Han Shimou

Chapter 806 The Battle of Jiangxia

"Most of my soldiers and horses in Jiangxia are loyal men, how can there be so many rebels? This must be some of the rebels, so most of the sergeants are shocked. If we are generals, we will also fall into this plan. () Xiling Success must be lost!"

"Then what should I do!?"

"Send my order to the left and right, and inform all the armies. If there is any disorder, you will be killed first! General Taishi, quickly lead a soldier and horse, find a place where there are many voices of rebellion, and arrest the rebels. At the same time, the soldiers in the yamen are all ready, Beware of someone coming to sneak attack at any time!"

Huang Zhong quickly reported the military order, Tai Shici was puzzled, and led the order to go first.Not long afterward, if a group of people came to the county government office, Jin Wei led his confidantes and was about to rush into the county government office.Suddenly an order was shouted, and hundreds of arrows were fired at once. The Jinwei troops were caught off guard, and most of them were killed or injured immediately.Huang Zhong was standing in front of the door, he picked up his bow and set an arrow. With one arrow, he shot Jin Wei's head. Jin Wei was killed by the arrow, and all his men and horses were captured.

When he was young, Tai Shici captured Ge Hong and rushed to report to Huang Zhong.Huang Zhong inquired about his situation and knew what happened before, so he immediately beheaded Ge Hong in front of his horse.After a while, only gongs and drums were heard outside the city gate, and the shouts were loud.Huang Zhong and Tai Shici said with a smile.

"This must be a response from Jiangdong's soldiers, but we can plan to break it."

So it was handed over to Tai Shici, and Tai Shici stared wide-eyed, amazed again and again.Not long afterward, Tai Shici ordered people to set a fire inside the city gate, causing the soldiers to protest in unison. He also sent people to open the city gate, lower the suspension bridge, and shouted that Huang Zhong was dead.Xu Sheng heard that Huang Zhong was dead outside the city, and saw the city gate opened wide. He was overjoyed, thinking that the city must have changed internally, so he raised his sword and rode his horse first.Unexpectedly, just as Xu Sheng entered the city, there was a cannon sound on the city, and random arrows shot down, Xu Sheng retreated in a hurry.Huang Zhong's eyes were ill, and his arrows shot like thunder. When he shot out, he hit Xu Sheng's back.Xu Sheng shouted miserably, took the arrow and fled at his own risk.Huang Zhong rushed out from behind with his troops, and Xu Sheng deployed most of the wounded.Huang Zhong took advantage of the situation to hide and kill, and he saw that Xu Sheng's army was about to be wiped out.All of a sudden, Zhou Tai and Lu Su each led an army out to save Xu Sheng.Huang Zhong was unprepared, and was caught off guard for a while. Later, Tai Shici led the soldiers and horses in the city to rescue. Seeing the situation, Zhou Tai immediately sent an order to withdraw the troops, and Jiangdong soldiers and horses withdrew.Huang Zhong also stopped chasing, and he and Tai Shici each retreated to the city.

Zhou Tai rescued Xu Sheng and brought him back to the camp. Seeing that Xu Sheng was bleeding profusely from the arrow, they urgently called the doctor to treat him with golden sore medicine.Zhou Tai was defeated again for a while, the morale of the army was low, and the soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.Zhou Tai saw that everyone had troubled faces and a lot of melancholy in his heart, so he asked Lu Su urgently. () Lu Su looked dignified, his eyes twinkled, and he got up and bowed.

"Our army has suffered repeated setbacks, lost troops and lost generals, low morale, and turbulent morale. On the other hand, the morale of the other army is like a rainbow, and the fighting spirit is high. They must take advantage of the victory and pursue it. If this is the case, why doesn't General Zhou follow the plan and pretend to withdraw the army. Then, if this is the case, it will be defeated. He Jun!!"

Hearing this, Zhou Tai's eyes flashed brightly, and he laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! The strategist's plan is great, and we should follow it."

Zhou Taiyi followed Lu Su's plan and ordered the army to rest for one night first.At five o'clock the next day, all the generals of the army were ordered to lead their tribes to withdraw from the camp, and all the men and horses rushed to the ferry.

Long ago, Jiangxia scouts rushed back to report to Huang Zhong.Huang Zhong listened to the news, pondering over it.Kuai Liang who was at the side suddenly got up and bowed.

"Although Jiangdong's army has lost troops and generals in the past, its strength has not been greatly damaged, and it has the power to defeat Jiangxia. It must be deceitful to withdraw its troops now. General Huang must not act rashly and fall into the trap of the other army!"

"Sir, how can you let other people's ambition destroy your prestige! Although Jiangdong's army has a large number of people, they have suffered repeated setbacks and their morale has been low. Moreover, the two generals Huang and Taishi were brave enough to frighten their morale. The other army has nothing to do, so it is reasonable to withdraw. .

Why do you need to worry too much, sir, right now is a good time to take advantage of the momentum and pursue it, if you severely injure the other army, Jiang Xia will be free from worries! "

Jin Xuan got up angrily and drank, Tai Shici pondered for a while, and agreed.

"General Jin's words are reasonable. Jiangdong is powerful. If we retreat to Jiangdong this time and recuperate for a while, we will definitely attack again. General Huang should take advantage of the current weakness of the other army and kill them so that they are frightened by the news, and teach those Jiangdong rats, Don’t dare to violate Jiang Xia’s heart again!”

When Kuai Liang heard the words, he was busy persuading him again, explaining his interests and disadvantages.Tai Shici and Jin Xuan insisted on doing it.Huang Zhong also felt that what Tai Shi and the two generals of Jin said was reasonable, and after appeasing Kuai Liang for a few words, he ordered Tai Shici and Jin Xuan to lead two thousand soldiers each to chase after the Jiangdong army.Huang Zhong led [-] soldiers in the rear, while Kuai Liang led the remaining [-] soldiers to guard Xiling.

Huang Zhong's dispatch was finalized, Tai Shici and Jin Xuan led the army out of Xiling quickly, and rushed to kill behind the Jiangdong army.When I was young, the Jiangdong army saw the dust rising behind them, and the shouts of killing were earth-shattering. Knowing that the pursuers were coming, they hurriedly retreated.When Tai Shici and Jin Xuan saw this, they were all happy, and quickly led the army to come, shouting endlessly.Wait until dawn and rush to the river.The Jiangdong army in the front hurriedly boarded the boat, and there were countless people who fell into the river. Tai Shici watched closely, thinking that the Jiangdong army was in such a panic, how could there be any deceit, so he swung his troops straight up and ordered the soldiers to move forward bravely.The Jiangdong army left behind countless supplies, good horses, and armaments due to their hasty escape.Jin Xuan urgently ordered his soldiers to seize it, and all his troops rushed forward, and the battle was completely lost.

Zhou Tai, who had been keeping an eye on the situation in secret, suddenly burst into two terrifying lights and shouted sharply.

"The chasing soldiers are here, why don't the armies fight to the death!!?"

After Zhou Tai finished speaking, the Pegasus took the lead, and immediately went to kill Jinxuan's troops with his sword.Jin Xuan was commanding the soldiers and horses to seize supplies, and he was unprepared. Zhou Tai rushed towards Jin Xuan like a bolt of lightning. Immediately the two halves were separated.Zhou Tai killed Jin Xuan in an instant, and his troops were in chaos. The morale of the Jiangdong army broke out, and they turned around and fought forward.Zhou Tai killed Jin Xuan, and then he pulled out his horse and rushed left and right, as if entering an uninhabited area, beheading several Jiangxia generals.Fortunately, Tai Shici saw that Jin Xuan had been killed by Zhou Tai, so he immediately ordered the army to retreat. Tai Shici deployed the retreat in time without much loss.Zhou Tai waved his troops in pursuit, Tai Shici was so anxious that the soldiers fled with their lives and were retreating.A cannon blared, and all the way Jiangdong blocked the way and killed.

"Tai Shi Ziyi hurry up and get off the horse and accept the surrender!!!"

Taishi Ci's eyes were wide-eyed, he was bleeding due to the danger, let alone answering, he picked up his bow and set up an arrow, and shot at the yelling Jiangdong general with one arrow.When the string moved and the arrow was fired, there was a loud bang of 'Peng', and the Jiangdong general fell off his horse in response.Tai Shici led his troops to fight bravely and go away.Tai Shici's troops had fled for several miles, and another strong man stabbed obliquely and intercepted him.Tai Shici yelled sharply, the flying horse rushed forward, firing bows and arrows non-stop, and several people in front of the rushing Jiangdong soldiers and horses, including the commander, all fell off their horses!Tai Shici's bravery and blood infected all the soldiers of his troops, and all the soldiers marched forward bravely, fighting without fear of death.

Seeing that they were about to break through, at this moment, there was a thunderous shout of killing from behind, as if it could shake the sky and the earth.Tai Shici looked away anxiously, his face suddenly turned extremely dark.It turned out that Zhou Tai was leading most of the troops from the east of the Yangtze River to charge and kill all over the mountains and plains.The Jiangdong soldiers who intercepted and killed Tai Shici's morale immediately surged, and they tried their best to block it.Zhou Tai rushed to him quickly, surrounded and killed him.Tai Shici fought to the death.

Just at the critical moment, Huang Zhong finally led his army to arrive, only to hear Huang Zhong yell loudly, the sound was like a thunderstorm, he raised his sword and rushed his horse, and led his army into a tight siege, rushing from left to right, throwing his sword The dance is impenetrable, like a dragon like a sea, a tiger entering a flock of sheep, like entering a land without people.The red demon sword was all over the body, like dancing blood-colored pear blossoms, like snow falling, wherever it appeared, there was a rain of blood.The Jiangdong soldiers were all frightened and frightened, not daring to meet the enemy.Zhou Tai was startled by seeing this, rushed to Tai Shici, and ordered the surrounding soldiers to surround and kill the soldiers, and fight to the death, he must defeat Tai Shici before Huang Zhong arrived.

Zhou Tai rode his horse and charged in front of Tai Shici, Linglong Huya swung his sword and slashed, Tai Shici held up his gun to block it, dozens of soldiers from Jiangdong gathered around, Tai Shici swung Zhou Tai's sword away with all his strength, swept the gun, Sweep away all the Jiangdong soldiers who rushed forward.Taking advantage of the gap, Zhou Tai shouted violently and slashed fiercely with his knife. Tai Shici resisted desperately, and at this time, Jiangdong soldiers came again.Tai Shici had already tried his best to fight Zhou Tai, but he didn't care about these soldiers, who were cut and bloody in many places.Tai Shici just fought fiercely for a while, and his shirt was already stained with blood. Tai Shici's men who were surrounded and killed were all anxious and desperate to save him, but they were blocked by Jiangdong soldiers.

There was a loud bang, Tai Shici and his horse were chopped several meters away by Zhou Tai, and several Jiangdong soldiers took the opportunity to chop off the horse's legs.Tai Shici fell off his horse, his head hit the ground and his helmet flew off.Zhou Tai and a group of soldiers stepped up to kill.Tai Shici hurriedly grabbed the Benlei gun and swept it towards the ground, hitting Zhou Tai's horse's hoof, Zhou Tai also fell off the horse, knocking down a group of Jiangdong soldiers who were rushing towards him.Tai Shici got up in a hurry, his eyes were blood red and bewildering, he roared desperately, like an angry lion driven to death, he rushed away, killed for a while, and under heavy siege, he killed dozens of people , The encirclement is about to burst.Zhou Tai got up hastily, and quickly commanded the soldiers to form a siege again.At this time, Tai Shici's physical strength had been used up seven or eight times, and under the aggressive siege, he was repeatedly injured.Zhou Tai saw the opportunity and slashed Tai Shici in the back.Tai Shici lost his momentum and rushed forward, and five or six crazy Jiangdong soldiers rushed forward with knives.Tai Shici swallowed the blood desperately, stopped the castration abruptly, swung his gun and swept away, creating gusts of wind, and swept away all the Jiangdong soldiers who rushed towards him.Tai Shici was so iron-blooded and tough that the surrounding Jiangdong troops frightened for a while.At this time, Zhou Tai had already run with both legs, raised his knife and wanted to sneak attack from behind.Tai Shici seemed to have expected it long ago, he roared, turned around abruptly, and the spear shot like a thunderbolt, piercing Zhou Tai's chest.Zhou Tai was taken aback, held a knife to hold back, lost momentum and retreated more than a few steps.At this time, Tai Shici was hit in the back by several Jiangdong soldiers.Blood rained from Tai Shici's body.At this moment, Tai Shici made a shocking move.I saw him running suddenly, jumping up high, his blood-red face distorted like a ghost, and stabbing Zhou Tai's face from a height.Zhou Tai only felt that countless crises were coming, he didn't care about his face, so he turned around and avoided it.Tai Shici fell to the ground with a bang, he kept on attacking, striding away, guns swept and stabbed randomly, Zhou Tai blocked and retreated, his heart was constantly shaking.Countless Jiangdong soldiers rushed from behind Tai Shici, their shouts of killing were deafening, but Tai Shici seemed to ignore it, as if he was determined to fight Zhou Tai to the death, and to die together.

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