Mou will let you go back now, so that everyone's parents, brothers, and wives will be at ease. I hope you will stop again Believe in slander."

After speaking, Wen Han ordered the soldiers to send them away with wine, rice and food.The people of Nanzheng felt their kindness deeply, and left in tears.

After sending all these hundreds of people away, Wen Han breathed a sigh of relief.The reason why he has gone so far is that Zhang Lu's reputation in Hanzhong is so high that he can cover the sky with one hand.If Wen Han hadn't produced ironclad evidence, these Nanzheng people would never have trusted his one-sided words.

"Zhang Gongqi, you treat the people as puppets, and the evil in your heart is beyond the tolerance of heaven and earth! I will definitely kill you, a crazy villain, and save the people of Hanzhong!"

After this incident, Wen Han's desire to kill Zhang Lu became more urgent.What he hated the most in his life were manipulative villains like Zhang Lu!

The next day, the hundreds of Nanzheng people who were released by Wenhan told their parents, brothers, and wives what happened last night, and all the people in Nanzheng City's torrent of resentment towards Wenhan died instantly.And many people began to wake up to Wen Han's benevolent deeds in order to appease the people, and the general's rations were allotted, and they were praised one after another.

So for a while, the name of Wen Han's benevolence and righteousness spread to every household.Wen Han saw that Nanzheng was stable, and after a few days, all the supplies allocated by Zhong Yao arrived. Wen Han wanted to attack Hanzhong as soon as possible, so he immediately prepared to march.

At the same time, Wen Han received a letter from Yang Song. It turned out that Yang Song saw that Zhang Lu had lost Nanzheng, and that there was no good warrior under his command to stop Wen Han. implicated.

Therefore, Yang Song planned as early as possible, and Yu privately acted as an internal response to help Wen Han win Hanzhong. In the future, you can also rely on merit to ask for benefits from Wen Han, making the Yang family more prosperous.Yang Song is a profiteer, as long as there is something to gain, loyalty is like nothing in his heart, and he has made the most beneficial choice for him right now.

"Hmph, what a traitor who seeks glory. How can Zhang Gongqi be invincible by keeping such a sycophant by his side!?"

After reading the book, Wen Han snorted coldly, his eyes filled with disdain.Tian Feng bowed his hands and said beside him.

"This is the Hanzhong that God helped my lord to get. With Yang Song in front of me as an internal response, the situation is very beneficial to us. The so-called soldiers are expensive, and the lord should march quickly. Otherwise, things will change and the opportunity will be missed."

Wen Han nodded slightly after hearing this, and he also understood that the reason why Tian Feng urged the army was because he was afraid that Zhang Lu would ask Xichuan Liu Jiyu for help when he saw the situation was not good.Although Liu Jiyu is cowardly and incompetent, there are many outstanding men and women around him, who will definitely tell him the truth.And Liu Jiyu has been in Xichuan for a long time, with sufficient food, nearly 10,000+ soldiers and horses, and deep savings.If he sends troops to rescue him, with the troops Wen Han can deploy at the moment, he can only avoid the front.

"What the military adviser said is true. If so, I will give the order to march immediately!"

According to Tian Feng's words, Wen Han left Zhou Cang and Liu Bi to lead [-] troops to defend Nanzheng, while he personally led Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Pang De to lead [-] troops. Thousands of soldiers and horses) went to Bazhong in a mighty manner.

Zhang Lu heard that Wenhan stabilized Nanzheng, and then marched to kill Bazhong. He was shocked and hurriedly searched for Wen and Wu to discuss.Yang Song's eyes were dark and soft, he didn't know what he was thinking about, so he first stood aside and observed his words.And Zhang Ren frowned deeply, and there was no way to do it for a while.Only Yan Pu had a dignified face, and he cupped his hands to remonstrate.

"My lord, the current situation is critical. Dongchuan and Xichuan's lips are dead and their teeth are cold. How about sending a letter to the lord, asking Liu Jiyu to send troops to rescue him!?"

"Liu! Ji! Yu! Don't you forget that I have a sworn feud with him!!"

When Zhang Lu heard Liu Jiyu's name, his complexion changed drastically, and hatred burst out in his eyes.

It is said that Liu Zhang in Yizhou, whose name is Jiyu, is the son of Liu Yan and the queen of King Lu Gong of the Han Dynasty.Emperor Zhang Yuanhezhong moved to Jingling, and Zhi Shuyin lived in Xichuan.Later, Liu Yanguan went to Yizhou as a herdsman, and died of gangrene in the first year of Xingping. Zhao Wei, a state official, and others, jointly protected Liu Zhang as a Yizhou herdsman.Liu Zhang hated Zhang Lu's mother for bewildering his father.Just when he took over Yizhou, he killed Zhang Lu's mother and Zhang Lu's younger brother, so Liu and Zhang's family forged a big feud.At the same time, Liu Zhang was afraid of Zhang Lu's revenge, so he made his general Pang Xi the prefect of Brazil to reject Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu not only hated Liu Zhang, and foretold the revenge of killing his mother and brother, but also always had a peeping heart towards the 41 counties of Xichuan.And Liu Zhang also knew Zhang Lu's ambitions, and had always been extremely wary of him.Both of them regard each other as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and they want to get rid of it quickly.

This time, Yan Pu actually taught Zhang Lu to ask for help from the enemy, not to mention whether Liu Zhang is willing or not.And in Zhang Lu's heart, he is also unwilling to bow his head to Liu Zhang, the enemy who killed his mother and brother, and ask for help!

"My lord! In the midst of a catastrophe, how can we ignore the overall situation because of personal hatred! If there is no Liu Jiyu to rescue the soldiers, Dongchuan will be in danger!"

Yan Pu suddenly knelt down on his knees and begged with sobs.Zhang Lu's eyes were wide open, and he gritted his teeth. He seemed to know what Yan Pu said was reasonable, but he didn't want to say anything for now.At this moment, Zhang Ren, who was standing beside him, gritted his teeth suddenly, and also knelt down to beg.

"What the military adviser said is right. If you lose Dongchuan, how can you talk about revenge! I also hope that my brother will send a letter to rescue! As soon as the danger of Dongchuan is over, my brother can make friends with him on the surface and wait for an opportunity to revenge in secret!"

"Second brother you!"

Zhang Lu's face changed, Zhang Rang's hatred for Liu Zhang was no less than Zhang Lu's.At this time, Zhang Ren also advised him in the same way.Zhang Lu hesitated for a moment.At this moment, Yang Song suddenly said in a low voice.

"I'm afraid that if Liu Jiyu refuses to come to the rescue, then the lord will be humiliating himself. What's more, even if Liu Jiyu really sends troops to rescue, I'm afraid it will be with bad intentions. Liu Jiyu has always been afraid of the lord, otherwise he would not have made Pang Xi Lead heavy troops to guard Brazil! What if Liu Jiyu sneaks in and divides Dongchuan with Wen Bufan at that time?"

As soon as Yang Song said this, Zhang Lu and Zhang Wei's expressions changed immediately.Zhang Wei didn't think of this point just now, and he also became hesitant at this moment.

"Wen Bufan is the hero of the world. If he wins the land of Dongchuan, the next step is to plot against Xichuan. How dare Liu Jiyu walk with the tiger!"

"That's enough! Let's put aside the matter of asking Xichuan for help. Right now, our army still has the strength to resist, not to mention if there is an eventuality, I have tens of thousands of people in Bazhong. Forgive that Wen Bufan will not dare to cause massacres." evil!"

Zhang Lu suddenly shouted loudly, Yan Pu's expression changed drastically after hearing this, as if he guessed that Zhang Lu was about to commit some extremely inhuman evil deeds.

"My lord must not!!!"

"Get out!!!"

Yan Pu was about to remonstrate, but Zhang Lu cut him off first, and then sternly shouted Yan Pu back.With a sad face, Yan Pu withdrew from the hall, feeling disheartened towards Zhang Lu. Since then, he detailed that he was sick in bed and no longer participated in the discussion.

A few days later, Wen Han led his army to the border of Bazhong, and set up camp ten miles outside Bazhong city.Yang Song instigated Zhang Lu to attack the camp that night when Wenhan's troops first arrived and the army was exhausted.Zhang Lu acted according to his plan, so he sent his younger brother Zhang Wei to lead a group of soldiers and horses out of the city at the second watch of the night.Earlier, Yang Song sent a secret agent to sneak out of the city and inform Wen Han.

When Wen Han heard that Zhang Luyu was going to attack the camp, he smiled brightly with all the generals under his tent, and then taught them to make arrangements.

According to the order, the generals have completed the ambush.That night, Zhang Ren led his army to a forest, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, secretly paying attention to this article. Bufan has always been careful and predictable.If he expected our army to attack the camp at night, he would lay an ambush early.Then wouldn't I be doomed!Zhang Ren's face changed continuously, and after thinking about it, he first ordered a general to lead thirty riders to the front post. The general rushed into the gate, saw no horses around, and went straight into the Chinese army.When Wen Jun saw Zhang Lubing arrived, he fired the trumpet.Ambushes came out from all sides, and only thirty cavalry were surrounded.The general was shot dead by Zhao Yun.

Seeing that there was indeed an ambush army, Zhang Wei immediately led the army to retreat and rushed back to Bazhong City.Zhang Lu learned afterwards that his younger brother Zhang Wei was almost in danger, so he had better send someone to check it out first, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.Zhang Lu then summoned Yang Song to reprimand him. Yang Song pleaded guilty on the surface, but he held a grudge in his heart. He thought that after Wen Han's army attacked Bazhong, he would settle the bad debt with Zhang Lu!

Fortunately, Zhang Wei was able to escape. Although he hated Yang Song, but seeing his brother Zhang Lu scolding him fiercely, he was afraid that Yang Song would complain, so he hurriedly tried to persuade him.After all, Yan Pu and Zhang Lu are falling out now, if Yang Song continues to complain and follow the example of Yan Pu and stay out of illness, then Zhang Lu will have no counselors to use.

After Zhang Wei persuaded him, Zhang Lu's anger gradually subsided, and after drinking Yang Song away, he discussed with Zhang Wei.

"Second brother, can the people in the city drink all the talisman water?"

Zhang Lu's expression darkened suddenly, and he asked in a dark voice.When Zhang Wei heard it, his face showed a little unbearable expression, but he still replied.

"Brother. Three days ago, according to my brother's order, I distributed talisman water from door to door in the city, and the distribution just finished today. The people in the city believe that this is the magic water for physical fitness, and most people drink it .”

"Well, very good! Pass my order. Tomorrow, all the people in Bazhong will be driven forward, holding swords and guns to obey the order. I will do it in the city. At that time, tens of thousands of people in Bazhong will be protected by my Taoism, and they will all be brave. Fear death, and fight bravely. You and I will lead the army behind, wait until these Bazhong people and Wen Bufan's soldiers are killed, and then take advantage of the situation to attack, and we will surely win a big victory!"

Zhang Lu whispered, Zhang Wei's scalp tingled when he heard it, he hesitated again and again, but he still didn't stop Zhang Lu from doing this extremely inhumane evil.

"The person I hate the most in my life, apart from that Liu Jiyu, is that Yu Ji Yao Dao! If he hadn't severely injured me and lost all my Dao skills, I would have practiced the supreme Dao method at this time. Turn hundreds of thousands of people in Hanzhong into ghost soldiers!! Don’t say that Wen is extraordinary, even Cao Mengde, who has the most powerful power at the moment, will not be my opponent with hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers!!!”

Zhang Lu suddenly seemed to have remembered something, his eyes shot out strong hatred, and he roared through gritted teeth.Since he was severely wounded by Yu Ji, the tens of thousands of ghost soldiers under his command died one after another due to the loss of mana maintenance a few months later, and none of them survived.

At this time, Zhang Lu's mana was almost negligible, just like normal people.However, Zhang Lu has been studying the ghost way for a long time. Before he was severely injured by Yu Ji, he had accumulated a large number of Taoist talismans, and some heretical Taoism can still be used.

Zhang Wei couldn't help shivering when he heard that, suddenly for some reason, he felt a little lucky for his brother's loss of Taoism.

On the next day in Pingming, the four gates of Bazhong were suddenly opened, and tens of thousands of people in Bazhong were driven out of the city by the defenders in the city.Zhang Lu was dressed in rough clothes, with black runes graffitied on his face, standing on the top of the city, shouting loudly at the people below the city.

"Fellow folks! What Zhang has done today is really helpless! Wen Bufan is full of ambition and wants to invade my Dongchuan land. This person has always been tyrannical and immoral. If Dongchuan land falls into this person's hands, you You will be harmed by it! You are all relatives, brothers and sisters of Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang really can't bear you to be tortured by him. Therefore, he wants to fight to the end with him!

But Zhang has no talent, and has been defeated repeatedly by the gangsters. He is on the verge of perishing, and it is difficult for him to resist the tiger and wolf division under the gangsters.I also hope that all relatives will help Zhang to repel the villains and restore peace to me in Dongchuan!Zhang is here to kneel down and thank you! ! "

After Zhang Lu finished drinking, he put his hands together, knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed to the people in the city.

Bang bang bang!

The original noise in the city disappeared immediately, and although Zhang Lu's kowtow was not loud, he could hear it very clearly.For the people in Bazhong, Zhang Lu is as tall and dignified as a god, so he bowed down and begged at the moment.The people in Bazhong believed his words, and some people shouted angrily.


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